Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1372: garbage maker

After Lu Ying has been back for so long, she can also feel that her parents still care about each other very much.

"Bai Chen, this is my family matter, it's unfair to leave it to you to solve it." Lu Ying said.

Bai Chen yelled at Lu Ying loudly, "What is fairness? I don't want to marry you and you don't want to marry. We don't interfere with each other. Everything is AA. I don't care about your family. If you don't come to mine, this is fairness? Bullshit."

In terms of momentum, Bai Chen crushed Lu Ying, and she was speechless by Bai Chen.

"Just tell me, do you still want to marry me?"


Colonel Bai was happy, "That's all right. Get out of the car and go back to find out what your parents say. I, Colonel Bai, fight and always win quickly!" Colonel Bai became possessed.

They tested each other's intentions, Bai Chen was about to leave, and Lu Ying took the initiative to see him off, "I think my mom still wants to be with my dad, but she can't get off the stage."

"It's the same with your father. Back then, he would rather get divorced than give up. Now that he wants to remarry, he feels ashamed and can't get down. You said that these people are over half a hundred years old, and they want to save face so much.

Let me tell you, Yingying, if I fight with your father, I can make him lose completely just by attacking him. "Bai Chen is used to talking freely.

After sending him to the downstairs of the mansion, Lu Ying asked, "When will you leave next month?"


Lu Ying glanced inside the car, "I'll return this car to you tomorrow." She knew it in a hurry, and Lu Ying hadn't cleaned up the car properly yet. She planned to clean the inside and outside of the car tomorrow and return it to Bai Chen.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen yelled at her again, "Are you still here to make trouble? This car was bought for you for your wedding. I will return to the team immediately and I will not be at home. You still drive this car."

Lu Ying was stunned again and had nothing to say.

After sending Bai Chen home, when Lu Ying returned, the Army Chief had already fallen asleep.

When Lu Ying returned to the bedroom, she always felt that it had been a long day, but she lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and felt very peaceful.

Jiang family.

Another big night without sleep.

The crying of the little guy came from the living room, and the little tiger in pajamas was standing in the living room and crying loudly. With teary eyes, he looked accusingly at his mother who was chasing him and was about to beat him up. The neckline of the pajamas is too big, and a small fragrant shoulder is exposed.

Wei Aihua and Mayor Jiang hurried down to coax the child, "Nuan Nuan, why are you beating the tiger again?"

Gu Nuannuan pointed to the scraps of paper on the ground and criticized her son, "Jiang Tianzhi, you are a garbage maker!"

The little tiger wiped away tears and sobbed. He was held in his arms by his uncle, who wiped his tears lovingly. "The child is still young, so it's normal to be trash."

The little tiger also knew how to find a backer for himself, he wrapped his little arms around his uncle's neck, acting coquettishly, "Uncle, where are you chasing Pa Bao, woo woo~"

Gu Nuannuan took his son out of Mayor Jiang's arms again, "Brother, don't hug him, let him come down and clean up the garbage by himself. The whole room is littered with scraps of paper, and you can sweep it yourself with a broom."

The little tiger stood on the ground and looked at the whole house of family members, who couldn't support him. "Grandpa~"

Mr. Jiang said to Gu Xiaonuan, "Nanzi, the servants can't clean up this rubbish. You and the tiger have to go to class tomorrow. Go to bed early tonight."

Gu Xiaonuan shook her head, looked at Baby Dan's son, "No, he did it, let him clean it up."

Gu Nuannuan took a broom and a trash can and handed them to his son, "Start working. When your dad comes back in a while, he will beat you up when he sees you."

The little tiger was aggrieved, with his mouth covered, and his little hand holding the broom, "Mom, baby can't~"

"You won't let me teach you."

When Jiang Chenyu came home, what he saw was his precious son kicking garbage in the trash can with a broom and little feet, and there were scraps of paper on the table. Looking at the punished son again, "It's him again?"

Gu Nuannuan supervised, "Who else is there besides him?"

"Father~" the little tiger was aggrieved.

Jiang Chenyu was sitting on the sofa, and Gu Nuannuan called out, "Husband, get up, there is also your son's masterpiece in the crack of the sofa."

Jiang Chenyu got up, and took out a gap in the sofa, and sure enough, another handful of paper scraps came out.

Jiang Chenyu took a deep breath and looked at his son who was not as tall as a broom.

The little tiger is holding the broom in both hands, with his small face stuck to the stick, his mouth is pitifully and cutely covered.

"What's going on?" Mr. Jiang asked.

Gu Nuannuan said: "He went to your study to play with the paper shredder, and then put the shredded paper in the trash can like petals scattered by a maiden, lying on the railing on the second floor, and threw it down to the first floor, throwing it everywhere Yes. The servant stopped him, but he still refused to listen. In the end, the servant complained to me. When I came out to beat him, he ran away laughing. I caught up and beat him twice."

The young master of the Jiang family pursed his mouth, expecting his father to pamper him, but his father looked at him, "You don't do any good things, and you don't do anything bad."

The little tiger hugged the broom, with grievances on the corner of his mouth. "Don't sleep until you finish cleaning."

Said not to help his son and tripped him several times when he saw his broom in the end, Gu Nuannuan still couldn't hold back his shot, "Go and clean up the sofa and coffee table, and your father and I will clean the living room for you, is that okay?"

The little guy nodded, "Thank you mom, baby loves you."

At this moment, he is so obedient that Gu Nuannuan suspects that this is not his son.

Mr. Jiang said straight to the point: "He coaxed you."

A certain Xiaonuan: "...But I feel very comfortable after hearing it~"

Mr. Jiang: "Yes, I know." He didn't know how many times he was coaxed by the mother and son like this.

The family of three worked together and cleaned the living room in a few minutes. Wei Aihua wanted to go downstairs to help the little guy secretly, but just as he went out, he saw the family of three who had gone back to sleep, "Cleaned up?"

Just now Gu Nuannuan saw that the whole family spoiled the little boy, felt sorry for him when he was punished, and wanted to help the little tiger. So Gu Nuannuan sent all the family members away and asked them to go back to the bedroom. If they don't watch it, they won't feel bad. She supervises downstairs.

"Mom, mom and dad, help the baby, it's all cleaned up." The little tiger smiled and went to play with his aunt again.

Wei Aihua couldn't like it enough, so he took the little guy to their bedroom to sleep on the way.

The next day, in the car early in the morning, the mother and son scissored rock-paper-scissors. The little tiger won and went to see his mother off. Gu Xiaonuan won, so she went to send the little guy off first.

There are wins and losses, and the two are very harmonious.

Often, when a little tiger gets into trouble, it should be cleaned up as usual. After cleaning up, he will still hold him as a baby.

Thanks to his son, even though there are few classes, Gu Nuannuan gets up early every day to go to school. When there is no class, she goes to the library.

The weather is about to change again, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is getting bigger. The weather is abnormal, hot and cold.

I was still wearing short sleeves yesterday, but today I have to put on a coat. The wind outside was howling, and Gu Nuannuan couldn't get in to study, so she put down her schoolbag, "Yingying, I'll go out and see my little boy."

"Do you need me to accompany you?" Duan Ying asked.

Gu Nuannuan shook her head, "You study, I'll buy him something to eat and drink, and he will come back as soon as he goes."

This is the advantage of the close proximity of the mother and son's schools. The milk tea and grain pancakes that Gu Nuannuan bought at her school went to her son's school not far away.

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