Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1388: The dowry is almost moldy

The friend asked: "Commander, does sister-in-law know that this is the money you gave?"

"She's known it for years," said the Army Chief.

The other party was also puzzled, "The sister-in-law knew about it a long time ago, why did she suddenly refund the money now? Moreover, this time, the remittance cannot be made."

What did the Army Chief think of, "Hang up."

Without stopping, he dialed his ex-wife and asked, "Du Li, what do you mean?"

Mother Du sniffed her nose, wiped away her tears with a piece of paper, her throat was choked up, and she wanted to speak, but she couldn't make a sound when she opened her mouth, and she could only hear her sobbing on the phone.

The chief of the army frowned, holding the phone without urging, let alone yelling, and quietly waiting for her to adjust her mood.

After a few minutes, Mother Lu's voice came over, with a nasal tone, "I don't think it's necessary."

The army chief immediately raised his voice again. The men were marching, and the team was full of big men. His voice was still loud and clear, "It's unnecessary. I don't give you money, how do you live there?"

Mother Lu changed the subject, "How is your health?"

"Okay, I can't die." The Army Chief replied loudly.

The couple didn't continue talking, and the Army Chief could still hear his wife crying through the phone. He could think of the time when she had conflicts with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. He is also very distressed.

Knowing what happened, the mother wanted Du Li to have a son while she was young, "The old Lu family can't cut off the incense."

Due to Du Li's health, there is no way to reproduce. Only the husband and wife know about this. Later, I told my mother, but the mother-in-law didn't feel sorry for her daughter-in-law, and bullied Du Li even more.

Seeing his wife being wronged by the army chief, his mother did too much. He couldn't bear it anymore, packed his luggage overnight, hugged his daughter who had just walked back, and took his wife, "Go, take Yingying and follow me to the dormitory. This house will not return."

Later, Mother Lu also told her daughter, "Yingying, if your dad hadn't had a big fight with your grandma that night, holding you and holding me, I would rather walk and leave that house overnight, your dad and I would have left long ago. "

Every time the husband and wife quarreled, Mother Lu would always think of her husband's firm expression that night, in the cold weather, "If you can't have a baby, don't give birth, and no one wants to call the attention of divorce. If you mention it again, I will pick up the two of them." gone!"

Later, he really took his wife and daughter away overnight. When it was cold, he took off his military coat and let his wife and daughter wear it. He hurried on with his luggage.

The word husband and wife is always the most complicated and confusing.

"I heard Xiaobai say that you are doing a good job as a cashier outside." The Army Chief asked his ex-wife.

Lu's mother: "Xiaobai boasted indiscriminately, always made mistakes, and did not do well."

"Nonsense! Good is good, Xiaobai's mouth is not deceitful. Are you embarrassed with me?"

Mother Lu: "..."

The Army Chief held back for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence, "Teach me a lesson for so many years, come back. My daughter is getting married soon, and we are still fighting with children. It is not our country, and we have no sense of belonging. Our family Still here waiting for you."

Mother Lu covered her eyes and cried again.

The chief of the army didn't feel ashamed anymore when he started that. It was Bai Chen who said, "With your own wife, why are you embarrassed. She doesn't know about you, she hasn't seen it before."

The chief of the army felt that what this kid sometimes said was very reasonable, "We have been stumbling for half our lives. You know that I have a good face and don't want to admit it. You know in your heart that I am wrong, and I will correct it in the future. You must rise to Divorce, you thought it would be over in a few days, and you took your daughter to go abroad again."

Mother Lu didn't speak, it was the Army Chief who was talking. "...No one has had a hard time these years. I didn't call when I was angry, and you didn't ask me when you were angry. You let the girl in the middle pass the message back and forth. You said what the couple are doing like this, and you don't set a good example for the children at such a young age. "

Mother Lu's nasal voice was rough, "You agreed to divorce at the beginning."

"I, I was, I, Xiaoli, you didn't know me, I was so angry, we agreed that no one should talk about divorce if we quarreled in this life, but who proposed it?"

When the Chief of the Army was young, because his mother always wanted her son to divorce, and then found someone who could give birth to a son. The word "divorce" publicly said, "Whoever dares to say these two words, I will give them a hurry. You are my mother." Neither."

Those two words will hurt the wife and children. The Army Chief said that no one is allowed to mention those two words. Who knows, they didn't mention them, but Mother Lu couldn't bear to mention them that day.

His temper suddenly came up.

The two called in the middle of the night, and finally the army chief said again, "Come back."

Lu's mother's crying also stopped, but there was still a heavy voice in the back of her capsule, "I still have work here."

When the Army Chief heard it, "Do you want to work instead of home?"

Mother Lu: "..."

When Lu Ying was at work, she received a call from her mother, and she went to the side to answer, "Hello, Mom?"


Bai Chen went back to his home, wanting to see his parents.

Political commissar Bai works in the unit, and only Mrs. Bai is at home. Mrs. Bai asked her son, "Xiaobai, how is the matter with you and Yingying? The dowry is put in the bank card, and it is almost moldy."

Bai Chen: "Mom, your bank is fashionable and damp."

Suddenly, Lu Ying's phone was turned on, and Bai Chen saw, "Your daughter-in-law is calling, don't say anything."

Madam Bai cooperated in a second.

"Hey, Yingying, what's wrong?"

"What? My aunt is going back to China? Could it be that you told my aunt that you are pregnant and that my aunt is coming back to bring us a baby?"

Madam Bai's eyes lit up, "Son, son, you said Yingying is pregnant?"

In the tea room, Lu Ying cursed in a low voice, "Si Baichen, I was planning to ask you, are you scaring my mother with me, my mother is back?"


Next to Bai Chen was an excited Mrs. Bai, she only had the word "pregnant" in her ears, nothing else.

"Hurry up and tell Yingying and me after you finish speaking." Mrs. Bai went to check and **** her son's cell phone.

Bai Chen was shaken by his mother, and his arms were still holding the phone firmly, "If it wasn't the two of us, then it would be your father."

"My dad?" Lu Ying was incredulous, "You said my dad called my mom and reconciled?"

"Nine times out of ten, I'll go to your house to check on the news later. Just now, Mrs. Bai was still asking when I will give you the betrothal gift. It is stored in the bank card, and it will soon become moldy."

Lu Ying smiled lowly, showing shyness on his face, "What dowry is not a dowry, it hasn't reached this point yet."

The phone was snatched by Mrs. Bai, "Hey, Yingying, you must be careful."

When Lu Ying heard Mrs. Bai's misunderstanding, she explained with a smile, "Auntie, Bai Chen and I have nothing, um, really."

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