Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1363: can't fool

In the end, the little tiger was punished by his father for earning menus with his mother.

Then he was held by his father and sat in his arms, "Which one will you eat? Dad will give you some."

The little tiger is being honest, pointing his little index finger at the picture above, "This, this, that, Dad, and..."

Jiang Chenyu held the pen, his son ordered his son's, and he wrote his.

Anyway, he can't read and write, so he looks at the picture and orders. Jiang Chenyu looked at the spicy crayfish he ordered, and he directly replaced it with baked tofu.

"Dad, have you finished writing?" the little guy looked at his father's hand and asked.

Jiang Chenyu nodded, "Next."

The colors ordered by the little tiger were bright, and all the bright colors were hot and spicy. In the end, none of the little tiger ordered was served.

Su Linyan also hugged his son and sat next to his second uncle. He handed the menu to his son, but Xiao Qinglong didn't even bother to take it. But he wanted to see, "Daddy take it."

Team Su: " lazy as your mother."

The real main force of ordering is those three.

Gu Xiaonuan, Jiang Momo, and Jiang Lao who is ahead of the trend.

As I said last night, men come to bring children.

Jiang Chenyu and Su Linyan had a little guy sitting on their laps.

The little tiger could have sat by himself, but he was short and had to stand up to eat. Standing is not fun, his family always wants to climb on the table to eat.

Jiang Chenyu was afraid that the signature would hit him, so he directly hugged Piqiu's son in his arms.

So, there it was, the little tiger sat in his father's arms, struggling to stroke the bamboo skewers with his small mouth. In the end, I didn't smooth it off, but the little face was so dirty that it was cute.

Xiao Qinglong was lazy, he didn't even bother to move, he just opened his mouth, his father said hello.

As a result, Jiang Chenyu's body was oiled by his son, but Team Su's clothes were still as clean as ever.

"Tiger, dad feed you, see your face is dirty, don't move, dad will wipe your face." Jiang Chenyu hugged the dirty little meat ball, and couldn't stand his dirty.

The little tiger is so stinky, he insists on eating it by himself.

Gu Xiaonuan ate several skewers in a short time. She was eating chicken wings and said, "Husband, don't wipe him. You wipe it clean and he gets dirty after a while. Just let him get dirty. Go back and throw it in the pool for rinsing, and you can have it after you fish it out."

A little guy who was about to be 'washed' by his mother watched his mother eat so much, but he didn't finish a single one. It must be something I ate wrong! "Where, Bao wants to eat yours~"

Gu Nuannuan ate a chicken wing and handed the other to his son.

The little guy didn't pay attention either, he directly dropped the meat skewers, and stretched out his little paws to pinch the oily chicken wings.

President Jiang: "..."

Can his son pay attention to hygiene!

Sure enough, this thing is easy to chew.

The little guy chews with a small mouth, and his hands and mouth are greasy for a week.

At first, Jiang Chenyu kept rubbing his son, but later he gave up.

The dishes were all served, and the little tiger was puzzled. He was going to scratch his ears with his little oily hand, but his own father grabbed him. "Itchy ears?"

The little guy raised his dirty face suspiciously and asked his father, "Dad, where's Bao Dian's Rou Rou?"

Facing his son's puzzled expression, Jiang Chenyu rolled his Adam's apple slightly, pointed at a table of barbecues, and fooled his son, "You didn't order all of these."

After all, the little tiger is still in school, and he is not as easy to deceive as before. "Dad, the picture is wrong~"

Jiang Chenyu: "Yes, you forgot."

The little tiger's eyes were looking for something on the table, and he became more and more clever. Although Gu Xiaonuan was eating the whole time, he didn't miss his son's movement. Finding that he was suddenly quiet, and his eyes were turning around, Gu Nuannuan was spitting out fishbone, and she quietly hid the menu from the table with her hand.

"Dad, where's the 'book' with pictures?"

The little guy couldn't find it, so he asked his father.

Both have been parents and know that the little guy is talking about 'menu'.

Jiang Chenyu replied: "The menu has been taken away."

The little guy pouted, and then took aim at the menu on the table next door.

Then, he landed, and then, he ran next door to borrow menus...

Not long after, the little tiger's little paw passed by with a menu with pictures, and he frowned, "Dad, no~"

President Jiang was slightly startled, "Tiger, where did you get the menu?"

"It's a treasure."

Gu Xiaonuan choked in shock at what her son blurted out, she drank hastily, "Did you borrow it?"

The little tiger cub was not afraid of anything, and his little hand was still pointing at which table he would borrow from his uncle.

Just such a half-height villain, standing there at this moment, shocked his whole family.

The little tiger didn't know what happened, but his aunt stood up and said, "My family's ancestral grave is really smoking, Jiang Chenyu, who is in his thirties, can't fool my three-year-old nephew anymore."

After his sister's words fell, Jiang Chenyu fell silent.

He and his son, one tall and one short, met each other's eyes. One has complicated eyes, and the other is cute and innocent.

Seeing that his father ignored him, the little tiger held the menu in his little hand and went to find his favorite place. "Mom, Bao eats this, there is nothing~"

"Baby, are you drunk?" Gu Nuannuan asked.

The little tiger shook his head and was very firm that he did not drink.

Gu Nuannuan held a yellow fruit orange and said, "This is wine you drink."

Little tiger: "Where are you lying to Bao, this is juice, Bao has drunk it before."

Gu Xiaonuan: "..."

Seeing that a group of adults can't fool a three-year-old baby, there is no other way in the end, "Husband, order it. This can't be done, our little brain is smart, so it's not easy to cheat." Gu Nuannuan rubbed her son's small Brain said.

In the end Jiang Chenyu ordered another one.

Gu Xiaonuan, who was already full, put on gloves again.

Facing the little tiger who clamored to eat, his father peeled one for him, and he cried after taking a bite.

Then I filled my stomach with water and carried me home.

The little Qinglongjing looked silent, but his heart was clear.

He watched his second aunt inhale and exhale as he ate the spicy lobster, and stretched out his hand to fan the wind. Grandpa eats lobster and wipes his nose with spicy food. My brother ate lobster and kept drinking water while crying.

And her untrustworthy mother! After eating the lobster, she was blushing and sweating because of the spicy food, but she still pretended to be a good person and peeled a lobster for her, "Ah~ Long Bao, mom will feed you a crayfish, open your mouth."

Xiao Qinglong looked at his own mother with a treacherous expression on his face, clearly wanting to trick him!

Usually there are delicious food, but his mother can't think of him, she thought he was in the way for a long time, so she went to finish eating, and then went to hug him and kiss. Now, there is something delicious, and you even take the initiative to feed him?

Xiao Qinglong turned his head immediately, hiding his face in his father's arms, and the little milk voice shouted: "Dragon doesn't eat."

Jiang Momo gave a confused 'Hey', "Brother Su, why didn't Long Bao fall for it?"

"Smarter than fucking."

Miss Jiang: " nephew is also smart, why did he fall for it?"

Team Su: "That's not called being cheated, this is what he ordered."

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