Lu Meng pulled up the brim of his hat.

He got this hood here, but the details of its appearance had already been fine-tuned on the blacksmith's bench.

When she heard that Yue Yu was going to sell the store, Lu Meng was really moved for a moment.

If you can acquire this armor shop at a low price, it will be equivalent to owning a large asset in Scone Town, as well as the corresponding connections, technology and status.

However, he quickly calmed down. With his current funds, even if the other party broke his bones and sold them, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

The business of Wuming Store has just got on track. After deducting costs and expenses, it will be able to stabilize the flow of money. Regular dividends will allow Lu Meng's cash to float around 100,000 yuan.

It was no problem to survive or even live comfortably in Scone.

But if we further expand the industry, this initial capital is still not enough.

He smiled: "Boss Yue, please don't sell it."

"That's right, that's right," Yue Yu nodded quickly, "Just kidding..."

At that moment, he subconsciously seemed to see a hungry beast that had smelled fresh meat.

...I think it was my own misunderstanding.

If the swordsman in black was really that greedy, he could start after driving away the robbers.

You don't even need to get involved at all, just watch yourself being killed by the robbers before taking action.

Although Yue Yu fainted for no apparent reason later, it was possible that he was poisoned by the smoke caused by the fire... After all, he was lying at the door after waking up, so he could breathe fresh air and be easily discovered and treated by the guards.

The swordsman should have helped. This small gesture was equivalent to saving Yue Yu's life - you must know that the swordsman himself was injured at that time.

As for the hood on his head, it is the most common street product. It is not only found in my store, but the one here is the best.

Whether thinking from the perspective of rational interests or from the perspective of emotional personality, the hero has no motives or signs of harming others. He even saved his life twice, but he still doubted him.

I'm really not a human being.

Yue Yu sighed, it was because his nerves had been too sensitive recently.

Society is a big dyeing vat, and it is rare to find people with pure minds like this swordsman.

Yue Yu was about to invite the other party to sit down, but found that he was stuck in the armor and could not move.

The excitement just now was over, and the little boss collapsed and couldn't move his armor.

"Well, hero, could you please help me..." Yue Yu said helplessly.

Lu Meng also noticed his conspicuous armor, which was shiny and well-protected and obviously worth a lot of money.

However, the higher the grade of armor, the better. The thicker the armor, the better the protection. But first, you must have the physical strength to move freely while wearing it. Otherwise, heavy armor will not only fail to increase combat effectiveness, but will also become a burden.

In Lu Meng's impression, there was a standard for selecting soldiers in ancient times, which was called "worthy of wearing a belt", which meant that the body was strong enough to wear a full body of armor.

With such a standard, sometimes only a few hundred people can be screened out of 10,000 soldiers, which shows that the conditions are harsh.

Lu Meng himself met the standard, but this human boss was obviously not enough.

Lu Meng had a clear mind and knew that Yue Yu was very wary - and he was probably wary not only of the robbers, but also of himself, a passing "hero" of unknown origin.

For this reason, he could only make full use of his posture.

"God said: 'All human beings should love one another.'"

The black-clothed swordsman squatted down, picked up Yue Yu sideways, and then gently put him back on the chair: "Our brothers, why don't we talk about trouble?"

His movements were intimate and enthusiastic, like a young believer who had just joined the church; his tone was pious and peaceful, but like an old priest who had been immersed in the church for half his life.

Everything is so natural.

——This set made Lu Meng feel numb.

However, in Yue Yu's eyes, this is completely different.

He was first amazed by the black-clothed swordsman's exaggerated physical strength and his ease of lifting weights; and he was even more moved by the other's approachable behavior.

The guess was confirmed in his mind: this swordsman was indeed a devout believer in Auckland.

After that night, Yue Yu actually secretly went to see a few wandering Auckland missionaries. On the one hand, it is to inquire about the swordsmen's news from them, on the other hand, it is to listen to their teachings and consider whether there is a need to convert.

The result disappointed Yue Yu.

Not only did those old men know nothing about the fanatical swordsmen in black, but the teachings they spoke were also clichés. Yue Yu felt sleepy and disgusted, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​joining the religion.

This time when he met the swordsman in black again, he did not recite sutras to him. With just a few actions and a few words, Yue Yu was moved again.

Only then did Yue Yu realize that it was not Auckland's teachings that were attractive, but the personality of the swordsman in black.

It’s better to talk a thousand words than to actually take action once.

Those Oakland priests didn't save their own lives.

Not to mention the priests and knights of the Holy Kingdom who talk about human friendship... secretly they are the ones who oppress and enslave their own kind the most.

How could he be like the swordsman in black who came to save him just because he was a human being bullied by foreigners, even at the cost of offending such a terrifying enemy?

Yue Yu heard that in order to save their leader, they even set fire to the prison tower.

Such behavior is terrible.

As the target of their failed attack, Yue's shop has already attracted hatred. It stands to reason that this is the time to distance themselves from the relationship - many people have already done so. The business of the shop has gone from bad to worse, and many craftsmen have resigned and left. Yue Yu only managed to hold on with the breath in his chest.

Outsiders looked at him and looked good, but only he knew that if he continued like this, the Yue family store would collapse without waiting for the Shaq robbers to come again.

At that time, I just want to clear out the warehouse and sell it, but no one will dare to take it over.

In such a tense situation, Yue Yu received a message from the swordsman in black.

He knew that the swordsman in black was also seriously injured that night, and his strength was even worse than that of the opponent's leader. He should still be recovering from his injuries at this time, or at least avoiding the enemy's revenge.

The other party sent Heng Dao, probably just to comfort him and encourage him not to give up hope.

Even so, Yue Yu was very grateful.

Unexpectedly, in such a tense situation, the swordsman in black would dare to take the risk and come in person!

Such bravery and selflessness are truly beyond words.

Yue Yu once again regretted his initial doubts.

This time he was not repenting to God, but to the swordsman in front of him.

The other party has already paid so much for his human brothers, so he shouldn't continue to be so selfish.

"Hero, you'd better leave quickly."

Yue Yu gritted his teeth and mustered up the courage to speak: "It's very dangerous here now. Although with your help, Yue's shop has repelled the enemy twice, but there's no telling the next time. They will come back at any time."

"I asked knowledgeable technology hunters - that Shaq leader is considered a leader even among martial artists." He said sincerely: "Now his whereabouts are unknown. If he comes back, I'm afraid he won't be so easy to deal with."

Yue Yu spoke tactfully, but Lu Meng saw that his eyes unconsciously drifted to her waist, knowing that the boss felt that he could not defeat the opponent.

Lu Mengxin said that I knew he was the best, otherwise why would I choose to attack him in prison.

Anyway, now there is no need to worry about the defeated leader.

But Lu Meng did not make it clear. Instead, he held Yue Yu's shoulders slightly and said, "How could I let go of my human brothers?"

"My hero, you don't have to..."

"Boss Yue, there is no need to say more," Lu Meng interrupted the other party's persuasion, "To be honest, I am here to tell you where those men in black are hiding."

"They were hiding in the prison tower."

"What!" Yue Yu was first surprised and then delighted: "Could it be that they have been burned..."

"No." Lu Meng shook his head and said in a serious tone: "On the contrary, they have escaped!"

The night breeze poured in from the window sill, making it cold and chilly.

Lu Meng could imagine Yue Yu's pale face under his mask.

He didn't mean to scare the human boss.

When Yue Yu said he planned to sell the store, Lu Meng was not only excited for a moment, but also realized that the matter was not over.

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