Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1390: Bai Chen who was bullied by the crowd

Bai Chen also found out, and he told Lu Ying, "Yingying, come to my house at night, you should take the dowry."

Lu Ying was taken aback for a moment, but didn't hear the implication, "Isn't it too late?"

"This is the time. Your parents' affairs are settled, and you said you will marry me. Find a time and arrange it quickly."

Lu Ying was pleasantly surprised, "Really?"

Bai Chen made a long sound of 'hmm', his happiness was no less than Lu Ying's, "Your mother doesn't want your father's money anymore, so you called your father because he was in a hurry. These two old people, secretly After making phone calls in the middle of the night, your mother decided to come back."

Lu Ying's happy hands were trembling, "Bai Chen, thank you."

"Thank you, no words of love?"

Lu Ying smiled, "I'm in the company."

"That's fine, I'll pick you up at night and tell me to my face."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Chen was about to marry his wife, he clenched his fist happily and almost punched the tree trunk in front of him twice.

The army chief's daughter-in-law was also watching when she came home, and he ate two extra bowls of lunch.

Bai Chen said, "Brothers, you guys are going ashore too."

Master Xi: "Have you taken the exam?"

Patriarch Nangong: "Aren't you going to the team?"

Bai Chen said: "Let's prepare some money, my big day will be during this time."

Master Xi of a certain army grinned at the corner of his mouth, "Are you drunk, are you still drunk?"

Bai Chen said, "Yingying will marry me soon."

A certain Patriarch: "Listen to you bragging here. When I was not the Patriarch, you said that Yingying wanted to marry you; when I became the Patriarch, you still said that Yingying wanted to marry you; Said that Yingying wants to marry you; I met Xiaxia and got married and gave birth to a girl. Now even my daughter is almost called father, but you still say that Yingying wants to marry you. The money will be given to you ten years ago Up to now, the money has depreciated, and Yingying hasn't married you yet."

Mr. Jiang appeared: "My son has already gone to school, and Yingying hasn't married you yet."

Yan Zhenyu: "Is the news of 'Yingying marrying you' accurate? Is it your wishful thinking and self-fantasy, or is it true?"

Bai Chen looked at one message after another, and he was annoyed, "When I get married, I'll keep all your money in my pocket, you brothers, I won't pay it anymore."

In the evening, Bai Chen appeared downstairs in the company, took Lu Ying's hand and went home. "Let's say that first."

"Which sentence?" Lu Ying smirked.

Bai Chen pulled the car and Lu Ying said, "Are you going to pay me back? Owe me to love me?"

Lu Ying smiled, one hand was held by Bai Chen, and she pushed Bai Chen's back with the other hand, "Okay, let's go, I love you."

Director Ge, who came out from behind, looked at the backs of the two laughing and cuddling together, and urgently called the headquarters again, "Hey, how did the headquarters decide on Lu Ying's personnel transfer? I reiterate that Lu Ying is only interested in love here. , She didn't work hard, she was passive and slowed down because of convenience, she went her own way here, and lost many big customers, I couldn't cooperate with her, I asked the headquarters to transfer her back. "

"Ge, we will investigate the situation you mentioned, please wait for the feedback from the headquarters."

Director Ge asked anxiously, "How long will it take?"

The other party replied: "This is not what you should ask."

Director Ge did not forget to say: "This is my private report, please allow me to remain anonymous."

The headquarters replied: "For the report, we will remain anonymous and will not disclose it."

After hanging up the phone, Director Ge was still worried. He returned to the car and contacted a few colleagues at the headquarters who had made good friends with him, "Hi, Pete, please do me a favor..."

On the way Bai Chen drove back to Bai's house, he handed the phone to Lu Ying and said, "This time, you have to vent your anger on me no matter what. Look in the group, what those people said about me."

Holding Bai Chen's mobile phone, Lu Ying casually flipped through the chat content of a group of men in the group chat, and found that Bai Chen was being targeted by the group, she smiled and said: "I was talking about reunion, not marrying you. That's right."

Bai Chen said carelessly: "If we get back together again, what's the point of falling in love? After talking for so many years, you still haven't gotten enough of it."

Lu Ying smiled and clicked on the voice sent by Nangong Zi in the group chat, there was Xiao Yuanyuan's "Baba" pronunciation, and Nangong Zi's voice, "Oh, Xiaobai, did you hear me, my daughter will call Dad, Yingying hasn't married you yet."

Lu Ying was surprised, "Xiao Yuanyuan will call her daddy now."

"That's not calling dad, it's just that the lips touched right, it doesn't count." Colonel Bai was not convinced.

Also because of the little round girl

When we arrived at Bai's house, it turned out that everything on the table was Lu Ying's favorite food.

Before leaving, Mrs. Bai insisted on giving the dowry because she was afraid that the daughter-in-law would run away again.

Because neither of his parents was present, Lu Ying did not accept it. At night, Lu Ying returned to his home.

Seeing his daughter come back, the Army Chief felt a little better, "I haven't decided yet, so I'll go to someone else's house for dinner, and leave your father alone for dinner."

Lu Ying walked beside her father, and she bent down to look at the Army Chief's unconcealable happiness, "Bai Chen has eaten with you so many times, I will go this time. Dad, do you know that my mother is coming back?" "

The chief of the army turned his face and said stiffly, "I don't care if I come back or not."

Lu Ying raised her eyebrows, she did not expose her father.

That night, Lu Ying slept soundly.

In Bai Chenmeng, both his and Lu Ying's children were born.

If Lu's mother came back from overseas, she would have a lot of luggage and couldn't transport it all at once. Lu Ying still wanted to go back and help her mother.

For the first time, Bai Chen and the Army Chief refused to let her go back on the united front, because they were afraid that there would be some changes in the mother and daughter's things over there, and no one would come back.

"However, my mother doesn't know how to send luggage by herself," Lu Ying said.

Bai Chen pointed at Lu Ying, "Leave it to me, you are not allowed to go. I went to borrow a plane with the surname Jiang at night. I didn't believe it, and the special plane couldn't be brought back."

Lu Ying: "..."

Lu Ying didn't insist anymore, and made a phone call with her mother, "Mom, Bai Chen will send someone to pick you up." "Well, I won't go there, my father and Bai Chen are afraid that we will not come back when we go out What about your work?" "My dad really said that?"

The phone came in suddenly, "Mom, I won't talk to you first, I'm calling. It's from the company's headquarters."

This phone call made Lu Ying feel a little uneasy.

She got through anyway. "Hello, Fielding."

"Lu, our headquarters is currently conducting a simple survey on the lives of overseas employees in preparation for later job transfers. Please be sure to answer truthfully."

Lu Ying went to the safe passage alone, "Okay, I will."

"Uh, you were single when you went to Dongguo, what about now?"

Lu Ying: "No."

"That is to say, have you found a new boyfriend in Dongguo?"

Lu Ying replied: "I have always had a boyfriend here. I have been in love for 12 years and I am not new."

Fielding asked again: "Does this relationship take up your energy in your day-to-day work?"

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