Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 231 Surrender to the enemy

"Looking for me?" Lu Meng repeated, "I'm really flattered to be so valued by our chief consultant."

He said this, but there was no hint of favor on his expression.

"Have you ever heard of 'ship'?" Bayan smiled, "To use the common saying in Union City, we are now on the same boat."

"If I'm not went to the prison tower the night the Dauntless escaped."

He personally surveyed the prison tower.

The traces of the third person that were pieced together.

Now it seems that there will be no one else but the one in front of me.

The reason why Bayan wants to know him is not only because he is an enemy of the Holy Kingdom and there is the possibility of cooperation; from a worse perspective, a person who subverts the order of the hub will inevitably cause chaos in other places.

Such people are like the double-edged Paladin's Cross. If used well, they can kill the enemy, but if they are not careful, they may also hurt themselves.

"Not to mention whether it is true or not," Lu Meng was unmoved, "This may only mean that I am an accomplice of the Skeleton Group. You can say that you have grasped the handle at most, but it is not enough to tie me to your boat."

And speaking of it, he actually has an invitation letter from the Skeleton Group.

Albeit verbally.

"I'm not interested in such excuses. This is just the basis for cooperation." Bayan said, "Just like you came to me, I also need to make sure that you, Lu Meng, will not cooperate with Krall's Choice, so that I can trust you - —You’ve proven it.”

"I understand." Lu Meng pretended to finish the inspection and put down Bayan, "In other words, Krall's Choice wants to kill you, but they will not let me go either... At least on this point, everyone's interests are the same. of."

Bayan nodded: "But don't put too much pressure on me. I gave out false news and they won't be able to find me for a while."

It is precisely because of this confidence that Bayan dares to travel alone.

He came to Lu Meng just to get an extra layer of insurance. He didn't really expect to rely solely on this temporary ally to protect his safety.

Although the strength this human showed in the Thunder Arena was somewhat beyond Bayan's expectations, and even Ryan nodded in praise after he came back, after all, Bayan came to Lu Meng to cooperate, not because of his strength, but because of his strength. Intelligence and layout—this was the key to his subversion of the hub.

Thinking of this, the Hornless Man suddenly smiled: "Not to mention, the place you found is really suitable for me to hide. If it weren't for you, I would have spent the night peacefully. I just had to wait for Ryan and the others. News…what’s wrong with you?”

Bayan stopped talking.

He noticed that Lu Meng's expression became serious.

At first, Bayan thought that the other party was negotiating with him for cooperation, so he couldn't let go.

Now it seems that this may not be the case!

Lu Meng spoke slowly: "You mean Krall's Choice can't find you?"

"——Then what is this?"

He took off his iron bamboo hat, turned it upside down on the wall, and signaled Bayan to listen.

Bayan's expression changed and he leaned forward.

He used to be a soldier in the army and knew how to judge whether there was an army moving nearby through the vibrations on the ground.

Vibrations climbed up the wall, and what was heard was the sound of footsteps, rapid and dense.

Amplified by the bamboo hat, the sound was powerful, like thunder rolling past or war drums beating, hitting Bayan's heart with every blow.

Klar's choice!

"Obviously, they're here."

Lu Meng said calmly.

At this moment, his expression was more indifferent than Bayan.

"Let's go!" Bayan immediately ran towards the door.

In desperation, he no longer bothered to pretend. The previous humble decadence that was indistinguishable from a low-class homeless person was completely gone, and his fighting spirit and calmness rose again.

——If his current actions were not escaping, he would be more graceful.

Lu Meng followed him.

Ada and Huang Jun also noticed the movement, leaving the hornless people who didn't know what happened, and hurried over.

Seeing Lu Meng chasing a hornless man, Ada immediately raised the segmented axe.

"Wait a minute." Huang Jun stopped him, "Is this Kavin?"

He had heard that Master Beiyou had a hornless apprentice. Could it be that he was arranged here in advance.

"I originally planned to let him pretend like this." Under this situation, Lu Meng actually laughed, "Let me introduce, this is Bayan, the chief advisor of our kingdom."

Ada's expression immediately changed, as if she didn't expect that the chief consultant was actually a hornless person.

"By analogy, it's probably equivalent to your Tengu Emperor... This is a bit inaccurate. It should be President Long En." Lu Meng continued.

Worried that Huang Jun, a former United City warrior, would not understand the official positions of the Shaq Kingdom, he even made a thoughtful analogy.

This time it was Huang Jun's turn to change his face, even more exaggeratedly than Ada.

Needless to say, the Tengu Emperor is the common lord of their United Cities... However, at Huang Jun's level, he can already know that the real power of the United Cities lies in the imperial cabinet.

The emperor was elected by each city, but the seats of cabinet ministers were only passed down from generation to generation among a few big nobles.

Until Long En appeared.

He replaced the nobles of Hengcheng and became the first civilian to join the cabinet - but he was more terrifying than any noble.

Because Long En is the president of the merchant guild and the leader of all merchants in the entire continent. Without his seal, no matter how capable the merchants are, they will be unable to move forward; and without the support of the merchant guild, the United City will be overwhelmed by the huge military expenditure in an instant.

In the United City, Long En is already a de facto noble, but without a family or title.

His status is second only to the emperor.

Huang Jun took a deep breath.

He understood what Lu Meng meant.

Comparing it to Long En, it means that the Bayan in front of him is also a powerful person with a similar status in the Kingdom of Shake.


While everyone was still searching, Huang Jun inadvertently glanced at Lu Meng.

He clearly remembered that Bayan just now...

He was also raped into the hands of Brother Lu!

Hold the chief advisor, the real power of a country, in your hand!

If it were Long En, I don't know how many nobles would be willing to lick the soles of his shoes. Without permission, even touching the hem of his clothes would be a huge offense - if he allowed it, it would be a great honor.

Although they know that the Shark Kingdom is far less powerful than the United Cities, the Shark people are not limited by etiquette...

But the two people are at the same level after all.

Huang Jun could not imagine the scene of arresting President Long En.

But Brother Lu did it.

Moreover, it seemed that Bayan was not angry at all, but rather trusted him.

This time it's really close to the thigh.

Bayan ignored Lu Meng's introduction and didn't know what the people around him were thinking.

He held the door, but did not step out. He frowned and said, "It's too late."

Now just standing here, I can hear footsteps coming from both sides of the street.

The Chosen of Kral are too numerous to hide—and they have no intention of hiding.

"Go to the second floor and climb out. We can only hope that these outsiders are not familiar with the alleys of Scone Town." Bayan made a decision.

Just as he was about to turn around, his feet suddenly lifted off the ground.

He was lifted up by Lu Meng again.

Huang Jun was stunned.

Come again?

However, it is understandable. Depending on the situation, Bayan's back was seriously injured and his spine was damaged, so he could only always stoop and look very short.

Such a physical condition is definitely not suitable for climbing over the wall and escaping.

Of the three people present, only Brother Lu gained the trust of the other party and was most suitable for him to lead.

It's just...can't you memorize it?

Let our brothers from the Shark Kingdom see it, it looks so disrespectful...

"Let's go..." Huang Jun was about to turn around, but Lu Meng had already rushed out.

However, he didn't rush to the second floor.

Instead, he rushed out of the door with Bayan!


Lu Meng stood on the long street.

On both sides of him, the Shaks in black stopped in unison and separated an open space.

The procession stretched to the end of the corner.

Looking down from a high altitude, it looked like two black snakes were about to intertwine, but were cut off by the swordsman wearing a bamboo hat!

Following a slight commotion, a dozen Shaqs from the teams on both sides came out.

They were taller than the others, with calf skull masks on their faces, but one of the horns of each mask was smashed, and the broken horn was as sharp as a thorn.

This is the fang of a black snake.

The true core strength of Krall's Choice.

Following the guidance of the defeated leaders, the formation of the black-clad members changed, wrapping Lu Meng on the long street into a semicircle. There seemed to be an open space between them, but it was only a charge away from the martial artist, let alone the stronger ones among them.

Only the dilapidated building facing Lu Meng's back had no enemies.

But hearing the sound, someone out of sight had already surrounded the entire area where the building was located.

Now it's too late to escape over the wall.

"Lu Meng!" Bayan said anxiously, "What are you doing!"

The situation was completely out of his control.

The hornless man no longer cared about the chief adviser's face and began to struggle.

Ada and Huang Jun noticed the danger and stopped talking. They clenched their weapons and rushed out to stand with Lu Meng.

"Don't even move." Lu Meng said coldly.

He put Bayan down, but held it in front of him.

A ray of green light jumped out from his waist and rested on Bayan's neck.

Lu Meng held a fixed blade knife and turned to Krall's Choice who was wearing a cow bone mask.

"Brothers of Krall," he smiled, "as agreed, I brought Bayan to you."


The wooden door exploded open, and boots embedded with metal pieces stepped into the hut.

Following the leader, the soldiers filed in, holding old weapons in hand, and quickly occupied every corner of the room.

They looked around warily.

But there was no one there.

"Another one..." A female voice sounded.

Luka stepped out with disappointment on her face.

The dim light from outside the door shines on the bodies of the Shaq soldiers. You can see that the horns on their heads are of different lengths, but they are all incomplete.

It's a mass of bones.

This was the third stronghold they raided tonight, but found nothing.

Luka once again confirmed that no blind spots had been missed, and turned to the side helplessly: "Your Majesty the Giant."

I saw a tall female warrior bowing her head and looking around cautiously.

Only in this way can the horns on her head not poke into the ceiling.

"Just call me Ryan," she said.

It was unimaginable that the former Hundred Regiment Guardsmen of the Kingdom were actually standing together with the members of the Skeleton Regiment who had rebelled against Skun a while ago and had just made a fuss. The two parties seemed to be very familiar with each other.

Luka was actually very excited to be able to cooperate with this female warrior named "Giant".

But when she comes here, she does not represent herself; Ryan does not represent her personally.

The fearless one of the Bone Corps made an agreement with the chief advisor Bayan.

Bayan said that as long as the soldiers of the Skeleton Corps could help him this time, he could find a way to cancel the kingdom's wanted order for all members of the Skeleton Corps, and even provide certain conveniences - or at least no longer actively pursue them.

"What I can promise depends on the future." said the hornless man. "Look what our kingdom will become."

"In a short period of time, the status of the hornless people and the hornless people will be difficult to change, but as long as you continue to exist, it will be an opportunity and a fire." He pointed to the horns on his head that also disappeared, "Although it is not Every seed will sprout, and most sparks will eventually be extinguished...but as long as the number increases, there is always hope."

"By helping me, you are also helping yourselves."

Luka remembered.

Bayan said one last thing.

"By the way, Skeleton Group... I like your name." He looked at Tora, "I didn't expect that a fearless person who is good at martial arts would have such interest."

The fearless just laugh and say nothing.

Luka thought of the swordsman in black who saved him under the prison tower.

With Bayan's cover, she might have a chance to get in touch with Master Beiyou, so she volunteered to lead the first batch of warriors from the Skeleton Regiment back to Sikun Town.

Speaking of which, Lu Meng, the swordsman whom I met at the relay station, also lives in Sikun.

It's just that the operation is confidential. They need to hide carefully and wait to join the follow-up reinforcements. Luca has no chance to visit these people secretly.

The bad news is that the plan is not going well now.

"What should we do?" Luka asked.

The Skeleton Corps is only responsible for execution, and specific instructions are conveyed from the other party.

"What went wrong with Bayan's plan..." Ryan's voice came from above.

She frowned: "Kral's Choice seemed to have received some definite information, so they mobilized in full force."

What Bayan took the initiative to expose was indeed his real address, but it was only one of them. The enemy must know this truth, so he will not bet all his strength on one place.

As a result, judging from the current situation, Kral's Choice seems to be betting all its chips tonight.

They were not given any chance to defeat each other at all.

Ryan didn't think it was because the Kexuans were too crazy - something must have happened, something they didn't expect, and even Bayan didn't expect.

Late night, long street.

On the broad road, a young man wearing long clothes and a bamboo hat on his head kidnapped the hornless man.

The street lamp stretched their reflections very long, all the way to the feet of Krall's Choice.

The crowd was in commotion again.

"I recognize..."

Finally, a Kexuan leader wearing a cow bone mask spoke: "He is Bayan."

"You did a great job, Flatskin."

Ignoring the sharp knife on his neck, Bayan forced his head to look.

Behind him, Lu Meng was still far away.

His face was expressionless, and he only slightly deflected the long knife by an inch.

Bayan narrowed his eyes.

——It was you who leaked the news.

No, this is simply a trap!

Thanks to my friend Niye for the reward and support——

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