Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1364: kid's sorry

The little tiger wiped the tip of his tongue with his small fist, took a sip of orange juice, watched his father cry twice, and quickly drank again.

The end of drinking too much orange juice is the night!

They were all asleep, the little tiger pressed his mouth down at the door of my parents' bedroom, and patted my parents' bedroom door with his little hand, "Mom and Dad, Bao can't get in~ Dad, wake up~"

Gu Nuannuan and Jiang Chenyu were asleep, and heard a small shout at the door.

Gu Nuannuan got up sleepily from her husband's arms, "Husband, why does it sound like a son's voice?" She shook her husband's chest.

Jiang Chenyu was also woken up, he pinched the corners of his eyes, and sure enough, there was a little guy shouting at the door, "Mom and Dad, woo, treasure can't get in~"

The couple heard the crying and got up in a hurry. Jiang Chenyu ran to open the door for his son first, looking down at the little crying bag behind a small hand.

The corner of the little guy's mouth was pressed down, pitifully, his little hands were behind his back, his eyes were red. "What's wrong son?"

Jiang Chenyu squatted down, and when he hugged his son, the little guy took a step back.

Jiang Chenyu stretched out his long arms, and continued to hold his son in his arms.

At this time, he felt the strangeness of his son's clothes.

The pants are wet.

Gu Nuannuan also walked to the door, "Tiger, aren't you asleep, why are you looking for your parents in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Chen carried his son inside, closed the bedroom door, and then told his wife, "Change the child's clothes, it's wet."

Gu Nuannuan also understood instantly.

He carried his son to the bathroom, and the little guy himself felt shy, quietly and silently, cooperating with his parents to change his clothes. "Mom, the tiger's crib is also wet~" When he said this, he felt aggrieved, and his two little hands were entangled with themselves, as if he knew that he had done something wrong.

Gu Nuannuan hugged her changed son and kissed her. "When it gets wet, it gets wet. The bed was wet when Mom and Dad were the same age as the baby. It's no big deal, you are the baby that Mom and Dad love the most."

The little tiger put his arms around his mother's neck, "Bao can't do it, so I came to find my mother."

Going to his children's room, Gu Nuannuan saw that the sheets on the bed had been pulled up. It was obvious that the little guy woke up with wet pants, and he was peeling off the sheets himself, intending to send the sheets to the laundry basket.

Unfortunately, half of it was lifted, and some were pressed under the mattress. He couldn't pull it up with little strength, so he had to seek help from his parents.

Jiang Chenyu hugged his son, very proud at this moment.

Knowing that you have done something bad, do it yourself first, and then go to your parents for help when you are unable to solve it.

"Father will clean up for you. You and Xiao Nuan go back to sleep, you two still have classes tomorrow morning."

Gu Nuannuan: "Let's go together, husband."

Looking at his wife's gaze, Jiang Chenyu paused for a few seconds and nodded, "Okay."

After making the bed, the little tiger was taken to their bedroom by his parents to sleep.

Because it is a small embarrassment of the son, it is also related to the son's face. The couple agreed not to talk about what happened last night, and got up early the next day, dressed her baby, and went to have breakfast.

In the morning, Jiang Chenyu stood next to the water dispenser to make tea and water for his wife.

The little tiger hugged his father's leg, "Dad, I dare not drink anymore."

Jiang Chenyu screwed on the little tiger cup, and leaned over his son's body. Then squat down, "Tiger, don't be afraid because of an accident. Tigers have no natural enemies and are never afraid. You are a little tiger, and you will become the king of the forest in the future!"

The little guy looked at his father's firm gaze, covered his mouth, and nodded. "Bao knows Dad."

Jiang Chenyu opened the water glass, "Try it, Dad gave you a spoonful of honey in it today."

The little tiger held his little tiger in his small hands, took a sip, and smiled. He said mischievously: "Father, let Bao have a taste of ours."

Gu Xiaonuan was still looking for the textbooks she was going to bring to class today, her precious son was downstairs holding her water bottle, secretly took a couple of sips of her tea, "Dad, where is it delicious, Bao wants to exchange it with Mommy's. "

Jiang Chenyu: "You are yours, and Xiao Nuan belongs to Xiao Nuan, so they cannot be exchanged. The nutritional products in your two cups are different."

"Husband, what did you add to me today?" Gu Xiaonuan went downstairs with the book in her arms.

In the early morning, the Jiang family was busy.

Mayor Jiang left for work first, followed by Jiang Chenyu who was sending off the students, and then Miss Jiang who was eager to step on the hot wheel, "It's broken, it's too late, Brother Su, I'm a rubber band gone?"

"Brother Su, have you seen my earring, I lost one."

"Brother Su, it's over. I want to call the police. I can't find my ID card. You can look for it for me. I have to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau today and I need an ID card."

Early in the morning, it was Miss Jiang's voice.

In the end, Team Su found the rubber band under his wife's pillow, the earrings on the table, and finally her ID card that she hadn't used for a long time behind her son's photo in her backpack.

"It's all there, what else haven't you found?" Su Linyan asked.

Jiang Momo knew that calling Su Ge could solve everything. "No more. The Su team is really good. Another day I will make a pennant to send to the team to thank the Su team."

Su Lin said: "It says on the pennant that Team Su helps the lost wife find lost things every day?"

Jiang Momo: "...As long as you don't feel ashamed, I'm fine."

The couple walked and said, "You still have 20 minutes to go to work."

Miss Jiang: "..."

She ran away again, "Brother Su, hurry up and send me to work, I'm late, my mother should blame me again."

Usually in Su's house, his wife can go to work and his mother can drag her there. Now she lives in Jiang's house, dawdling every day, and stepping into the company again.

Jiang Momo yelled in the morning when there was a gust of wind and a gust of rain, like a thunderstorm.

However, the style of painting came to Xiao Qinglong, sleeping and dreaming. Turned over, fell asleep, and continued to dream.

His mother had been arguing in his ears for a long time, but he was sleeping peacefully with his face up.

Mom and Dad have gone to work, and they are halfway there.

"It's broken again!" Miss Jiang was in the middle of her makeup painting, "Brother Su, I forgot to tell our father or sister-in-law that Xiaolong is sleeping on the bed, so let our father or sister-in-law help take care of the son."

Su Lin said: "Don't worry, my dad saw you in the living room in the morning in a panic all the way."

Miss Jiang tilted her head in disbelief, "Dad saw it?"

"Well, there's a big one, sitting in the living room."

Jiang Lao looked at his own daughter, he didn't know how he had accumulated such a daughter in his life.

"No, why didn't our father argue with me this morning?" Miss Jiang was puzzled.

Team Su: "I guess I want to save my tongue."

After Mr. Jiang's daughter went to work, he leaned on the sofa and asked his eldest daughter-in-law, "Aihua, who do you think Momo looks like?"

Wei Aihua glanced at his father, "Dad, who do you think she looks like?"

Jiang Lao said, "I think she seems to have mutated."

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