"Mr. Warrior, what are you talking about?" The hornless man held up by one hand trembled and said weakly, "I don't understand what you mean..."

Lu Meng pressed his thumb on the Hornless Man's back.

"It hurts, it hurts - be gentle!" Bayan gasped and lowered his voice forcibly.

"Are you interested in coming to my place for treatment of your spinal disease?" Lu Meng found out about his injury.

"It's gone!" Bayan said angrily, "How did you recognize me?"

To be honest, Bayan was already surprised when Lu Meng took the initiative to contact him.

This chief advisor has always been reclusive and hidden behind the scenes. Even the ordinary people in the Shark Kingdom do not know of his existence.

According to his own intelligence, Lu Meng had been active at the hub in the past. Where did he deduce that he came from?

This made Bayan think that his whereabouts had been leaked.

I just checked several times overnight with no results.

And when he was recognized by Lu Meng just now, the fear in his heart was indeed real, but it was not a fear of threats or dangers.

But a fear of the unknown.

Bayan has never met the other person before, and he is even confident that he has much more information about Lu Meng. However, in the era of relying only on portraits, he is not sure that he can definitely recognize someone he has never met in the crowd. people.

But Lu Meng did it.

Bayan is a logical person, but obviously there is no logic in this matter.

"You actually dare to come," Lu Meng did not answer his question, "and you are the only one."

"You are doubting me," he said while pretending to check his horns.

"——Based on your intelligence, you must have found out a few hiding places of Krall's Choice. Only the most critical Feiniu and the main force of Kral's Choice are unknown."

"If I guess correctly, all your manpower has already rushed to the other locations, so the agreed reinforcements will not arrive at all."

"But I swear that I know the whereabouts of the main force of Kexuan. Even if you don't believe it, you are not willing to give up this opportunity. At least come and check it out to see what I am doing - right?"

"It's not that I don't want to believe you..." Bayan sighed and changed his tone: "Listen to the reasons you made up for yourself! What's the matter? The Berserker's body can regenerate, so it doesn't matter if he cuts off his horns, and then Let's all pretend to be hornless people together...'Does anyone really believe this!"

"Those two believe it." Lu Meng pointed at Ada, Huang and Jun who were still checking the Hornless Man in the distance.

Bayan: "..."

"Crazy transformation is not such a popular technology." The chief consultant said feebly, "In addition to the strength that must reach the level of a martial artist, the external environment, near-death time, bloodline mutation and even the mental state of the berserker will affect the effect of crazy transformation. I have studied I haven't fully understood its mechanism for so many years. This is simply not something that humans can master. Seizing a single factor and trying to mass-produce berserkers will only lead to massacre... Even Krall's Choice, those who can go berserk are The best among them are at least at the level of small bosses."

"Actually, I probably have an idea of ​​where the main force of Krall's Choice is..." Bayan smiled and calmed down, "The only thing that is still uncertain is the location of their leader Feiniu."

"He was not actually famous during the Shagar period, and we don't have any information about him. But fortunately, he was witnessed many times leading Krall's Choice. He is a warrior who is in a state of madness all year round. It’s very deep. It’s impossible for him to disguise himself as a hornless person like us. Maybe the speed of the broken horns can’t match his natural growth.”

"Since you know there is no Krall's Choice here, why did you come here by yourself?" Lu Meng asked.

"As you know, my manpower has been exhausted." Bayan said, "There are not many people in Scone Town who can protect me now."

"I'm not here to find Krall's Choice, I'm here to find you."

"——Lu Meng."

Dim street lights.

Tall Shaqs walked the streets, casting mountains of shadows.

Occasionally, patrolling guards would pass by. When they saw him, they would salute and say hello with joy on their faces, and the tall Shaq would nod in response.

Until he stopped in front of a small shop.

This is a popular deli among the neighbors in Scone Town. Their charred meat rolls are so good that even Dashan Mukai himself has eaten them.

He pressed his broad palm against the door lock.

"Master Dashan, do you want to have a midnight snack?" A voice suddenly came from behind him.

Mu Kai ignored him and squeezed it with his palm, causing a hole in the solid wooden door to explode.

Sawdust and gravel fell to the ground, mixed with the metal components of the door lock, all of which were deformed.

The door swings open, and except for the food display cabinet and the kitchen counter, there is no one inside.

"Unfortunately, it looks like they are closed." Tie Luo pulled out the segmented ax on his back, his cloak fluttered in the wind, and his armor was bright and ferocious.

"Who would have thought that our dignified Kingdom Advisor would actually hide in a deli and help cook." Dashan Mukai turned around.

He had his hands behind his back and wore a pair of simple cloth trousers.

He didn't carry any weapons or armor, but just standing there made Tie Luo, who was fully armed, feel like he was almost suffocating.

"That's because, Mr. Dashan, you haven't tasted Bayan's cooking," Tie Luo calmed down, "We comrades all tasted it during the march before, and the chef here has at most half of his true inheritance."

Dashan Mukai snorted coldly: "Now I believe it. His ability to please people has some foundation."

Tie Luo didn't respond. He was concentrating on watching Dashan's actions.

Bayan's prediction was correct. He took the initiative to expose his hiding place, and the other party came to the door as expected.

"Your Excellency Dashan, what exactly do you want to do?" He asked to test, "You arranged the guard patrol route and left these gaps because you didn't want the people of the kingdom to see our heroic Lord Sikun and the invincible Wu with their own eyes. Let the people clash."

"It's a pity that Bayan has already guessed that you threw Krall's Choice as bait, but you actually wanted to kill him with the help of these rebels."

Tie Luo took a deep breath and continued:

"Bayan still has a lot of things he wants to tell you, but I don't think it's necessary - that's what he meant, not mine."

"Your Excellency Dashan, no matter what you want to do, we can make a concession. I swear on the honor of the five people and myself - provided that Bayan cannot die, I will take him back to Admark by force tomorrow."

This was a decision he made against the wishes of his friends.

"Let your allies come out." Tie Luo looked around, "Unless you kill me, I can't let them go to Bayan, and you can't find him."

Dashan Mukai looked at Tie Luo quietly.

The air was equally silent.

He suddenly chuckled.

"Tie Luo, I have been alone since I came here?"

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