The little tiger was very puzzled, his little face was embarrassed, "But Dad, where can't Bao beat~"

Mr. Jiang: "..." Why is this child so difficult to educate! It is very different from imagination.

Gu Xiaonuan was at the side, and after listening to it for a long time, she said directly, "What if my mother loses energy after not eating, what should I do?"

Jiang Chenyu took the opportunity to ask his son, "Will the little man protect Xiao Nuan?"

This is the end of the conversation, the little tiger must be a man, "Bao Hui, Dad, Bao Ke is so powerful, he can protect Mom."

Jiang Chenyu: "That little man can't cry, if he cries, he won't be."

The little guy was not as cunning as his father. He didn't know that this was a hole dug for tomorrow. He shook his head firmly, so that the next day, his father could grasp him with a word.

Early in the morning, the little guy went downstairs to have breakfast, and the whole family went to the door of the Noble Kindergarten.

Zhen Xi rubbed against Yan Zhenyu's car, and the two godfathers leaned in the car and waited.

Bai Chen and Lu Ying came together, followed by Patriarch Nangong who was holding a small pendant, followed by his wife who wanted to beat him up again, "Put a hat on Yuanyuan, why do you keep throwing away the hat for sun protection?" ?”

"Yuanyuan doesn't like wearing them."


An Kexia put it on for her daughter, Yuanyuan looked up at her father, hoping that her father would help her throw the hat away, but his father said, "Don't look at Dad anymore, I dare not."

The Jiang family had the biggest battle, and the person who received the little guy was also the dean of the school. When the dean wanted to hug the little guy, the little tiger said childishly: "My father is here, you can't abduct Bao~"

President Jiang: "..."

The dean laughed, and repeatedly praised the cuteness of the young master.

Jiang Chenyu introduced to his son again, "This is the teacher."

"Is it our teacher from 'Where'?"

Gu Xiaonuan: "Brat, it's yours."

The little tiger was upset again, "Humph, mom, Bao is not smelly~"

A group of people outside are coaxing the bad-tempered Young Master Jiang.

Several people also went to the campus to inspect the school environment.

A small kindergarten is as big as it is, covering an area of ​​over a thousand acres. In order to enrich the childhood fun of these little guys, the school is even equipped with a small kitchen, a plantation, various interest clubs, art classes... and other places.

Just as Jiang Chenyu put his son down, the little guy fell into his uncle's arms.

Gu Xiaohan was just told by his brother-in-law, "Put him down, I can't stand holding him for a while."

Then Ning'er lined up, and Jiangsu dragged his girlfriend over, "Your uncle means, let the little tiger walk around by himself."

Then Ning'er targeted Xiao Yuanyuan, Patriarch Nangong: "Ning'er, where's the dragon cub?"

"It's not my turn yet~" Ning'er replied cutely while being led by Jiangsu.

Lu Ying hugged the little milk dragon and rubbed the little guy's little mouth. Bai Chen was chatting and laughing with Lu Ying in a corner. Ning'er really couldn't bear to **** the baby, and looked at Xiao Yuanyuan, but wanted to hug her up.

Later, looking at Ning'er was very pitiful, Patriarch Nangong kindly handed over his daughter to Ning'er.

Now, Ning'er hugged Yuanyuan and hid in the corner.

Jiangsu went to chase the object, "Where are you going?"

"Brother Xiao Su, I have to hide, or someone will grab Yuanyuan for me again in a while."

Xiao Yuanyuan was in Sister Ning'er's arms, very leisurely.

Ning'er ran too fast with Xiao Yuanyuan in her arms, and accidentally ran into a boy riding a bicycle, "Sorry, I didn't see it."

Pushing the bicycle, the young man looked at Ning'er silently, without saying a word.

After a while, Jiangsu ran to Ning'er, lowered his head, and patted her skirt worriedly, "If you run so fast, you can find a car to hit you yourself."

After taking pictures of Ning'er's skirt, Jiangsu got up and looked at the boy.

The boy and Jiangsu looked at each other, "Are you all right?"

The boy shook his head, turned around, and pushed the bicycle away from one side.

Jiangsu glanced at the young man, dull and uncomfortable.

But Jiangsu's gaze was on his girlfriend again, "You are still holding Yuanyuan and running, you see, this is also a little silly girl." Jiangsu squeezed Yuanyuan's little face, "Silly like your sister Ning'er."

"Brother Xiao Su~"

Jiangsu pinched Ning'er's face again, pinching a small fleshy face with one hand. Jiangsu's heart is also soft, at this moment under the green shade, not to mention those married men, even Jiangsu's heart also instantly shows that he and Ning'er are standing by the roadside, holding their daughter in their arms. He was pinching the cheeks of the two chicks again.

Jiangsu smiled blissfully, unaware that the gloomy boy just turned around and glanced at him.

He turned around, pushed the bicycle, and walked on the road, finally!

Meet the man he was waiting for!

The little tiger hugged his father's trouser legs and looked at the teacher who was about to drag him to school to play.

If he didn't go, unexpectedly, his parents, grandpa, grandpa and grandma... including Jiu Jiu, who loved him the most, coaxed him to go with the teacher.

The little tiger didn't go, but in the end the dean held the small wrist. When he was about to cry, the father beside him knelt down and said to him, "Ia, a little man, can't cry."

The little tiger covered his mouth, wanted to cry but couldn't cry because he was a little man.

His pitiful little eyes looked at Gu Nuannuan, and his mouth was a heartbreaking cry, "Mom~"

Gu Nuannuan felt a lump in his heart instantly, "Tiger, look at the watch on your wrist, you miss your parents, call your parents."

There were already children wailing beside him, and the little tiger wanted to cry too, so Jiang Chenyu set up his own son again. "Look at the other students who are crying. My son is a little man and he doesn't cry. He will come to the classroom later and comfort those children for the teacher, okay?"

The little tiger won't be fooled this time, he said aggrievedly: "Dad, Bao also wants to be with Dad and somewhere. If you don't accompany me, the little tiger also wants to cry." The little guy always called himself 'Bao', which is the first times self-proclaimed 'little tiger'

Jiang Chenyu swallowed his saliva, his heart ached and he wanted to hug his precious son.

However, the whole family relented. Seeing the little guy's pitiful appearance, Elder Jiang even thought, "No, tomorrow..."

Before he finished speaking, he was blocked by Jiang Chenyu, "Father hugs me for five minutes, and then be brave enough not to cry, okay?"

With the little tiger's tearful eyes, he nodded.

He immediately threw away the teacher's hand and threw himself into Dad's arms.

This time, he didn't sit high on his father's arms, but his two small arms hugged his father's neck tightly, and buried his little face in it.

Jiang Chenyu could feel his son's chubby face squeezing and acting coquettishly on his neck.

Everyone else wanted to hug the little guy, but he wouldn't let anyone touch him.

Not even my favorite Chirp.

Jiang Chenyu played tricks on everyone, he calmed down his son's little emotions.

A group of grown-ups circled around a little guy. They were coaxing the little guy to go to school just now, promising to buy him toys, take him to eat delicious food, and accompany him to watch cartoons. Gu Xiaohan also promised that the little nephew would take him to unlock the door. new game.

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