Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1391: Ning'er, happy to unhappy


"You agreed to transfer back to Dongguo to work, is it related to your boyfriend?"

Lu Ying: "It is undeniable that he is one of the factors. My father's health and the orders issued by the company's senior management are the reasons why I came back to work."

"Well, if you could choose to stay in Dongguo to continue working or return to the headquarters, which would you choose?"

Lu Ying: "Stay here."

"What if the company issues an order?"

Lu Ying: "So has the company issued it now? If not, I don't like doing 'what if' questions."

"Okay, let's talk about work matters." Fielding asked: "Kehui Group, which has been cooperating with us for a long time, failed to meet the indicators last quarter. You are responsible for this. What do you want to say? ?"

Lu Ying smiled, "The headquarters must have heard something from other people. I have nothing to say. If Kehui Group is dissatisfied with the company, you can contact me directly. But there is no need for colleagues to be dissatisfied with me. Do these little tricks behind your back."

Fielding heard what Lu Ying meant, and guessed that she seemed to realize that someone was reporting her behind her back. In order to protect the 'informant', she quickly said: "Honey, this is just an ordinary investigation, please don't take it to heart. superior."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ying returned to the company. She looked directly at Director Ge, and the two of them happened to meet.

Director Ge panicked for a moment, blinked his eyes quickly, then nodded to Lu Ying pretending to be calm, and went back to the office.

Lu Ying was sitting at the workstation, and a colleague beside her asked her, "Sister Lu, what's the matter, I see you are in a bad mood."

Lu Ying: "It's okay, it's a routine phone call from the headquarters."

After she finished speaking, she purposely glanced in Director Ge's direction.

When Director Ge returned to the office, he had already guessed seven or eight in his heart, knowing that the headquarters had started an investigation.

Next, he has to prepare materials and graft the faults of some employees on Lu Ying, because it is not serious, and Lu Ying's employment information is abroad, so even if there is a mistake, at most he was sent back by the headquarters, not Will be expelled from abroad.

After doing this, Director Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and sent the materials he had compiled to his friend's mailbox.

When eating at noon, Lu Ying went directly to the restaurant opposite the company to find the happy Xiao Ning'er.

"Sister Lu, come quickly, and serve us all the noodles."

Lu Ying put down her bag and sat down, "What's the matter, making our little Ning'er so happy?"

Ning'er took a bite of the noodles, and she said happily, "My brother Xiao Su told me this morning that he will accompany me home to see my brother when he is free this week."

Ning Er didn't take it seriously when there were small frictions in her happy work. Ning Er didn't forget to care about Lu Ying who was opposite her when she was happy. Seeing that her appetite was not as good as before, and she had something on her mind, Ning Er asked directly: "Sister Lu?" , you don’t look very happy today, did Uncle Xiaobai make you angry? Tell me, I’ll order him~”

Lu Ying was laughed at by Ning'er, "Why do you order him?"

"I learned from my aunts and aunts. If uncles and uncles make them angry, tell each other's husbands through the mouths of good friends, let uncles and uncles realize that they are wrong, and go to aunts and aunts.

Sister Lu, tell me what Uncle Bai did and you are unhappy, so I will turn around and tell Uncle Bai to coax you. "

Ning'er's little eyes, no one else has seen it yet, she said it all stupidly.

The haze in Lu Ying's heart was immediately wiped out by Ning'er's little sun. She laughed loudly, "It's not your Uncle Bai, it's the headquarters that called me today, saying that I'm not serious about work, suspecting that I'm in love and delaying work, and came to investigate me."

Ning'er is stupid when she should be stupid, and smart when her brain should be on the line. She was angry first, "Impossible, Sister Lu has always separated her life and work, and has never influenced each other. Did someone report you? ?

You work in City Z, and the headquarters doesn't know your work situation, so how can they know your work attitude? Someone must have reported it. "

Sure enough, some friends complained that the mood would be much better. Lu Ying didn't want to eat just now, but now he and Ning'er were chatting and eating, and eating unnaturally, "You see, you also thought of it, I just received I felt abnormal on the phone, and the more I listened to it, the more I felt something was wrong, and someone reported it."

Ning'er lost her appetite, she was worried, "Sister Lu, do you have anyone you suspect?"

Lu Ying nodded, "There is only one person who has the contact information of the high-level headquarters."

Ning'er heard it all at once, and she became anxious, "Sister Lu, doesn't he like you, why?"

Lu Ying urged Ning'er a few words, "It's because of human nature. Maybe there are opportunities for promotion between companies? Or maybe it's something else, anyway, to achieve a certain purpose."

Ning'er ate two mouthfuls and said sullenly, "Sister Lu, will you be punished?"

"Not at all. The company will investigate things I haven't done, but I'm afraid..."

Ning'er looked at Lu Ying nervously, "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm worried that the headquarters will transfer me back."

Ning'er was the first to object, "No, you are about to become my aunt. If you go back, my aunt will fly~"

Lu Ying laughed again, "Silly girl, what I'm talking about is that the worry has not come true. Hurry up and eat, your noodles are lumpy."

Ning'er absent-mindedly ate the noodles in her bowl.

At the company in the afternoon, Ning'er was also a little distracted, struggling with things.

After get off work, Ning'er went to his studio in Jiangsu to find him. She struggled with you and said, "Brother Xiao Su, I have something I don't know what to do."

Jiangsu helped the staff debug the computer, then got up, and ordered, "Follow this code and do it again, and if you still make mistakes, find the fat brother."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and held Ning'er's hand, went back to the office, and closed the door, "Talk to Brother Xiao Su, what is it that troubles my little girl again?" Ning'er, who rarely came to the company, also It's not a weekend, so I ran over.

Ning'er sat on the stool, "It's Sister Lu's business, I don't know if I should tell Uncle Bai."

Ning'er told her boyfriend what she learned at noon, "Sister Lu is talking about the possibility, not the final result. I'm afraid that spreading lies will affect the relationship between Uncle Bai and Sister Lu, and I'm afraid that I won't tell Uncle Bai. One day, neither Sister Lu nor Uncle Bai will have a chance to respond."

Jiangsu laughed, "Then do you want to tell?"

Ning'er nodded.

Jiangsu: "Then say it!"

Ning'er worried: "What if,"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Uncle Bai is in his dozen years, so such a trivial matter is nothing to him."

Ning'er took out her mobile phone, "Then I'll send a letter to Uncle Bai right away."

She carefully edited the language and sent it to Bai Chen.

At the same time, Yenan Villa.

The message on Baichen's phone popped up, he picked it up and looked, "Yingying, my undercover agent told me what you just told me."

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