meeting room.

All the people in charge were waiting, the door opened, two secretaries entered, and a chair was placed next to the president's chair.

"This is?" Is there anyone else sitting side by side with the president?

Could it be Mr. Jiang? But he has not interfered with the company's decision-making for many years, so how could he suddenly come over while he was playing with his grandson at home.

Could it be that Jiang's grandson bowed his head to Mr. Jiang and came back?

Everyone was fantasizing, and who would dare to sit in a seat that Assistant He had never sat before.

Assistant He went in first, "Old He, Old He, who wants to come with these two chairs?" A person who knew Assistant He asked.

Assistant He also sat down at the long table. He was the closest to Jiang Chenyu. Today, it is uncertain.

Assistant He sat down, deliberately putting off the air, "The person who is shoulder-to-shoulder with the president is coming."

Two minutes later, the little man who really was with the president was carried in by his father.

"Little master?!"

Jiang Chenyu communicated with his son just now, and then hugged him in.

The little tiger didn't admit birth at all, and hugged his father on the chair. On his left was Uncle He, and on his right was his father.

Then, Jiang Chenyu also sat in his exclusive seat, rubbed his son's head, and explained: "Xiao Nuan went to class, so I had to throw it to me. He is too naughty, so I can only take it with me."

The subordinates around looked at the cute and lively little tiger, and praised him one after another, "The young master inherited Mr. Jiang, sitting there with a good posture, and he will be the second Mr. Jiang in the future, haha."

Even the little tiger couldn't understand the compliments from others.

In his little hands, there are snacks that his father opened for him. He held them in his little hands, and handed them to Assistant He generously while eating, "Uncle He, do you want to eat?"

Assistant He laughed, "Uncle He doesn't eat it, tigers eat it, and the meeting should be quiet."

The little tiger nodded. His father told him that if he dared not cooperate, he would hang him from a tree and beat him when he got home.

His father did what he said, and he was really cleaned up by his father hanging from a tree when he was a child~

Jiang Chenyu glanced at Assistant He and nodded slightly.

Assistant He understood, he got up, and the meeting started.

Gu Xiaonuan in the classroom took notes, looked at the calculation method of sentencing, and discussed with the people around her.

As soon as the phone vibrates, she will take it out to see if her husband has sent a 'help' message.

Duan Ying posted, "Nuan Nuan, are you okay?"

"It's okay, the tiger and my husband have gone to the company, I'm afraid his skin will itch again."

meeting room,

When he was full, he had to drink some water. When he came in, his father didn't bring him any water. He happened to see the mineral water on his father's table. He stood up by himself, pressed his small hand on the conference table, and reached for the one on his father's table.

Jiang Chenyu protected his son with one hand, fearing that he would fall, and quickly handed him the water.

Handed it to him, but he couldn't unscrew it again. The little guy stood on the stool and quickly put the water bottle on his father's eyes.

Mr. Jiang: "...What are you doing?"

"Zai Zai drink water," the little tiger replied in a low voice.

Jiang Chenyu unscrewed the water bottle again, the water was full, Jiang Chenyu was afraid of spilling it on him, so he drank a couple of sips first, and handed it to his son.

However, there was no sprinkling or sprinkling, but the little guy choked when he tilted his head up, and his little face flushed from coughing.

Jiang Chenyu hurriedly took away the water bottle, hugged his son on his lap, and followed his back. Then he took the water bottle and fed his son a little drink.

The little tiger slowed down, and he simply sat on his father's lap and played with the water bottle, watching the ppt on the opposite side. It was so novel, how could that thing change back and forth?

Bao hasn't finished watching it yet, it has changed.

Another slide was switched, and the little tiger said, "The tiger hasn't finished watching yet."

After finishing speaking, everyone who was watching the ppt all looked at the child in Mr. Jiang's arms.

Jiang Chenyu lowered his head and asked, "Can you understand?"

The little guy shook his head, "I can understand photos."

Jiang Chenyu laughed and signaled for the meeting to continue, then he coaxed his son, "Dad asked you to watch the meeting after the meeting, please keep quiet first."

Because a foreign language was used in the narration, when the relevant person in charge expressed it in fluent English, the little tiger's eyes lit up, why would he be beeping?

"Father, Bao won't ba la ba la, you can teach you Bao." The little tiger stood up, put his arms around his father's neck, and acted like a baby in a low voice.

Because Dad said to keep him quiet, if there is a need to whisper to Dad, the little tiger really whispered.

Jiang Chenyu smiled and hugged his son, nodded, "Okay."

The expected two-hour meeting did not end within the scheduled time, and it took half an hour longer.

Because his son was present, Jiang Chenyu did not assign tasks and targets to each other, and Assistant He would contact him for details afterwards.

His darling son had something else to do when he hugged his neck just now, "Dad, Bao can't hold it anymore."

"The meeting is over."

Jiang Chenyu hugged his son and went to the bathroom.

Gu Nuannuan called her husband after school, "Hey, husband, is your meeting over yet?"

The little tiger hugged the phone, "Where, my meeting with Dad is over."

"Huh? Why are you holding my husband's cell phone, where is my husband?"

The little tiger said: "Your husband is putting pants on Bao, hee hee"

Jiang Chenyu pulled up his son's pants and took the phone away, "Hey, Xiaonuan. Today's meeting has been extended for half an hour. Are you out of school?"

"I'll go pick you up."

Gu Nuannuan had already walked to the side of the road holding a parasol, "No need husband, I'll take a taxi to find you two."

She got in the car and told the master the destination, "Jiang's Group", and then continued to make calls with her mobile phone, "Then you wait for me in the office, I will be there in about 20 minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chenyu took the phone and led his son back to the office. "How does it feel to have a meeting with Dad today?"

"Bao didn't understand."

"If you can understand, Dad will let you sit in this position."

"Father, you promised that Bao would look at the photos and learn to 咘咘咘啦~"

"Okay, go back to the office and watch, Dad will teach tonight."

The expected time came to the Jiang Corporation. As soon as he entered the company, he heard everyone talking about the president taking the young master to a meeting.

"You said my husband took Jiang Tianzhi to a meeting?" Gu Nuannuan also knew him well, so he joined in for a chat if he didn't know each other. Jiang Tianzhi's inheritance has a source.


Gu Nuannuan looks like a student, holding two books in her arms, wearing simple and clean clothes, her round face is even younger, standing there like a student, she never thought she was a child's mother. "So, my husband really took my tiger cub to a meeting today?"

Everyone nodded.

Gu Nuannuan immediately went upstairs to find the father and son.

As soon as I arrived at the door of the office, I heard a voice coming from the room, "Jiang Tianzhi, stand over for me."

"Dad, you listen to Bao, Bao will, Dad won't."

The little tiger curled up in his father's arms and taught him how to do the work.

The door opened, "Where are you coming?"

"Xiao Nuan, throw him away!"

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