Kang turned back to the house.

I saw that the white-haired young man had placed the wine bottle on the simple wooden table, pulled out another iron box and sat on it.

When the man saw him looking over, he raised his hand to invite him to sit down with him.

Kang didn't know why, so he had to sit opposite him, with a wine bottle in the middle.

Looking at the casual look of the white-haired young man, it was as natural as visiting an old friend who has known him for many years.

Kang didn't have the same state of mind as the other person. He found that he didn't understand this human being at all. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He could only reach out and grab the wine bottle on the wooden table and drink before talking.

Judging from what he meant, this should also be a gift.

However, the other party reached out to stop him, the joints of his palms were strong and clear.

ah? Did I misunderstand something again?

Before Kang could respond, Lu Meng spoke with regret:

"I originally got this jug of good wine and planned to share it with you, Lao Kang, but now... you can't drink it.

“Alcohol will speed up blood flow, increase the leakage of wound tissue fluid, and form edema, which is not conducive to wound healing.

"And if you take the medicine later, if it is not taken properly, it will react with certain ingredients, affecting absorption and reducing the efficacy of the medicine. It may also lead to poisoning..."

He spoke eloquently.

"Medicine?" Kang grasped the key point, "What kind of medicine..."

"I'm here to apply medicine and sew you up," Lu Meng said matter-of-factly, "I'm a doctor."

I saw him magically taking out a medicine box from the package beside him.

Scalpels, hemostats...pieces of medical equipment were placed on the table, glowing with a gleaming light.

Just as Lu Meng was about to use alcohol spray to disinfect one by one, Shaq quickly interrupted him.

"Why did you just treat you?" Kang looked panicked, "Aren't you a blacksmith?"

Who can bear it if a blacksmith who hammers iron all day long heals his wounds and sews them up...

If the metal is broken, it can still be welded; if a person is broken, it cannot be put back together.

Lu Meng has no stage fright: "I am indeed a craftsman, but I am also a doctor."

"Then why didn't you say you were a doctor when you entered the city before?" Kang asked.

If the medical skills are excellent, Scone Town is completely acceptable.

Lu Meng admitted:

"Doesn't this mean you don't have a medical qualification certificate?"

Kang was even more frightened.

Generally speaking, so-called regular doctors are either certified as mechanics or have many years of medical experience and have a reputation.

The rest are some folk doctors, apprentice doctors and the like - these are pretty good, but there are also a lot of black doctors who are more egregious, like the kind of black doctors who cut off and sell limbs and organs.

"It's too slow to build up reputation," Lu Meng took the scalpel and was about to poke the wound, "but after today, Lao Kang, you can help promote it."

"This, this is just nonsense!"

Kang resisted his hand with all his strength and was about to push it away.

As soon as I exerted my strength, it didn't move at all.

Shaq was shocked.

Although he didn't use all his strength and was a little weak after being injured, his strength was here and he wouldn't be able to push away an ordinary blacksmith.

It seems that as the noble man said, this human being is not that simple.

Lu Meng smiled slightly and said seriously:

"Believe me."

——The reason why Lu Meng's hands are so stable can no longer be explained by simple strength. It is obviously also due to the improvement brought about by the increasingly proficient "martial arts" fist skills.

As for treating Kang's injuries, it was a piece of cake for him now.

To make an analogy, he has been in the "Stealing Gate" for so long and has the blessing of "establishment". His "Excellent Hand" skill is only comparable to the level of proficiency at level 30 - but his "Medical" skill is even better than this. High, this kind of healing efficiency can be imagined.

"At least I don't have to hurt you."

After listening to Lu Meng's words, Kang was in a daze for a moment.

He knows.

If a random stranger rushes up to him, he will be treated for his injuries, and given his temper, he will at least give him a beating.

And now Lu Beiyou looked scary as he held the scalpel. Kang was only hesitant and worried, not angry.

Because some kind of trust has been formed in his heart.

It is impossible for the other party to know that he is injured in advance, and the treatment is improvised.

So what Lu Beiyou originally wanted to do was, as he said, come to meet friends for a drink.

Kang knew that because of his personality, he would not get any convenience even if he tried to please him. Moreover, he clearly misunderstood Lu Beiyou last time, but now the other party is still willing to treat him as a friend.

Although it's still a bit baffling...but in this world, who would refuse others' sincere attention?

Even if the other party is a human being.

"You do it."

Kang let go.

The other party had no reason to harm him, and combined with the noble man's reminder, Kang decided to trust this human being for once.

"Okay." Lu Meng nodded.

He pressed the back of the knife with his fingers, the handle of the knife in his palm, and slowly approached the wound on Kang's shoulder.

Looking at this unshaken wrist, Kang suddenly had an idea:

What would it be like if these hands were holding real swords?

It must be equally stable and precise when cutting the enemy's throat.

"--Depend on!"

Before Kang could start to think, a sharp pain interrupted his thoughts.

"The wound delayed the best treatment time. The polyps have grown out and are mixed with the rotten flesh. They must be removed completely." Lu Meng explained while picking the flesh with a thin knife.

Debris mixed with a faint stream of blood flowed down.

"Hey...I know." Kang gasped, "But don't you have any anesthetic?"

Lu Meng's knife was struck.

Then he continued to scrape as if nothing had happened.


——Actually, there is, but he was used to it when he was practicing medicine in the past.

This time, I did the surgery without even thinking about it.

There are downsides to being too skilled in medical procedures.

Now that he had to take out the anesthetic again, maybe people would think that he was deliberately trying to trick him, and they would just make the mistake.

It’s not like it can’t be cured.

"You, were you so rude when you were practicing medicine in the past?" Kang said dullly, "Don't the patients have any objections?"

"I had some objections at first," Lu Meng recalled, "but they just howled for a while and then became silent."

He sincerely praised: "You talk a lot."

Kang: "..."

He doesn't really want to talk now.

"General Kang is indeed brave."

Seeing that the big man Shaq was shaking a little, Lu Meng comforted him:

"In my hometown, there was also a general who didn't change his face even when the doctor scraped his bones with a knife..."

"Yes, really?" Kang became interested, "I wonder how strong this general is."

"His eldest brother said he is invincible," Lu Meng concentrated on healing his wounds and casually joked:

"Our hometown also has a poker game based on him. This general's ability is to play all red suits as attack cards. It can be said to be a powerful force in the wasteland..."

"You are indeed a warrior who will never come back!" Kang only felt that this design was to his liking, and his attention slowly shifted from the injury:

"I don't know how it compares to our Stone Demon Queen and the Lord of Dashan City..."

Shaving, debridement, applying medicine, suturing...all the procedures are already familiar to Lu Meng.

Kang, the big Shaq man, was already pale and pale, feeling like he had lost half his life.

However, he also knew clearly that the operation was successful and the remaining half of his life was saved.

The medical skills of Beiyou on this road are no less than any professional doctors in the city.

This made Kang feel grateful and admired, but also felt more mysterious and confused.

'Moreover, he is not a doctor on the surface, but he carries with him equipment and medicine for treating injuries. ’ Kang noticed it keenly.

‘What situation is he preparing for? ’

"about there."

Lu Meng didn't care what the other party thought of him.

He packed up his things, sat down again, and took the opportunity to ask about the purpose of his trip:

"With your strength, Lao Kang, why did you suffer such injuries on the battlefield?"

"What happened in this war between Scone and the Sand Bandits——"

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