"Where is the red nose?"

"Tigers have big noses."

The mother and son were playing childishly. The little guy opened his mouth and raised his head as if he wanted to nibble on his mother's hand. As a result, Gu Nuannuan also raised his hand, and the little guy was grinning.

Jiang Chenyu saw this, and the smile on his face widened. The people who came out from the rear saw the smile on Mr. Jiang's face, and once again strengthened their inner thoughts. Mr. Jiang loves his wife and children very much. "Xiaonuan, tiger."

Both mother and son looked over, "Husband" and "Dad~"

The matter was settled, and the little tiger saw that his parents were about to leave. He hugged his father's leg like a follower, and insisted on following him, "I don't want to learn anymore, my treasure is tired, I want my parents to teach me 咘咘咘~"

The bigger the child, the stronger the energy.

Jiang Chenyu's trouser legs were pulled by his son, he bent down and separated the little guy's paws.

The joints of the little tiger's ten fingers are all white due to exertion. He pouted, and didn't cry when he was misunderstood just now, but now seeing his father insisting on throwing himself at school, he grinned and howled loudly. "Where does Bao want to go with Dad, woo woo~"

Gu Nuannuan squatted down to wipe her son's tears. The teacher tried to pull the child from behind, but the little tiger looked at her mother with a stinky crying face.

Gu Nuannuan's heart softened in an instant, and she stretched out her arms to hug her son, and the little guy jumped in, "Mom~"

Jiang Chenyu looked at his son, this brat knew that he was difficult to talk to, and he knew how to find another person to overcome it!

"Husband~" Now, the little soft cat is also looking at him.

Five minutes later, the little tiger happily sat in his father's car, and he was very different from him five minutes ago.

There were not many lessons in the kindergarten for a day, and it was not too early, so there was only one activity and dinner left, so Jiang Chenyu left with his family's son in one hand.

The little tiger was in his father's arms, and Jiang Chenyu, who was his father, even laughed with his small expression of complacency without even wiping his eyes.

He wiped his tears away from his son's chubby face with his big palm, "Stop crying, give Dad a smile."

The little tiger immediately smiled cooperatingly.

Gu Nuannuan thought it was funny, so she took a picture and sent it to the group.

Gu Xiaohan was still up in the middle of the night, and immediately asked, "Is it resolved?"

Unknown crowd Mo: "What's going on?"

Mr. Jiang: "My little grandson is so cute, grandpa really likes it."

At this time, the ancient mother asked: "Shouldn't the tiger be at school now?" After all, her daughter is also a student, and the ancient mother remembers the holidays very clearly.

Then everyone in the group wondered.

in the car.

Jiang Chenyu thought his wife was going to the office with him, but Gu Nuannuan decided to go back to school to make up lessons.

"You still have class in the afternoon, why did you let him out of school?" Boss Jiang asked, pointing to the kid in the back row.

The little tiger was eating the snacks in his father's car. He slid down from the back seat, his face squeezed into the gap in the middle of the front seat, "Dad, are you talking about treasure again?"

Gu Nuannuan blinked her innocent eyes and asked, "Isn't this still yours? Husband, what's the matter, you have something to do too?"

Jiang Chenyu still has a meeting in the afternoon, "It will probably take two hours, and if he doesn't look at it for a while, he will make a big fuss."

The little tiger turned his face curiously and looked at his mother.

Gu Nuannuan said with a guilty conscience: "No, no, our cubs are old enough to not 'decorate' your office, are you a tiger?"

The little tiger ate the biscuits and didn't wipe off the crumbs at the corners of his mouth. He happily replied: "Yes, Bao has decorated Dad's office, Bao Ke is good."

Jiang never believed it at all.

Even so, Jiang Chenyu drove the car to the gate of Z, Gu Nuannuan pointed at his son, "Husband, what should he do?"

Jiang Chenyu also turned his head to look at the little baby in his family. At this moment, the little baby was also blinking at his father and then at his mother with big bright eyes.

What's the matter with him?

"You can go to class with peace of mind, him," Mr. Jiang paused, "Let's talk about it."

When Gu Nuannuan wanted to ask for leave again, Jiang Chenyu comforted him, "Don't worry. After raising him for three or four years, I can still take care of him. Go to class quickly, and I'll be late again later. I'll pick you up after school."

"Where, Bao is here to pick up mom~"

Gu Nuannuan got out of the car uneasy.

The father and son watched Gu Nuannuan's figure disappear, Jiang Chenyu looked back at his worried baby, this look! "Jiang Tianzhi, the food you put in dad's car is so dirty, it's all crumbs."

The little tiger glanced at it and said cutely: "Dad, it's not dirty."

At this time, Assistant He also called, and Jiang Chenyu locked the car door, drove to the company, and was "making rules" for his son on the way.

The little tiger was lying on the ground in the back seat. The biscuit he ate just now fell off, so he picked it up and ate it again.

Where did his family say that you can’t waste food, you will be punished by God~

"Mom, what is divine punishment?"

His mother said, "It's when you spank."

The little tiger frowned, "But Dad and where often spank Bao's ass."

Gu Nuannuan bluffed: "It's because of God's punishment that your parents beat you. Do you think your parents are willing to beat you? No, you are our favorite baby."

When he arrived at the parking lot, Jiang Chenyu opened the back door to pick up his son, and suddenly found that his little hands were sticky from eating.

They had no choice but to stand at the door, the little guy stood in the car, Jiang Chenyu stood outside the car, grabbed his little hand and wiped him clean with a wet towel.

The little tiger also stretched out his father to wipe his little hands and face cooperatively.

Then hug him down, "Go press the elevator by yourself."

At the office floor, Assistant He appeared, "President, the project leaders are waiting in the conference room."

"Uncle Ho~"

Assistant He lowered his head and was stunned, "Huh? Tiger, you're here too?"

Jiang Chenyu turned around and called out to his little short leg, "Follow up by yourself."

When Jiang Chenyu arrived at the office, the door was left open, leaving the door open for his son.

He took the documents submitted by various projects and looked through them temporarily.

At this time, there was a sound of "cracking" outside the door, and Jiang Chenyu's brain hurt, "Jiang Tianzhi, get out."

Assistant He raised his eyebrows, scratched the bridge of his nose with his index finger, and suppressed a smile.

To be honest, since having the young master, the president's temper has improved visibly with the naked eye, his subordinates stopped yelling, and people around him stopped scolding him, which gave him another chance to make mistakes.

The CEO used to have a headache for the child's mother, but now it's his baby.

Jiang Chenyu put down the documents and went out, looked at his son who was ping-pong outside again, and grabbed him back to the office.

Abandoning his son, Jiang Chenyu picked up the documents again.

While he was watching, Assistant He asked, "President, we will have a meeting later, what about the young master?"

Mr. Jiang raised his head and looked at his son who was standing on his coffee table, who was mooing all his energy and jumping up and down on the sofa.

President Jiang was breathing heavily.

The moment the little tiger jumped onto the sofa, Jiang Chenyu also made up his mind, "Pull another chair in the meeting room."

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