Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1378: attitude towards rivals

Entering his father's bedroom, the army chief didn't plan to eat, he put the plate on the table beside him. "I'm telling you very seriously now, I have no objection to you being with Bai Chen, but! You can't tell Bai Chen about our next conversation."

Lu Ying: "..." Bai Chen guessed it right again!

When whispering at that time, Bai Chen said directly, "Yingying, your father will definitely take the opportunity to ask you about my aunt, and he won't let you tell me. In fact, he wants to save face. He knows that he can't fight me, and he is afraid of being caught by me." Calculate. Take a while...but remember to tell me everything, or your father will calculate you."

Lu Ying nodded to his father, "Dad, what do you want to say?"

The chief of the army had a hard time saying it several times, but when he saw his precious daughter, "Is your mother really planning to find another family outside?"

Lu Ying was silent for a moment, thinking: Bai Chen is the roundworm in her family.

"Are you admitting that she was looking for that yellow hair outside by not saying anything?" The Army Chief's tone was very contemptuous.

Lu Ying thought for a while, "Dad, if my mother really looks for it, are you angry?"

"I'm not angry, why am I angry? She is looking for her, I am looking for mine, what's the big deal." The army commander said he was not angry, but he was suppressing his anger all over his body. "So it's true?" the army chief was still asking his daughter.

Lu Ying frowned, very troubled, "I can't tell, that uncle did often help our mother and daughter abroad, I didn't think there was anything wrong before returning to China, but I have been back for so long, and I don't know the situation there.

This time it was Bai Chen who went there. He is a man, so he should understand men better.

If Uncle Parker took a little care when I was not with my mother, I could still understand my mother's second marriage. "

"What uncle are you calling, you don't even have an uncle!" the army chief yelled at his daughter angrily.

Lu Ying: "Oh."

The more the Army Chief thought about it, the more he held back his anger, "You decided to continue with Bai Chen?"

Lu Ying: "Yes."

The chief of the army began to think of ways to fool his daughter, and he said to his daughter "Yingying, you two are together, and you will have a baby in a few years. Who will take care of the baby? No, it's Du Li (Mother Lu)." Come back from here to take care of her. You said that once she comes back, she will go abroad again and again to find a yellow hair, what about the yellow hair?"

Lu Ying: "Dad, Uncle Parker is not yellow-haired."

The chief of the army was so excited that he spit out his spittle, "This is not the point. In the long run, your mother will come back sooner or later, and she will come back to take care of your children. You can't expect your mother-in-law to take care of your children, Mrs. Bai It's not someone who takes care of people. Only your mother is careful, she can do it."

Lu Ying: "It's okay. My mother's income is quite high now, Bai Chen's salary is not low, and I also have savings in my hand, so I can afford a babysitter when I have a child."

The chief of the army found that his daughter just didn't understand his point, "What about after that? Hiring a nanny every month? No matter how rich the family is, they can't stop you from burning money like this."

"Dad, Bai Chen is rich."

"That's his money, our family doesn't care about it." The Army Chief said again.

Seeing that his plan was disrupted by his daughter's beating, the Army Chief was very angry, but now he was so angry that he couldn't calm down. "You go, I'm asleep."

Lu Ying didn't leave, but looked at her father, "Dad, my mother knows that the money we receive every month is from you."

The chief of the army looked at his daughter unexpectedly, and he was not shocked when he suddenly thought of what his ex-wife was good at.

"Dad, think about it, why does my mother take it with peace of mind when she knows it's from you?" Lu Ying asked her father in a calm tone.

"It's like when I use Bai Chen's things, I always use them with peace of mind. Because I know that we are destined to be together."

Lu Ying looked at her father who hadn't spoken for a long time, and she got up, "Eat something before going to bed, don't spoil your stomach when you are old. My mother called me last night to ask how you are doing."

After Lu Ying said this, the army commander's heart was shocked, and he regretted what he said about his ex-wife for a moment, and even he couldn't sleep well.

"Yingying, send a message to tell your mother to think about that yellow hair again. It's not just about finding someone casually to make ends meet."

Lu Ying: "...Dad, Uncle Parker really doesn't have yellow hair, he has brown hair."

The attitude of the Army Chief to his rival: "I also call him Huangmao with brown hair, and he is Huangmao."

A noble kindergarten, during extracurricular activities.

The little tiger tilted his head, studying the hair color of his classmates.

He chased people to look at them, and then looked into their eyes, their colors were different.

So, he grabbed hold of others and asked, "Can your eyes see the road?"

The little boy replied in a foreign language, "I don't understand what you are saying."

The little tiger encountered a communication barrier for the first time, "Can you speak?"

The little tiger couldn't understand the little boy's answer again.

When other people encounter problems, they always go to the teacher. The little tiger pulls people to prevent them from leaving, and turns on his watch, "I can talk, Jiujiu, which is amazing."

Thus, Gu Xiaohan's cell phone rang in a foreign country, and Luo Jin picked it up. "Hey, baby."

"Jiu Ma~" The little tiger's cheerful voice sounded, and his Chiu Mama is also very powerful.

Gu Xiaohan snatched his mobile phone away, "Hey, Tuozi, why did you suddenly find Jiujiu in the middle of the night?"

Could it be that his sister and brother-in-law beat him up again, and the child misses him so much?

Unexpectedly, "Jiujiu, it's not midnight, it's daytime~ Grandpa Sun hasn't set down."

Gu Xiaohan forgot the time difference, usually his sister is in control, and he and his little nephew will be videotaped for a while at night and dawn, "Jiujiu remembers wrong, what are you looking for?"

"Jiujiu, I don't understand."

The little boy was about to leave, but the little guy clung to him, and then handed his wrist to the boy, "Tell me, I'm so powerful, you can tell me~"

The boy was timid, thinking that the little tiger was picking on him and bullying him, so he stood there in fear and cried.

The little tiger held the phone to his ear, "Jiujiu, he is crying~ what should I do~"

Gu Xiaohan scratched his hair, Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, "Tuo, who is he?"

"I don't know Tuotuo either." The little tiger looked at the crying boy depressedly.

Gu Xiaohan: "..."

Hearing the cry, he immediately attracted the attention of all the teachers.

Because they wanted to teach the children about vegetables, each grade and department organized the children to come to the vegetable garden to teach on the spot. But when there were too many dolls, especially the children from the big class, the middle class and the small class all gathered together, they were of the same height and wore the same school uniforms, and it was a little difficult for the teacher to manage them.

Coincidentally, this also allowed the little tiger to catch several classmates who looked different from him. Out of curiosity, he left the team and ran to chat with them.

The teacher was still doing roll call, and when he couldn't find where Jiang Tianzhi was going, he heard a cry.

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