Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1361: no one with children

Jiang drove the car, checking from time to time to see if the car behind was keeping up.

He was still a little serious to the company's employees, not to mention that there were women in the car, and Jiangsu didn't have so much to talk to them.

With Ning'er's words, the two went back to their own homes and wanted to say something.

When we arrived at the restaurant, two cars parked one after another.

Fat Brother has asked people to put together the table, and many skewers are being grilled.

The employees of the company passed by, Fat Brother hurriedly greeted everyone to sit over, Jiangsu took Ning'er by the hand, "Ning'er, Xiao Su, you two sit inside."

Jiangsu: "Brother fat, they are all my brothers, don't be so polite. Sit casually, sit next to me."

A group of people sat down, Fat Brother ordered some and grilled them, a colleague passed by, and Fat Brother handed Jiangsu the menu, "Xiao Su, pass the list, everyone orders what they want to eat."

Jiangsu looked at a few, and Ning'er leaned over, pointing to the fried noodles above, "Brother Xiao Su, I want to eat this."

Jiangsu clicked in, ordered two more and handed them to colleagues around him.

The auntie who was cooking was the first time a group of boys came out of the company to have dinner, and she was happily taking pictures with her mobile phone.

She also didn't expect that the fat brother would go over and call herself during the dinner, "Auntie, you have to go, if you didn't cook healthy and nutritious meals for us, I wouldn't be able to get down here."

Fat Brother also ordered a lot of wine, "Have a good day, let's drink some."

Another subordinate made fun of Fat Brother, "Fat Brother, when you married a wife, you probably weren't as happy as you are now."

"Go, if fat brother marries a wife, drink for three days." He smiled happily and poured wine for everyone.

Jiangsu said: "Yaya doesn't drink anymore, she has some drinks. My family doesn't drink much."

With that said, Jiangsu got up and went to the freezer to take out a bottle of Sprite for Ning Er, opened it and handed it to her.

Fat Brother’s speech, “Fat Brother, what agreement did you make with the boss that you can continue to work at Dingwei Technology?” a subordinate happily asked.

They still have a lot to learn about Fat Brother's skills, and they don't want to let Fat Brother go.

"Stay, I will definitely stay. Xiao Su is my own brother, so I don't take that agreement seriously at all." Fat Brother replied.

"Besides, to be honest, with Xiao Su's opening, even if the company gave me nothing, I wouldn't be able to get a job in this company without his skills." Fat Brother said again.

Ning'er ate hers on the sidelines, and when she needed to clink the glasses, she raised them and continued to eat.

The barbecue in this store is really delicious.

Ning'er took a picture of the name of the store, and then sent it to her small group, "Auntie, sister Lu, the barbecue in this store is delicious."

Gu Nuannuan was hugging her precious son Xiangtian, when suddenly she was looking at the photo with her mobile phone, and Xiaojun rushed over to look at it, "Where~ Bao is hungry."

Gu Nuannuan looked at her son, "You want to eat too, right?"

The little guy nodded.

At the same time, Jiang Momo sent a message, "Nuan'er, did you see it?"

Gu Nuannuan asked directly: "Are you Brother Su at home?"


"My husband isn't home either."

The two sisters were silent for a moment, "Then no one is taking care of the children."

So, I didn't go today, I plan to go the day after tomorrow.

Lu Ying had dinner at home, and also saw the photos on the phone, "Ning'er posted a barbecue restaurant, saying it tastes good."

Bai Chen looked over, "Where is it, let me take a look."

Until I saw it, "Oh, this one. When do you want to go? I'll pick you up after get off work, let's go there together."

Lu Ying looked at Bai Chen, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Bai Chen: "Wait for you to see me off."

Lu Ying: "..."

That Colonel Bai, who could even run, felt uncomfortable when he got home, so he insisted on sending him off.

Lu Ying sent him back, and he wanted to drag Lu Ying upstairs again.

There was a miscalculation experience, Lu Ying said nothing to go up.

"I've slept through it, I'm afraid to kiss you." Colonel Bai said.

Lu Ying: "Shut up and get out of the car."

Bai Chen was kicked out of the car, and then watched Lu Ying drive his car away. For some reason, Lu Ying took his things as hers, which made Bai Chen very happy.

When Jiang Chenyu came home from get off work, a pair of babies in his family rushed over to act like a baby first, and the one with the little mouth was better at coaxing her than the other. "Husband, tomorrow night is free, shall we go have a barbecue?"

The little tiger crawled on his father's chest, and his father's expensive shirt was crumpled by him, "Dad, Bao wants to eat too."

Jiang Chen hugged the two of his family from left to right, "The big greedy cat gave birth to a little gluttonous tiger. Okay, the tiger will take you to eat after school tomorrow." He was satisfied with everything.

Gu Nuannuan: "Tomorrow there will be three members of Momo's family, shall we bring our dad along? The old man hasn't satisfied his hunger for a long time."

Jiang Chenyu agreed, "Okay."

A group of people from Dingwei Technology had dinner until very late, and Ning'er was full and tired.

They chatted about industry news and drank again. It was almost eleven o'clock before everyone dispersed.

After finding a surrogate driver and sending a group of people back to the company, Jiangsu and Brother Ning'er went home together.

On the way, Ning'er yawned, and Jiangsu looked back at her, "Sleepy?"

Ning'er blinked, "A little bit. Sister Lu and I ate and chatted at noon, and didn't go back to the company for a lunch break."

Jiangsu: "I'll be home soon."

They also found a price. They originally planned not to let Ning'er drink, go home to practice her courage, and let her drive back.

As a result, she fell in love with the fruit wine that someone was selling, stared at it for a long time, and finally waved to the other party, "Make us a glass too."

In the end, Ning'er drank the fruit wine.

During the meal, because Ning'er seldom talked, she ignored Xiang Shuang, and the two had almost no communication.

Xiang Shuang didn't expect that Ning'er would just keep eating without saying a word. During the period, she and Fat Brother would exchange a few words.

Back home, when Ning'er came out of the shower, she heard Jiangsu calling the company from the balcony outside the window, "Is everything safe? OK, the expenses will be reimbursed."

Jiangsu arranged other things for the company. Sure enough, he had courage on his shoulders, and his expression became serious. Ning'er often looks at her boyfriend, and now he is really mature.

After hanging up the phone, Jiangsu walked over with a drunken voice, "After washing, dry your hair and go to bed. I'll go in and take a shower."

Jiangsu gave Ning'er the hair dryer to plug into the outlet, "You came out of the shower with wet hands, I'll plug it in for you."

"Brother Xiao Su, what do you want to eat tomorrow morning? I want to cook for you."

Jiangsu: "Listen to you."

"Okay then. But you have to wake me up when you get up for a run tomorrow morning~"


Jiangsu's promise was very similar to his uncle's, straightforward and direct, without a moment's hesitation.

Fell asleep at twelve o'clock in the evening.

The next morning, Jiangsu called Ning'er before running, and he and Fat Brother went out.

"Brother Xiao Su, when you come back, you also call Fat Brother to eat together."

At 7:30, when the two returned home, breakfast was already on Ning'er's table.

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