Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 277 The fake show comes true, the only way is to draw the sword (Chapter 1)

Under the night, Ah Quan was running.

After the young swamp people escaped from the hut, they did not dare to go directly to the patrol team in the village. After all, no one knew their attitude towards his group - not everyone would regard them as heroes if they offended the Stone Rats.

In order not to make a loud noise, Ah Quan avoided the boardwalk and stepped on the slippery muddy ground, one step at a time, one step at a time, and he held the girl in his arms. He had difficulty moving and stumbled from time to time.

Although the leader's blow was not fatal, it was still very cruel, as if he was deliberately trying to teach him a lesson. Ah Quan's whole body was sore at the moment, and his condition was really not that good.

The joy of a successful rescue has long since faded, and all that remains is the perseverance to persevere.

Ever since Uncle Hua was squeezed out by several village elders, he took a few familiar young people to live near the paddy fields outside the village under the pretext of inspecting this season's rice harvest. If he wanted to find this trustworthy leader, he still had to Not that easy.

Fortunately, as a member of the village's defense team, Ah Quan understands the layout and defense of Huangshui Village better than the average villager.

Just after the heavy rain, a depression was filled with water, and an abandoned canoe floated on it; the wall on one side sank again in the soft mud and became much shorter. Ah Quan rushed onto the canoe, jumped up, and climbed up like this Caught the top fence and got out.

Judging from the way he is familiar with the road, he must come here often.

'careful! ’ Suddenly, a beam of light swept across, and Ah Quan was startled, hugging the quilt and lowering his body.

This beam of light, like a searchlight, just passed over his head.

'what happened? ’ The young man was confused.

Although there are some abandoned lighting lamps in the village, they do not have enough battery power. During daily patrols and guards, the most primitive oil lamps and torches are used for lighting.

Why are there still people using searchlights outside the village?

The quilt in Ah Quan's arms twisted a little, as if he was about to make a sound. He quickly patted her gently to comfort her, signaling to be careful and quiet.

Things are a bit troublesome.

An outsider from the village approached Huang Shui and happened to be bumped into him. The beam of light just now was obviously checking the movement around him.

He originally planned to untie the girl as soon as he left the village and let her leave on her own - but now he couldn't do that, as his whereabouts would easily be exposed.

I can only feel wronged to this girl again.

When the time comes, find Uncle Hua and report the affairs of the Stone Rat Group leader and these outsiders.

Ah Quan took advantage of the gap between the passing lamp posts, lowered his body and moved slowly in the darkness.

What he didn't notice was that at the moment when the quilt was twisting, a blood-colored and almost transparent reptile crawled out from the quilt. There were still fiber fragments of hemp rope in its mouth, and it spat it out in one gulp.

As Lao Qi, whose carapace has not yet completely hardened, it does not have the ability to directly cut the rope that binds the insect mother, so it can only use the stupid method of biting with its teeth.

Of course, according to the opinion of the insect mother, it would be better to directly parasitize the swamp people who do not know whether to live or die.

——Don’t say that someone saved it from the clutches of the devil.

Ever since she met the white-haired man, the insect mother never believed in any humanoid creatures.

Unfortunately, although Lao Qi is young, he has been influenced by Lu Meng. They were ordered in the hut not to attack these swamp people.

Being in a dilemma between Big Brother and his biological mother, Lao Qi could only adopt a compromise method and take the initiative himself.

It can be said that loyalty and filial piety are both balanced.

Fortunately, it does not need to chew off all the ropes. It only needs to release the hands and feet of the insect mother. This strong adult blood spider can naturally escape.

At the moment, Lao Qi is working tirelessly in bed.

Suddenly, the bedding tightened, and the frightened blood spider cub quickly hid under the carapace of the mother insect, so that it was not crushed to pieces on the spot.

But it was Ah Quan outside. He unconsciously hugged the quilt tightly.

At this moment, he had no time to think about why the touch in his arms was not like soft jade but had a firmness like armor... Quan saw a familiar person and an unexpected person.

‘That’s Uncle Lin...and Mr. Lu Cun? ’ The young man was surprised and uncertain.

When the light beam swung back and illuminated the figure of the visitor, Ah Quan saw a group of gang members wearing black jackets surrounding two Huangshui villagers.

One of them was Lin Shi, who had just returned from Shishu Village a few days ago.

But rather than saying that he was surrounded, it is better to say that this middle-aged man was picked up by the thugs. His body was covered with scars, blood stains soaked into his linen clothes, his head was hanging down, and he did not know whether he was dead or alive.

The other person, Ah Quan, was more familiar.

He is one of the most respected elders in their village, the actual talker of Huangshui Village, and the village elder of the Lu family.

Only now, he faced the gang thugs, the wrinkles on his face squeezed together into a flattering smile.

When he recognized his appearance, Ah Quan realized that there was actually another person in Mr. Lu Cun's arms, but he was too young and too thin to tell at first glance.

But it was Xiao Ying'er.

Lin Ying, daughter of Lin Shi.

The little girl, who was only five or six years old, was currently lying in the arms of Mr. Lu Cun, with her eyes closed and her face calm, as if she was sleeping deeply.

"Doctor Zhong, how are you doing?" The big and powerful leader asked with concern, "Can it be used?"

"Don't worry, Wanrong." The middle-aged man in a rough coat trembled in his eyes and retracted his probing hand: "You can use... good health."

"That's good, that's good..." The leader, known as Wan Rong, nodded with satisfaction, "Dr. Zhong said it's no problem, then there must be no problem. I can trust you."

That's right. If it weren't for the doctor of this double-edged group, he would have died a long time ago, not to mention he could still be so lively.

It was only after meeting this doctor that he realized that there were such good things as reconnecting broken arms and replacing organs in the world.

If we could keep changing, wouldn't people die?

It's a pity that the price is also high. With Wanrong's wealth, he couldn't afford it originally, so he could only be hired to work for the Double-Edge Group. It seems that there are many people like him, and the forces behind the Double-Edge Group are even bigger. Much more than what appears on the surface.

I just don’t know why they need so many organs.

It is said that you can't just pick someone up and use it, you have to carefully select and match it... There are not many people in this swamp who can afford it.

"Yes, my lords, I have already said it." Mr. Lu Cun gently stroked Xiao Ying'er's head with a smile, "Although this girl looks thin, she is actually quite happy on weekdays. Ordinary babies I still can’t catch up with her!”

After speaking, the old man lifted up the girl in his arms.

It's not like holding a child, but like offering a treasure.

At the same time, he was also happy in his heart.

——Fortunately, I caught up.

In fact, the person the Double Blades originally liked was Lin Shi.

It is said that this swamp dweller was chosen personally by Big Fang, the leader of the Double Blade Regiment, after he visited Stone Rat Village.

Mr. Lu Cun also wondered why an ordinary foreign resident like him was chosen... But it was always a good thing.

An insignificant villager can be used to sell face to each of the two major factions, the Stone Rat Group and the Double Blade Group. This is a great deal!

Unfortunately, after several doctors checked Lin Shi's body, they said he couldn't use it.

Probably due to overwork, he is already aging prematurely.

Lin Shi naturally didn't know all this, and thought that the Stone Rat Group was concerned about his health and sent benefits.

Fortunately, there is always a way out - Lin Shi's family, although their eldest son died, they still have a little daughter left.

This is why the leader of the Stone Rat Group, Caigou, was overjoyed when he heard that Lin Shi had a daughter.

He brought more than a dozen thugs from the Stone Rat Group to Huangshui Village, and even ordered Lin Shi to take his daughter with him. He was planning to kidnap them on the spot and had no intention of entering the village.

——The remuneration given by the Double Blades this time is unprecedented. In comparison, the taxes paid by Huangshui Village can only be regarded as pocket money.

Lu Cun had learned of Master Cai’s instructions a long time ago.

That's why I persuaded other village elders in the village to appease Lin Shi and persuade him to go and greet him with peace of mind. The reasons were all reasonable and reasonable.

Yes, Lin Shi has been stationed in Shishu Village for a long time and has made great contributions and hard work.

But...what is this compared to the benefits this transaction can bring to the village?

What's more, the eldest son of Lin Shi's family died protecting a caravan in the village when they were out on business. Lin Shi was sent abroad for a long time. Even if he came back, he would have no foundation in the village... Even if their family was missing, there would be no one to help. It won't cause too much trouble.

Mr. Lu Cun had thought it over carefully.

However, there was one thing that he didn't expect.

The promised master didn't arrive, but what kind of 'Master Beiyou' came?

All his plans were disrupted!

He had never heard of this person, and he didn't dare to offend him. He just thought it was the Stone Rat Group who changed their minds midway, and he felt sad for a long time.

Fortunately, the Double Blade Regiment actually sent someone over in person!

Mr. Lu Cun then cooperated with them all night, tied up Lin Shi and his daughter together, and presented them respectfully.

——As for why Lin Shi should be kept?

He was also thinking that although the Double Blade Group had refused once, it would still be useful no matter what, and it would be nice to offer a higher price.

Meat is sold by weight. Lin Shi is an old man, but he has two taels more organs than a girl, right?

It's a pity that the doctor only focused on Xiao Ying'er.

Mr. Lu Cun couldn't help but shook his head secretly with regret.

Dr. Zhong's temples were slightly frosted and his expression was indifferent.

He was about to reach out to take back the anesthetic-injected Xiao Ying'er, when a gang member on the side took the lead and picked up the girl who was still sleeping, with obvious wariness in his eyes.

——It is not a warning to protect the children, but a warning to worry about the property being taken away.

Faced with the distrust of gang members, Dr. Chung remained undeterred.

He glanced at everyone coldly, then glanced at the white-haired man next to him: "Have you told them about me?"

"No way?" The white-haired man laughed softly: "I just mentioned a few things... In order to prevent us from taking away the living organs, you kill the patients first - you have done this kind of thing many times , it really doesn’t sound like what a doctor should do, does it?”

"Hmph, what does a doctor mean?"

"A good doctor is an obedient person." The white-haired man approached Dr. Zhong and his tone was calm and warning:

"The match I finally got, that adult can't wait any longer. You can't do anything wrong this time -"

Dr. Zhong squeezed and released his hands, and finally said no more.

He understood that by calling him here this time, the Double Blade Group expected him to have done all the things he should do, and other than that, they would not give him any extra trust.

There is nothing I can do about what happens next.

Seeing that the thugs had controlled Dr. Zhong and Xiao Ying'er, the white-haired man snapped his fingers and looked happy.

He took out a money bag with one hand and threw one to the gang leader Wan Rong and the other to Lu Cunlao.

Wan Rong weighed it, nodded with satisfaction, and stuffed it into his pocket.

This operation was originally a favor for him to replace his broken arm and heal his wounds. It was an unexpected surprise that the Double Blades were willing to pay him - these big gangs are so generous.

Mr. Lu Cun caught the money bag with trembling hands, but his eyes were already filled with tears.

He quickly bowed and thanked the white-haired man and the leader of Wanrong.

The white-haired man didn't even look at him and waved his hand to get out of here.

The old man smiled brightly and immediately turned around and trotted back. Lin Shi, who was still being held up, didn't care. He just wanted to leave quickly and go home to count the coins.

I thought it was right.

The adults of the Double Blades will not treat him badly.

This amount of income is equivalent to the whole village's harvest for one season.

Although the other village elders are a little clever and know how to listen to the requests of the black converters, their methods of making quick money are far inferior to mine.

In a short time, maybe he can save enough money to send his nephew out of the Yellow River...

Thinking of this, Mr. Lu Cun felt itchy.

The next moment, he was heartbroken.

No, it's not an illusion...

The old man's chest really cracked!

A steel knife was thrust into his chest, and the bloody blade pierced his back, flashing with cold light.

The money bag slipped from Mr. Lu Cun's hand, and his eyes slowly raised from his chest, his eyes widening in disbelief.

However, the eyes of the person he faced were even more terrifying than his.

The eye sockets are bursting, and the eyes are bloodshot and angry.

"You are..." Blood bubbles overflowed from Mr. Lu Cun's mouth, "Ah Quan."

"Aren't you afraid of being punished by the village if you do this..."

Regardless of whether it was too late, the old man subconsciously used his usual rhetoric, but the next moment, the angry young man had already pulled out the steel knife and smashed his throat with an upside down hand.

Ah Quan held the knife in both hands, breathing heavily.

Seeing the broken body falling to the ground, he felt extremely tired inside, feeling even weaker than after facing the leader of the Stone Rat Group just now.

The movement here had attracted the attention of the gang members, and searchlights shone on him, blinding him.

"Come on..." he said slowly.

Ah Quan looked at his feet. The quilt was rolled up and he was lying here.

The young man's eyes were apologetic.

I was lucky enough to be so close to them that I heard the conversation clearly and recognized their faces.

I was very unlucky to be so close to them, so when Mr. Lu Cun came running like crazy and bumped into me, he would be exposed in an instant.

He had to draw the knife.

He wants to draw his sword.

I'm just sorry that I got in trouble with the girl who just escaped from the clutches of the devil.

Ah Quan understood.

He can kill the village elder.

But I can't save Uncle Lin, I can't save Xiao Ying'er, I can't save my brothers and sisters, I can't save the village... I can't even save this kidnapped girl.

What else could he do?

The leader named Wan Rong led the gang and approached the angry and helpless young man. The white-haired man who was the real mastermind just glanced at him sideways and didn't move at all, as if the other party didn't even have the right to offend him.

Looking at his appearance, Ah Quan suddenly felt funny.

He thought of Mr. Lu.

The same white hair, the same son of the scorched earth - but a completely different person inside.

Courage poured into his body, and the young man roared: "Come on!"

He should have known better.

All he can do is draw his sword!

In the dark, Ah Quan seemed to feel that Mr. Lu was behind him, encouraging him and guiding him as usual...

"Kill them," he said.

Is it too difficult? Even though the words came from Mr. Lu, Ah Quan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

However, he will fight hard.

Just as the young man dragged the steel knife and stepped forward step by step.

The approaching gang members invariably stopped.

Ah Quan was shocked to find that there was a look of horror on their faces, as if they had seen something like a god or demon.

What followed was a shadow.

It slowly climbed up behind Ah Quan, baring its teeth and claws.

The world is like a grassroots team, but writing a book is still a happy thing - Yesterday, when I was looking at the screen, my vision suddenly became blurry. I thought there was something wrong with my eyes. I was so scared that I quit all electronic screens and took a day off. In addition to the various problems in real life, This was the first time that I had the thought of 'why don't I stop writing'? But when I woke up the next day, my physical condition improved. Thinking about it carefully, besides continuing to write, there seemed to be nothing I really should do. Giving up all the time will not make you gain more, it will only keep losing until you have nothing.

When I write books in the future, I will probably adjust my mentality, be more open-minded, and write more about what I like. I hope that I will accompany my friends until now.

Off-topic: I saw some book friends asking about setting up a group chat. At present, the author does not have the energy to set up a special book group. If you want to discuss the game "Kenshi", you guys in the comment area can share it if you have a similar group chat. , if you bring new people who are interested, the author will not take the lead.

Digression 2: The current preliminary outline is to finish the swamp, enter the Shanjian City, then connect the Black Desert and Mengler, start from the Southern United City, and break into the Eastern Evil... Although it is a very distant future, but there are ideas Book friends can still make more comments.

Finally, thank you to Mr. Niye for your reward and support——

I posted a bit urgently today, so I will correct the typos in real time.

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