Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 180 Collecting the Corpse

A long street is noisy at the moment.

The joint store between Shaq's military and civilians is called "Iron Ju", and one family occupies a large room.

It can be seen that the house is quite old. The furnishings in the house seem to have never been changed. The tables, chairs and benches are missing arms and legs. There are a row of discarded ordnance on the shelves, some of which are gathering dust.

There were also very few customers inside the Tieju store.

However, today’s focus is not on the store.

The street outside the shop was filled with all kinds of sundries, all trophies brought back by Shaq's army this time.

The shop assistants roughly sorted them without sorting them out. They just spread them on the ground, forming more than a dozen stalls, occupying half of the street.

Their work attitude doesn't matter, because the customers of Tieju don't care about it either.

Wandering warriors gathered in groups of twos and threes in front of various stalls, picking and choosing and discussing. Sometimes two people would argue and push each other when they saw a favorite piece of equipment at the same time.

At this moment, a white-haired young man came outside the Tieju store.

Huo Buyang stood beside him, dressed in a leather jacket and dressed like a mercenary.

Cavin the Hornless Man followed behind them, still holding the lasso in his hand and holding Xiao Gu at the other end.

Now the small bones have begun to grow, the mane is brimming, the bone plates are smooth, and the tendons and flesh all over the body seem to hide endless strength and wildness. Cavin had no confidence in controlling it - everyone was just showing off, it was not so much him holding the dog as it was the dog holding him.

"Master, are we just here to hunt for goods?" Kavin said timidly.

"Yeah." Lu Meng nodded casually.

Kavin was quite uneasy.

You must know that the rule of shopping is first come, first served. The store does not have so much energy to identify such things.

Whoever has the vision to find something good is yours.

However, the more unorganized the order is, the easier it is for conflicts to break out. You said you saw this thing first, and I said I saw it first. It’s unclear, so in the end we can only follow Shaq’s traditional skills and start fighting.

At the moment, I don’t know where my master got the news. Knowing that a new batch of trophies came into the Tieju store today, he actually called them all over, including people and dogs.

This clearly shows that they are going to attack if they can't get it.

"Brother Huo, please cover me later." He sneaked up to Huo Buyang.

Huo Buyang was much younger than Kavin, and his call of "Little Brother Huo" was nondescript, but Kavin knew it well.

The teenager was hired to patrol the streets and has now become somewhat famous. Some gangsters despised this young-looking young man at first, but after receiving a few beatings, they no longer dared to do it.

Only then did Kavin understand: Among them, all the people are ruthless, the dogs are also ruthless dogs, and he is the only one who is a waste.

It’s absolutely okay to call Brother Sheng for protection.

As for why he went to Huo Buyang instead of his own master.

The main reason is that Kavin is a little scared.

Afraid of splattering blood.

"Don't worry, we can't fight." Huo Buyang saw what Kawen was thinking, "It's not like this to fight."

Lu Meng took a look at the situation on the street outside the store and could see many stray soldiers still wrapped in bandages and bleeding.

Not long after they retreated from the battlefield, they rushed over to pick up the missing items. They were considered to have a keen sense of smell and were quite experienced.

To a certain extent, these goods were brought back by these warriors.

But killing the enemy doesn't mean the loot is yours.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If you can cut off an ear or a horn to prove the number of heads while saving your life, it would be good to accumulate military merits. How can you have time to search for loot?

Weapons, protective equipment, medicine, portable items, coins, etc., are all cleaned up from dead bodies when cleaning the battlefield, and they belong to the entire army's property.

The wandering warriors had no objection either.

At present, a formed weapon is slightly more expensive than an iron block of the same weight, which is about the same as getting it for free. It is possible to miss higher-end equipment.

As for the humans present, the only ones present were Lu Meng and Huo Buyang—it must be that the others were not familiar with the Shark tribe's post-war habit of handling trophies and missed the opportunity.

By the time others reacted a few days later, all that was left was real junk.

Lu Meng led people to scan over and skipped each stall.

The largest number were the weapons and protective equipment ripped out from the bandits, including various sabers, breast shields, and helmets made of iron sheets with spikes all over the place.

The quality was not too high, and it would be a waste of electricity for Lu Meng to take them back and remelt them.

He didn't see the standard equipment of the Shaq Army in it, and he thought it had all been recycled by the military.

Scarce supplies such as medicines must have been collected by the military, and the eliminated ones would be redistributed to Tieju stores. The best-selling ones would definitely be picked out and sold individually by the store owners, and the remaining ones would be placed in street stalls for anyone to choose from.

He still has to compete with the experienced and ruthless wandering warriors for his eyesight and hand speed, which makes it even more difficult to find good goods.

Fortunately, Lu Meng's purpose was not weapons and equipment. His eyes swept over them without stopping, and he passed directly over these noisy wandering warriors.

That's the end of the street, and an iron-gray hill is placed on the corner.

——The corpse of the skeleton man.

These broken mechanical skeletons no longer have human shapes. They are twisted, deformed, and twisted randomly. The metal structures are glowing with a rust-like color, and are covered with traces of heavy blows and knife hacks.

Metal bars of different lengths are scattered on the ground. If you look closely, you can clearly identify the gears and bearings on them, which should be transmission devices. Coupled with the finger-like structures that appear from time to time, it is not difficult to guess that these are the amputated stumps of the Skeleton People.

If it were a flesh-and-blood race, the corpses would be piled up into a hill as high as one person, which would already emit an unpleasant fishy smell and rotten stench, and the buzzing mosquitoes and flies would be inexhaustible to drive away.

However, there are only some dead machines piled here, cold, silent, lifeless and decadent.

These are the skeleton men that the Shaq army encountered in the borderlands.

Because the sand bandits themselves had little money and sufficient transportation capacity, they took a ride on a group of skeleton men who had died in the battle and were idle, which also opened their eyes to everyone.

But in the end, apart from proving that the army had indeed encountered a skeleton man, Scone Town didn't know what to do with the remains.

If you don’t even feed the dog, it would be a waste of manpower to bury it.

After all, they are just metal frames, so it would be a pity to lose them like this.

So I simply threw them all to the co-operated Tieju store to see if there was anyone interested in buying them back for collection.

Occasionally, passers-by take a second look and see what the rumored Skeleton Man looks like. Their curiosity is satisfied and they say a few words of praise before stopping.

As for the warriors who were hunting for goods, they were in a hurry, and there was no one around the pile of skeletons.

When Lu Meng saw this scene and didn't notice any other blacksmiths present, he knew that things were stable.

He doesn't want to reverse engineer some lost technology, nor does he have the ability.

However, the Skeleton Man, as an ancient creation, has been able to remain intact to this day. Their bodies themselves are black technology.

After remelting these alloys, they become the finest forging materials.

He pulled over a clerk who was busy restocking goods and pointed at the pile of skeleton corpses: "How do you sell these?"

"You can give it as long as you like," the clerk said for a moment, "but don't make it cheaper than scrap metal."

If you move a body in Scone Town, you have to pay someone else's wages.

The corpse of this skeleton is much heavier than a human being.

If no one ends up taking over the junk, they'll have to pay someone to move it.

——If you don’t spend money, you have to work overtime.

The clerk thought to himself.

Now that someone has taken advantage of you, take action quickly.

"Okay," Lu Meng was very satisfied. He looked at the pile of skeleton corpses. There were at least seven or eight tons here.

"Then I need to rent another truck from you..."

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