Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 220 Bison (joint chapter)

Thunder Arena.

A resurrection match for the loser.

A man wearing linen clothes and holding a knife on his waist walked onto the stage, his face full of gloom.

It was Huang Jun.

His opponent was a Shaq, and the two parties were considered acquaintances due to the banquet.

Just when Shaq wanted to say hello, Huang Jun said directly: "Let's get started."

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked on the ground and drew his sword.

A figure instantly crossed the entire competition stage and rushed in front of Shaq.

And the knife in his hand is faster.

"You!" Shaq raised his hand hurriedly.

Huang Jun knocked his elbow and cleverly hit the opponent's handle.


The blade had already embedded itself in Shaq's neck, and fresh blood beads rolled down along the arc of the knife.

Huang Jun only needs to cut deeper, and Huang Jun will cut the opponent's throat.

"Brother Huang!" someone shouted outside the venue.

It's Ada.

Those who successfully advance to become warriors do not need to participate in the resurrection match, they only come as a spectator.

Ada met Huang Jun's gloomy eyes.

I can't say the next words anymore.

Ada also heard about what happened a few days ago: the players in the Thunder Arena were attacked and killed by an unknown organization. Most of the victims were players preparing to participate in the resurrection competition, and some were newcomers who had become warriors.

The Huang brothers are also among them.

It is said that Huang Jun’s younger brother has...

"Admit defeat." Huang Jun said coldly.

He finally stopped cutting, but the sharp knife was still placed on Shaq's neck.

"I... give up." Shaq struggled for a long time, and finally lowered his head and spoke.

It is certainly difficult for the Shaq people to admit defeat, but compared with the cold and stinging blade, it is not so difficult to accept.

Huang Jun wiped away the slight blood stain with the corner of his clothes, neatly put away the knife, turned and left.

"Huang Jun wins!" Shanshan was late to announce the host's announcement.

Facing Huang Jun who came off the stage, the audience consciously gave way to a passage. Anyone who faced his gloomy face would be forced to lower their head immediately, as if if they were a little slower, they would be stabbed by his gaze.

Everyone can understand why Huang Jun behaved like this.

After all, this man just lost his only relative...

In the audience at this moment.

Two hooded figures.

"Old Huang's acting skills are great!" Lu Meng high-fived and praised, "Especially that stinky face, it looks like the whole world owes him money."

"Is it possible that it's not all about acting?" Huo Buyang, who was sitting aside, said helplessly, "And it's not someone else who owes him money, it's him who owes you money, Brother Lu..."

In Xiao Huo's opinion, the expression on Mr. Huang Jun's face was clearly that of a bitter man who was so worried that he was in debt.

"As long as the effect is achieved." Lu Meng said calmly.

The Huang brothers have just arrived in Sikun and have not yet established a stable foothold. Even with their potential, it will not be difficult to earn money to replace the robot hand in the future, but it is impossible for Huang Jun to come up with tens of thousands of cash immediately.

Unless you pawn the knife.

Lu Meng didn't need them to do this.

Favor debts are most useful when they are not repaid.

Lu Meng is not afraid that the other party will run away midway. Although Huang Jie is now equipped with a prosthetic limb, his physical injuries still need to be recuperated; the maintenance of the robotic arm also requires a professional repair kit...

These conditions are currently only provided by Lu Meng.

In order to obtain safety, the two brothers are now hiding in Yue's shop. Huang Jun can still go out for activities in the name of participating in the competition, while Huang Jie follows Lu Meng's suggestion to "fake death" to confuse the enemy and reduce the danger - accordingly, he cannot leave his hiding place.

All this depends on Lu Meng’s approval.

Otherwise they would have no shelter.

It made Huang Jie seem to be a hostage holding his brother hostage.

——Of course, if you start from Huang Jun's perspective, the experience will be very different.

Although Lu Bei lobbied to charge them 20,000 yuan, judging from the results, the other party generously installed a prosthetic leg for his brother. Even if he could not come up with the money for the time being, he did not force him to do so. Instead, he provided them with shelter. …

It is hard to repay the life-saving grace, not to mention that Lu Beiyou also helped Huang Jie regain his future and hope - how can the value of this be measured by a mere 20,000 Kai coins?

Under such circumstances, the other party clearly marked the price, but it showed a kind of freedom and ease, as if to remind him: Don't be too psychologically burdened, this is all a transaction...

After walking out of the arena, Huang Jun exhaled, and the gloom on his face disappeared, leaving only a slight sigh buried in the wind and sand.

——However, the more Lu Beiyou acted like this, the deeper he remembered it.

This is completely different from my experience in Union City. At that time, I could eat and drink with my host and go to various places of flowers and moons, but I always felt that there was a coldness between people, and there was always an invisible and intangible feeling on my head. But it was really heavy pressure.

Now when he came to Sikun Town, although the prosperity was not as prosperous as the second-rate town of United City, and his family had just experienced a huge change, Huang Jun actually had a feeling that "coming here was indeed the right thing to do."

"How about just leaving them alone?" Huo Buyang lowered his voice, "Do you want me to go and watch."

Huang Jun and Huang Jie are now living in Yue Yu's home as members of the religious group. For a moment, it seems that the guests and hosts are enjoying themselves and the church members are loving...

But Huo Buyang knew that this so-called religious group was just a lie made by Brother Lu.

There isn't even a name for the order.

In this regard, Lu Meng said that the name would reveal the secret. Any organization with a name and a surname, as long as it becomes large-scale, will definitely leave clues in the world - conversely, if you have never heard of the name of your religious order, you are probably just a little shrimp.

Moreover, one of the important meanings of the name is to gather the common consciousness of the organization, but it has not yet been used.

But Lu Meng has already thought of a name.

It only needs to wait for an action that is enough to make a name, and then it can be made public, just like the birth of the Skeleton Corps.

"I think they get along pretty well."

Lu Meng actually felt a little strange when he thought about it.

Because neither "Missionary" nor "Lu Beiyou" revealed much information about the cult (actually, they were not required to disclose it), Boss Yue Yu always thought that he was a peripheral figure of the cult, so he was not interested in the two people Lu Meng brought back. One of the church members was particularly enthusiastic.

As a result, Huang Jun and Huang Jie knew what they were worth, and thought it was Lu Meng who asked them to pretend to be believers in order to get shelter. For their own safety, they pretended to be decent.

Especially Huang Jie, a young man who is very clever and spends a lot of time at home. During the interactions with Yue Yu, he becomes more and more like a stickman.

Boss Yue often asked a religious question, and Huang Jie gave an ambiguous answer. After Boss Yue found a treasure, he gave his own understanding and asked for advice. Huang Jie said to himself, "I see," and continued to follow the other person's words...

Lu Meng witnessed such a "theological exchange" once.

If he was asked to evaluate, it would be like the scene where two whiteboards compete against each other in the game "Who is the undercover?"

I feel like I don’t even have to take action myself.

"Let's go." Lu Meng stood up.

He has taken note of the absent players.

Most of them are so-called "newcomers", but among them there are Shaks and foreigners like them.

The male mercenary was among them, and he was probably gone.

Due to the reduction in the number of people, the originally fierce resurrection match became lukewarm, and the success rate of promotion was very high.

But Lu dreams of:

Krall's Choice's activities in Scone Town have become more publicized than before.

Sure enough, their attack on the Tech Hunter's relay station was no accident.

The Chosen of Krall appeared at the relay station, not necessarily following the footsteps of Luca and the others, but because these fanatics were originally going in this direction.

That attack was only part of their journey.

rather than the end.

The increase in the number of bandits outside Scone Town is also due to the fact that Krall's Choice squeezed their living space, forcing them to leave their original hills and start fleeing.

Speaking of which, the Skeleton Corps also sent Luca and the others...

Moreover, the previous Kraal's Choice was hiding in the prison tower, and the number of people this time was obviously much larger than last time. After that team was wiped out in the prison tower, they would probably learn their lesson and not repeat the same tricks, but where could they hide with so many people...

Although he has never slackened in training and accumulation, Lu Meng still feels the urgency to improve his strength after a long absence.

"If the sky falls, there will still be tall people who can hold it up." He straightened his hood, "But you have to be careful not to be killed by the falling pieces."

Two days later.

Outside the town of Scone, there is a large open space.

A pack ox stomped on the ground, its horns piercing the ground, gravel flying, and a large piece of plant roots thrown out.

The pack ox bared its teeth, picked it up and swallowed it in one gulp.

Along with the clicking sound of chewing, juice flowed down its two saber-tooth-like fangs.

Around here, such scenes are still happening from time to time. The pack cattle form a circle, each looking for food and resting.

"How do you say it?" The nomad held the grass stem in his mouth, his voice unclear, "Which end does the guest like?"

"Or maybe you want to sell this dog?"

He pointed at the small bones and said with admiration:

"The goods are good, but we have no shortage of dogs now."

Xiaogu bared his teeth at the old herdsman.

"The dog is not for sale." Lu Meng said calmly.

He was inspecting the pack cattle brought by these herdsmen.

The nomads came from Shem, where they had the largest settled tribe. These people would travel far away with various domesticated pack animals like caravans, but their cargo was the animals themselves.

Such a team seems to be alone and weak, but if someone really hijacks them, they will find that the herdsmen are more difficult to deal with than the merchants.

The key lies in these animals.

The horns of the pack oxen stand upright, as sharp as short spears, and can easily pierce through the robbers who come to the door.

When it comes to strength, these beasts are even more willing to give in. If they go crazy, even a few Shaq strong men may not be able to hold them back.

More importantly, their backs are also covered with thick bone plates, just like a turtle shell wrapping a fragile back. This whole set of natural armor is connected to the bones of the horns, allowing the beast of burden to strike with force from the entire body.

It is simply a naturally mobile tank.

That is to say, there are too many parts that integrate attack and defense, the load-bearing capacity of a pack animal is inferior to that of a camel, and it is not so adaptable to extreme environments. Otherwise, it is not certain who is the most widely used pack animal.

The nomads carrying them are like a team of bodyguards that can be violent at any time.

Talk about it.

When Lu Meng looked at them, he always felt that they were very characteristic of Shaq people...

It’s no wonder that “cow” is a totem and symbol often used by the Shaq people.

"Guest, what are you going to buy it for?" the nomad hummed. "If it's for plowing, I can cut off the horns for you for free."

Farmers in the Holy Empire often used hornless cattle. After domestication, domestic cattle were much docile than bison. They could no longer fight with their own kind and could only concentrate on pulling plows and cultivating the land.

The old herdsman brought his cattle to the Shaker Kingdom with the intention of selling them to the settled farmers.

"That way the cow will be useless." Lu Meng walked to a pack cow.

It was happily chewing roots, but when it noticed someone approaching, it suddenly sniffed.

Long puffs of white gas spurted out, kicking up dust.

This beast of burden was as tall as a man, with a thick chest, and its snort sounded like a roar, which even scared the bones.

It hasn't had time to hunt large animals yet.

In the wild, this often requires a team of dogs to work together.

However, Kavin behind Xiaogu was expressionless.

——Today, the master came out to look after the cattle, and happened to meet the "apprentice and dog" combination who was going out of the city to mine, so he brought them with him to have a rest.

Such movements no longer shocked him.

They are all small scenes.

I had to be chased by dozens or hundreds of bandits every few days, and even after I escaped, I had developed a conditioned reflex.


Compared with them, a calf is nothing.

Kavin consciously guessed the master's thoughts.

The old man probably already looked down upon Xiaogu's ability to carry animals. After all, dogs were not serious beasts of burden.

So why buy a pack animal?

It’s not just to be able to hold more ores and urge yourself to mine more!

It seems that the days of running around with one person and one dog are coming to an end.

In the future, it will be upgraded to one person, one dog and one cow.

I just don’t know if the cow will let me ride it, maybe I can run faster...

"It needs a strong and strong one." Sure enough, Lu Meng said.

This is standard equipment for beasts of burden.

But he added: "It's best to be wild."

"There are wild ones..." the nomad scratched his head, "Yes, there are, but can you handle them?"

He pointed in the direction of the pillar.

Among the cattle, there was only one cow that was chained to a stone pillar by a herdsman with a rope and a bridle. It was taller than the other cows, but looked thinner based on body fat. At the moment, it was scratching its hooves uneasily, and it was not moving. Looking for food, just walking in circles.

Such disobedient cattle often cannot be sold at a good price, and they are basically used as food reserves for herdsmen on their journeys.

Another advantage of nomads over traveling traders is that their food can travel on their own without wasting extra transportation capacity.

"No problem." Lu Meng walked towards it.

For players, buying animals is often not for animal power or transportation capacity.

What Lu Meng likes is their fighting power.

Among these animals, cattle are relatively easy to obtain. After being cultivated, they have amazing lethality and are often nicknamed "Brother Niu" or "General Niu".

The premise is that you don't make the mistake of buying cattle for farming, then it's all over.

And bison have a chance to appear in nomadic caravans selling pack cattle, just like today.

As Lu Meng got closer, the opponent's pair of eyes hidden in the gaps between the bone plates also stared at him.

On the surface, there seemed to be no reaction, but Lu Meng noticed that the muscles of its limbs were tense, and its hooves were stamping on the ground, ready to charge at any time.

The reason why they didn't attack was probably because it was locked and they knew that such a distance would not be able to withstand the intruders.

Lu Meng smiled secretly, still having some fighting spirit.

If he was hit head-on by it unprepared, even he would not feel too good.

"Guest, it's almost ready." The nomad reminded him at the right time.

The buffalo's little tricks were not hidden from his master.

However, Lu Meng seemed to turn a deaf ear. He took a few steps closer and stretched out his hand, as if to stroke the big bison's head.


The bison seized the opportunity and charged towards Lu Meng as if leaping!

This full blow, with a force of several hundred kilograms, is enough to pierce the steel plate.

"Hey! You..." The nomads quickly stepped forward to stop him.

The dust was everywhere, but it did not fascinate Lu Meng's eyes.

[Martial Arts: 24 (Proficient)]

In an instant, he staggered away from the slender horns and placed his palms firmly on the bison's head.

at the same time.

The module column on the panel shimmered:

[Effective module (2/2): experience bonus (5 times), animal recruitment (C level)]

Thanks to Mr. Niye for the 1,500 points reward——

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