Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1365: it's annoying when it's annoying

The mutated Miss Jiang stared at her mother when she arrived at the company.

Faced with her daughter's repeated stuck points, Mrs. Su said angrily, "Get out, I don't want to see you."

"Oh, my daughter-in-law won't be happy after giving birth to a grandson." Jiang Momo turned around, complained bitterly, and walked out.

Mrs. Su and her daughter didn't bother arguing anymore, so she directly called her son angrily. "Su Linyan! Can you drive her to work without getting stuck?"

The card is so accurate every day, and it is always one minute before being late, and Miss Jiang punches in successfully.

Madam Su wanted to criticize, "Mom, I'm not late."

Want to deduct wages, "Mom, do you believe me to go to the labor law?"

"Jiang Momo, can you be on time?"

Momo asked back: "Mom, why am I not on time? I am before the company's prescribed time to go to work, and don't you think I am a talent." Every time the card is stuck just right.

Mrs. Su was so angry that she vented her anger on her son.

Su Lin said: "If I'm not on time, she will deduct her salary from my salary."

Mrs. Su spoke straightforwardly, "Your salary card is in her hand? She deducts it if she wants to. Does it make any difference?"

Su team: "Yes, she will trouble me." Deduction of wages is a minor matter, but it is a major matter for Miss Jiang to annoy Brother Su.

Miss Jiang, who was both hated and loved by everyone, was outside, humming a ditty, and went to the administrative office to get the company's various materials. "The employee's social security information is here, right?"

The administrative commissioner nodded, because Jiang Momo had been in this department before, and they were familiar with each other, "It's in the second bag inside."

Jiang Momo opened it and took out a stack, then took out a few sheets and checked them. If there was no problem, she put them back again.

With all the materials ready, Jiang Momo took her mobile phone to contact the clerk of the relevant department to confirm the time.

Mrs. Su quarreled with her son, and her anger subsided. She went out and saw that her daughter's place was empty, "Where did Jiang Momo go?"

Mrs. Su's secretary stood up and replied, "President, Miss has gone to go through the company's qualification procedures."

Mrs. Su walked over and looked at her daughter's messy desktop, "I don't even know how to clean it up."

The mother worked hard to tidy up her daughter's desk and went back to the office.

Jiang Momo didn't go back until noon, and took another stack of documents to hand over to various departments of the company.

It was almost lunch time, she sat down tiredly, looked at her desktop, and asked the colleagues around her, "My mother fixed my desk again?"

The colleague nodded, "The president came to clean up for you in the morning."

Jiang Momo smiled, and ran to her mother's office without knocking on the door, "Mom, what are you up to?"

Mrs. Su raised her eyes and glanced at her, then continued to do her own work.

Jiang Momo sat across from Mrs. Su, resting her chin with her hand, "Ms. He is angry, my baby girl is ignoring her."

"Get up, don't be an eyesore in front of me." Mrs. Su said impatiently, but her tone contained pampering.

"I won't get up, I'll bother you."

Mrs. Su looked at the cheeky girl, "What are you doing here?"

"The daughter is hungry, so she must not come to her mother."

Mrs. Su pushed her mobile phone over, "click by yourself."

"Mom, I know there's a new restaurant on Xuyang Road. It looks very good. Do you have anything to do at noon?"

Madam Su: "..."

After get off work at noon, Jiang Momo took her mother's arm and went out to eat.

Mrs. Su couldn't stand her daughter being annoying around her, so she kept yelling "Mom and Mom", "Okay, okay, go, don't be annoying, my forehead hurts."

Now Mrs. Su understands her son's feelings before, she is annoying, really annoying.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Jiang Momo ordered, so Mrs. Su didn't worry. I took a look at the menu, and I didn't order any of the cheap ones.

Mrs. Su: "Just like you, you can't even support yourself with Lin Yan's monthly salary."

Jiang Momo: "Talk about me, my dad's monthly salary is not enough for you to buy a coat."

Mrs. Su: "...I will earn my own money."

"I also have a salary."

The mother and daughter choked on each other, and then chatted again.

"The Runze Group in the Zuoguo Market has chosen the right one. Now the Runze Shopping Mall is a dark horse in the local area. It is developed with the Runze Mall. That area is a new commercial area, and the brand has a good positioning in the local area. Now there are several large shopping malls coming to connect us. Let us settle in, what do you think?" Madam Su asked her daughter's opinion.

Jiang Momo: "I don't think it's time to expand. The after-sales service of brands entering foreign markets in the early stage must keep up. Although there are many branches and good reputation, but rare things are expensive, let alone such a luxury brand. In addition to the relationship between me and my friends, there is also the preferential treatment given to us by Runze, who has reserved the best location for us and has not collected rent. It is not appropriate to open a branch rashly. The market in Zuoguo is unstable, with too many changes, and there are risks. Suitable for watching."

While the two were waiting for the food, Mrs. Su asked her daughter, "Have you heard about Zuoguo Market?"

Jiang Momo nodded, "Then I'm also a wage earner. I'm not always fishing in the company, I'm also moving bricks. So for today's meal, my mother has to invite me."

Madam Su: "..."

After a while, the food was served, and the conversation between the mother and daughter was also rambling.

At school, Gu Xiaonuan had to call his precious son during lunch, but the little tiger's phone was busy.

"Okay~ Treasure knows Dad." The little tiger answered Dad's instructions in a milky voice.

Because the little tiger has a phone watch, he can talk to his parents every day at noon.

The other children couldn't walk anymore, and they wanted their mobile phones when they got home.

Parents don't know what kind of mobile phone their children want.

"Jiang Tianzhi has them all. He can call his parents even at school." The child said back home.

Jiang Tianzhi, isn't that the son of President Jiang's family?

How dare you ask people what kind of mobile phone they bought, but they can't convince their children to want it.

So, when Gu Nuannuan was at the school gate, stepping towards the campus and waiting for his son, two wives walked behind him, "Hello, Mrs. Jiang."

Gu Xiaonuan turned her head and looked at the woman who came to talk to her. She was a slightly older woman who looked like a grandma who came to pick up her grandson from school. There is another one who looks younger, and it is estimated that this one is a mother.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

The elderly wife introduced herself: "My family is in the business of Jingyuan Liquor. This is my daughter-in-law. My grandson is in the same class as the young master. When I got home, I said that the young master has a mobile phone and wants it too, but he also said I don't know, I want to come to Mrs. Jiang and ask what kind of mobile phone the young master bought."

Gu Nuannuan: "Oh, you said this, my son is wearing a phone watch, which is worn on his wrist and can make and receive calls."

The woman on the side also spoke with her mobile phone, "Mrs. Jiang, what brand is that? I'll buy one for my son too." She seemed to be adding her contact information next.

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