Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 147 Everyone has his own ambitions (joint chapter)

[Armor Craftsman 9→10 (Basic)]

Three pieces of metal nails are placed side by side on the surface of the plate-making table. They are as thick as fingernails and as big as a face plate.

A black piece, which Lu Meng made yesterday.

The sales of the second piece were not much better than the first piece, but when Lu Meng forged it, it was a success without using any extra iron.

When building the third piece, Lu Meng had some new ideas. He failed several times during the attempt, but accumulated a lot of experience. The quality of the final product was far superior to the previous two pieces.

Judging from the appearance, it has a uniform thickness and a smooth surface with no cracks. If a new apprentice could produce such a work, his master would not have the heart to criticize him.

Who would have thought that this piece of armor was just made by a newcomer who had just picked up the sledgehammer for only two days.

As the [Armor Craftsman] skill has been upgraded to "Basic", Lu Meng's next process of forging armor will become smoother and smoother.

But he was still a little dissatisfied.

Time flies, and most of the new day has passed.

"There are two pieces left. At this rate, it will take at least night to prepare all the armor plates."

Tomorrow is the final stay period specified on the license plate.

Lu Meng still needs to assemble and smelt the prepared armor pieces on the heavy armor forging table to make the shaped armor.

This is a new challenge.

What he chose was the simplest "heart protection goggles", the process was not complicated, and the sand bandits loved to wear this thing.

But the time required is there.

Time was tight, but Lu Meng did not immediately build the remaining two pieces of armor.

He leaned back on the chair, as if resting, while looking at his long room.

On this day, Huo Buyang had ordered a wooden door and installed it on the longhouse.

Thick wooden boards were spliced ​​together, and steel bars were wound up and down into several turns to tightly bind them.

Compared with the previous iron gate, there is no air leakage anymore, and it also blocks the view from the outside looking in.

When you are "finished", you can then use steel plates to reinforce and transform the inside.

It was still difficult to repair the collapsed roof, so we had to buy a few huge canvases and hang them with ropes to temporarily cover the hole above our heads.

This way the sand blowing from outside will not fall into the house.

These Lumeng workbenches are not very precise machine tools, but they will still wear out slowly after being exposed to the outside environment for a long time.

It will also be convenient to clean up in the future.

Now the garbage and weeds in the longhouse have been cleared away, but nothing can be done about the building ruins. It is not convenient to transport large pieces of rubble and bricks outside, so they are temporarily piled in a corner of the longhouse to keep the overall tidiness.

The floors and walls will also need to be repaired in the future.

These tasks were mainly completed by Li Liu, Salik and several of her companions.

The adventurers have completed their repairs, and are ready to go whether it is materials, physical strength or spirit.

These people still have to go to the west coast of the mainland.

It is called "dregs", and there are many remains of facilities from the old world. Nowadays, they can only be mined as abandoned iron materials. It can also be regarded as a good iron ore producing area.

Some ancient laboratories are hidden among them.

You can also investigate the situation of the Western Hive Tribe on the spot. Including Lu Meng, they all had doubts about why there was a sudden "inundation of dead bees".

"Although according to what you said, the original hive villages on the route to the Valley of Vanity may have become foggy and very dangerous, but we can go through Admark, the capital of the Shark Kingdom, and then go straight to the garbage land." Salik conveyed to his companions their thoughts.

The Valley of Vanity is a narrow valley running east-west, straddling the Kingdom of Shaq and the Dregs.

The adventurers originally planned to go west along the Valley of Vanity and use the Hive Tribe to obtain supplies.

Now it's changed to the towns of the Shark Kingdom, and it's the same, except that it takes a detour, and finally it has to go north through a section of the Valley of Vanity that may be full of fog people.

This route is much safer than the previous plan.

They also have experience dealing with the Fog Men.

Salik knows.

If Lu Beiyou hadn't reminded them, they might have plunged into the foggy crowd to take a bath.

It would be better to die at the hub.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and Lu Meng naturally had no objection to this plan - it was their choice.

He finally gave some guidance and reminded us of some issues that needed to be paid attention to along the way.

Consider it a farewell.

Although Lu Meng is also happy to see the scenery of the garbage land with his own eyes, he is not an adventurer after all - these people have a free and easy life and death in their blood.

After all, living in the wasteland.

Maybe one day, the whole world will be over again.

It's better to get drunk today than to have wine in the morning, and have some fun while you're still alive.

Tell the truth.

The greatest stimulation a person can feel is between life and death.

But for Lu Meng.

Not being afraid of death and taking the initiative to die are two different things.

The world outside is full of dangers, and it is better to cheat and crush them than to take advantage of them.

For example, if you can have a steel legion composed of heavily armored men, let alone the garbage land, where in the world can you not go?

"If there is one," Lu Meng thought, "it's probably in outer space."

[C-level module: rapid manufacturing (3 times) 00:00:01]

[C-level module: rapid manufacturing (3 times) 00:00:00]

[C-level module: Rapid manufacturing (3 times) installed]

Changes on the panel interrupted his thoughts.

The 12-hour cooling period is finally over.

"Quick Manufacturing" and "Experience Bonus" are both modules that can be selected with D-level permissions, and the effect will increase with the upgrade of permissions - as the name suggests, it can speed up the player's production of items.

The effects are not limited to blacksmithing, but also include sewing, cooking, medicine, rubbing chips by hand... and so on.

At the beginning, Lu Meng quickly browsed this module in the list.

It’s just that I never had a choice before.

As a "bug tester", Lu Meng discovered:

The bonus of this module conflicts with the "Experience Bonus" module, and only one of the two can be effective at the same time.

After installing "Quick Manufacturing", although the progress of making items is accelerated, the proficiency gained is still calculated at the previous speed, and the upgrade speed becomes slower.

In other words, the hands have become faster and the brain cannot keep up.

For Lu Meng, under normal circumstances, improving his skill level is the first priority.

According to his understanding, the "rapid manufacturing" module should be used when players want to quickly mass-produce items after they have mastered their production skills.

At that time, no matter how much repetitive work you did, you couldn't gain much proficiency. With this module, you can effectively save time and improve the later experience.

"But it's just the right thing to use now."

His [Armor Craftsman] has reached the "basic" level. Even if the upgrade speed slows down temporarily, it will still be enough to complete the next work.

The iron material is well stacked and the fire is booming.

Lu Meng picked up the hammer again.

Inside the government office, at the security office.

Guards came and went, and new batches of files were brought in and piled up.

An officer Shaq was crouching beside the desk, extremely busy.

Kang was originally not good at paperwork.

Rather than being buried in these piles of ink and paper, he prefers to go directly into battle and split the enemy into two pieces.

Now he wanted to tear the paper in front of him in half, but that would ruin the job.

——These files are all investigative information about the group of Shaq robbers.

The city lord personally supervised it, but there was still no progress in the case.

Initially, a group of guards who were on duty that night were suspended and detained. However, after investigation, it was discovered that they had indeed received legal transfer orders at the time.

Continuing to investigate along the transfer order, I found that different officers had issued the order, and they all had their own reasonable reasons.

Asking for leave, changing shifts, skipping work, erroneous orders, deviations in understanding...

All kinds of small problems came together to form a vacuum area that was not covered by the security forces on that street alone that night.

More and more guards are involved, and it has even affected other systems.

At this point, no one can tell who is an innocent mistake and who is intentional.

Even the city lord cannot handle so many people at the same time.

Otherwise, the operation of Scone Town will come to an instant halt.

——These are not issues that Kang can consider.

He is just a tiny part of it.

As one of the few guard chiefs who was still innocent, all the affairs left by other colleagues fell on them.

The only intuitive feeling left is only one word: "tired".

"Sir, this is the number plate of a group of merchants. They are requesting to leave the city." A Shaq guard came directly in without knocking on the door, frightening Kang Yi who was nervous.

These rough guys sometimes cannot learn proper etiquette no matter what.

Guard Shaq was carrying a small tray with several white number plates stacked on it.

"It's human," he added.

In an emergency, if you want to pass, even if you hold a number plate, you must be certified by both the city gate guard and the city guard.

"Let them wait for another two days." Kang waved his hand feebly, "Check carefully whether there are any contraband, check their records in the city, whether they have any criminal records in the past, and..."

The search in the city has not yet been completed. Even if these merchants are human beings, there is no guarantee that they have nothing to do with the robbers.

If you let it go easily, you may miss important clues.

——That being said, many security officers actually turned a blind eye.

You must know that for businessmen, time is money. If it is withheld for a long time, they will inevitably become dissatisfied.

In particular, there are many members of the merchant guild. They are backed by the United City and have sufficient confidence. In fact, they are not very afraid of the Shaker Kingdom.

If the merchants cause trouble, it will be the guards themselves who are in trouble.

And looking at the development of this situation, more and more Shaq guards are involved, and no one knows whether they will be next.

There are many people with guilty consciences.

What many colleagues are probably thinking is: just let those robbers out...

Put an end to the trouble as soon as possible - at least get it out of Scone Town.

If they were really caught and confessed, more people might be involved.

It's just that Kang didn't think about this.

Since the order from above is to investigate strictly, then he will investigate strictly.

The guards went to the scene to check the bodies. From the casualties of the store guards, it can be inferred that the robbers were quite capable.

Kang noticed.

The upper body of a robber in black was chopped into two parts, like a "Y" shape.

Based on Kang's experience, he could imagine the murderer's fierce skills from the details of the wound.

According to the witnesses of the victims, this was internal strife among them.

Kang didn't care about the others, but this one could be so cruel to his companions...

There is such a ruthless man among the robbers, how can he take it lightly?

Letting them go is simply irresponsible to the entire town of Scone!

"But sir," the guard's reminder brought Kang back to reality, "the license plates of these merchants will expire today. By then, they will be interrogated by other colleagues, and you may need to come forward to clarify."

Kang had a headache: "Just give them a replacement."

There is actually a limit to the number plates that each officer can issue, and they themselves need to be responsible for it.

In the early days of the New Deal, Scone Town's attitude was still somewhat tentative and did not dare to make drastic reforms.

Kang took the number plate, looked at the date, and suddenly thought of something.

According to the agreement, isn't this the time limit that the person needs to produce works to prove themselves?

If he couldn't finish it, he should leave.

A nobleman told Guo Kang to pay attention to that human being.

The noble man’s original words are:

"If he is a valuable person, try to keep him in Scone with as little trace as possible; but if he is nothing special, get him out of Scone quickly to avoid trouble."

The other party's words were vague, and the request was somewhat incomprehensible.

But he could only do it, and he was even almost discovered by the other party.

Judging from the contact with that human being, there is indeed something unusual about him, although it still doesn't seem to be enough to deserve such attention.

Logically speaking, at this point, Kang already had reason to accept that human being.

But he had his own ideas.

The noble's status is outstanding, but he is not his immediate superior. This is a request rather than an order.

Kang must see clear evidence before he can make a decision.

After all, judging from the noble man's description, this is a person who may bring danger to Scone Town.

It is your duty to treat it with caution.

I had given him a chance before. If this human being was willing to join Scone's mercenaries, there would be no trouble under the control of the army.

After experiencing a few life-and-death fights with the soldiers, they became brothers who had known each other for a long time.

Problem solved easily.

It's a pity that the human being didn't seem to be a warrior, so he declined him.

Although he was a bit stronger and could fight without hesitation, what he experienced was not a real battlefield after all.

If a person does not have the courage to kill in his heart, no matter how much courage he has in his hand, he cannot hold the sword.

But everyone has his own ambitions.

Kang also didn't intend to impose his ideas on others.

So he made a previous agreement with that human being.

In the context of the New Deal, the Shaq Kingdom is indeed in urgent need of production talents.

I also kindly reminded him about the direction of forging.

‘At this point in time, it’s possible that he is among those merchants and is preparing to leave Scone. ’

This thought came to Kang's mind.

He actually didn't quite believe that that human being could complete the production of armor in such a short period of time.

Otherwise, qualified armor craftsmen would not be so scarce in the Shark Kingdom, and Skun Town would not attach so much importance to Yue Yu's armor shop.

Now the other party may be frustrated and knows that he cannot fulfill the agreement and has no intention of coming to see him, so he is preparing to leave with Xing Shang.

Their number plates were originally the same.

‘Do you want to give him a few more days? ’ Kang thought about the pros and cons and ordered his guards:

"Let them come in and I'll see for myself."

But in the end, Condo thought about it.

There is no such coincidence, these people are just ordinary businessmen.

After re-registering their number plates, the big man Shaq leaned back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little disappointed.

Just as Kang was about to start working on the files again.

The door was pushed open again.

Kang was so impatient that he wanted to drop his pen.

"Sir, as you asked," the guard's voice stopped him, "if this gentleman comes to see you, you can bring him here directly."

"it's me."

The white-haired young man turned around from behind the Shaq guard, leaned over and smiled: "General Kang, we meet again."

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