Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 174 Preaching (joint chapter)

The issues Lu Meng considered were:

If Yue Yu is really forced by the pressure of Krall's Choice to sell off stores and clear goods, although he can't afford it with his own currency reserves, there are many people in this town of Scone who can afford it.

Others don't know, but Lu Meng knows it.

Those men in black are not little robbers motivated by wealth, but a rebel organization belonging to the kingdom. For a large-scale organization like Krall's Choice, just grabbing a few sets of armor, no matter how sophisticated, is of what use?

In their original behavior, it seemed that the decision to kill the owner of the armor shop was an impromptu decision, but in fact, if Yue Yu really died, the impact would be the greatest.

This human boss has no other relatives or friends. Over the years, he has not even married a wife for his career, let alone left any children.

If he really died suddenly, the largest armor dealer in Scone Town would become ownerless and become a delicious prey waiting for the wolves to eat.

Now it seems that the initial target of Krall's Choice was Yue Yu's life.

Taking away those armors was just to deceive others and disguise himself as an ordinary door-to-door robber.

Although the five Kexuans who took action personally are all dead, their impact is still there.

The operation of Yue's shop is deteriorating. When it cannot survive and goes bankrupt, it will also be acquired and annexed by others, and the procedures will even become more legal and formal.

So whoever has the willingness and ability to acquire Yue's store will be the one who profits - and is most likely to be a collaborator of Krall's Choice.

It might be Yue Yu's competitor, another armor dealer, or it might be a weapons shop that wants to expand its business... or even Sikun official.

Lu Meng remembered that Shaq's military took the lead in setting up a shop, which mainly resold trophies or obsolete armaments. Huo Buyang's investigation also proved this.

In terms of qualifications, it is even the oldest equipment store.

After all, at the beginning of the implementation of the New Deal, someone must set an example, similar to the so-called "public-private partnership."

But after so many years of development, this old store has slowly been unable to keep up with the market.

The main reason is that they do not have their own blacksmith shop, and their output of high-end equipment is weak. In the end, only poor wandering warriors like to patronize it, just like looking for scraps.

The Yue Family Shop has precisely mastered the high-end blueprints for armor forging, and has hired and trained many skilled blacksmiths.

Lu Meng originally thought that this joint venture store had completed its historical mission, and it would be okay if it was surpassed by a newcomer like Yue Yu... But if it was really an official fate, it meant that there were still some people who were not willing to be eliminated by the times.

‘It’s not certain yet, but with the Prison Tower’s cover for Krall’s Choice, it’s very likely. ’

Lu Meng glanced at Yue Yu who was worried.

The boss may not have guessed this.

Even if the official position cannot be deduced from his perspective, Yue Yu's business sense should be able to detect who will benefit from this.

The reason why he continues to prepare for a counterattack is probably because he doesn't want to thank the enemy for being willing to come over and bear his "debt" when he goes bankrupt.

'By hiring thugs to harass competitors, and finally acquiring them at a low price...' Lu Meng thought, 'Why does this sound so similar to the style of operation in United City? ’

I don't know if the mastermind behind the incident is "crossing the river by feeling the Union City" again, or if there are really forces from there involved.

Lu Meng decided to ignore these things for which there were no clues yet.

At least it is certain that their current direct enemy is Krall's Choice.

"Run, ran out?" Yue Yu's face was filled with despair, and the bloody massacre that night came to mind again.

"Yes." Lu Meng said with a heavy tone, and added another wound to his heart: "I have been following them for a long time, but they were discovered. This time, the other party was well prepared, and I was no match at all... Fortunately, I was not worried, even though I escaped in embarrassment. , but was not seriously injured.”

Although he had expected it, Yue Yu still felt empty when he heard the swordsman in black admit that he could not stop the robbers.

The last glimmer of hope was broken.

Among the people he knew, except for the robber leader, this benefactor was the strongest. Even the technology hunters could not compare with him.

The robbers are powerful, the authorities cannot be trusted, and the swordsman in black is defeated... Who else can save him now?

Yue Yu sighed and said: "My hero, you should not come to me again in the future. It is not suitable for us to have too many will hurt you."

He understood the meaning of Lu Meng's words.

The hero was injured last time because he had to worry about himself. If he faced these thugs alone, although he would be defeated, it would still be easy to escape.

However, the corners of Lu Meng's mouth under the mask twitched slightly.

——It’s not certain who will be implicated.

After deducing the purpose of Krall's choice, he had already judged that Yue Yu would not be violently attacked again.

Because even if he is left alone, the Yue family store will eventually end up bankrupt and acquired, so there is no need to create complications.

However, this is not the ending Lu dreamed of.

Once the Yue Family Shop is defeated, the target of Krall's Choice will turn to the next one - that is the unknown.

It might even affect Lu Meng.

It’s good to enjoy the shade under the big trees.

Right now, the Yue Family Shop is like this big tree and must not fall down.

Lu Meng needed Yue Yujian to hold on, so he could only lie that the robbers had escaped and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

Let the boss feel that this is a life-and-death situation where he cannot give up and fight to the death.

However, the longer Yue Yu persists, the faster the patience of the people behind the scenes will be exhausted, and they may really send out a new Kraal's Choice to attack again.

If you give up now, at most you will lose your business foundation.

If he gets involved with Lu Meng, if he fails, he will lose his life.

"Boss Yue, I told you - I'm here to help you." Lu Meng said seriously.

"I'm just saying this to give you a clear understanding of our enemies... not to abandon you with peace of mind."

"Our enemies are terrifying, but please don't give up, because I'm here too!"

Yue Yu's eyes were filled with water.

The swordsman's words were firm, with the determination of a sharp blade drawn out of its sheath.

He was not coming to save himself out of fanaticism and blind confidence; rather, he knew that this was the place of death, but still decided to go to the danger in person without any hesitation.

At this moment, Yue Yu even felt that the other person was not from this world.

Because in this world, no one would do such a stupid thing, and no one can bring people such a touching feeling.

Seeing this, Lu Meng knew that his goal had been achieved.

If you want others to appreciate your help, you must not be all-inclusive or pretend to be relaxed; you must fully demonstrate your difficulties, and then suddenly agree when the other person is disappointed that you want to refuse.

"But..." he continued: "I have a condition."

Yue Yu looked stern.


As a businessman, he is accustomed to transactions and believes that there is no help without reason.

All gifts come with a price, and one day, the other party will ask for something in return - it may be equal, or it may be hundreds or thousands of times.

The previous selfless actions of the hero almost broke his creed.

But just because it was so shocking, it gave Yue Yu a sense of unreality.

Now that the other party was asking for conditions, he breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the area he was familiar with.

The help promised by the other party also appears more credible.

The swordsman in black took out a book with a sheepskin cover from the pouch at his waist.

It is "Holy Fire".

"My brother," he put his hand on the fire pattern, with a hint of hope in his words:

"——Are you religious?"



This day has finally come, Yue Yu thought.

The Black Swordsman has never hidden his identity as an Oakland believer.

Whether it is a priest chanting scriptures or a paladin holding a heavy sword, the ultimate goal is to preach and increase more believers and taxes.

--If the scriptures don't convince you, put a sword to your neck and convince you.

Yue Yu had thought that his benefactor would ask him to convert to Auckland, but in his opinion, this was just a casual thing, and he could just mention it afterward. It was far from serious enough to be used as a separate condition.

Perhaps this is the difference in thinking between believers and ordinary people.

Missionary work was a matter of great importance to them.

"I am willing to take refuge..." As he said this, Yue Yu struggled to move his arms and stretched out towards the "Holy Fire".


Just when Yue Yu was about to take the oath, Lu Meng interrupted him.

"My brother...Boss Yue, you'd better think it through."

Yue Yu was a little embarrassed. Was it because his conversion was too hasty and made the other party feel that it was not grand enough?

Do you need to check his beliefs, family background, etc. in advance?

Lu Meng's next words were beyond his expectation: "Because, although the God I believe in can also be called 'Auckland', it is not the same thing as the false god believed in the Holy Kingdom's national religion."

Yue Yu was shocked, how could he not understand what the other party meant.

This is...a heresy!

No wonder he wandered to Scone Town. If he stayed in the Holy Kingdom and was caught by the inquisitor, he would be sentenced to death at the stake.

"Boss Yue, do you know Auckland?" Lu Meng added: "The kind from the Holy Country."

"Auckland is a flame, a light, the first radiance that shined when the world first opened, and then the world was created from this brilliance." Yue Yu replied, he had supplemented the knowledge of the Auckland religion.

"What I'm asking about is the part of light and darkness," Lu Meng said, "that is, Auckland and Narco."

"Humanity was created in the image of Auckland, the Lord of Light, and women were created in the image of Narko, the dark demon. But because Narko was also a creation of Auckland, women are also considered human beings, but not so pure."

Yue Yu tried hard to recall that most priests didn't like to talk about Narco's problem in detail.

“Everyone has a light and a dark part inside them, and Auckland is no exception.

But Auckland was able to drive the darkness out of his heart and became the great and pure Lord of Light. However, his darkness turned into Narko, who was defeated by Auckland.

Narko has not died. She hides in the underground without light, always ready to corrode the bright soul and body of mankind. Those who are corrupted will become heretics and aliens. Only rebirth can save them..."

When "heresy" was mentioned, Yue Yu glanced at Lu Meng and continued when he saw that he had no reaction:

"If all humans are corrupted, Narko will lead her dark minions to enslave the entire world again!"

"You can also say 'king over' the entire world." Lu Meng added with a smile.

"Yes, yes..." Yue Yu heard that the original scripture said 'King's Landing', but orthodox priests would never admit that Narko had such power.

"Boss Yue, what you said is generally correct," Lu Meng said calmly: "However, what I know is the story that the priests will not tell the world - and even the priests themselves have forgotten."

Yue Yu became serious. He knew that what he was going to hear next was the core difference between the heresy that the other party believed in and the Auckland Holy Religion.

Lu Meng took a cup, dipped his finger in water, and wrote two words on the table.

——Okran and Narko.

Their spellings are reversed, and they happen to be the other's word.

Many people have discovered this phenomenon. In the Holy Kingdom, the mainstream explanation is that this is to reflect the hostility between Auckland and Narco, emphasizing that Narko comes from and surrenders to Auckland.

As for other doubts, don’t ask too much. If you ask, I will send you to be reborn.

A person who seriously thinks about darkness has a greater chance of being contaminated by darkness.

Yue Yu was silent, he still didn't quite understand what the other party meant.

Lu Meng then spoke:

"For thousands of years, the priests of the Holy Kingdom have been trying to explain one thing, and that is why the all-powerful Auckland created the evil Narko to become an enemy of mankind."

"If it is different from ordinary people who have to fight in their hearts to let the light overwhelm the darkness, Auckland is powerful enough to expel Narko from the body... On the other hand, could it be that Auckland Company imprisoned Narko in his heart and overwhelm the darkness with light? Doesn’t she have any confidence? Why should she be released to confuse the world?”

"This undoubtedly shakes the omnipotent image of our Lord, 'Oakland', so those vulgar priests can only interpret Narco as a test arranged by the Lord for us - in fact, they are constantly using her to intimidate His own people, let them obey the command.”

"However, this only makes Auckland's arrangement even more ridiculous," Lu Meng shook his head, "The Holy Empire once almost unified the entire continent, but with the rebellion of the United City and the establishment of the Kingdom of Shake... they can now only occupy their own That piece of green land, it can be said that most of the country has been completely destroyed. If this is all the corruption caused by Narco's temptation, then Narco's power is too much beyond Auckland, right?"

Yue Yu remained silent.

Although he is not an Auckland believer, he can still hear the blasphemy in the words spoken by the other party.

"The only truth is contained in these two names." Lu Meng pointed to the wet water stains, "Auckland and Narko are both creations of the same god!"

"What does it mean that 'Oakland created men in his own image, and women in Narko's image'... Then why don't any of Narko's minions look like women?"

Lu Meng looked at Yue Yu: "Do you have sexual desire for girls from the Shark tribe?"

Yue Yu was shocked that the other party suddenly spoke so vulgarly, but he still shook his head quickly.

"The reason is: Narko is another kind of thing that has nothing to do with human beings, or even flesh and blood creatures... How can it be divided by gender?" Lu Meng whispered: "God created human beings, and also created He married Narco, but he didn’t promise that any one of us would be the master of the world.”

"So there were times in history when humans ruled, and there were times when Narko ruled."

"In other words, only the winner will be the 'Oakland' that rules the world; while the loser can only be reduced to 'Narco'."

"This is an endless war, and the 'good believers' of the Holy Empire are still addicted to opening coins and women's bodies, squeezing their people, and wasting their own energy..." Lu Meng took the ball in Yue Yu's arms. He held his sword across the sword, caressing the edge gently, "With such a belief, how can we have any place to stay?"

Yue Yu finally understood that what he was about to join was not at all a leisure organization that was just about chanting scriptures and praying.

This is simply a fanatical sect that is always ready for jihad all over the world and seeks dominance for mankind!

He began to hesitate, which seemed a bit beyond his imagination.

As for Lu Meng, seeing that the atmosphere was almost complete, he said casually:

"Of course, if Boss Yue joins us, the brothers of the sect will also spare no effort to protect you like me..."

"I'm joining."

Yue Yu pressed his palms, his eyes firm.

Just kidding... Whether it is a jihad or not is up to others. Now that I am about to be killed, it is important to save my life first.


It turns out that the swordsmen in black are also organized.

For someone as strong as him, we still have an entire cult!

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