Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 221 Ready (Chapter Closing)

Nomads say bad things.

Even the most daring young men in the tribe would not stand in front of a pack ox, even if it has been tamed since childhood.

After all, no one knows whether these beasts will break out of rinderpest.

If you are hit casually by them, you will lose your life.

Not to mention such a wild bull.

Now the bison is heading straight towards the guest, and one can imagine its fate.

Lu Meng pressed his palm on the center of the bison's forehead, and suddenly felt a strong force coming from him. He bent his arms and took several steps back.

The bison rose up violently and really used all his strength.

But then, the figures of Bison and Lu Meng stabilized at the same time.

The two bull's eyes between the gaps in the bone plates widened, filled with confusion.

The bison took a few steps back and knelt down on all fours, looking docile.

[Module: Animal Recruitment (C Level)]

It was originally designed to satisfy players' hobby of collecting various exotic beasts, so that those creatures that could not be tamed originally could understand human intentions, thereby creating the possibility of recognizing their owners.

Used on species such as bone dogs, cattle, and sheep that can themselves be domesticated, it is really overkill.

For example, Lu Meng has never used this module on Xiaogu, but Gouzi is still quite obedient.


The nomads arrived and were a little surprised to see the bison.

He knew the temperament of his own cow.

If they don't eat soft or hard food, no matter whether they are coaxed with good grass or whipped with a whip, it doesn't work. They are really not mature enough.

Although such a cow can follow the herd, it cannot be used as a pack cow, and no caravan will want it.

Therefore, although the cow is strong and strong, the herdsmen can only bear the pain and use it as a food reserve, otherwise it will be a waste of fodder.

Now looking at its tame performance, could it be that it has changed its gender?

If this is the case, there is no need to sell it so early. You can take care of it and sell it to a large caravan...

The nomads approached tentatively and crossed in front of Lu Meng.

But as soon as he took this step, the bison suddenly became alert.

It stood up suddenly, raised its horns and made a loud sound.

The nomad was startled and quickly retracted his feet.

He cursed silently.

It seemed like this beast was just pretending.

When did it become so smart?

"The guest is really brave," the nomad said in surprise, "If you are bitten by a cow, we will not pay for the medicine."

Thick bone plates cover the entire head of the cow. Even if it is not pushed directly with its horns, it is equivalent to a heavy hammer hitting it.

It looks like the two sides just had some contact.

Maybe it didn't hit him.

Lu Meng patted his somewhat red palms and said:

"I want this one."

Lu Meng returned to the longhouse with his newly purchased "Iron Ox".

——This is the name he gave Niuniu.

If there is another one, just call it "Bull Tornado" or "Bull Demon King".

Although Xiaogu now sleeps in the open air with Calvin every day and has an empty kennel, it is not good to just change its yard into a cowshed.

And raising a dog at home and raising a cow at home are completely different concepts.

Huo Buyang originally planned to open a small firewood shed by himself, but because he was attacked by Ke Xuan, he was sick and recuperated at home, and it was not convenient for him to go out.

Until the cowshed is completed, the cows can only be tied outside the house.

To Kavin's surprise, the master did not assign Brother Tieniu to him as a beast of burden to carry the ore.

If it is a generally domesticated pack cow, you can start working after getting familiar with it for a few days.

But only Lu Meng has the "Animal Recruitment" module, and this big bison will only behave docile in front of him.

Facing other strangers, Tieniu remained vigilant as before, ready to push his horns at any time to defend his territory.

This is exactly what Lu dreamed of.

Instead of feeding the Iron Ox fodder, he took out some reserved meat and threw it to it.

The cow smelled the smell, let out a long breath from its nose, and then started licking it.

In the blink of an eye, a large pot of minced meat entered its belly.

After finishing eating, Tieniu leaned against the wall and squinted his eyes, chewing from time to time in his mouth, occasionally revealing his penetrating fangs.

Lu Meng did not disturb it and turned around to enter the house.

Return to your blacksmith's workshop.

The armor parts made for him by the old craftsmen have been brought back.


Lu Meng made a strong effort and threw a large wooden box on the workbench.

The weight of nearly a hundred kilograms made the iron tabletop creak a little.

These are all nails.

When they are assembled, they will all be draped on Lu Meng's body.

For an ordinary soldier, wearing such armor, it would be difficult for him to even move his feet, let alone slash and attack freely.

For normal combat, only cavalry is often qualified to use it.

Unfortunately, horses are also extinct on the mainland, and the only comparable animal power is cattle. But if you want to sit astride those sturdy creatures, you must have at least two meters of long legs to be comfortable.

That's what it says.

The prototype of this armor is still widely used among infantry today.

After training and evolution, the best among humans can wear such heavy armor with their own physical strength.


The overhead light cast a steady light, and Lu Meng concentrated on it, using a hammer to correct the components from time to time.

Gauntlets, wrist guards, shoulder pads, neck guards... breastplate.

A set of jet-black armor gradually took shape under Lu Meng's hands.

【Armor Craftsman 32→35】

"Huh." Lu Meng breathed out.

In front of him stood a "knight".

It was a set of full-body armor hanging on a rack.

[Item name: Non-Holy Breastplate

Category: Heavy Armor

Level: High (green)

Value: 14,000 coins

Attributes: 33% reduction in blunt damage, 55% reduction in sharp weapons

Introduction: A copy of the armor of the Holy Kingdom, but the mercenaries are not interested in the holy coating. 】

This is the knight armor of the Holy Empire, which is also known as the warrior armor of the United City. It has always been famous on the mainland for its combat capabilities.

Samurai armor was originally one of the armaments sold in the United City and was spread everywhere, but knight armor was different. The Holy Kingdom always likes to draw the pattern of the Holy Fire on their armor during forging. Even if it can be sold, wearing such a symbol can sometimes cause trouble.

After all, there are still a small number of people who like this group of religious fanatics.

However, this is not all of Lu Meng's full body armor.

The focus of knight armor is only on the protection of the upper body. In the Holy Empire, which is hostile to technology, each set of knight armor requires craftsmen to work for months, and even requires a special supervising priest to pray and consecrate each piece of armor. Only through such steps can they believe in themselves. The armor they wear is sacred and can help them resist the invasion of darkness.

As a result, the output of armor will inevitably not be very high, and the Holy Kingdom's army is extremely large. Even the Paladins may not be able to be assigned a complete set of full-body armor.

They could only adopt a compromise solution and maximize the craftsmanship of the armor's most important part of protection, that is, the upper body armor.

In the end, only the upper body armor was issued to the soldiers. Over time, "Holy Breastplate" became the synonym for the Holy Kingdom knight's armor.

The soldiers of the Holy Kingdom were satisfied with such protection, but it was not enough for Lu Meng.

So he borrowed the bottom design of the Union City warrior armor, connected different metal plates with solid leather strips, and added two skirt-like metal decks to perfectly protect the entire thigh.

It is also a green high-grade protective gear, and its defense against blunt injuries is even better.

If coupled with the chain armor shirt, Lu Meng's protection on key parts can even halve the blunt injuries he suffered, and then reduce the cutting damage caused by sharp weapons to only one-tenth!

And this does not include the fact that Lu Meng now has 60 points of resilience damage reduction.

It can be said that if you wear this armor and protect the gap, enemies holding sabers or light knives will be basically impossible to cause fatal injuries to Lu Meng.

The only thing you need to be careful about is attacks that focus on blunt trauma such as blunt weapons and heavy weapons, or some machetes with armor-piercing effects.

Even so, "halving damage" can greatly improve Lu Meng's chances of survival on the battlefield.

Of course, the armor is not without its shortcomings.

Wearing them will more or less affect your own attributes and skills.

It's like all your strength is used to bear the weight of the armor itself, and the performance of strength and speed is naturally not as good as when you go into battle lightly.

The samurai armor from United City protects the whole body very well, but when it is wrapped in complicated armor, the body's movement and flexibility will naturally be affected, and the original combat skills may not be able to be used perfectly.

When Lu Meng needs to sneak, light armor like the Assassin's Wrap is more practical.

But for Lu Meng now, these disadvantages can be ignored.

Firstly, his attributes are stacked high enough, and secondly, the protective power of the heavy armor itself is enough to offset all these negative effects.

Lu Meng pulled out a piece of oilcloth and covered the formed full body armor.

He didn't try it on but knew it would fit.

Because each piece of armor was customized and modified by him according to his own body type.

Being a craftsman also has this advantage.

No matter how good other warriors have armor, it is still standard. It would be nice to be able to roughly divide it into several models based on body type for everyone to choose from.

If others want to enjoy exclusive customization, they must be rich and powerful nobles, or they must be famous heroic legends.

A month flies by.

During this period, Krall's Choice did not act again. Their last attack could only be said to be a loss-lose for both parties. Although they killed many contestants, they also lost one of their generals. From the perspective of the value of strength comparison, it cannot be said to be a loss. Still win.

Of course no one knows their goals yet.

Lu Meng took off a piece of armor from the Kexuan leader he dismembered and asked Yue Yu to confirm it. That suit of armor was one of the suits that the man in black stole from the Yue family's armor shop during the first attack that night.

This allowed Lu Meng to confirm that there were subtle differences between Krall's Choice and their collaborators.

Those people in the prison tower did not take the armor with them after taking it away but transported it to other places - now it seems that they are their defeated companions.

Although Krall's Choice had the protection of some collaborators in the city, it did not receive additional support in terms of military equipment, so it had to rely on the proceeds from the last robbery.

The resurrection match in Thunder Arena has ended.

Huang Jun won three games in a row and was finally awarded the title of Warrior.

It's just that the celebration party that Ada originally promised has not been held again. It is really inappropriate to hold such events in the current atmosphere.

However, Ada still asked someone to find Guo Meng and tell her his analysis.

In Ada's view, most of the "mysterious people" who took action had cooperation deals with certain veteran soldiers. This move was to further reduce the difficulty of their own competition.

He also gave an example:

On the night of the incident, someone witnessed the Shaq female warrior Ryan.

In this regard, Ada also asked Lu Meng to be more careful and abide by their agreement.

Because the final showdown is coming soon, and then all of them may encounter those newcomer killers on the field.

There is no need to do it behind the scenes, the other party can kill openly and openly.

Lu Meng put the machete on his back and turned around to go out.

There is a duel with him today.

When he passed the corner of the longhouse, the iron bull roared.

You can see that there are large blood stains hanging on the pair of high-spirited horns, which have dried and turned purple.

Lu Meng smiled, not surprised.

Similar situations have occurred frequently over the past month.

The pack ox was a valuable asset, and since it was tied outside the door, it was inevitable that someone would covet it.

Needless to say, the beast of burden is helpful for traveling far away. If you can have such a beast of burden, you will not be refused to join any caravan with it.

However, the people's method of appeasing the pack oxen failed.

Because this guy is no ordinary beast of burden.

After a month of getting along with each other, this wild cow has been almost tamed. In addition to being able to listen to Lu Meng's orders, it can also remember some acquaintances around him.

But Tieniu still retains its habit of keeping away from strangers.

If it doesn't have the owner's approval, it will kick on the ground without mercy, just like it did before it was bought by Lu Meng.

Even Lu Meng would not be happy to be played with by a cow, let alone those little thieves who are interested in it.

The first few times it can be said that there were corpses everywhere.

Tieniu is like a guard holding a halberd, firmly guarding its territory, which is Lu Meng's home.

Xiaogu directly retired.

Lu Meng patted the cow's head to comfort it, then took a bamboo hat from its back and put it on.

——It is made of fine steel.

It was exactly the same as his original one, but the quality had been improved by two levels.

He built it himself.

Put on the back of a cow to act as bait.

After a few lessons, no one dared to steal the cows, so Lu Meng gave them some luck.

Taking away a high-grade helmet and protective gear seems easier than taking away a cow, right?

Unfortunately, judging from the results, no one has come out on top.

Lu Meng put on his bamboo hat, carried his machete behind his back, and his long clothes fluttered in the wind.

Walking on the streets of Scone, you will occasionally get a glance, mixed with envy or surprise.

What is enviable is that anyone who can openly wear a sword is undoubtedly a warrior.

Surprisingly, this is actually a plain-skinned man.

Of course, those who think this way are often strangers who have just arrived from other places. If you have paid attention to the results of Thunder Arena, you will know that a new human warrior has recently appeared.

Especially between Huang Jie's "victimization" and Huang Jun's conferment, Lu Meng can be said to be the only young person among this generation of human beings.

The news spread to the neighbors, and the one with the most mixed feelings was the one who lived in Huang Bang.

I remember when Huang Bang and a few friends formed a mutual aid group, they originally showed their kindness to this white-haired young man.

It was just that they later felt that this person was too extreme and was unwilling to give in a little when the Hornless Men and Wandering Warriors came to harass him. He could easily cause trouble, so they gradually distanced themselves.

Later, for a chance to become warriors, my friends participated in the expedition to Scone Town. Unexpectedly, none of them came back.

The white-haired young man who usually has a radical style did not participate for some reason.

In the end, he became a warrior...

Along the way, Lu Meng responded to the greetings of several people casually, and some of them were just acquaintances. He himself had no memory, but the other party seemed to suddenly remember him, and looked very familiar.

Lu Meng did not delay the trip.

Go straight to the arena.

Thank you to this friend of Prosperous Fallen Leaves for the tip——

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