Bai Chen asked: "Do you want to know how my aunt lives outside?"

The chief of the army said stiffly: "I don't want to know, and I don't want to hear her name."

Bai Chen: "That's fine, I won't talk about it."

Lu Ying looked at Bai Chen, didn't he say something?

Bai Chen took Lu Ying's hand, exerted a little force, and gave her a reassuring look.

At the dinner table, the Army Chief, who clearly said he didn’t want to know, and didn’t want to advance his wife’s name, didn’t hold back, “Don’t think I don’t know what you mean, you want me to remarry Yingying’s mother, and then Yingying agreed to marry you .This matter is useless."

Before Lu Ying opened his mouth to speak, he only heard Bai Chen spitting out fishbone, and he said with disgust: "What? Yingying is willing to stay with me because she is worried that my aunt will be alone overseas without anyone to take care of her. As long as my aunt If you're looking for a partner overseas, there's nothing to worry about. I'll do it this time."

The father and daughter instantly looked at Bai Chen, who was eating delicious food. "You introduced her to a new love?"

"Are you introducing someone to my mother?"

Bai Chen took a piece of meat for Lu Ying, and the moment the two looked at each other, Lu Ying changed his words instantly, "Who are you introducing?"

Bai Chen smiled, "Parker in their restaurant, I think he's not bad, he's about the same age as my aunt, and he's alone. He also takes care of my aunt a lot."

The chief of the army immediately stared at his daughter.

Bearing her father's oppressive gaze, Lu Ying swallowed, "Ah, it's that uncle. He is really nice. He often takes care of my mother at work and even translates for my mother."

With a "snap", the Army Chief couldn't help but slapped the table angrily, "What does Du Li (Mother Lu) mean?"

Bai Chen and Lu Ying secretly gave each other a triumphant look, and Bai Chen looked at the furious army commander, "Uncle, we are not saying that I will not mention my aunt. If you insist on mentioning it, you are still angry, calm down, and eat." For dinner, it would be a good thing if my aunt really finds a foreigner. Foreigners are romantic, and it’s less likely to meet a man like us who is not enlightened, and who wants to save face. You don’t know, when we eat, Parker And carefully peeled the shrimp for my aunt."

The chief of the army is now so angry that he is almost smoking.

Bai Chen said again: "But, my aunt didn't eat."

The Army Chief's breathing gradually slowed down, and it was not so heavy.

The Army Chief, who was furious, had no idea that under the table, his daughter and Bai Chen were kicking each other's feet.

"Uncle, let me make an appointment, if that Parker really stalks my aunt for a while, I guess my aunt will immigrate.

Yingyinghe and I asked my aunt what she meant. Of course, as children, we want you two to remarry, but my aunt is living a happy life outside, so why come back.

You said that if Yingying and I got married and had a child, and she took the child abroad to visit grandma every day, then the relevant departments should investigate my identity. "

A table of the Army Chief's favorite dishes, but he even wanted to throw away his chopsticks.

After Bai Chen finished speaking, Lu Ying said, "Dad, you know my mother is a traditional woman, and she can't accept one woman marrying two husbands. If you can subdue her, "

"Impossible!" The Army Chief vetoed it immediately, "Yingying, don't think that I don't know what you and Bai Chen's plan is. You want me to remarry your mother, and then you two get together, don't even think about it."

Bai Chen was also full, so he put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth.

"In the beginning, we both really planned this way, but seeing your firm attitude, I changed my strategy. Let my aunt find another one outside, and we can't delay our lives because of the two of you. Just that Parker, I've checked it out, and it's reliable.

Although my aunt is traditional in her bones, my aunt loves Yingying the most. As long as Yingying recognizes that Parker as stepfather, my aunt will definitely agree for Yingying. "

"Inverted!" The Army Chief got up angrily, and he slapped the dining table angrily, shaking the chopsticks.

Looking at his good daughter and the man who wanted to be his son-in-law, the army commander couldn't stay for a moment, turned around and left as if he was in awe.

After the army commander left, Lu Ying immediately grabbed Bai Chen. She looked anxious and flustered, but there was a trace of cuteness in Bai Chen's eyes. "Tell me, is Uncle Parker really interested in my mother? Don't lie to me, just lie to my father."

Bai Chen held Lu Ying's hand, he looked back, got up, "Come, come out with me."

When they got outside, Lu Ying still hadn't let Bai Chen go, and kept asking, "Tell me about Uncle Parker." When their wives first left the country, Parker helped them a lot.

However, Lu Ying didn't really want a stepfather.

Bai Chen: "Fake, you haven't noticed that after being there for so long, then Parker and your mother's friend are a couple."


Bai Chen pulled Lu Ying back into the car, "Call your aunt at night and you'll find out."

Lu Ying was still in shock, "Didn't that aunt have a husband? What's going on?"

"How long have you been back? They've been divorced long ago. Don't worry about other people's gossip, and take care of our own family first. Your father's temper will probably make him unable to sleep tonight. Listen to me, come on, let me tell you You whisper."

Lu Ying thoughtlessly leaned over to listen to the whisper, but forgot that she was in the car with no one else around.

Bai Chen taught her how to do it in Lu Ying's ear. After speaking, at the end, Bai Chen quickly kissed Lu Ying again.

Lu Ying was kissed vigorously by him, and she bumped into her whole body. She wiped her cheek, as if she was used to Bai Chen's sudden attack. "Is this okay?"

Bai Chen: "Trust me. Your father's shortcomings are too obvious. If he fights against me, he can only lose."

Lu Ying looked at Bai Chen, "Don't talk about my dad."

"It's not that I look down on my father-in-law. It's because I know him too well, and often the acquaintances know his shortcomings best, so they can attack and win. If you really fight against the outside world, then your father's decades of combat experience, I'm sure You have to learn from him."

Lu Ying looked at Bai Chen again in disbelief, "Then I'm really like this?"


After sending Bai Chen away, Lu Ying returned home.

Looking at the almost untouched food on the dining table, Lu Ying took it to the kitchen to heat it up, and brought it upstairs to his father.

There was a knock on the door, "Who is it?" The Army Chief was still very angry.

"Dad, it's me." Lu Ying said, "I see you didn't eat at night, I just reheated the meal and brought it to you."

The Army Chief was angry, "I won't eat it."

Lu Ying said again: "But I warmed it up for you specially. You can't be angry and refuse to eat. I can't hold it any longer."

The army chief said he was sleeping, but he was not lying on the bed at all. He got up from the stool and walked to the door. When he saw the plate brought by his daughter, he took it with his hand and turned back to the bedroom. "Yingying, you come in too, Dad asked you something."

Lu Ying was surprised, but Bai Chen guessed it right, "Okay."

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