Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 276 Mr. Lu! (joint chapter)

"Boss, second, third, fourth...six."

Seeing that the swamp people had taken away the insect mother, Lu Meng did not rush to catch up, but secretly counted the blood spider babies still in the house.

‘Lao Qi is with the insect mother. ’ He snorted softly.

The younger the cubs are, the closer they are to their mother.

That's fine, you don't have to worry too much about the safety of the insect mother, it knows how to handle it on its own.

...The only thing left to worry about is the safety of everyone in the village.

Lu Mengbu worries about not being able to find the insect mother. Just like the cubs release pheromones to summon their companions, they can also follow the trajectory to find the location of the insect mother, just like positioning.

As long as they don't stray too far from Huangshui Village, they are still under control.

He turned to the two remaining people in the room.

Allen had already struggled to get up from the ground, his whole body was in pain, and Ah Li also took the opportunity to help him up.

Just when they met Lu Meng's gaze, both of them couldn't help but feel excited.

Ah Quan did really well just now.

But at this moment, there were only two of them left in the room. Facing this terrifying opponent, there was no hope of escaping.

Fortunately, they had already realized it before they came.


Unexpectedly, the cruel killing move did not come, but what was waiting was a sigh.

The leader of the Stone Rat Group no longer looked a little bit murderous as he stood there, but instead looked a little tired.

Allen and Ali looked at each other, unsure of each other's approach. They didn't know why they were like this.

"Your name is... Allen, right?" The man suddenly said, "Is your injury getting better?"

The young swamp man was shocked. He subconsciously touched the mask on his face and found that it was indeed intact.

Just looking down, I saw that in the struggle just now, my front had been torn apart, revealing a strong chest covered in scars.

The other party recognized this injury... Allen's heart twitched suddenly.

"Just now you listened to my test, and you were delayed for a moment, so the crossbow was taken away." The man turned to the girl, "So, you are A Li."

When the swamp girl heard this, her body trembled uncontrollably.

A possibility exploded in their minds at the same time.

Recognize the wounds on Allen’s body because that’s what he healed.

He knew Ah Li’s past because he was right there to save them.

Being able to call them by name because he is...

"Mr. Lu!"

They blurted out, their voices trembling with disbelief.

Then, they saw the man nod slowly.

Lu Meng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He prepared carefully in advance.

In order to avoid happening again, like when she saw Ah Sheng, "the other party recognized her, but she couldn't pronounce her name", Lu Meng had already inquired about the information in advance, and the review deepened her impression.

The young man named Ah Sheng only thought that Mr. Lu cared about them and had no doubts about him.

When you meet again, if you can call the other person's name first, it will undoubtedly increase your goodwill and appear more sincere.

Seeing that both of them stopped in place, this little trick had a good effect.

But...looking at their sluggish looks, is the effect too good?

It is difficult to confirm Lu Meng.

"Wait!" Allen suddenly woke up and couldn't help but take a few steps back, "How can you be Mr. Lu!"

But Lu Meng lit the oil lamp and slowly took off his helmet, revealing a head of white hair and a smile on his lips.

Although the cheeks were shriveled and the flesh and blood were withered... but once the feeling between the eyebrows and eyes was clear, and they had seen Mr. Lu with their own eyes, the portraits in their minds could not help but overlap with the person in front of them.

"Do you need me to tell you your story?" He smiled, "Let me tell you beforehand, I don't know much."

"No wonder..." Ah Li murmured.

No wonder she feels familiar and homely.

Because all along, the leader of the Stone Rat Group is Mr. Lu, whom they have always been thinking about, talking about, and always talking about...

Mr. Lu is the leader of the Stone Rat Group?

Allen's mind was in a mess.

Oppressing villagers, kidnapping girls, and selling organs... were all done by Mr. Lu?

How can this be!

Based on Mr. Lu’s personality...etc.

Allen suddenly caught a glimmer of inspiration.

Since it is impossible for Mr. Lu to do these things, there must be something wrong with the original reasoning, and there must be a huge misunderstanding in it...

The crux of the problem lies in——

"Mr. did you become like this?"

Allen spoke hesitantly, with a tremor in his voice, as if questioning, but also expecting.

Lu Meng touched his cheek, the bone lines were sharp.

This is indeed a good question.

Compared with when he first entered the village, Lu Meng had a good meal and his complexion had improved a lot, but it had not returned to the previous level.

If it hadn't been for the sudden intrusion of the little guys, I would have planned to wait until the flesh has grown back to almost 80% in a few days, and then show off my identity, and then I can eat with my face.

Now if I want to explain...

Should I just say that I fed the blood spider? Basically no one would do this.

And using his own blood to feed that kind of insect sounds pretty perverted - although he doesn't deny it.

"Yes..." Lu Meng was about to speak.

"It's a blood spider, right?" Unexpectedly, Allen spoke first.

His expression was anxious and impatient.

Lu Meng: "?"

Okay, so sharp.

His evaluation of this young man went to another level.

In this case, there is no need to hide it anymore.

So, he nodded silently.

——It’s a blood spider! Allen's heart was pounding.

Mr. Lu sacrificed his life to attract the swarm of insects...

When he was saving Ariel and Asheng, he was attacked by a swarm of insects and had their blood sucked away!

Even though Mr. Lu was very skilled, he would still be caught up if he encountered that kind of creature.

It's just that Mr. Lu is still Mr. Lu after all. Even the blood spider can only hurt him, but it can't kill him!

If we say that Mr. Lu's story of sacrificing himself to save others was just a guess when hearing Ah Sheng's narration before. Although everyone believed it, there was no clear evidence.

Now Mr. Lu was standing in front of them, his body was emaciated, which was the sequelae left after being attacked by the blood spider.

This guess was confirmed!

All the logic is solved!

Mr. Lu was really as they thought. He knew the danger, but still stepped forward to fight against the insect swarm, even leaving injuries all over his body and turning into such a miserable appearance.

Ah Li on the side also understood.

Her breathing quickened suddenly, and her eyes looking at Lu Meng were covered with water.

Originally, anyone who saw his current skinny appearance must have subconsciously felt fear and disgust, even Ah Li at the beginning.

But now, when she knows the reason why Mr. Lu became like this...

How much torture he must have suffered in the blood spider's mouth!

How could the girl feel disgusted when she thought that Mr. Lu was so severely injured because he was trying to save their villagers?

Touched, guilty, distressed...all kinds of emotions came together and flooded into her heart. Ah Li's throat was choked with sobs, and she couldn't say what she wanted to say. She just felt like she was about to shed tears on the spot.

Lu Meng: "..."

Something is wrong with the atmosphere.

One person was emotional, and the other was in tears—like mourning, he wasn't sure.

He's not dead yet.

Looking at the complicated expressions of the two young people, no matter how good Lu Meng was at observing words and expressions, he could not fully figure out the joints between them.

All in all it works well.

He cleared his throat and broke the atmosphere: "About why I disguised my identity and dived into the yellow water..."

"No need to say more, Mr. Lu." Allen was the first to regain his composure, his face resolute, "We all understand that we will not cause you any trouble."

Ah Sheng and Ariel were only attacked by blood spiders, but they were suspected of having larvae parasitizing them, and they are still under quarantine and observation.

Mr. Lu was besieged by a swarm of insects and his injuries were much more serious. If the village elders knew about it, wouldn't they be scared out of their wits? There was absolutely no way he would be allowed to enter the village.

In this case, whether Mr. Lu wanted to visit the injured Ariel and Asheng, or he wanted to visit people like himself, the only choice he could make was to disguise his identity.

"Don't worry, we won't leak your information." Ah Li secretly wiped away her tears, sniffed and smiled, "And Mr. Lu's skills are better than before! There must be no blood spiders parasitizing him."

Just now, when she was defeated by the 'leader of the Stone Rat Group', she was filled with dissatisfaction.

But now, knowing that it was Mr. Lu who restrained them, she felt relieved.

Isn't this a matter of course?

On the other hand, he actually had the guts to take action against Mr. Lu... The other party had always been merciful, so he had to teach them another lesson.

In this regard, Lu Meng could only keep smiling.

He probably captured the ideas of the two little guys, and I have to say it was quite creative.

It is true that I was not parasitized by the blood spider... I just raised the headworm mother.

Thinking of this, Lu Meng couldn't help but frowned: "So what do you want to do here?"

"Uh..." Allen and Ah Li both froze, the blood red from their necks to the tips of their ears.

No one helped to find out their motives.

You can't say: Mr. Lu, we thought you were a bastard who kidnapped people, sold organs, and sexually abused young girls...

Stop talking.

Just thinking about it now makes me so embarrassed that I want to find a piece of mud to bury myself.

"We..." In the end, Allen raised his neck and replied forcefully, "We thought you were the leader of the Stone Rat Group and wanted to teach him a lesson."

For everyone's sake, and for his own image in the hearts of his idols... the young man decided to tell a little lie.

Anyway, it’s pretty much the same, but it omits the causes and consequences.

"Very good, you are not afraid of power. I have seen your courage." Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu did not feel dissatisfied, but instead praised him.

The two people who received the praise couldn't help but stand up straight - now they didn't dare to tell the truth.

Sure enough, it was Mr. Lu whom they knew.

However, Lu Meng's next words surprised the two of them again.

"You don't have to worry about the original leader," Lu Meng's tone was calm, as if he was telling an ordinary fact, "I have already killed him."

"What! Did you attack the people of the Stone Rat Group?" Even though Allen had just said that he wanted to trouble the leader, at this moment, it was like a ladle of cold water was poured down on him, and his whole body was trembling.

That was the Stone Rat Group, one of the five major factions in the swamp!

Although the personal strength of the small boss may be insignificant compared to Mr. Lu, he also represents the prestige and order of the entire Stone Rat Group in the swamp village.

Otherwise, Allen and the other three would not have gone through such a complicated psychological struggle before taking action.

As a result, Mr. Lu actually attacked the Stone Rat Group so lightly?

"Mr. Lu, you'd better leave here quickly." Instead of being happy, Allen was worried. "If the gang forces find out, they will definitely want you."

As far as he knew, Mr. Lu also had a caravan.

Based on Allen's understanding of general business in the outside world.

Even if Mr. Lu personally is not afraid of the gangs in the swamp, he must consider the caravans under him, otherwise it may cause losses that will ruin everything.

Lu Meng's expression remained unchanged: "I'm here just to solve this matter."

It's just a wanted person, it's not like he hasn't been wanted before.

Speaking of which, the leaders of several major gangs are themselves wanted criminals.

If you have the ability, come and compare the bounties to see whose head is more valuable.

"Uncle Hua is still in the village, right?" Seeing the two young men nodding, Lu Meng said, "Don't tell anyone what happened tonight. Please take me to see him tomorrow."

"Wait, Brother Allen!" The surprise brought by Mr. Lu gradually subsided, and Ah Li remembered her unlucky brother.

She poked the young man next to her and whispered: "Since Mr. Lu lives here...who did Ah Quan take away?"

Allen was equally confused.

Yes, all the inferences are complete now, but what is the 'girl' that Ah Li saw and the thing that Ah Quan just took away?

——Speaking of which, Ah Quan missed the opportunity to meet Mr. Lu for the third time.

The two of them looked at Lu Meng in unison.

With Lu Meng's perception, he had heard the conversation clearly, and he said calmly: "I have a pet that doesn't like to eat or move. Fortunately, it is very obedient... I will introduce you to it if I have the opportunity."

Then, amidst the two people's exclamations, a bloody four-legged red insect jumped onto Lu Meng's shoulder.

It was the fourth child who had grown a hard shell and begun to gain fighting power. When the swamp people sneaked into the house, the others were either steady or weak-minded, but it was the only one who could not restrain its temper and took action first.

It bared its teeth at Ah Li, and it could be seen that there was a dent in its body, which was caused by the wooden crossbow.

Just such a blood spider, when caught unexpectedly and hiding in the dark, can catch the Ali siblings off guard.

"The captured one...can't do business at a loss." Lu Meng explained casually and touched its head: "Remember to keep it secret and don't scare others."

Under the influence of the module, he understood that the cubs had found the location of the insect mother.

If the swamp boy takes away the insect mother, he will be exposed in the end, and there is nothing to hide in front of them - at least he cannot completely distance himself from the relationship.

It's just...looking at the harmonious appearance of this person and the insect, the brains of the two young people were shut down.

In a sense, this is indeed proof that Mr. Lu encountered a swarm of insects and escaped unharmed.

However, it seemed that it was not just a simple escape... the other party's tone was as relaxed as if he had killed a highway robber and grabbed the corpse and looted the loot, casually and naturally.

But this is a blood spider!

Not some bone dog or turtle!

Can it be domesticated easily?

The two originally thought that their speculations about Mr. Lu were bold enough, but now it seems that their imaginations are far from keeping up with reality.

Wait, Mr. Lu just said that what Ah Quan took away was a pet, and he was obviously not talking about this blood spider...

Before they could react, Lu Meng had already put on his helmet and visor, jumped out of the small building.

He landed smoothly, and with his rich experience as a hunter, he followed the blood spider in the direction pointed by him.

Thank you to Mr. Caixiang, a specialty of Hebei, for your support again——

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