Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 148 Official Resident (4k)

"Lu..." Kang became interested, "At this time, it seems that you have completed your work?"

He motioned for the guards to step back and secure the door.

"General, look at this."

Lu Meng unpacked the package behind him and spread it out on the table.

It was a short iron sword. Kang picked it up.

The blade of the sword was not long to begin with, and even looked a bit like a dagger in contrast to the Shaq's burly figure.

The sharp edge is carefully polished, and the light is discernible.

"Is this the weapon you've been building these days?"

"Exquisite gadget." Kang commented: "It can be considered qualified."

This style of dagger is quite popular among dignitaries and can be sold for a high price.

Perhaps due to the tight schedule, the weapons are not yet of a quality that can be used to kill enemies in battle, and are considered works of art.

It seems that this human being listened to the advice and did not insist on challenging any armor, but chose the weapon that could be finished the fastest.

A bit cunning, but sensible.


Lu Meng shook his head: "I haven't been able to make any finished products these days..."

"My armor creation failed."

"This sword is just a gift from me to the general. I think..."

"What?" Kang's face was stern.

"According to our previous agreement, what you bring out must be a weapon or armor made by yourself, and it must be newly made by you within the past five days. This way we can confirm that you have truly mastered this skill."

Now there is no finished product, and I am still giving myself gifts on the deadline.

Is this a bribe?

"I thought that whether it was Shaq or a human being, at least as a man, he should keep his promise."

"You can admit that this sword is not newly made, and you are honest, which is good..."

Kang pushed the delicate dagger back to Lu Meng, his face covered with scales even more resolute and upright.

"But don't think that by passing a gift, you can break the original rules."

"You should take this sword back."

Kang felt a little disappointed.

He would rather this human being knew that he could not fulfill the agreement and left the city silently with the merchants, instead of coming back with gifts to ask for permission to see him and ask for accommodation.

In this way, at least you can retain some dignity for the other party.

Perhaps these human beings are accustomed to taking crooked ways. Whenever they encounter a problem, they try to solve it through favors without saying a word.

And because I received the noble man's request and took care of him, the other party felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of him.

However, Kang is not such a person.

If you want to get his recognition, you must have real talent and learning.

‘Oh, I’m afraid you’ve seen the wrong person. ’

Kang thought to himself, but retained the last trace of kindness: "I will let you pass today, and the guards at the city gate will not stop you."

This sounds like it is to make things easier for the other party, but in fact, what it really means is to expel them.

"Kang." Lu Meng suddenly called him by his name.

"you misunderstood."

He pulled up a chair, sat down directly, and looked directly into Kang's eyes.

Officer Shaq was startled.

This human being has always called himself "general" or "sir", always with the attitude of a lower-ranking person looking up to a higher-ranking person. This is the norm for ordinary townspeople to treat military officers, and Kang is also used to it.

Now the other party's name is just a simple change, but it seems that the relationship between the two has also changed.

——They are equal.

"Kang, you made a mistake." Lu Meng smiled, "I'm not here to ask for anything from you."

"Because I am already an official resident of Scone Town."

He took out a bluestone-colored number plate from his pocket.

An inward-curving triangle is carved with red paint, symbolizing the Shaq's horns and outward willful fighting spirit.

Outside the triangle, a circle wraps it inside.

It's the story of the legendary warrior Kral's enduring exploits, who united the loose tribes of Shark into a single nation.

"This is, this is..."

This simple pattern is the symbol of the Shaker Kingdom. Owning this number plate means that you can live permanently in the town of Shaker.

"But I haven't gone through the formalities for you." Kang responded.

Lu Meng: "You are not the only one with this power."

"My 'sir'——"

This time there was a hint of joking in his tone.

"By the way, because an old blacksmith retired, I, as his apprentice, inherited his mantle and qualification certificate... Now I am a serious registered blacksmith."

These can be found in the office's files.

"Besides, I remember our original agreement was that as long as I can find a job and prove that I can survive in Scone Town with my own skills, there is no doubt that this is completed, right?"

"I just don't have to bother you to go through the formalities for me anymore."

"How come you became an apprentice in just five days?" Kang couldn't believe it.

"Maybe it's because I'm talented - or maybe because I'm handsome."

Lu Meng said casually.

——This is the method of the Brotherhood.

He later went to meet the Scone Town contact person in person.

Only then did they learn that the reason why they were able to help him solve his work was because the brotherhood here opened a weapons and armor shop.

——According to the traditional performing arts of the Brotherhood, the equipment sold in this shop is not very serious.

This is just one of their channels for selling stolen goods.

The best way to launder the goods in these stores is to hire a listed blacksmith and claim that all the equipment comes from him.

The original contact person's intention was to let Lu Meng and the others serve as servants in the shop. Anyone can do these tasks, and to solve them requires collecting tens of thousands of coins to manage relationships between superiors and subordinates.

Think of this.

Lu Meng pressed his chest inadvertently.

The armor was solid and felt cold.

[Item name: Breast protector

Category: Light Armor

Grade: Fake (white)

Value: 1400 coins

Attributes: Blunt damage reduction 8%, cutting reduction 20%

Introduction: Provides only necessary protection without impeding mobility. It is often used as an additional layer of protection on other armors. 】

Lu Meng did not tell the truth to Kang.

He had already successfully made a breast shield.

This is an armor composed of two layers of metal plates and cooked leather straps, which can protect the chest and back well.

There was no need for Lu Meng to prove his forging skills to this Shaq officer.

What he really needed to convince was the Brotherhood at Scone.

You must know that the Brotherhood spends a lot of money every year in order to hire an old craftsman.

Now there is a brother of his own who has also mastered the technology of forging, especially for free of charge - why wouldn't the liaison person be willing to accept him?

Although the craft of forging is still a bit immature.

But they don’t need you to actually get started anyway.

The original old craftsman didn't seem to be alive for a few years. He couldn't even pick up a hammer. He was just hanging it under the shop to get paid. Otherwise, he wouldn't be willing to risk his reputation to do this kind of business.

With the new blacksmith joining, the brotherhood simply spent a sum of money to buy out the old blacksmith's qualification certificate and then sent him back to retire.

Lu Meng's apprenticeship was just a formality.

It is much more comfortable than those hard-working apprentices who have to endure ten or twenty years to learn some real skills.

To use an analogy.

With this level of status, Lu Meng met the standards of the "High-end Talent Introduction Plan" of the Scone Town version, and with the Brotherhood, a local snake, communicating on his behalf, he complied with the rules and regulations, and the permanent residence license plate was naturally issued.

The handling fees of tens of thousands of coins are also waived.

It's a win-win.

“A gift is a gift, it’s for a friend.”

"I don't come here to ask for a meeting with the chief of Scone Town," Lu Meng stood up before Kang could reply, "but I hope to visit a friend."

He left the dagger behind, opened the door and went out.

"——I, Lu Beiyou, have not made the habit of returning the gifts I sent out."

There was a soft click and the door was closed.

Kang was left alone looking at the exquisite dagger on the case, the smooth blade reflecting his dazed expression.

He originally thought that the other party was looking for him because he wanted something from him and wanted to take advantage of him.

For this reason, he sternly refused.

This is also consistent with his own behavior.

But I didn't expect that the other party not only had no such intention of making a camp, but just regarded this as a generous visit to visit friends.

The Shaq picked up his dagger.

To be honest, it doesn't quite qualify as a bribe.

——Although I am often judged as rigid, I am not ignorant of the ways of the world.

Kang knew that his colleagues in the office had collected coins far exceeding the value of the dagger.

But if this is just a souvenir between friends, it is enough to show your heart.

If he were to put himself in another place, if he came to visit him, but his host mistakenly thought that he was following someone's influence, and his words were sarcastic, how sad would he feel -

Kang suddenly remembered the nobleman's request.

The other person is someone "he" is interested in.

Looking back at himself, unlike in the past, he is now just a lower-middle-class security officer, usually in charge of more than a dozen people. If he hadn't settled in Scone Town, Kang wouldn't have thought of anything else that would require someone to bribe him.

But now others have solved the problem on their own.

In this way, Lu Beiyou was still willing to make friends with him.

The result was an unhappy ending.

"Prejudice..." A bitter smile.

It's all because of his arrogance and preconceptions.

A feeling called "guilt" came up.

Even though he was covered by his scales, Shaq still felt his face getting hot.

He looked at the dagger. He didn't want to throw it away if he hung it up, and he was too embarrassed to come to return it.

In the confusion, I even thought of putting it in the lost and found place.

Finally, Kang sighed, put the dagger into the drawer, and placed it on the bottom.

"It seems that the plan to gain favor has failed."

Lu Meng walked on the main street of Scone, muttering in his heart.

"It really has to be a segmented axe. Next time I'll make it myself."

He got the dagger from his "own shop", but his sincerity was still not enough.

The shop where Lu Meng is currently listed has its own blacksmith shop, and the forging table inside is mainly used for making weapons. But it’s just a look-alike, and it needs to be repaired if it really wants to start construction.

From now on, he can practice [Weapon Forging] in the blacksmith shop and continue to improve the skills of [Armor Craftsman] at his own home.

You can also "appropriate" some fraternity funds to purchase materials and so on.

After all, the more skilled he is as a fictitious craftsman, the more it looks like the blacksmith shop is in operation, and the faster the stolen goods inside are laundered.

Everyone gets what he wants, and he won twice.

When Lu Meng came to the treatment center this time, his thoughts were not entirely on Kang.

It's just a matter of course.

Lu Meng could indeed follow He Kang's original agreement, take out the built-up breast shield, prove himself, and obtain permanent residency as a matter of course.

But two things changed his plan.

The first thing is to know that someone is paying attention to him and uses Kang to get close to him.

Although he didn't know the purpose of these people, Lu Meng didn't want to follow their guidance, otherwise he would fall into a trap without realizing it.

Regardless of whether the opponent is friend or foe, he must control his own rhythm, otherwise he will always be at the mercy of others.

It's like a person giving charity to you for free.

The reward he wants to ask for in the future may be ten times or a hundred times as much as it is now.

The second thing was that Yue Yu's armor shop was attacked. The robbers' target was obviously those precious armors.

In the history of the Shark Kingdom, there used to be a tendency to despise protective gear.

The bone plates and scales on their bodies are natural armor, and the Shaq people have always been proud of this. Using protective gear to protect themselves is considered a cowardly act.

This seems silly.

But it can be explained by a very simple reason.

--Sour grapes.

In the past, Shaq soldiers were not equipped to wear armor.

Looking at their enemies, the holy breastplates of the Holy Nation Army are famous throughout the continent.

Although the Holy Kingdom does not attach importance to technology, its foundation is here, and it is better than the Shaq tribe who founded the country from a tribe.

From an anthropological point of view, in long-term hostility, both sides will increasingly emphasize their unique elements to draw a clear line with the other party and demonstrate their superiority.

Especially the weak side.

For example, the Holy Society emphasizes its identity as a pure-blooded human being and denounces the horned Sharks as darkness.

The Sharks will intensify their worship of unique physical features, such as horns and scales, and call the armored Holy Nation people timid flat-skinned people who will only shrink in cans.

——You can’t preach the benefits of soldiers wearing armor every day. As a result, the kingdom does not have the ability to distribute armor to everyone.

Now facing the heavily armored Knights of the Holy Kingdom, even before the fight started, half of them were lost psychologically.

But now, things have changed.

Under the New Deal, the productivity of the Shaq Kingdom is developing, and the armor wearing rate of Shaq soldiers has also increased.

Those old Shaqs who insist on not wearing armor if they have the conditions to do so will almost deserve to die if they go to the battlefield a few more times.

Everyone can recognize the importance of armor.

If you don't wear armor, you just can't afford it.

Lu Meng noticed.

A considerable number of Shaq soldiers wear samurai leg armor imported from United City - the Shaq Kingdom's own production capacity is far from meeting the demand.

At this stage, the military will allow armor-forging craftsmen to develop freely to the maximum extent possible and expand production as quickly as possible.

Anyway, those who can afford it are either the military or high-level Shaq warriors in reserve.

The Kingdom of Shaq is a technological depression, and there is no problem of technology loss.

But if it develops for a while and the needs of the army are met, I am afraid that it will start to control the production of armor just like the control of crossbows, or even worse.

For example, in the past dynasties, "armors are prohibited, but not knives", bulletproof vests are prohibited, but guns are prohibited...

The Kingdom of Shaq is just in a special period now.

The robbery of Yue Yu's armor shop was a sign that the wind direction was changing. For this reason, Lu Meng once suspected that this was self-directed and staged by Shaq's military.

All in all, it was risky to reveal one's armor forging skills to Scoon officials.

Even the bigger you do it and the more exquisite your skills, the greater the risk and the easier it is to be targeted.

Like Lu Meng's small shabby house, how could the robbers take notice of it?

"This world seems to be even more difficult to survive if you have some skills."

Lu Meng was helpless.

It is better to launder the stolen goods honestly, sell the weapons to the aggressive soldiers, and let them kill each other to make some "war wealth", which is legal and safe.

As for the armor he made.

Just keep it for your own people, as long as it can keep them safe.

"No matter what... let's start from here."

The rock walls tower into the clouds, and the city walls are rusty and majestic.

A white-haired young man was walking on the main street, avoiding the flow of people. He was familiar with the traffic and did not feel cramped.

Several bluestone-colored number plates were gently spinning in his hand, making a crisp sound when they collided.

Thanks to book friends Roger Otalifus, Jianbeard Wucuo, and book friend 20201104204919275 for their tips - and thank you all for your support!

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