Bai Chen took Lu Ying by his hand, and patted her mosquitoes along the way, "Take me back to the mansion, go upstairs and sit down. Don't even think about going to your company, the guy named Ge, before I leave, I'll take care of him sooner or later."

Lu Ying looked at Bai Chen, hesitant to speak, "Bai Chen, there is something I want to hear from you."

Bai Chen pulled Lu Ying and walked slowly, "Tell me, I'll analyze it for you."

That night, Lu Ying returned home very late. After returning home, she quietly asked the adjutant what his parents did in the end.

The adjutant replied in a low voice: "Yingying, master took the luggage of master and wife back to the master bedroom on his own initiative. He also said that the Civil Affairs Bureau is on duty, so he went to get the certificate."

Lu Ying smiled happily, "That's good, you go to bed earlier, I'll go back."

The next day, the Jiang family.

Quiet like never before.

The little tiger wants to eat grapes, so he scratches his own fluff, how do you say grapes in English?

He found his mother and described it in English, "Small, red, edible, grapes, not grapes."

Gu Xiaonuan regretted it at the moment, because she didn't understand what her son meant.

Miss Jiang was also very quiet today, and once wanted to go back to the Su family to be free. However, she also wanted to train her son, so she could only bear to stay at her mother's house.

Well, she really hurt her arm today and couldn't lift it up. If she wanted to ask Brother Su to get something, she needed a mobile phone translator. The pronunciation was not standard, so I finally edited a paragraph on my mobile phone, translated it into English, and then called my husband in English, "Brother Su, come here."

Facing his son's description, Gu Nuannuan and his son scratched their hair in the same motion, "Honey, can you be more specific?"

The little tiger blinked in a daze, and it was over, and the little baby couldn't understand again.

Communication is a two-way process, not only to be able to express clearly, but also to be able to hear the meaning of the other party clearly.

Mr. Jiang couldn't hold back at home, wanted to go out, and had to use English to call his old friends, "Chen, shall we go out for tea?"

Old Chen was shocked: "What? Which country are you in?"

"my home."

Old Chen went to rescue his old brother, Jiang Lao sat in Chen Lao's car and left his house, he let out a sigh of relief, "Finally I can talk, my Nuanwazi said last night that everyone should speak English to accompany my two little grandchildren .It’s too much for us today, hurry up and go out.”

"Then you won't say it in private, you have to be so honest?" Old Chen asked.

Mr. Jiang said seriously, "How can I do that? I promised my child, I have to control myself. I can run away, but I can't say nothing."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Jiang shook his arms, "Hurry up and find a place, let me rest, my whole body hurts."

Old Chen: "What did you do yesterday?"

"It's game."

Old Chen: "...have you won the championship?"

Mr. Jiang: "It's all my fault that my father is too loving. The championship is left to my children to compete."


Hearing the excitement of the Jiang family yesterday in the car, Mr. Chen laughed out loud, he was really envious. Mr. Jiang couldn't believe it: "Only my group of rebellious sons and grandchildren, is there anyone who envies me?"

The little tiger couldn't help but want to speak Mandarin several times, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Jiang Chenyu coughed twice.

The little tiger covered his mouth and called his uncle.

However, to call my uncle, I have to communicate in English, and he doesn't even know how to ask.

Xiao Qinglong was the youngest, he couldn't control himself, he patted Jiang Momo's arm with his little hand when his mother said something he didn't understand, "Mom?"

Jiang Momo asked her son in English, "Long, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Qinglong shook Jiang Momo again, "Mom? Talk to me."

Jiang Momo: "..."

The Jiang family had a rough day.

In the Lu family, Bai Chen came to the door again and again, taking care of the matter of his father-in-law and mother-in-law properly, and then he went to the army commander's study uninvited, "Uncle, go get the certificate with my aunt tomorrow." .”

The Army Chief looked at Bai Chen, who was doing nothing good, and he knew what he was holding back.

"The two of us are leaving next week, old leader, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge, you, your wife is back, what about mine?"

The Army Chief was embarrassed by Bai Chen's words, "You, keep your voice down, why are you talking so loudly. Whoever crossed the river with you to build a bridge, doesn't there still be time?"

Bai Chen sat on the army commander's sofa, "Then you give me a guarantee, before we return to the team, can this matter be done."

Lu Ying went out with her mother, and she hadn't come home for a long time. Mother Lu was a little strange to the family.

However, in the past few years, the changes in the home are changing with each passing day, the pace of construction has never stopped, the development of science and technology has brought convenience to people, and diversified activities have enriched people's lives.

Maybe people who have lived in Z city for a long time don't feel anything when they see the changes around them day by day, but after leaving home for many years, they will feel very disappointed when they come back to look at everything at home. "I don't even know each other anymore."

"Z city has also built the largest ecological park, not far from our house, it takes 15 minutes to drive there, I will take you there for a walk in the evening. The air is good, the environment is beautiful, and there is a big tiger sign. Recently, there are many People set up tents and camp there." Lu Ying chatted.

Mother Lu: "Are you still driving Xiaobai's car?"

Lu Ying nodded, "He said that if he returns to the team, he will leave this car at home for me to drive, so that I can save myself the money to buy a car."

Mother Lu laughed, "When do you plan to meet and have dinner with the Bai family?"

When going to work in the Civil Affairs Bureau, the first certificate is for the Army Chief.

With the card in hand, he hasn't returned home yet, Bai Chen drove the car, "Why are you going back, Lao Bai didn't go to work today, he's waiting in the restaurant."

"Yingying isn't here."

Lu Ying received a call at the company, "What?"

She stood up in shock.

At the same time, they all looked at her.

At noon, Ning'er was listless even after eating, sitting in the dining room alone, poking at the noodles, eating two mouthfuls, and looking out of the window discouraged. Sister Lu stopped eating with her, and she suddenly felt that the food was not tasty by herself.

Lu Ying was also worried about her little girlfriend when she got engaged, so she called Ning'er when she went out, "Hello, Ning'er."

"Sister Lu~ Have you eaten yet?"

"Ning'er, it's time to call you Sister and Aunt Lu." Bai Chen said to Ning'er by Lu Ying's side with a faint smell of alcohol on his body.

Ning'er's mournful face unfolded at a speed visible to the naked eye when she heard these words, and she raised the corners of her mouth and laughed, "Uncle Bai, sister Lu is coming home to get engaged today?"

Lu Ying also smiled, "Yes, you little girl, did you get your wish?"

"I got my wish, I really got my wish, Sister Lu, no, Aunt Lu, you finally became my aunt, I'm so happy, I wish my uncle and aunt a long time."

"Little girl, eat quickly."

Ning'er nodded happily, hung up the phone, and she called Jiangsu in a second. "Hello, brother Su."

Jiangsu lowered his voice, and his tone was rare, and said to her: "Ah, I have something to do outside, I will call you later."

Ning'er hung up the phone, looked at the phone and waited for her boyfriend to call back, but didn't eat a few mouthfuls.

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