There is one exception to watching a play. The little tiger who hadn’t slept enough to pretend to be crying just now didn’t like watching by the window, so he went out alone and stood under the eaves to watch the battle between his grandpa, aunt and mother at a close distance.

He is the "crowd" in the first row of moviegoers.

Mr. Jiang was in a stalemate, and said angrily, "I'm so mad."

The little tiger under the eaves shouted, "Grandpa, I'm not mad."

As soon as he shouted, Xiaolong looked down, where is his brother?

Jiang Chenyu also found out later, "When did he run out?"

The mayor and his wife looked out in shock, "Why is the tiger outside."

Mr. Jiang pointed to his little grandson, "I am your father."

At this time, Jiang Chenyu went out.

The little tiger raised his head and asked his father with a ignorant face, "Dad, what is your father?"

Before explaining, the little **** was slapped by his father first. "That's rude."

Later, it was Mr. Jiang who compromised, "Let's all put down the 'weapons' in our hands and negotiate a peace, okay?"

Nuan Wazi: "Dad, you give your crutch to my husband."

"I'll leave it to the steward."

"No." Nuan Wazi refused, "The butler is of one mind with you, and definitely with you. Give it to my husband."

"Nuan'er, why don't you give me Brother Su?" Jiang Momo yelled to communicate with her sisters through her father.

Nuan Wazi also yelled: "Because you Su Ge is our father's son-in-law, the son-in-law dare not refute what the father-in-law said. Our father can also order. Give it to my husband, my husband is the most serious, our father dare not order."

Father Jiang was provoked, "Who, who said, I dare not order Jiang Chenyu. Then, Jiang Chenyu is your husband, and everyone knows that your husband loves you the most. If I give it to him, you can ask him again. , he gave it to you. It's not fair."

Gu Xiaonuan pursed her lips and said awkwardly: "Hey, then my husband loves me so much, what can I do~"

The smile on Jiang Chenyu's face deepened.

"My Brother Su loves me the most too." Miss Jiang roared.

Team Su also had a smile on his face.

Elder Jiang couldn't listen anymore, and said one by one, "Aihua, you are the fairest in our family, you come out."

Wei Aihua was laughing, but was suddenly called by his father, and the laughter stopped immediately, "Me?"

Later, Wei Aihua and his wife went out and confiscated Mr. Jiang's crutches, put the pagoda in Gu Nuannuan's hand back to its original position, and put the bonsai in Jiang Momo's hand on the stone table.

The father and daughter said, "Dad, let's not shake hands and make peace."

Mr. Jiang: "Who cares to shake hands with you two, hum."

He went back to the living room to play with his two little grandchildren.

It was quiet for not even an hour.

There was no one in the living room of the Jiang family, and everyone went to the yard.

"Dad, according to the rules, let's write the punishment first, and then start the badminton match. Whoever loses will be punished, and whoever wins will be rewarded. Is that okay?" Gu Nuannuan was writing everyone's punishments and rewards with a notebook.

Mr. Jiang held a badminton racket and stretched his body, "Your dad won't lose. When I was at work, I said second and no one dared to say first."

Jiang Momo: "Father, don't brag for a while, Nuaner will knock down your bragging in a while, it's not easy."

Elder Jiang wanted to talk to his daughter again, "Jiang Momo, you don't feel angry with your father for a day, do you think you can't make it through this day?"

Jiang Momo nodded honestly, "Yes, otherwise, why would my Su family's parents look forward to the weekend every day and drive me back?"

Gu Nuannuan was writing punishments and rewards, "Husband, you start first. What punishment do you want if you lose?"

"Can't I win?"

Gu Xiaomao smiled at her husband, "Husband, you probably won't win, but you can say it."

"We won, Xiao Nuanbao must listen to me." Mr. Jiang said.

Gu Xiaonuan lowered her head and wrote, "Husband, there is a time limit for Xiao Nuanbao to be obedient, only one day, otherwise I will be too bad. What if you lose?"

"You can write whatever you want."

Gu Xiaonuan wrote punishment on it with a smile.

Turned around and went to someone else to write, "Sister-in-law, it's your turn."

Little Tiger and Little Qinglong hugged a badminton racket each, looking at the small hole, the little fingers of the two children stuck in it.

I don’t know how to use it. The two children tried to shovel the soil with a badminton racket. They didn’t shovel it up. They saw the badminton placed on the ground. , So the two children went to play.

The kick was not smooth, and the two children stepped on it again.

The butler hurried over and rescued the shuttlecock.

"Tiger, Long Bao, come here, it's time to write about your punishment."

The little tiger can also understand, "Why should Bao be punished?"

"Because there is a penalty for losing the game."

Little Tiger rolled his eyes, "What if Bao wins?"

Gu Xiaonuan had a funny little smart look, "Impossible, I will never let you win."

"Hmph~ Bao will win."

"Children are really innocent."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xiaonuan wrote in his notebook, "Then if you lose, you will have to speak '咘咘咘啦' for a day tomorrow. If you win, you will have to speak English for a day tomorrow, okay?"

The little tiger nodded foolishly, "Okay~"

Mr. Jiang looked at the fooled little grandson and said, "Why did you inherit your aunt's brain now?"

Confused Jiang Momo: "...Dad, do you want a lawyer to sever the relationship between father and daughter?"

The teams are divided, and the game starts one by one.

Because there are too many people in the family, Gu Nuan Nuan can't make a group. Jiang Momo went over and said, "Nuaner, let's make a group according to the rules of the hidden pile."

Hidden pile?

Before the little tiger came to his mother's side, his father slipped him into his arms and covered his little mouth so that he could only murmur.

Although, the son may not remember that the hidden pile is his own, but if he is not afraid of ten thousand, he is really afraid of it.

Gu Xiaonuan was worried, "But I didn't arrange for the hidden stakes, and I don't know how to do it."

Jiang Momo winked at her good sister, "Hmm~"

With a look, Gu Nuannuan understood again, "Yes, my husband will."

"Husband~" Gu Xiaonuan turned around, "Why are you covering your son's mouth? Come here and do me a favor."

Boss Jiang's heart was beating wildly, he put down his son, and handed the phone to his son, "Go and video chat with your uncle."

He passed by, and the match was also against Jiang Chen's imperial volleyball team.

It is obviously a cold autumn, but the courtyard is still warm.

The cool evening weather made everyone wrap up their coats.

The autumn sunset is endless, and occasionally a few wild geese fly by, and I can't help but look down at Jiang's courtyard.

"Husband, give it to me."

"Father, look at me."

"Aihua, catch the ball and run slowly."

Little Tiger and Little Qinglong got in the way, "Father, let Bao play."

There was no end to the quarrel, Jiang Chenyu picked up his son, the little tiger insisted on grabbing the racket, and the racket was given to him, but he hit himself on the head twice with himself, and cried down.

The badminton was in the yard, flying from east to west, Gu Nuannuan watched with eyes, and swung the ball back with a long arm.

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