Eight years, ten years, twenty years... Tora herself couldn't remember how long she had been locked on the top floor of the prison tower.

There, time has no meaning except to take away her life.

Every night, Torah watched.

Rather than saying that the whole city was watching her, it was more that she was overlooking the entire town.

Her gaze became sharper and sharper, and her vision became more and more far-sighted. Although Tola didn't know what the New Deal was, she saw all the changes in Scone Town.

Then the fearless one knew that it was time for her to go out.

And tonight, Tora watched everything below.

Luka's provocation, the horn-breaker's attack, the guards' stubborn resistance... everything seemed to be executed according to plan.

However, Tora noticed something strange.

A dark shadow sneaked into the tower.

People in Broken Angle are on the same plane as him, so it is difficult to spot him due to the restricted viewing angle.

The black shadow floated outside the crowd, seemingly inconspicuous - but to Tola, who had extraordinary eyesight and was condescending, this person was particularly conspicuous.

The reason why Tola hurried downstairs after getting out of trouble was to look for his traces.

She didn't respond to the cheers and greetings of the Broken Horns, not because she didn't care about them, but precisely because she cared too much.

Because that figure is there.

The danger is not over yet.

Infiltrating into the tower at such a sensitive time, and without understanding his purpose, the Fearless cannot rest assured.

Compared with the Shaq guards who rushed to assassinate her, the black-clothed swordsman in front of her, with such stealth ability and strength, was obviously more qualified to be an assassin.

"Are you our friend or our enemy?"

Hearing this, Lu Meng recalled the feeling of "looking at each other" he had felt when looking at the top floor several times before, and immediately knew his mistake.

"Stealth skills that are only at the 'proficient' level are still not safe." He silently wrote it down.

However, in this plan, what he mainly relied on was not his stealth ability, but seizing the chaotic gap that neither side had time to pay attention to.

"Neither friend nor enemy." Lu Meng said solemnly:

"I just have my own stuff to do."

He told the truth and did not go up to try to establish relationships like he did when he faced the Lang Ninja Group before.

Just kidding, I am now a good citizen of Scone Town and firmly support the official policy of the Kingdom of Shake - why would I bother colluding with rebel organizations like you.

It's good for each other to keep a distance.

As for enemies...that's even more unnecessary.

Unlike Krall's Choice, the Skeleton Corps is not that extreme, but is simply not tolerated by the authorities.

In other words, it is a neutral faction, not necessarily hostile.

Furthermore, judging from the current situation, a fight might break out if they disagree.

Lu Meng doesn’t like killing people that much.

But after all, he is still a force. He didn't stick to his words and left a thin line in his behavior. Maybe it will come in handy in the future.

"I have no conflict of interest with your skeleton group. Now I just have to leave here, and I think you do too." Lu Meng looked towards the distant neighborhood, where there was already a faint sound of slashing.

"If you don't leave... I don't think you want to go back there again."

He pointed upwards, and the prison tower was blazing like a torch.

"Of course, I'm not interested in accompanying you either."

"Be respectful!" After hearing Lu Meng's teasing, several horn-breaker warriors shouted angrily.

The Fearless One had just escaped from prison, how could he expose her scars again?

Tola motioned for them to shut up without getting angry. She could hear that there was no malice in the words of the swordsman in black.

But she still had some doubts.

"'The Bones'?" Tora asked, "What is that? Is that what you call us?"



They looked at each other.

Lu Meng was speechless and a little embarrassed.

He suddenly understood - although the organization of this group of people was called the "Skeleton Group" in his memory, Fearless Tora had just emerged from trouble and the organization had not yet been established. Where did the Skeleton Group come from?

"It's a nice name though."

Just as Lu was dreaming about how to go round, Tola continued to speak:

"We, who have lost our horns and are not included in society, still dream about the right to hold the sword..." The fearless man smiled and said in a desolate tone:

"Isn't it like the skeletons that have died but are still unwilling to be buried, wandering in the wilderness?"

"I like it very much. Let's call it the 'Skeleton Group' from now on." She looked at the horn-severing warriors beside her.

Oren has also led people out of the tower at this moment, guarding Tora.

He also nodded after hearing this.

It doesn't matter what your name is.

The important thing is that from now on, these Shaq outcasts finally have a place to stay.

Lu Meng: "..."

Giving a name to a criminal gang should not be considered an accessory.

"Anyway, farewell."

He pushed Luka away gently, turned around and ran away, not wanting to delay any more to avoid other complications.

The Broken Horn Man originally wanted to stop him, but when Tola didn't say anything, he made no move.

"The Fearless One," Oren asked beside her: "That person is..."

"I don't know, but they are probably not our enemies."

In fact, when he saw that the swordsman in black could draw his sword and save Luka, Tora was almost relieved and guessed the opponent's position.

As long as you don't embarrass him, you won't push the swordsman to the opposite side and make enemies out of thin air.

"And you saw the two people he was carrying, right?" Tola suddenly faced everyone and said loudly: "This swordsman in black did not hesitate to take such risks and sneak into the prison tower in the melee...

"Just to bring them out!"

"Whether it is entrusted by others or personal behavior, it is enough to prove his loyalty."

"Such loyalty - just like you!" She looked around: "Everyone in the Skeleton Corps, I, Tora the Fearless, thank you all!"

The Brokenhorn warriors had tears in their eyes and were extremely moved.

They all heard that it was not convenient for the fearless ones to describe their experiences, so they could only use the opportunity of praising the swordsman in black to express their emotions.

"But Fearless..." Oren whispered: "I think the two Shaks on his back are all dead."

I don't know if it's cold or not, but he looks stiff anyway.

"This is the most valuable thing about him." Tola lowered his eyes.

Even the Shaq guards knew that the Hornbreaker warriors were after Torah the Fearless—and the living Torah.

Once the Dauntless is dead, the operation has failed and the Hornbreakers will disperse on their own.

Tola believed that if she died in the cage on the top floor, no one would remember her, let alone risk their lives and make sacrifices to bring her body out.

Tola is not blaming others, because she would have made the same choice herself.

However, the swordsman in black did it.

Even though his two friends had died in prison, he still refused to let go and tried his best to bring them out, unwilling to let their bodies be buried in the sea of ​​fire and turned into ashes.

He even didn't hesitate to carry them to confront him.

It’s okay if you haven’t seen it before. Now that a living example is placed in front of you, how can Tora not be moved.

She sighed: "Plain skinned people... no, there are such respectable warriors among humans!"

Moreover, what the black-clothed swordsman paid so much attention to was not his own race, but the two Shaks—the Shaks who were usually the most arrogant, self-righteous, and most contemptuous of human beings.

"Noble warriors are not distinguished by whether they have horns or scales." Tola said loudly.

This is what she has always thought.

But after tonight, the fearless person updated his philosophy: "——There should be no distinction based on race!"

However, the Broken Horn warriors didn't care about this little episode.

They gathered together and showed no fear on their faces.

The shouts of death and shouts gradually approached, and it was the mobilization of the Scone city defense troops.

"Everyone from the Bone Corps," Tora raised his arms and shouted, "Let's get out of the city!"

On the other side, Lu Meng also escaped the chaos in the city and finally returned to the longhouse.

He breathed a sigh of relief, threw the two corpses of Kraal's Choice to a corner of the courtyard, and vented his exhaustion at the same time.

The ceiling here is hollowed out to create an open-air look.

The swordsman in black called softly:

"Xiaogu, it's time for extra food!"

——A specially enclosed kennel.

Lu Meng's tone was gentle.

He is very attentive to raising dogs.

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