Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1389: Ning Er runs fast

Not knowing what Madam Bai said, Lu Ying smiled lowly, "Thank you, Auntie, Bai Chen and I will calm down."

"Don't calm down, listen to your aunt. If you are calm about this marriage, you won't be able to get married. Just get hotheaded and get the certificate. My aunt married Lao Bai back then, and it was a lightning marriage. What do you call young people now? ?”


"Yes, that's it. It's very exciting, Yingying. You and Xiaobai can experience it too. It doesn't cost money anyway."

Lu Ying chatted with Mrs. Bai for a while, "Auntie, I'm still at work. After get off work, I will go back to see you and uncle with Bai Chen."

"Okay! Yingying, you came here after get off work today, right? I still remember your favorite dishes, wait, I'll make them for you tonight."

So, Lu Ying had to go if he didn't.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ying's face was filled with a smile. She walked briskly, and her colleagues asked curiously when they saw her, "Sister Lu, is something good?"

"It's really not bad."

"It's either career or family. Is there any progress with your boyfriend?"

When people are happy, they will unnaturally share a lot, Lu Ying laughed, "He, he will return to the team soon."

"Yes, Sister Lu, your boyfriend is in the team. You get together less and leave more. How do you maintain this relationship?"

Lu Ying sighed happily, "If it goes well, this will be the next problem I face."

If the parents reconcile, she doesn't need to worry. Next, the matter between her and Bai Chen will also be put on the agenda.

The casual chat between Lu Ying and his colleagues did not expect to be heard by interested people, and it gave him an inspiration!

Director Ge squinted, and he looked outside.

Lu Ying's father was ill, and he was taken care of by adjutants. He heard that he had a high military rank, but he still had to listen to Lu Ying's father. Guess, Director Ge could also guess that Lu Ying's father was not an ordinary person.

She is a piece of meat and potatoes, throwing herself away, and she is an only child, whoever marries her, in the eyes of her parents, the son-in-law is another 'son'.

Since he is a 'son', why not help him?

Chasing Lu Ying, she never gave a chance.

Even when talking or meeting recently, it's a bit antiphonal to him. She refused many dinner appointments, and she also refused to attend a company dinner.

Sometimes when it passed, she also apologized with a glass of wine, and then went to the car, and the man went to pick her up.

There was even one time when he intentionally "ran into" Lu Ying at the restaurant where she often ate.

Knowing that Lu Ying has a preference for a little **** the 23rd floor, the two often go together, and Lu Ying will go over to give her a cup of afternoon tea.

Director Ge also saw that girl that day.

Unexpectedly, she is also beautiful, as beautiful as a forest elf.

Just looking at it, he was stunned for a moment, seeing the displeasure in the girl's eyes, "You can't sit next to my sister Lu, my uncle will be jealous, let's change seats."

Director Ge went over with the meal, but there was no place in the restaurant, so he went over and wanted to grab a table.

Since Ning'er and Lu Ying were sitting face to face, he could only choose to sit next to one, and naturally he wanted to sit next to Lu Ying.

As a result, as soon as the plate was put down, before sitting down, the girl opposite was upset.

She pushed her bowl from the other side of the table to Lu Ying's side, then got up and sat next to Lu Ying, her seat was free for Director Ge to sit.

"Then I won't be polite. I'm eating in front of these two beauties. Today's lunch is delicious even before I eat it."

Ning'er went home and told her boyfriend, Jiangsu: "Is he so disgusting?"

Ning'er nodded, but complained aggrievedly, "I didn't eat much at noon~ If I can't eat, I will be hungry in the afternoon."

Jiangsu pulled his girlfriend again that night, "Go out for supper. Look at my face and look good, eat more."

Ning'er hopped out the door.

That little girl has a boyfriend. When he secretly talked about Ning'er's family background and boyfriend, although Ning'er simply didn't understand, Lu Ying did. She returned the words without leaking, "Director Ge, in terms of personnel matters, you and I are not superior. Don't let us see the character of the other party. It will be embarrassing in the future."

Director Ge smiled embarrassingly, and then said: "Today's lunch, I invite two beauties."

When Ning'er heard this, she felt relieved and ran to the cashier to pay the bill.

Oh, only her and sister Lu.

Lu Ying looked at Xiao Ning'er with a smile on her lips.

If this little girl didn't rush to the restaurant every day after get off work to take up a seat, maybe she wouldn't have a seat to sit at every meal.

Now, this girl ran over like the wind again, and ran over like the wind again, "Thank you for your kindness, no need, sister Lu and I have already settled the bill."

When chatting, Gu Nuannuan said: "When I was an undergraduate, every day at noon, I would rub Ning'er's light. This girl ran all over the campus."

Miss Jiang appeared: "Can you believe that Xiao Ning'er is a road idiot just after school?"

Ning'er became thin-skinned, "Auntie, Auntie Lu, I'm so embarrassed~"

Director Ge knows that Lu Ying is not easy to chase. The only daughter is the daughter of a high-ranking official, so money and romance can't catch up with her. It might be useful to do something that moved her, but Director Ge and even his colleagues in the entire company knew nothing about Lu Ying's family, personality, and childhood experiences, so he couldn't do anything about it.

A conversation with a colleague today gave him an idea.

Yes, distance.

That man was going to return to the team, and Lu Ying was alone. If the two were in the same country, the chance of meeting was still controllable. What if Lu Ying returns to the overseas headquarters? She was transferred back from the headquarters.

Transferred back, Lu Ying still only had her and her mother over there, and they got back together again, so getting married would be a problem.

He is an officer, and he still has a certain rank. If he wants to marry a woman who lives and works abroad, I am afraid that the political trial will be very difficult.

After two years of delay, the two of them are not too young, not to mention that they are anxious, even their families will urge them. At that time, either sacrifice one party and get married. Either there is no fate in this life.

According to what I knew about Lu Ying, she was not a woman who would give up her job for others. Director Ge also understands men, it's so difficult, he has reached today's military rank step by step, and it is impossible for him to give up his future because of a woman.

Then it's just gone.

The ex who broke up is destined to be impossible to be together.

As long as Lu Ying is in a foreign country, he will also transfer there later. At that time, there is no threat around Lu Ying, and it is easy for him to pursue Lu Ying. Besides, she was not young at that time, and her parents would be anxious. Maybe her parents would be very satisfied with her appearance.

No matter how deep the relationship was at the beginning, in the end the person still belonged to her.

With Lu Ying in his hands, he will be on the rise in this life.

Thinking so, Director Ge took his mobile phone and contacted the people in the headquarters...

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