I arrived at the side entrance of the kindergarten where my son was.

It just so happened that it was time for the cubs to finish their classes, and when the classroom was buzzing, the little tiger's phone and watch rang.

The other children went to the bathroom and lined up to go to the toilet. Xiaojun ran to the fence excitedly, jumping happily while running, and his crisp laughter could be heard from far away, "Mom~ your cub is here!" ~"

Gu Nuannuan took her mobile phone and smiled and recorded her running baby.

Jiang Chenyu was in the company and saw the video uploaded from his mobile phone. His little naughty **** was full of energy every day, and he didn't even know what being tired was.

When I ran to the fence, I saw the food and drink in my mother's hand. The little tiger pointed his toes, hugged the fence with both hands, raised his head and opened his mouth to let his mother feed him, "Ah~ Mom, let Bao take a bite."

Gu Nuannuan reached out and passed the pancake through the gap in the railing, "Here, you eat first."

The little guy held it in his small hands, took a bite of the pancake, and then set his sights on the milk tea bought by his mother.

But the diameter of the milk tea cup was too big to pass in, so Gu Nuannuan passed the straw in through the crack of the railing, and let the little greedy cat take a few sips to satisfy his greed.

Gu Nuannuan stretched her other arm in, touched her son's little hand and arm, and asked with concern, "Is it cold today?"

The little tiger chewed and ate and drank. He shook his head and replied, "Baby is not cold. Dad asked the teacher to put on a coat for Bao in the morning."

Because Gu Xiaonuan lost in the morning, according to the agreement, the father and son would send her off first, and then send the little tiger to school last.

When handing him over to the teacher, Jiang Chenyu told him, "Wake up at noon and put on his coat. He is very energetic. Don't take off his coat even if he is sweating from running."

The teacher took over the child, and he had to follow Mr. Jiang's orders to do whatever he wanted.

So, the kid who woke up didn't want to put on his clothes, so he was coaxed and half-forced by the teacher to put on his coat.

"Where, why don't you have class again?" The little tiger knows that his mother's class is very free, and sometimes there is no class, so he can do whatever he wants.

Gu Nuannuan: "That's right, I've finished all my classes today, so I'll come to see my baby when I don't have class in the afternoon."

The little tiger bared his baby teeth and smiled very cutely, "Then can you pick up your baby egg earlier in the afternoon?"


The little tiger was even happier. He met his mother for a few minutes, and soon he was going to class again.

Gu Nuannuan was going to take away the pancake from his son, but unexpectedly, the little guy refused to give it to him, so he was about to run back while holding it.

"Hey! Little bastard, return the pancakes to your mother. I'll let you eat a few bites instead of taking them all away."

Gu Nuannuan shouted at the running son through the small gap.

The little tiger has run away happily.

Back in the classroom, the teacher was stunned, "Kid Tianzhi, where did your pancakes come from?"

In front of the teacher and classmates, the little tiger ate a pancake and chewed it, "Mom gave her baby eggs~"

The students are envious of Jiang Tianzhi again, he has one who will come to give him delicious mommy at any time~

Because she was fed a pancake by her mother in the afternoon, Xiao Jun couldn't eat the meal in the evening.

When sending the children out, the teacher also told the parents that the little tiger didn't eat much for dinner.

Jiang Chenyu hugged his son, rubbed his little belly, and said lovingly: "There is not much food, but there are many good things in this stomach."

Back in the car, the little tiger was spanked by his mother, "The pancakes are for the two of us to eat, you hugged and ran away. The more I call you, the faster you run, you deserve a spanking."

The little tiger was lying on his mother's lap, smiling and selling cute, "Where, Bao wants to eat tomorrow."

Intermittently, as long as Gu Xiaonuan has no class in the afternoon, she will take a walk to the place agreed with her son, eat pancakes this time, stinky tofu next time, and then try fruits, including roasted sweet potatoes on the roadside, Gu Nuan Warm has been brought to my son.

Then the little tiger often disappears after class, and the teacher is used to it.

Mr. Jiang said with a smile outside, "My family is like a child."

But sometimes these two 'children' also make Mr. Jiang very angry, "Jiang Tianzhi, who drew up my contract?"

With his hands behind his back, the little tiger walked over in a well-behaved manner and stood up.

Then Mr. Jiang contacted Assistant He again, "Hey, prepare another copy of the Runze Group's contract and put it in my office. I'll go to the company tomorrow to have a look."

Assistant He was surprised, "President, didn't you bring that document home?"

Mr. Jiang took a deep breath, "It took only half an hour to eat, and Nizi painted it for me again."

Mr. Jiang's Xiao Nizi faced the wall, with his hands behind his back, his godfather Bai passed by, "Oh, my godson's military posture is standard, and he will hang out with godfather Bai in the future."

His godson's mother ate snacks and said, "That's right. Although your godson has lived for less than four years, you have three years of experience in standing as a punishment. My family is professional in this line of work, isn't it Jiang Tianzhi?"

The little tiger licked his small mouth with his tongue, and nodded cutely, "Yes~"

Bai Chen knelt down, looked at his cute godson with a smile, "Godson, did you understand what your mother said just now?"

The little tiger shook his head, "No."

Everyone in the room laughed loudly, Bai Chen asked: "Then why did you answer 'yes' and you didn't understand?"

The little tiger talked about his little cleverness openly, "Godfather, idiot, how can Bao make me happy, so Bao doesn't have to be punished."

These words made Jiang Chenyu, who came down the steps later, smile all over his face. How could his family give birth to such a skinny child, who can embody both embarrassment and cuteness at the same time.

"You didn't intend to remarry your father-in-law and mother-in-law recently, why are you free today?" Jiang Chenyu asked.

Bai Chen: "It's still business because of the old couple's business, Mr. Jiang, let me use your private jet."

President Jiang: "..."

With his hands behind his back, the little tiger turned his head and blinked his dark eyes, "Dad, you have a private jet~ Bao also wants to drive Dad's private jet."

"Do you want to be beaten? Turn your head back and stand up for me!" Mr. Jiang regained his seriousness in a second.

The little tiger has been tidied up by his parents, so he stands upright.

Bai Chen: "Jiang Chenyu, why are you yelling at my son all the time at home? You don't want it. Most people grab it."

Jiang Chenyu: "If you take him away, you won't be able to stand it for a day."

Bai Chen: "I don't believe it."

"Then you take it away."

Bai Chen: "...I won't hug you."

Only Mrs. Jiang is paying close attention to the progress of the middle-aged man's relationship, "Bai Chen, how far have your 'father-in-law' and 'mother-in-law' progressed?"

Bai Chen: "Both of them are waiting for the other to call each other. You say you are old, so you admit it."

Elder Jiang said disgustedly: "It's not romantic at all. You guys should take it as a warning. If you quarrel with your wife, it's not a matter of principle. It's almost a good time to show softness. You don't favor your wife. What's wrong? Want to be spoiled by others? Then if others spoil you, you will become a daughter-in-law."

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