Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 182 Slave Trader and Scrap Master (Combined Chapter)

More and more wandering warriors gathered outside the streets. Those who were slow to hear news and those who got up late came when they were supposed to come.

There were already crowds of people in front of each stall.

At this time, seeing this group of humans dressed as businessmen, the wandering warriors all showed signs of wariness.

They knew that these merchants from United City were all wealthy, and when they came to Tieju Store, they must have been looking at the spoils.

When it comes to eyesight, the wandering warriors think they can't lose to anyone; but when it comes to financial resources, they take out their trouser pockets, which are cleaner than their faces, to compete with these noble merchants.

If the merchants really came to buy goods and wrapped up all the loot, then people like myself wouldn't even have a chance to pick up the missing items.

Seeing that they were leading several strong pack oxen behind them, and their backpacks and baskets were empty, it seemed that they had come prepared and would not stop until they were full.

Long De felt the gazes from all around him, his smile remained unchanged, showing his white teeth.

But there was a cold snort in his heart.

'These Shaq people are really guarding the golden mountain without knowing it. Who wants to worry about their junk and rags, and they still protect it like a treasure. ’

He subconsciously looked at the limbs, skin, teeth and faces of the wandering warriors...

This is his habit of looking at people, but it is an occupational disease.

"What, you want two?" At this time, the man in the caravan dressed in Chinese clothes said.

His name is Shi Yuan, he is the investor of the caravan and can be regarded as the boss of the employer.

"They are indeed the best material for slave soldiers. If they are well-trained, they can look after the homes and homes of the gentlemen, which is not bad." Long De said slowly, "But the slave soldiers still have to be sold to the north to make money. The war is tight, and the nobles there They are all very afraid of death.”

"As for us, it would be more cost-effective to catch a few swamp people along the way when we go back - what Caitun City needs is manpower for work, and the Shaq people are clumsy."

In a few words, Long De gave an overview of the market conditions of slaves in various places.

Seeing this, Shi Yuan was even more satisfied with Long De's professionalism.

He was originally a small nobleman who was about to fall into ruin. If this were placed in Union City, his fate would be even worse than those of the poor.

It was at this time that Queen Shaq implemented the New Deal, ending hostilities with the United Cities and allowing trade. Sensing an opportunity, Shi Yuan simply sold off his property and invested in a caravan. Using Long De, an old slave trader, and his own aristocratic status, Shi Yuan dressed up the slave caravan as a merchant and traveled between the Kingdom of Shake and the United City.

Before setting off, they brought the sophisticated equipment from Kaidun City and resold it to Scone Town.

On the way back... Although the Shark Kingdom does not have any rare commodities in the United City, the Shark tribe itself is a good souvenir.

In addition, you will pass through swamps on the way, and the residents there are also good materials for slaves.

This time, they can be fully loaded with goods and harvested.

Shi Yuan only felt that this was a business that was sure to make money without losing money.

However, he was born into a noble family and was not familiar with specific business affairs. He had to rely on the old slave trader Long De a lot along the way.

Therefore, when Long De suddenly notified Shi Yuan to come to Tie Ju Store, even though Shi Yuan didn't know the reason, he still decisively came with his troops.

"Since Mr. Long is not interested in Shaq Warriors, he can't be collecting scrap metal." The crowd crowded the street, and Shi Yuan couldn't see the specific situation clearly. "We are already here, you can tell me. Bar."

Long De smiled mysteriously:

"What we want to collect is the skeleton man——"

"Skeleton man!" Shi Yuan almost exclaimed.

However, his surprise was not surprise, but horror.

"Boss Shi, please be patient," Long De pressed his shoulders and comforted him, "Not every skeleton is as violent as that machine."

"And these skeletons we are looking for are already dead."

"Dead..." Shi Yuan wiped his cold sweat and said with a smile, "That's right."

He also knew that he was overreacting. Ordinary Skeleton Men were nothing to be afraid of - but the nobles of the United City would inevitably have some shadow of the Skeleton Man because of the metal thug.

"What do we need the remains of the Skeleton Man for?" he asked curiously.

The Skeleton Man works tirelessly, so it's good to be a slave.

However, what use can a dead skeleton be used for? Isn’t it still scrap metal?

"Come on, Boss Shi, let's talk here." Long De gave the order, and the caravan guards crowded into the crowd, pretending to pick and choose at the stalls, and occasionally bought a few items.

Long De and Shi Yuan stayed outside, avoiding the crowd and talking quietly.

"So... you are saying that the reason why the scrap masters of Kaidun City are able to create high-grade equipment," Shi Yuan touched his chin, "is because they added the remains of skeletons to the cast iron."

Scrap Master is a well-known blacksmith group in Kaidun City.

Unlike ordinary blacksmiths who can only repair and imitate ancient relics (old modified knives, modified knives) if they want to produce high-quality equipment, scrap masters can truly use their own hands and manually forge blue or even green grades from scratch. The above weapons and protective gear.

This skill can be said to be unique on the market, and the equipment they produce is sold throughout the continent.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Scrap Master Group that the small city of Kaiton is prosperous and prosperous. It is also an extremely important member among the many franchise towns in the United City.

If it is true as Long De said, Kaidun's scrap masters use the remains of skeletons as raw materials to forge world-famous works... This is definitely a business secret.

——It can even be said to be big news.

If such a "recipe" were leaked, any craftsman would go crazy for it, and might even push for legislation in the United Cities to openly hunt and kill skeletons like the Holy Kingdom did - even if there are still about 0.01% of skeletons living within the country. They are also nominally citizens of the United Cities.

"It's not that exaggerated." Long De saw Shi Yuan's doubts and explained: "The skills of the scrap masters are genuine. Without their forging level, even the remains of the skeletons are useless."

You have to know how much equipment the Scrap Master has to produce every year and send it to all parts of the world. How can it be enough to use all the equipment forged with human skeletons?

They just add some remains as "additives" to the smelted raw materials, and by combining them with their own skills, they can improve performance and break through the limitations of materials on equipment grades.

"Just like this, they still think there are not enough skeleton men. They are very scarce." Long De showed off, "For this reason, someone once asked me to secretly kidnap and hunt some skeleton citizens, just to sell them to the scrap master - I knew that. Got this secret."

If it were other blacksmiths who were not as good as the scrap masters and wanted to build high-grade equipment, they would have to use all the remains of skeletons.

"Then we really made a lot of money this time," Shi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and beamed with joy, "No wonder Mr. Long, you have always been secretive, you are just afraid of leaking the news."

It's best if this secret recipe doesn't cause trouble, and if you can do business with scrap masters, they are indispensable for opening coins.

"Yes." Long De said proudly, "Only you, boss, know this secret. I didn't even tell my men and guards. I just ordered them to buy the remains of the Skeleton Man when they see it."

Shi Yuan was once again impressed by Long De's sophistication and caution.

This is more profitable than selling slaves.

Huge benefits are in front of us. Not to mention that other merchants will come to compete if they know about it. Even if these subordinates hired by Shi Yuan know about it, they may have extra thoughts.

At this moment, a guard came over carrying a big bag and said with great difficulty: "Boss, this is what you want."

Shi Yuan and Long De looked at each other and smiled in understanding.

Shi Yuan signaled that Long De understood the idea and stepped forward to open the bag to check it out.

Determined to shock this little aristocrat who had never seen the world, he opened the bag with a bang.

"Wow!" As he expected, Shi Yuan exclaimed:

"Is this the Skeleton Man...are their bodies so broken?"

Shaq Barbarian is too violent.


Long De was stunned and looked intently into the bag.

The bag contained not the entire skeleton body (or at least the severed limbs) as he imagined, but various parts of the skeleton's organs that had been violently dismantled.

The key is.

The metal content on these parts is either none or very little!

Shi Yuan could only watch the fun, but Long De knew that these wrecks were of no use in forging!

"Is that all?"

Long De couldn't believe it.

"There are still brothers who are buying things later." The guard replied.

"That's good……"

One bag, two bags, three bags...

However, as the guards opened the bags one by one, Long De's newly ignited hope was gradually extinguished.

The remains of the skeletal man contained inside are all parts that the scrap masters can't use - it can be said that they are all real scraps!

"That's enough!" The slave trader realized later and said quickly: "Bring them all back and don't buy any more!"

"It's all here..."

The last guard was confused and didn't quite understand why the usually gloomy and sophisticated Long De was so gloomy.

Long De's face was ashen.

——Someone got there first.

In the business circle, Long De is quite famous. Competitors say that opening coins is to Long De like shit to flies - as long as you follow Long De, you can always make money.

In order not to reveal his purpose and avoid being noticed by others, the cautious Long De deliberately did not inspect the goods personally, but only issued orders. He even asked the guards to buy some useless swords for cover.

These errors and costs are nothing. As long as the skeleton remains can be transported back to Kaidun City and sold to the scrap master, they will be fully recovered.

However, now, all that was in front of Long De was several large bags of useless scrap shells.

"How about Mr. Long..." Shi Yuan didn't know what was going on. He couldn't hold back his excitement and secretly asked with gestures: "How much can I earn?"


This time, Long De really felt like he had eaten shit like a fly.

The clerk counted the coins and was quite puzzled.

I didn’t expect the skeleton remains to be so popular.

After the first wave of people picked the goods, he felt that the price was too low? So when this wave of people came, he tried to double the price.

It was sold out immediately.

"I don't understand the world of rich people."

Maybe he has some special hobby.

Quite weird.

"Lu, Brother Lu..." Ashu was stunned, "What are these things you bought?"

As soon as the flatbed truck was unloaded, various metal shelves tilted like a landslide, clanging and clanging together.

The noise startled Ashu who was looking after the store.

The street where their shop is located is already remote and narrow, but now it is even more crowded, and the door is blocked.

Ashu could only vaguely make out the metal steel bars like bones and limbs. They were entangled together, as if they were still climbing and twisting outwards, showing a silent ferocity.

Ashu knew that Brother Lu was hunting for trophies, so he probably bought some old equipment to stock the shelves. He also felt that he was quite interested in the store.

As a result, what are they?

"Do I need to be reimbursed?" At this point, Ashu could only ask this question dutifully.

He's used to it.

"Some forging materials." Lu Meng didn't explain much, "I want to use it myself, so I won't repay it."

While he asked Huo Buyang to take Gouzi to return the cart, he asked Calvin to drag a few skeletons to the workshop.

"Forging?" Ashu became interested and was about to follow them into the workshop.

My brother Lu, the craftsman, seems to have some skills, but he always doesn't start work and is very fishy. It was rare to see him showing off his skills, but Ashu still wanted to see him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Meng stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't disturb anyone else."


There was nothing Ashu could do. Logically speaking, the forging techniques were secretly passed down by the craftsmen, and he was indeed not qualified to go in and watch.

"If you don't want to read it, I won't read it. I'll wait for your work." Ashu muttered.

In the past, he had the impression that Brother Lu, who was better at baking bread than blacksmithing, had such a serious day. It was rare.

Kavin wanted to go out after hearing this, but Lu Meng grabbed him by the neck: "Why are you running?"

"You are my apprentice, come here and learn."

"Yes!" Kavin's eyes lit up.

Is it finally the day to learn your skills?

Calvin's job all the time was either moving corpses or moving corpses... so much so that he almost thought that the master who accepted him as an apprentice had some special quirk.

Lu Meng used the technique of grabbing and removing bones to break the remains of the skeleton into small pieces according to the joints, and threw them into the furnace.

Turn on the switch, tighten the knob, and start the maximum power.

Lu Meng could imagine the electric current whistling silently in the magnetic induction coil.

The output of the electric furnace has reached its maximum, but the skeleton remains are still iron-grey and there seems to be no sign of being heated.

Lu Meng was very patient and knew that this was just an illusion.

If you touch its surface with your hands now, the flesh and blood will carbonize in an instant.

Generally speaking, the melting point of an alloy is lower than the melting point of its component metals. Even if the Skeleton Man has undergone special treatment when it leaves the factory, it cannot violate this rule.

Skeleton Man is not invincible.

Soon, as the heat accumulated, the remaining body began to turn red and gradually became brighter.

Lu Meng noticed that some of the metal had been smelted into a slurry, and it was like red blood dripping down from the skeleton man's limbs.

He was in no hurry to open the furnace mouth and draw out the molten iron.

This is a common phenomenon in alloy melting. A part of the metal with a low melting point melts first, and when it solidifies, it will separate and the desired metal properties cannot be achieved. And if the final cooling rate is uneven, it will also lead to uneven structure and uneven distribution of chemical components in the alloy.

The ancient civilization that made skeleton men was able to solve these problems, but at this time Lu Meng could only be forced to bear part of the performance loss.

Watching the skeleton man's remains gradually disintegrating into the molten iron, Kavin on the other side became so focused that he couldn't even bear to wipe the sweat from his head.

He knew that it was time for his master to show off his skills.

It is also a time to test how much you can learn.

But Lu Meng took out a blue book from the box.

"What's the first step..."

He flipped through it quickly, muttering under his breath.

Kavin: "..."

Master, I can't learn this.

Thanks to book friend Roger Otalifus for his reward support——

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