Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 181 Skeletons are sold by the pound, the price of scrap iron

Kavin was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

As an experienced corpse mover, this was the first time that he felt that moving a "corpse" was so tiring.

This is just the process of pulling the remains of the skeleton man out of the iron pile and carrying them to the wooden trailer.

Despite the thin arms and legs of these machines, the entire skeleton smells of thinness. In fact, the corpse of a skeleton is heavier than a strong man Shaq.

The Hornless Man understood that he was indeed not brought here just to fight.

They are here to work as coolies.

As an apprentice, he couldn't say anything. After all, even Huo Buyang and the master himself were not idle.

A Shaq warrior noticed the movement on their side and started pointing:

"What are those people doing?"

"Let's see... I've seen that hornless man. He was moving corpses in the city. He must be out to make extra money."

"Oh, garbage collectors - no wonder there are flat-skinned people, that's all they can do."

"Yeah...Okay, these handfuls are mine!"

"You kid lied to me! This is what I saw first # %¥ # ..."

It's a mess.


Beside the pile of skeletons, Lu Meng used his hands hard, and he tore off one of the skeleton's arms and shoulders.

The jerky joints were stained with dried oil and made a rattling sound of metal friction.

He weighed it in his hands.

They won't be like this anymore.

From raw materials to formed equipment, there are roughly two processes: smelting and forging.

Lu Meng used to focus on improving his forging skills. That was because his raw materials were all uniformly supplied by the store. There was no essential difference. The craftsman's own skills often determined the final quality of the equipment.

But in fact, if a breakthrough can be made in smelting technology, the forging process can be greatly simplified.

Just like a piece of sponge iron produced by direct carbon reduction, it must be repeatedly heated and forged to gradually expel the impurities, compress the pores, and finally obtain usable cast iron raw materials.

This is what the saying goes.

However, if more advanced smelting methods such as steel frying and steel filling are used to directly produce steel, many forging steps can be omitted.

The reason why many areas in ancient times invented water-powered and animal-powered forging machines was not because their forging technology was so advanced, but precisely because they needed to use their forging diligence to cover up their shortcomings in smelting technology.

As a result, iron tools tend to be more popular in areas where smelting technology is more developed.

After all, the demand for craftsmen's skills has dropped too much, and we can't always count on meteorites falling from the sky.

The body of the Skeleton Man can last for hundreds of thousands of years and is not corroded by acid rain. Even the fire from the 'Revenge Land' cannot damage them at all.

This is no longer as simple as the smelting process. Lu Meng estimates that there is some kind of black technology in material technology.

After recasting this material, some of its properties will definitely be destroyed, but it is still a rare, even non-renewable, high-efficiency alloy material - the black technology has been lost, and the Skeleton Man uses one less one.

Using these alloys as forging raw materials is undoubtedly a waste of resources, but no one in the world can come up with a better way to utilize them.

With them, Lu Meng estimated that even if his forging skills were inferior, he would still be able to create higher-grade equipment.

"The armor forging skills have reached the 'proficient' level, and I can start preparing my own full-body armor." Lu Meng planned, "As for the weapons, although the skill level is only at the 'basic' level, you can also use these Alloys are used to create equipment that transcends levels, gaining excess proficiency and accelerating upgrades.”

There were bursts of harsh friction sounds.

Lu Meng followed suit and took apart all the tangled skeletons, which made it easier to carry them.

He also noticed something during this process.

All these skeleton corpses have no heads.

In the eyes of the world, the Skeleton Man's head is still the most valuable part of this body.

Although the Skeleton Man's technology has become a black box for most people, you can still pry open the head using crude methods and take away one or two circuit chips that can still be used - although the more precious central processing units are often will be destroyed.

Some more advanced skeletons also have ‘artificial intelligence cores’ hidden in their bodies. This allows them to handle complex matters and retain more memories - including lost technology and history.

No matter how bad it is, the skull of a skeleton will never rot. Compared with animal skulls, it is a natural specimen of art. Some nobles in the United City are also willing to collect it.

However, the heads of these skeleton men were not taken by the Kingdom of Shaq.

The scars on their necks are neat and uniform. Rather than being chopped off, it is better to say that they have been disassembled. They are as delicate as surgery - Shaq and other gangsters do not have such patience. .

The traces are also a bit old.

Lu Meng had already expected this.

He knew from Kang's description that the Skeleton Men were unable to communicate, and he also knew that they could not tell who they were attacking.

Then there is a high probability that they are these skullless people.

The Skeleton Man's thinking relies on the processor in his head, and removing the head is no different from killing them.

The people fighting Shaq were not so much an army of skeletons as they were a group of skeleton zombies, just like the Fog Men to the Bee Men.

The difference is that Skullless Man can be controlled—even easier.

Without the ability to think of their own, these skeleton men can only move their bodies according to the programmed settings.

‘And historically speaking, the creators of skullless men were also skeleton men, and only a few of them still had programming abilities. ’ Lu Meng recalled.

Even the oldest skeletons cannot make new skeletons. If you want to produce skullless people, you can only kill existing ones.

Oppressing and enslaving the same kind, these mechanical life forms are no less generous than flesh and blood races.

On this side, the skullless man's corpses had filled the car, and even Xiaogu's backpack was full.

There were some non-metal parts left. Lu Meng saw that they could not be remelted into alloys, so he left them on the ground to save space.

By picking and choosing like this, I saved a lot when weighing, and finally spent 15,000 Kai coins.

The clerks at Tieju smiled inwardly.

Unexpectedly, the other party was really willing to charge the scrap metal price, which was much more generous than those wandering warriors who were looking for scraps and had to bargain.

For Lu Meng, spending so much money is not cheap, it is equivalent to losing more than one-tenth of his possessions in an instant.

The main reason is that I purchased too much at once.

Lu Meng knew that, firstly, the chances of encountering Skeleton Men were limited, and no one knew much about them; secondly, the development of the Shaq Kingdom had just started, and production knowledge was relatively limited—otherwise, these skeleton remnants would not reach him.

As for the expenditure of more than 10,000 coins, it is nothing at all.

Take out two corpses and beat them into knives and you'll get your money back.

Shortly after Lu Meng and his party left, another group of humans also arrived at Tiejudian.

A few of them with fairer faces wore leather uniforms of the merchant guild, and the tough guards wore mercenary armor.

The leader was dressed in rich clothes and a light blue turban, looking like an aristocratic businessman.

If Lu Meng were present, he would recognize him at a glance.

These were the slave traders he had seen at the city gate.

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