Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1398: Mayor Jiang's decision is opposed by the whole family

Wei Aihua was exhausted, so he sat on the side to rest, silently taking videos for his son to share.

Jiangsu, who was eating at Ning's house, saw the video on his mobile phone, "This time, the old man has encountered a hard problem."

Ning'er rubbed Ah Shu and looked over, "Wow, aunt and aunt are playing badminton, and grandpa can catch it too."

Ah Shu was standing on his sister's lap, and he also saw Brother Hu and Brother Long who were "doing chores" in the video, but it was a pity that he hadn't seen each other for a long time, and he didn't remember them either.

"Sister Nuan participated in the tennis competition in junior high school and won the gold medal. At that time, she was approached by the national team, because Sister Mo and I didn't go, and she didn't want to play, so she didn't go in the end. Don't watch her fight every day. , Many of the events she participated in when she was a child won awards. She can’t run 800 meters, but she can win the first place in 1,000 meters. It depends on whether she wants it or not.”

When the Gu family raises a daughter, they raise it towards not being bullied. Who knew that Gu Xiaonuansheng's cute, round face often made everyone unable to see her true nature.

Mr. Jiang was tired a long time ago. He was afraid that he would be ashamed if he lost, and he persisted for a while. Finally, he lost his energy and put down his arms. "It can't be done, this warm boy is quite good."

Jiang Momo also stopped cooking a long time ago, "Dad, why don't you think about it, why did my sister choose badminton? I told you earlier, be careful of your warm child, she was almost picked by the national team when she played tennis. Let's go. And your Nuanwazi played badminton at first, but changed to tennis later."

Jiang Chenyu looked at his little soft cat and raised his eyebrows. Today's wife's ability really surprised him. He didn't expect that the little wife was so good when she was a child.

Nuan Wazi was sweating, and his back was soaked with sweat, "Dad, you can fight quite well. This time I believe you are the number one in the unit."

Mayor Jiang hasn't been active like this for a long time. He turned around and stretched his arms, "It's been a long time since I've been so comfortable. It's good to move around a bit. Nuannuan, why don't we have an exercise day every week in the future, and you'll be in charge of it?" "

Mr. Jiang was the first to refuse, "No."

It's rare for Jiang Momo to unite with her father, "Brother, you really don't feel tired. Nuaner, come on, I won't be able to get to work if I beat my elder brother."

"That's right, Nuanzi, come on." Father Jiang urged.

Gu Xiaonuan was at home, sitting cross-legged on the ground, she was also tired, "Son, come here and lean on mom."

The little tiger walked over obediently after he was done, and was hugged and leaned on by his mother.

"I'm tired too, and now I just want to lie on the ground and sleep." Gu Nuannuan hugged her son and said to her family.

Jiang Chenyu went over and pulled his wife, "Lean on me."

The little tiger patted the back of his father's hand, "Dad, where do you rely on Bao~ don't rely on you."

"Be careful that your mother doesn't make you grow taller."

Little Tiger: "...Then Mom, you can rely on Dad, and let Mom rely on you when Bao grows taller. If Bao is short, he won't win fights in the future, so he won't be able to protect Mom~"

When the voice fell, everyone laughed.

In the evening of autumn, there is a cool breeze, but the Jiang family is warm and pleasant.

Jiang Chenyu felt that 'Nuannuan' was his family's little Nuanbao.

When the street lights are on, the whole family gathers together, with the old and the young living together, which is actually quite good.

The elderly are blessings, and children are treasures.

Husband and wife, lovers who accompany each other for a lifetime.

Dinner was ready long ago, and the butler watched everyone sitting there resting, so he didn't bother.

Instead, when the time was almost up, the butler went over and called everyone to have dinner.

At the dining table, although the little tiger was in the way today, he was also exhausted. After all, he needs physical strength.

"Tiger, did you lose or win today?"

The little tiger, who was burying his head in the bowl and eating big mouthfuls, lifted his face from the bowl, with rice grains still sticking to his cheeks, "Mom, Bao doesn't know either." He spoke, with unfinished meat in his mouth .

"Then do you want to say 咘咘咘啦 tomorrow, or do you want to speak English?"

The little tiger only realized now, isn't it all the same.

Realizing being cheated, the parents' self-"punishment" is that tomorrow the whole family will accompany the little tiger to speak English.

Elder Jiang: "Nanzi, why don't you take the tiger back to Yenan Villa tomorrow, and come back after tomorrow."

Taking a bath at night is exhausting. Su Linyan wants his wife to stretch, fearing that her muscles will be sore tomorrow. At home, Miss Jiang adheres to the principle of not moving an inch if she can, so she is very lazy. Today I have been exercising all the time, I am afraid that she will be "Brother Su" in everything tomorrow.

However, Miss Jiang was tired after eating, took a bath, handed over her son to her husband, and she lay down on the bed.

"Brother Su, Brother Su, Brother Su"

Start screaming now.

Su Lin said, "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to pick up the water."

Su Linyan threw his son on the bed and went downstairs to fetch water for the mother and son.

Gu Nuannuan took a bath and lay on the bed, "It seems to be reborn. The sweat sticks to my body, and it's so uncomfortable. I don't know that my son goes to school every day, it's dirty, he feels uncomfortable."

The little tiger climbed over, "Mom, Bao is not uncomfortable."

"So you are a little dirty bag." Gu Nuannuan turned around and hugged her growing son, "Tiger, you will not be the only president who has no cleanliness in the future, right?"

"You can't do this. If you don't pay attention to personal hygiene, then you won't be able to become a heartthrob boss in the future. Your father is like this. Don't let your mother grow into a general's belly upstart in the future."

Gu Nuannuan really couldn't imagine how her son would grow up in the future, she shook her head on the bed, "No, no, son, you have to restrain yourself and be like your father."

The little tiger looked at his mother shaking his head, and he also shook his head to play.

"You still refuse?"

Mr. Jiang entered the door and saw the movement of the mother and son, "What are you two talking about?"

At night, Gu Xiaomao was very worried, "Husband, you said that your son loves to eat, gossips, and doesn't pay attention to personal hygiene and appearance. What if he won't be handsome at all in the future?"

The little tiger listened between his parents, and his parents talked about him.

He looked sideways at his father.

Jiang Chenyu looked down at his son's immature and cute little face, and at his wife's round and tender face, "I won't be ugly, the genes are here."

Exercise in the afternoon makes you fall asleep early at night.

The Lu family is not asleep yet.

Mother Lu and Father Lu don't know how to arrange their bedrooms.

Bai Chen, the son-in-law-to-be, hasn't left yet, "I've slept in one room for decades, so why be shy now?"

Lu Ying glared at him, "Well, Mom and Dad, I'm going to see Bai Chen off. Tonight, I'll go back to the company to work overtime."

After speaking, she pushed Bai Chen out. "What are you talking about? My parents are still divorced."

"I'm not in the same house tonight, and I'm still divorced tomorrow." Bai Chen told the truth, "The paper on the window is torn, I'm afraid I won't be able to remarry sooner."

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