Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 175 Our religious group is so strong

Seeing that Boss Yue Yu had just joined the "religion", Lu Meng nodded with satisfaction.

As for those doctrines about 'Oakland' and 'Narco' competing for the world, he was naturally making them up.

Anyway, there is no god in this world. No matter how he arranges it, Auckland will not suddenly come down to earth and slap him to death.

Even if there is a liquidation, the priests of the Holy Kingdom will still be in front.

Their misinterpretation of the scriptures is far greater than their own.

At least there is some historical truth in his words.

The current situation is that it is not important how to interpret the doctrine. What is important is to make Yue Yu believe that there is indeed such a heretical sect, and that this sect has the ability to be his backing.

In Yue Yu's view, he was using the power of the cult.

Little does he know that he himself is the one being exploited.

"Here, hero." Yue Yu hesitated, "I've known you for so long, and I still don't know what to call you. Now that I've joined the religion, can I..."

It's not appropriate to always call someone a hero or a benefactor.

Although he had heard the other party introduce himself as 'Ludin' before, looking back now, he must have used a false name to deceive those Shaq people.

Given the nature of their sect, concealment should be their top priority.

"They usually call me 'preacher'." Lu Meng casually chose a code name that suited the situation.

"Boss Yue, for your safety, even if there is an opportunity for us to appear in front of others together in the future, please pretend that we are not members of the church." Lu Meng continued: "After all, it is not a good thing to be related to the church. .”

"Okay, Mr. Preacher."

Yue Yu nodded vigorously, feeling a little touched.

Whether it is in the Holy Empire or the Kingdom of Shaq, a heretic cult that believes in Auckland is taboo.

The missionary's intention was obvious. If others knew that he had accepted help from the religious order, even if he could repel the Shaq robbers, he would not be able to survive in Scone Town.

It's just that when Yue Yu thinks about the fact that his brothers in the sect have come to help him, he can only stand by and watch, or even pretend to be hostile...

There is a feeling that ‘the Order has shouldered everything’.

‘Will I be like this one day, helping my brothers in the sect, but only being able to hide my name...’ He suddenly felt tragic.

Yue Yu felt that he could understand Mr. Missionary's state of mind better.

Just thinking about it makes me feel heavy, but the brothers in the cult have always done this.

'Wait a moment……'

Yue Yu suddenly woke up.

The missionary asked himself not to expose his relationship with the religious group in public, and he must have made the same arrangements for other church members.

In this way, those who seem to have nothing to do with heresy are very likely to be members of the cult behind the scenes.

Among them are shop owners like himself, and maybe other more important figures.

The more Yue Yu thought about it, the more foggy he felt... But more of it was a sense of security. After all, the more secretive the cult, the smaller the risk of being exposed; the stronger the cult, the more powerful the protection he could get.

Before he knew it, he was completely thinking from the perspective of a church member.

"Because the current situation is special, I can only maintain one-line contact with you until the crisis is resolved." Lu Meng added:

"When the time is right, I will introduce you to other church members, Boss Yue. They will all be as dear as you."

There are no other "religious friends" to recommend now. If we insist on counting, maybe even the small bones will be used to join the head... No, the head of the dog.

But Lu Meng is not worried about being exposed.

As he expected, Krall's Choice should not launch the next action in the short term.

Even if there were, the initial intensity could be handled by myself plus Yue Yu's guards, and there was no need to dispatch "other church members".

But if the people behind the scenes are forced into a hurry, then it’s uncertain.

Before that, it is necessary for him to further improve his strength and be prepared.

"Mr. Missionary, when did I know you needed me?" Yue Yu asked carefully.

You can't just throw tokens in through the window every time.

Then should his window glass be repaired?

"I'm not the one responsible for contacting you." Lu Meng said what he had planned.

"Because you are an armor shop here, we decided to send a church member who is usually a blacksmith to communicate with you. This will make it more natural."

"Are there any master craftsmen among the church members?" Yue Yu exclaimed.

Because he is the owner of an armor dealer, he can send out fellow craftsmen. Yue Yu believed that this was no coincidence and must have been carefully selected and arranged by the missionary based on the situation.

This shows that the members of the sect come from all walks of life, so that they can be used immediately when needed.

The sect's heritage may be beyond one's imagination.

He, the owner of the armor dealer, couldn't develop it just to send out this fellow craftsman... He was making too much fuss.

Yue Yu had no objection to the single-line contact of the cult. The more secretive the cult was, the more discipline it needed to be strictly observed.

Otherwise, a heretical sect of this scale would have been exposed a long time ago. How could there be no news at all before this?

The only regret is that the person responsible for contacting him is not the familiar swordsman in black, which makes Yue Yu a little uneasy.

But this is understandable. From the code name of the other party's "missionary", you can guess that he is responsible for developing new members within the organization and cannot spend all his time on himself.

Missionaries did not hold a high position in the Auckland Church.

If he were not a fringe priest who came from a poor background and failed in political struggles, who would give up the privileged temple life and go to remote areas to preach alone, angering local residents and risking death.

——Unless he is really firm in his beliefs and extremely fanatical.

In secret orders, however, the missionary's status was quite different.

Because this meant that he had exact information about all the new church members who developed. The person responsible for preaching, even if he is not the leader of the sect, is still the second or third person in the sect.

Therefore, Yue Yu also gained his own understanding of the status of missionaries in the church.

"That church member is..."

"It doesn't hurt to tell you his name. After all, you will know each other's existence." Lu Meng paused.

"His name is 'Lu Beiyou'. Don't contact him in advance - given your status gap, going to him without authorization will increase the risk of exposure for both parties."

"Lu Beiyou..." Yue Yu wrote down the name.

He knows that this person will be his so-called "upline" from now on, and he should respect him more in the future.

Unexpectedly, he was an armor dealer, had been the boss of a craftsman all his life, and finally became the subordinate of another craftsman.

However, Yue Yu only found it interesting and had no dissatisfaction, nor did he intend to betray Lu Beiyou to the officials of Sikun Town.

You must know that there are missionaries, and leaking information about church members is tantamount to committing suicide.

Joining the cult means advancing and retreating together.

Yue Yu clenched his fists, and the fear and worry he had felt for many days was gone.

It feels so good to be organized.

"Then I'll take my leave," Lu Meng stood up, "Boss Yue, take care."

"Mr. Missionary..." Before Yue Yu could say goodbye, the swordsman in black had already jumped out of the window sill.

Quietly, leaving only the breeze blowing.

Only then did Yue Yu realize that he did not let the guards relax their guard tonight, but the missionaries still came and went freely.

Having such an ability is almost like a ghost.

But Yue Yu is not afraid - this is a member of our sect.

The only problem was that he was still trapped in the heavy armor and couldn't stand up.

You should have asked Mr. Missionary to help you put him on the bed before leaving...

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