Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 177 Friends come to visit


Lu Meng was still standing on the long roof of his house, "inspecting" the troops returning to the city.

Nowadays, a small two-story attic has been rebuilt on the longhouse, which is very suitable for observation and shooting. The rooftop is also surrounded by fences and tied with wire needles, transforming it into a small fortress.

As long as the house is yours, there are no illegal modifications in Scone Town.

At the top of the small attic, a small iron wind turbine was spinning slowly, continuously transmitting power through wires into the battery pack in the attic.

They finally couldn't stand the official power supply in Scone and built one themselves.

The power is small, but it is more stable.

Sometimes the wind turbine has to work for several days to fully charge the battery, but Lu Meng and the others do not use electricity for more than two hours a day, so it is enough.

This eliminates the need to share lines with neighbors, reducing the risk of fire. Only open the gates and reconnect official power when really needed.

The iron blades of the wind turbine rotated in circles, leaving changing shadows on Lu Meng's body.

The troops entering the city, the townspeople on the road... the cheers rang in my ears.

His expression became serious.

The number of people who came back was much smaller than the group that started out.

Shaq's regular army has been reduced by nearly one-third. These are the elites trained with royal rations since the New Deal.

Less than half of the wandering warriors who followed them came back alive, and all of them were injured. Compared with the complacency before departure, the faces of these people are now much gloomier.

As for those ordinary citizens who enlisted for military merit, Lu Meng paid close attention and found a few figures in the team.

Judging from the time estimation, the entire army stretched into a long line before setting off and prepared to leave the city for a whole morning; now in less than an hour, all Shaq's troops entered the city.

The battle reports coming back from the front line and the specifications for welcoming them in Scone Town were all based on "triumph", but just looking at the losses of this unit, you know that the situation on the real battlefield is not that simple.

Lu Meng glanced casually and saw his neighbor Huang Bang observing the troops returning to the city on the roof next door.

The same thing happened to Huang Bang the last time his army left the city.

It seems that their hobbies are somewhat similar.

But this time Lu Meng was standing in a higher attic, making it even harder for Huang Bang to spot him. And judging from the pale face of this neighbor, he probably didn't see his friend among the troops returning to the city.

Lu Meng did not disturb him and went down to the attic alone.

The military power of the Shark Kingdom was directly related to the safety of Scone Town. He was a little curious about what happened to this army in the border land.

If you need someone to understand the specific situation, Lu Meng has just the right person.

After the army was disbanded, Kang did not return to the security office to report - the security guard gave them a short vacation as a result of the military recruitment.

Kang was surprised at first. This time the army rushed back and heard about the reasons for the unrest in Sikun Town.

The Skeleton Corps defected and the prison tower burned down. In the imagination of the guards, the town of Scone was in chaos. They were all ready to come back and work overtime or even impose martial law throughout the city.

As a result, when I came back and inquired, I found out that in the first few days, the city was indeed chaotic. However, as the law office issued large rewards and activated the police, the security situation quickly stabilized.

The guards were even more confused. What was this auxiliary police officer? Are you going to lose your job?

In the end, it became clear that this was a special kind of mercenary who temporarily assisted in patrolling the town and could not maintain normalcy.

However, it is said that there is a team of humans who have arrested many fugitives in a short period of time, and their professional skills are better than those of the old guards.

Upon hearing this, the old guards had mixed feelings.

Especially the practice of allowing non-soldiers to temporarily carry weapons made everyone aware of the subtle changes that had taken place in Scone Town.

Because of the presence of mercenaries to assist the police, Skunk Station did not need these guards who had just returned from the war to rush to work, so they were allowed to go back to rest for a while, which was considered very humane.

For Kang, it was good that there was no trouble in Skun Town, but the experience of this expedition was still like a cloud of depression that could not be dissipated in his heart for a long time.

The big man Shaq returned to his hut, which had a masonry foundation and a mixed structure of iron and wood walls, with some peeling off due to wind erosion.

As a security chief, Kang's salary actually exceeded that of most people in the city, but his residence and life remained simple.

If he hadn't been wearing a guard uniform and lived in a place like this, he would probably have been recognized as an ordinary wandering warrior.

Kang casually dragged out an iron box, sat on it, unbuttoned his shirt, and exposed his chest.

The exaggerated pectoralis major and abdominal muscles swelled as if they were about to explode, and smooth bone plates and scales covered all the vitals.

Anyone who comes to see it has to admire the fit between the Shaq's exoskeleton and their body. It is so perfect that it seems that it is not grown, but designed by a highly skilled armor craftsman.

However, in Kang's case, this perfection was broken.

A hideous wound ran diagonally from the shoulder to the lower back. The bone plates were shattered and the skin and flesh were rolled. There was also a slight putrid smell from it. The injury lasted a long time.

In fact, given his current condition, even if the treatment center doesn't grant him a holiday, he probably won't be able to survive for long before he reports illness.

Now I can just rest in peace and recuperate.

Kang inspected the wound briefly and frowned.

Perhaps because of the constant fighting and traveling, the wound showed no sign of improvement.

There are military doctors accompanying the army, and there is also a medical clinic in the town of Sikun. However, when the army returns to the city, there are countless wounded. The doctors must be very busy at the moment, and the supply of medicines is also in short supply.

Although Kang can use his authority to jump in and receive treatment in advance, his current injury is not life-threatening, so it is better not to waste the opportunities of the other Shaq brothers.

"Dong dong dong."

Just when Kang decided to simply bandage up and rest on the spot, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it? Wait a moment."

Without thinking, Kang stood up and opened the door.

On weekdays, few people came to visit his small shabby house. The ones who would come at this time were probably his comrades.

So Kang didn't even think of putting on clothes to cover the wound, they both knew each other.

"Hey." The visitor was surprised, "General Kang, you are injured."

The person standing outside the door was not any comrade Kang was familiar with, but a handsome white-haired human youth.

"Lu... Lu Beiyou?"

Kang recognized him and was inexplicably at a loss.

Shaq still remembers that when he was applying for a permanent residence license plate for this human being, he mistakenly thought that he was a job seeker who wanted to have a relationship, but he ended up betraying the other person's good intentions.

He resisted the urge to cover the wound and made a magnanimous gesture:

"What's the matter with Mr. Lu? It's off duty now. We guards are all on vacation. If you have any difficulties, please go to the police station and ask for help from mercenaries."

"Or...Mr. Lu, are you here to see my joke?"

In Kang's impression.

The last meeting ended "unhappily" and the other party closed the door and left. He must have been a little disappointed in himself.

Now that he came to his door, there was no other meaning besides mocking him for being embarrassed and injured.

"Haha, Lao Kang, you really know how to joke."

Lu Meng shook the wine bottle in his hand.

"You have just returned from victory. As a friend, how could you not come to visit?"

Without waiting for the Shaq's response, he slipped into the house with ease.

Kang was stunned for a moment, and then closed the door by mistake without any rebuttal, as if he accepted the title of "friend" by default.

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