Lu Meng strolled on the street.

His strength and posture were well controlled. The black clothes were tightly wrapped around his body, and there was no sound of the wind blowing at the corners of his clothes.

Lu Meng's [Stealth] level has exceeded 40, reaching the level of "expertise".

Now, as long as he is careful, he can come and go freely in various houses in the city.

But it is still a bit difficult to challenge the defense of Shaq Military Camp. After all, as soldiers, they have to deal with various ninja assassins.

The street lights along the way gradually dimmed.

With a "pop", all the lights went out, and the whole street fell into the deepest darkness.

Calculating the time, it seems that Scone Town turned off the lights in order to save electricity.

It's just that the last hour before dawn is the darkest hour.

If a pedestrian is walking on the street, he may only feel that his eyes are darkened and he is scratching his head everywhere.

But in Lu Meng's perception, he just felt that there was a layer of mist around him, the twin moons were shining brightly, and the things under the mist disappeared and appeared as the mist rolled.

If you wait until your perception attribute exceeds 50 points, you should be able to see it more clearly.

However, the last time he sneaked into the prison tower, his [Crossbow] skill had just broken through the 30th level of "Mastery", and the crossbow was destroyed by Yazan, the defeated boss.

If you want to continue to exercise your perception ability, you lack suitable props.

I just took this opportunity to get a better crossbow.

The previous crossbow, combined with the crossbow skill, was useful for shooting warriors, but when faced with enemies of the same level, it seemed a bit scratchy.

Not to mention that the opponent might be wearing armor.

In the past, when facing unarmored enemies, crossbow arrows that mainly caused wounds and bleeding were still very useful; now, among the targets of shooting are Shaq people who are born with scale armor, which puts forward higher requirements for the armor-breaking properties of arrows. Require.

You can try changing to a heavier crossbow.

Lu Meng raised his head and looked at the moonlight.

One is as bright as mercury, and the other is as scarlet as blood.

If you look carefully, you will see that the red moon is not the red light emitted by the star itself, but comes from the rolling clouds above it.

Lu Meng recalled some chemical knowledge - if this is the acid rain layer formed by nitrogen compounds, then when the acid rain falls and the clouds disperse, the giant moon will return to its original state.

For thousands of years, people have become accustomed to this.

The bachelors could even predict the time based on the changes in the moon phases, and formulated a new calendar to serve farming.

But for Lu Meng, who was used to having only one moon, all this was still a bit strange.

In terms of size, these two moons are also much larger than in previous lives.

There is a feeling of being squeezed on the horizon and about to fall.

It is precisely because of this that in this world, the moon brings greater shock to people than the sun, and a lot of content about moon worship has also been derived.

Lu Meng knew that there was a moon worshiping cult on the east side of the mainland.

He chuckled. Speaking of which, tonight, I also created a cult out of thin air.

Throughout the ages, there are countless examples that prove the vitality of the ‘Order’ organization.

Even in previous lives when religious forces did not hold a dominant position, there were still many similar underground cult activities among the people, some of which were just disguised as social organizations.

To put it more broadly, the same principle applies to the so-called fan circle.

Lu Meng had no way to rely on the power of his clan blood relatives, and he didn't think he had the personality and charisma of a leader.

If you want to develop your own power from scratch, you can only rely on the original framework of this world.

In the early stages of power development, if he wanted to attract people to join him, he could only use more cunning methods, such as deception and coercion.

Just like I did tonight.

But now his sect can only be said to be empty, with no doctrines, creeds, or rituals (codes of conduct).

Even Yue Yu's joining was only out of profit considerations, which was actually very unreliable.

But that's enough.

When the cult gradually grows, its own organizational regulations will be enough to restrain and control its members.

Even core doctrines and creeds can be addressed.

When you succeed, every move you make will become a model, and followers will naturally interpret it for you.

All Lu Meng has to do is find the right talents.

As well as supervising the development direction of the sect to ensure that it does not exceed its control.

Even if this attempt to establish power fails, Lu Meng can still get what he wants.

His current [Armor Craftsman] skill has reached the "proficient" level of level 20. If you want to continue to accelerate the speed of improvement, it is not enough to just rely on working behind closed doors in your own long house.

With this status as a church member, you can enjoy the resources of the Yue Family Blacksmith Shop.

When the [Armor Craftsman] reaches the level of "proficiency", then his own skills will be enough to create a usable full-body armor.

Lu Meng now has one life skill (stealth) that has reached "expertise", so all the roads leading to level 60 in actual combat levels have been opened.

The next thing to do is to look for more practical opportunities and gain experience.

Updating a wave of weapons and equipment can increase your chances of winning and guaranteeing more.


Where can I find so many martial arts masters for me to kill?

‘The bandit den in the wilderness is a good choice. ’ Lu Meng thought about it, ‘But without the identity of a warrior, it is not convenient to carry troops and commit crimes in the Kingdom of Shaq. ’

If you want to become a warrior, you must either go to the battlefield to accumulate military merit, or go to the Thunder Arena.

‘Speaking of which, it has been a long time since there has been any battle report from the Skun army that went out on the expedition, and we don’t know what the situation is like. ’

Since the expedition, Scone has been reporting good news frequently.

There should be many new warriors in this merit-based reward.

Lu Meng gave up the opportunity to apply, and this road was temporarily unavailable.

However, he did not regret his original judgment. If you follow the army on an expedition, you will not only miss the opportunity of the prison tower, but you may also expose many of your secrets when spending time with other soldiers.

What's more, Lu Meng's strength at that time was not as strong as it is now. If he encountered a siege on the battlefield, it was hard to say whether he could protect himself.

‘In this way, the only option left is Thunder Arena. ’

If we really talk about the intensity of the fighting, it may not be lower there than on the battlefield.

The Thunder Arena simulates the past ritual of young people from the Shaq tribe dueling each other to become warriors. The arena also follows the Shaq tradition and requires contestants not to wear armor.

Therefore, the Thunder Arena treats all races equally, but fundamentally it is more beneficial to the Sharks who are born with scales.

However, although it cannot wear armor, there is no limit to the choice of weapons.

Before participating in the arena, Lu Meng plans to add a new machete.

There are machete weapons designed to break armor, some to chop mechanical creatures, and of course, some to chop flesh and blood creatures.

It's so simple yet gaudy.

Lu Meng's own weapon forging skills are still unable to create a weapon suitable for his level, so it seems that he can only buy one at a high price.

Or look for other channels...

time flies.

Just when Lu Meng was still preparing for his future.

Scone's army suddenly returned to the city after only a month of expedition.


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