Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 169 The City Lord and the “Eunuch” (Combined Chapter)

The sky was getting brighter, and the chaos in Sikun City gradually subsided.

However, the seeds of chaos were not wiped out. Although the city defense troops hastily assembled by Scone officials were elite, they were still broken through by the Skeleton Corps soldiers led by Fearless Tora.

It is not that there are no rebels in the Kingdom of Shaq, such as the remnant of the previous dynasty, Krall's Choice, and the berserker warriors with a long history who for some reason have been unable to be exterminated.

However, like the Skeleton Corps, this was the first time that they suddenly launched a rebellion instead of relying on the existing Shaq warriors but re-arming the Broken Horns.

Scone's army is adept at keeping enemies outside the city gates, and is even fearless in fighting hordes of Holy Kingdom knights in the wilderness. But they obviously still lack experience in how to suppress rebellions in the cramped streets of the city.

On the contrary, every Broken Corner person has been hanging out in the streets for a long time.

Having said that, the skeleton group still left at least half of the corpses behind during the breakout process.

If we deduct the number of people who died during the entire operation, the number of people who could survive may only be one-third or even less.

Layers of corpses can be seen everywhere on the streets, including skeletons and Shaq soldiers. Some of them held the broken blade fragments and stabbed each other into the chest before dying, regardless of the fact that their hands were cut to pieces.

However, the skeleton group finally left Scone Town and began wandering in the wilderness.

I'm afraid no one, including themselves, could predict the fate of this group of broken-horned people who were all injured, lacked food and clothing, and were wanted by the kingdom.

It was only then that the city lord of Scone Town arrived belatedly with his own soldiers.

A small team of guards stood guard under the prison tower, and the open fire on the tower had been extinguished.

Buck, uniformed and covered in ashes, paces around, anxious.

This former north gate guard had been promoted to the chief guard of the city gate because of his many merits in preventing the bandits from attacking the city. He was in charge of a team of more than ten guards.

No longer do you have to stand guard every day and question the people passing by.

However, as luck would have it, it was Buck who was on duty last night.

As the prison tower was captured, all the bandits he had captured, as long as they were still alive, ran out.

Strictly speaking, this is not Buck's fault, and the turmoil last night was not something that a small city gate officer could suppress.

After the war broke out, all the Shaq soldiers in the city participated.

However, Buck is the first person responsible after all. When a disturbance breaks out, he should sound the alarm as soon as possible, inform the guards of the location of the enemy, and guide them in the direction.

——That is, the prison tower.

"Bang!" Buck punched the wall of the prison tower, stirring up a layer of dust.

The main structure of this tower is made of stone. The fire only burned its internal utensils. The walls were not damaged, but some places were burnt black and hot.

Buck cursed the horn-breakers in his mind.

Especially the one who set the fire.

If you want to rob the prison, just rob the prison. Just capture the prison tower and that's it. No need to set fire to it.

The city was originally in chaos, and no one could tell the direction. As a result, when the prison tower caught fire, the flames shot into the sky, as bright as a torch in the dark night of Scone, and even a fool knew there was something wrong here.

But at that time, the situation was completely out of control.

The former is that everyone is fishing in troubled waters, and Buck is not at fault for being ignorant; the latter is the enemy's open provocation, but Buck can do nothing.

In the two situations, the culpability of the city gate chief is completely different.

"City Lord."

"City Lord."

Behind Buck, the guards suddenly shouted greetings in unison.

He quickly turned around and gave a military salute: "Your Excellency, Dashan."

A Shaq man stood there, his figure pressing towards everyone.

As the former guard of the North Gate and the ceremonial card of Scone Town, Buck's figure is already considered majestic and tall among the Shaq tribe.

However, compared to the Shaq in front of him, Buck was as thin and short as a bee-man.

The figure of the city lord was just like his title, pressing down like a mountain, leaving a large shadow on everyone.

This Shaq man was not like the nobles of Union City who used all kinds of gorgeous clothes to show their identity. He just wore a simple pair of cloth trousers and his upper body was naked, dressed like a wandering warrior.

But it was his exposed thick bone plates and horn scales that declared what kind of monster this was - for any ordinary Shaq, with these bones on his body, his own weight would be enough to crush him. Can't get up.

Just relying on these natural protective gears, the city lord is fully armed.

Although the soldiers are all equipped with strong weapons and extraordinary martial arts skills, they still look like a group of ridiculous toys as long as they stand next to the city lord.

I don’t know who is protecting whom.

"Were you the commander on duty last night?" The city lord looked down at Buck: "I remember you were just an ordinary guard before."

"Yes, Lord Dashan has a good memory." Buck quickly lowered his head, so that he could not see the city lord's expression even more clearly.

He was worried and a little happy at the same time.

It turns out that when I was still a small guard, a great warrior like the city lord remembered me.

"Very good." The city lord's voice was emotionless.

"Then you can continue to be a guard. The North Gate...the North Gate is too dangerous and not suitable for you."

"Go and guard the south gate."

After saying that, the city lord walked into the prison tower with his soldiers. With his body shape, he had to bend sideways, almost crouching, to pass through the tower door.

The guards originally guarding the outside quickly followed.

Buck was left alone and upset outside.

He is no longer the commander of the guards. Once he returns to his original form... no, it will be even worse.

"South Gate..."

In Scone Town, the south gate guard is equivalent to a sinecure for the elderly.

Even in the city gate guard sequence, it means there is no future.

Buck felt that with his own strength, if he could return to the North Gate and continue to resist various bandits, he might have the opportunity to accumulate military exploits and be promoted again.

But now that he is sent directly to the south gate, there is really no hope.

Fortunately, the city lord did not order him to be deprived of his military status, nor did he have his horns cut off as a crime of defeat, so the current result is considered good.

Helpless, Buck could only complain about the person who set the fire while heading to the prison in despair to receive his new arrangement.

Inside the prison tower, it was a mess.

The heat wave that hadn't had time to dissipate swirled, rolling up ashes and dust.

The burning smell that hit their faces made the soldiers cough. If possible, they don't want to investigate this place right now, but the city lord is at the forefront.

This Shaq acted like a normal person, breathing in and out of his nose with strong airflow.

It seemed that the burning air and dust had no effect on his lungs.

The city lord just stood in the charred prison tower hall, saying nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Mu Kai," someone suddenly said: "How do you want to handle this matter."

It was a Shaq who had been following the city lord closely. He looked thin and stooped.

The soldiers behind looked at each other.

Fortunately for the guards, they had no chance to meet the city lord and were not familiar with these big shots; but the soldiers were surprised at this moment.

Before today, they had actually never seen the Shaq people around the city lord. I just figured that since he could stay with the city lord, he would be a trusted advisor.

But no matter how much they expected, the soldiers never expected that he would dare to call the city lord by his name.

The city lord's real name is Mu Kai, but as a great warrior with his own title, people either respectfully call him "Da Shan", or they use his official title as "city lord".

Anyone who can directly call him Mu Kai is either a very close friend or his boss, otherwise it is an offensive move.

Who is the boss of the city lord? Isn't that the Queen Stone Demon?

This Shaq guy is obviously not.

But looking at the city lord's attitude towards him, it doesn't look like they have a good relationship.

"How to deal with it..." The city lord did not look back, "Those people call themselves the Skeleton Group - are you asking me how to deal with the Skeleton Group, or how to deal with the Broken Horn Man?"

"Aren't these two things the same thing?"

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid with me," the city lord said, still without emotion. "It seems to me to be one thing, but to you it's not."

"Maybe." The thin Shaq smiled.

The city lord ignored him and turned around to go upstairs.

Others quickly followed.

The city lord went up a few floors, stopped again, and looked around.

The soldiers were once again confused. This was still the lower level of the prison tower, but the place where Fearless Tora was imprisoned was on the top floor. The battles mainly took place in the upper and top areas.

The Lord of the City wants to investigate the skeleton group and why they are staying in this lower level.

Although the prison tower is made of masonry, there are still signs of cracking in many places after being burned by the flames.

With the dignity of the city lord, it is already very important to come and investigate in person, but it is not suitable to waste time here.

The soldiers did not dare to remind him rashly, they knew the character of the city lord.

Although it doesn't look like much on the surface, Mr. Dashan is actually an extremely violent person. He can only control himself and not treat his own people as enemies.

However, the thin Shaq man spoke again and asked the question on their behalf:

"Mu Kai, this is the lower level, we should go to the top..."

"Shut your mouth." The city lord interrupted him, his tone filled with emotion for the first time.

- That's a joke.

"I have heard that in ancient times, the Pingpi people would cut off their genitals and dedicate themselves to their king as a woman to serve the king."

"Some of them are just trying to survive, while some have gained endless wealth and even power."

"But from the day they cut off that thing, they were no longer worthy to be called men."

"People call them - 'eunuchs'."

"This is my town, and it's not the turn of a eunuch to dictate what to do." Dashan Mukai sneered, "Am I right, Bayan?"

Shaq, who was called Bayan, seemed to carelessly hold the cloth wrapped in a circle around his head and said with a smile:

"Mu Kai, if you are asking me about the 'eunuch', you are right."

"I can also tell you that eunuchs are not actually extinct - it is said that in the United City, there are still people who use them to accompany nobles and emperors, but they have just changed their names."

"But there shouldn't be any in our Shaq Kingdom."

"Hmph." The city lord didn't intend to respond, but just explored the cells by himself.

He knew very well the man named Bayan's ability to avoid the important and take the easy.

"There's no need to look for it." Bayan said, "Then I'll tell you another piece of news."

"The fire started from this floor."

The city lord's huge body paused and looked at him: "How do you know?"

"Knowledge." Bayan said calmly.


A thick iron fence was torn directly by the city lord, and it looked like a blackened and dying snake in his palm.

"Trash!" he cursed.

The soldiers were so frightened that they quickly fell to their knees.

The Sharks do not like to kneel down in obeisance, but under the wrath of the city lord, these proud Shark warriors feel from the bottom of their hearts that only by kneeling down and bowing in obedience can they relieve the physical pressure on their heads.

Only Bayan was still standing there, so calm that he didn't react at all.

At this moment, his originally rickety body was taller than anyone present except the city lord.

"But the knowledge in your mouth did not prevent the flames from burning this place." The city lord's tone quickly calmed down: "It is even possible that this fire started because of this."

"All members of the Bones are wanted - especially Dauntless Tora."

He turned around and left, going straight down the tower without checking the higher floors.

It seems that the place where the fearless man escaped is not as important as this lower prison.

The Shaq soldiers stood up and followed.

Bayan didn't move, and the others had no time to care about him, so they just left him where he was.

He walked slowly along the traces of burning, looking down from time to time.

Finally, Shaq opened the ash pile and picked out a small object from inside.

——It is a steel gear. Even if it has been blackened by flames, you can still see its exquisite workmanship.

"Did the fire really come from the bones?" He thought in his mind.

"The fire is getting more intense from bottom to top... If the skeleton group does not act in time, the fearless ones who have just escaped will be burned to death on the tower."

The person who set the fire was at the bottom, and he was the one closest to the escape route.

Being able to annihilate the guards and skeletons in the tower in one fell swoop, while also ensuring his own safety... what kind of character is this.

Of course, Bayan knew that he might be overthinking it.

Compared with this kind of speculation, it is more reasonable whether the guards in the tower want to die together, the prisoners with serious crimes want to take revenge on the society, or a simple group of skeletons accidentally set fire.

But Bayan's own style of doing things is to consider the worst possibility in everything.

He looked around, this was probably where the fire started.

Bayan imagined the scene.

At the worst possible guess, the man standing in this position is a complete lunatic.

Bayan did not intend to tell Dashan Mukai this piece of information.

The city lord's reaction just now made him suspicious.

Perhaps he had arranged the arson itself.

The exit of the prison tower opened, and listening to the sound, the city lord and others had already left here.

A gust of cool wind rushed in from the gate, mixed with the hot air in the tower, and stirred up a whirlwind.

Bayan couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands to block the flying ashes.

At this moment, his turban fell down, revealing the horns it covered.

——They were all cut off.

Bayan smiled silently and bandaged his head again.

He remembered what Dashan Mukai said before leaving, and whispered:

“No one can guarantee that knowledge will not bring destruction.

But with it, we can at least rebuild this place, and..."

He didn't say the next words.

But from the past to the present, Bayan has repeated it countless times in his heart.

-- and rebuild the Shaq Kingdom, rebuild this country that I love.

Thanks to the lovely Pig Man for the reward, and also to all the Q reading friends for their support——

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