Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1360: sending friend

The two girls started to eat one bite at a time behind your back.

The little tiger got up holding the bear biscuit in his filial paws, climbed to the middle of the seat and handed it over, "Daddy, feed you."

"Dad is driving the car, don't eat, you can eat."

The little guy was not happy, "Dad eat."

"Husband, take a bite, the son's heart."

Coincidentally, while waiting for the red light ahead, Jiang Chenyu turned sideways, held his son's little tiger paw and ate the biscuit he fed.

The little guy jumped happily in the car, "Dad, baby loves you."

"Who does daddy love?"

The little guy answered loudly, "Daddy Aibao and where?"

When he arrived at Yudu Haoting, the little guy knew what he was here for.

The godfather is leaving, and he wants to give it away.

Being hugged, he also put his arms around his godfather's neck to save face, and answered the two days of school life in a childish voice. "Godfather, Treasure is on vacation, let Dad and where to take Treasure to find you to play."

The little guy coaxed a group of godfathers into a happy heart, "Godfather remembers, and the house price remembers to go and play with godfather." Master Xi and his godson agreed.

Gu Nuannuan hugged Xiao Yuanyuan, no wonder she wanted a soft and cute daughter, she couldn't put it down when she hugged her, how soft, sweet and cute.

"Yuanyuan, remember Nuannuan godmother?"

Xiao Yuanyuan looked at Gu Nuannuan and laughed milkily at her, "Oh~"

An Kexia is going to work tomorrow, she has to leave tonight, she teases her daughter, "Mom is gone, Yuanyuan will go?"

The little girl immediately raised her little hand, chasing in the direction of her mother, with all her strength, hug her, mother quickly hug her!

Gu Nuannuan smiled, now she is an independent adult, completely different from the pretty student in the afternoon.

"No wonder my dad always wanted a little granddaughter, girls are fragrant and soft."

An Kexia hugged her daughter, "Nuannuan, the tiger has grown up and you forgot how soft he was when he was a child. We couldn't even grab him at that time, the chubby one is the cutest."

The little guy is still saying goodbye to his godfather, and finally goodbye to his godmother, "Sister, goodbye~"

Xiao Yuanyuan looked at her tiger brother, and yelled anxiously, saying goodbye to him.

The friend sent him away, and Mr. Jiang also called.

This night, the little guy slept with grandpa.

In the past, he was disgusted, and Mr. Jiang, who had a small iron eye, doubted life. Now that he is queuing up and the children are sleepy, Mr. Jiang still wants to chat with his little grandson.

Fat Brother lost 50 jins of weight. Under the strict requirements of Jiangsu, according to the contract date, he reached his goal a week ahead of schedule.

Fat Brother compared his own photo from last year with this year's. He shouted excitedly in the studio, "50 catties, go down, Xiao Su, brother loves you."

The fat brother hugged Jiangsu happily, and he clenched his fists excitedly and hammered Jiangsu on the back.

"Celebrate, we must celebrate. Fat Brother is treating guests tonight. You can choose the place at will. Everyone can eat openly." Fat Brother said loudly.

The other employees of the company applauded happily, and Xiang Shuang also walked out of the office, looking at the grinning fat brother, "I don't want to eat so much before getting fat, losing weight is worth celebrating like this." She felt disgusted in her heart.

She didn't say it out loud, but went back to her office.

Later, an employee knocked on the door, "Xianghui, do you have anything to do tonight? Brother Fat is treating guests to dinner tonight. The boss asked me to count the number of people. We will take the car together at the entrance of the company after get off work."

Xiang Shuang asked, "Does the company charter a car? Come to my place for reimbursement."

The employee shook his head, "I don't know, the boss is driving."

Xiang Shuang was puzzled, "Isn't the one from Jiangsu a sedan?"

The employee said again, "I don't know about this either. The boss and the fat brother went to pick up the boss's wife after get off work, and they said they would find a commercial vehicle to pick us up when they came back."

When Xiang Shuang heard the employee's words, his eyes were unhappy, "Didn't you say that you only treat people from the company?" She is not from the company.

The employee said again: "Brother Fat said it." At this time, the employee was obviously a little anxious, and asked again, "Xianghui, are you going? I still need to count others."

Xiang Shuang thought of something, and she said, "I'll go."

The employees wrote their names and went out to count other people.

After get off work in the evening, I am happy to leave work early this day.

Jiangsu drove a commercial vehicle past, and Ning'er jumped out of the car happily, playing childish games happily.

Having dinner is a joyous thing. "Brother Xiao Su, give way, you are blocking my position."

Jiangsu looked back and gave up his seat, "Slow down, there are stones on the road, be careful of slipping."

The employees all went out, and Ning'er obediently stood beside her boyfriend.

Jiangsu looked at the staff, and finally arranged, "Xiao Han, you come and drive this commercial vehicle to the restaurant, the fat brother is waiting there."

Jiangsu pointed to his car again and said, "Accountant, aunties all take my car."

It just so happens that the boys all sit in the commercial vehicles in the back, and the car in front is driven by Jiangsu.

After locking the door, Jiangsu turned on the co-pilot, "Yeah, get in the car and go."

Ning'er turned around, ran to the co-pilot and sat in.

She did not communicate with Xiang Shuang's full name.

On the way, it was the aunt who kept nagging and asking Jiangsu and Ning'er, "Boss, when are you going to get married?"

Miss Ning'er was a little embarrassed, her family hadn't urged her yet.

Jiangsu has been asked many times, "Make more money and buy a house for my family. You must have a place to stay when you get married."

"House prices in the city are too expensive. I heard my aunt tell you that the house and the car are not as important as that person. How many people have a house and a car and get divorced in the end? We had no house or car in those days, and the two lived together After struggling for a lifetime, I still have a house and a car. The boss is really an excellent person, and he is far better than a house and a car.”

The aunt thought that Ning'er got married because she wanted a house, so she talked a lot. "Get married early, the parents-in-law are still young, and they can help take care of a child. You said that in a few years, there will be old people and young children, and the old one will suffer from headaches, and you will suffer too."

Ning'er pursed her lips, her elder brother Xiao Su often used this excuse to respond to people who asked about his wedding date.

It not only indicated that he would marry her in the future, but also told that there was no such plan in the near future.

But was misunderstood by this aunt.

"Auntie, my family is not the one who asked for the house to be vacated. It's my own request. If you want to get married, you must have a certain financial ability, and you can't eat your parents' money." Jiangsu had to rectify his family's name.

"Ah, so, what the boss said is also reasonable, but now who gets married, the family will make up for it."

The aunt chattered, and then talked about her housework.

Xiang Shuang: "Auntie, nowadays people start their careers first and then start a family."

"There is no delay in starting a family and starting a business. Xiang Hui, you are the same age as your boss, so you should pay more attention to your marriage. Women, career is important and marriage is also important."

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