The teachers in each class followed the cry, and the middle class teacher hurried over and asked, "Sweet, what are you crying for?"

The teacher of the small class also hurried over, "Tianzhi, why did you come here?"

The other little boy was still crying, and Jiang Tianzhi looked at his teacher innocently.

One was crying in pain, and the other stood there dazed. The middle class teacher subconsciously asked Sweet in a foreign language, "Have you been bullied?"

The boy cried and nodded.

Jiang Tianzhi's teacher can also understand the other teacher's language, "I think it's better to understand first, the children in our class will not bully their classmates."

The little tiger's phone watch was still on, and he had completely forgotten that he was still making remote calls to Jiujiu.

Gu Xiaohan's mobile phone was placed on the table hands-free, and he and Luo Jin both frowned and listened to the processing over there. "Nonsense, my baby boy won't bully others at all."

Gu Xiaohan looked at the impulsive Luo Jin, "Calm down, let me hear what's going on."

The little tiger was pulled aside by the teacher and asked, "Did you bully Sweet?"

The little tiger shook his head, "Mom and Dad don't let Bao bully his classmates~" He is not afraid of things at all.

"Why is Sweet crying?"

The little tiger blinked and asked curiously, "Teacher, who is Sweet?"


I also asked the crying boy, and the final result was that Jiang Tianzhi from the small class bullied Sweet from the home class.

But in the orchard, there was no monitoring, whether he was being bullied or not, the teacher's nervous back was sweating.

Did the kids really fight?

The little tiger shook his head, and Sweet nodded.

The angry little tiger yelled, "Tigers didn't fight! My father and where can't let Bao fight~"

Because of the loud voice of the little one, Sweet cried louder.

The other students were temporarily handed over to the life teacher to take care of them. Two class teachers took the two children out, "Sweet is the eldest grandson of the Sweet family. Old Sweet loves this grandson very much. If he really was bullied at school, old Sweat Witt will definitely not let the school go." The middle class teacher said with a headache.

After finishing this, the teacher in the small class is even more worried, "Old Sweet is not afraid, what is afraid is that Jiang Tianzhi is the young master of the Jiang family, Mr. Jiang's precious son! He will come as soon as he starts school to see him off." 7 cars. Moreover, Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang also love this little baby very much, and pick him up and drop him off personally every morning and evening."

The middle class teacher looked at the little guy in disbelief, "Is he the young master of Mr. Jiang's family?"

I've heard that the young master of the Jiang family is also in their school, but I didn't expect that this bratty little guy is.

The small class teacher nodded.

Gu Xiaohan also listened for a while, then he hung up the phone.

Luo Jin grabbed his wrist, "Why did you hang up, I haven't heard clearly whether they have slandered the baby!"

"What are you still slandering, this should be called a parent, you haven't heard it yet."

Luo Jin's beautiful eyes were displeased, "Our Tuotuo never bullied our classmates at all."

Gu Xiaohan called his brother-in-law, and Jiang Chenyu, who was about to go to the conference room, answered the phone, "Hello, Xiaohan?"

Mr. Jiang walked a few steps, stopped, and frowned with thick brows, "Yes, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Assistant He walked beside Jiang Chenyu and entered the elevator. He was about to click on the floor of the meeting room. Jiang Chenyu directly ordered an underground garage.

Assistant He swallowed, and asked cautiously, "Is there something wrong with the president?"

Jiang Chenyu took a deep breath, "Ni Zi found a job for me!"

Assistant He: "...Tiger went to kindergarten, and he didn't feel that the CEO was much easier."

"The meeting was delayed for two hours. I'm going to Jiang Tianzhi's school."

When he arrived at the parking lot, his phone rang. Sure enough, it was his cute and naughty teacher, "Hey, I'm rushing to study. Did he really hit someone?"

At Z University, Gu Xiaonuan's cell phone rang, and she happened to be going to class. Seeing that it was from her son's school, she asked Duan Ying to help her carry the textbooks to the classroom, and she connected in the corridor, "Hello, Teacher Xu. What?! "

On the way to the little guy's kindergarten, Gu Xiaonuan and the counselor asked for leave for the next class.

"My son was having trouble with his classmates in the kindergarten. The school called the parents. I have to go there."

A counselor: "..." This is the first time I encountered such a reason for asking for leave. Mom is still a student and has to be called a parent.

Gu Nuannuan walked halfway, Jiang Chenyu's car didn't go to his son's school, and picked up his wife halfway. "You have a lot of classes today, so you don't need to go, I'll just go."

Gu Nuannuan had already had a lot of images in her mind. She put on her seat belt, "If I don't go, I don't feel at ease in class. Hurry up, husband."

When we arrived at the kindergarten, Sweet's grandpa had already arrived in a rage.

When he first arrived, the old man didn't even sit on the stool in the office, and asked loudly angrily: "Who bullied my grandson?"

The little tiger stood up from the small bench and yelled at the old man, "Hmph, I didn't bully him, he cried himself."

The teachers are all nervous, afraid that the conflict between the two families will escalate because of this matter. Jiang Tianzhi is used to not knowing the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, so he is not afraid of things at all.

Seeing Jiang Tianzhi standing there at half height, the primary class teacher hurried to coax the dolls in his class, "Tianzhi, sit down and listen to the teacher before talking nonsense. Be nice and be quiet."

The little tiger frowned, "He slandered Tianzhi~ I also have a grandpa, and my grandpa is also the most treasured."

The middle class teacher hurriedly persuaded the old Sweet to calm down, revealing invisibly, "Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang are on their way here, please sit down, Mr. Sweet, and drink tea first."

Looking at the little tiger, the old man asked, "Is he from the Jiang family?"

After a while, Jiang Chenyu and Gu Nuannuan appeared, "Mom and Dad~" The little tiger jumped down from the stool and threw himself into the arms of his parents with his short legs. He hugged Jiang Chenyu's trouser legs, his small face Post it, "Humph, Bao didn't fight, he cried himself."

As a businessman, Old Sweet naturally recognized Jiang Chenyu, and Jiang Chenyu had rarely heard of his name, that's all.

He picked up his precious son, looked at his family's wronged Bao Xiaoxiao, and asked, "Did you bully your classmates?"

Behind the back of the little tiger's hands, the face of being wronged was full of anger. He shook his head cutely, "No treasure! Where did you say that if Bao bullies her classmates, she will beat him up."

Because his son has learned a little bit of Kung Fu with three legs, he is still a small person in kindergarten. Gu Nuannuan was afraid that his son would follow her old path at school, so he grabbed his little tiger fist early and threatened, intimidating, "Don't bully your classmates! How dare you If you bully your classmates, your mother will beat you back. But if someone bullies you, you can beat them back. If you can’t beat them back, call your mother to beat you."

The little tiger nodded obediently, "Where, treasure remember~"

Not only Gu Nuannuan was afraid, but Jiang Chenyu was also afraid that his boss Huohao would get into trouble as soon as school started, and he would take turns 'reasoning' his son before school started. So the little tiger is also a civilized person now, and occasionally he gets angry at his parents and grandpa at home, so the whole family is beaten up, and he is very polite outside.

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