To everyone in the gang, the appearance of the swamp people was nothing.

Wan Rong was gearing up, and without his command, all his men surrounded the lonely young man.

Although, the behavior of this young man was very surprising. He was lurking here quietly for some reason, and even killed their village elder with a knife - no one would mourn for the old man, it was just one ant that killed another ant.

But everyone still remembers it.

The village elder still had the coin that the Double Blade Group had just rewarded him with.

There is nothing more fair than taking away a dead person's belongings, but for the money, it is worth taking action.

Regarding this scene, the white-haired man in the Double Blade Group was neither surprised nor angry. He just took the little Ying'er he bought with a lot of money and carefully held it in his arms.

If you didn't know his identity, just looking at this scene, you would really think that he is an elder who loves children.

Dr. Zhong, whose temples were slightly frosty, turned around and stood beside the white-haired man.

He couldn't bear to look at the little girl, and he couldn't even bear to look at the young villager who was about to be cut into pieces by the thugs - the other party's roar made his heart tremble for a moment.

"You did it on purpose." Dr. Zhong faced the white-haired man, "If you throw money to a villager in front of so many people, even if they won't do it on the spot because of their face, someone will always have their thoughts..."

The white-haired man was indifferent, as if he didn't hear anything.

"You have no intention of letting that man surnamed Lu live until we leave. You don't even allow me to tell Wan Rong the truth about allogeneic organ transplantation - he doesn't know. Without drug restraint, under the influence of rejection, don't look at it. He is still alive and well now, but soon his immune system will eat him into a ball of rotten meat..." Dr. Zhong didn't seem to expect the other party to answer, and just said to himself:

"You have never acted like this before. You want to keep it a secret... The person who wants the organ this time is very unusual. You don't want or can't let more people know who he is... right?"

Finally, the white-haired man spoke.

His always calm face seemed to have been opened by Dr. Zhong's words, revealing a hint of impatience: "Since you know, don't talk too much - you should know that we are not obligated to you."

Feeling the obvious murderous intent in the other person's words, Dr. Zhong shut his mouth honestly, but there was a trace of twisted pleasure in his heart.

I have been testing the bottom line of these thugs... deep down in my heart, am I also expecting them to be unbearable and kill me with one knife?

But he knew the day would come late.

As an important part of the double-edged organ industry, Dr. Zhong has the richest surgical experience and is not as easy to replace as the other party said.

With such twisted pleasure, he raised his head, wanting to see more of the other party's gloomy expression.

However, Dr. Zhong did not expect that a hint of panic would appear on the white-haired man's face. It was definitely not the sting of being exposed by his own words, but the fear of his own life being threatened.

He turned around blankly and then froze, like every gang member.

It was a blood-red carapace creature with four sharp legs touching the ground. Its appendages were sweeping the face the size of a baby's head with joy, and its fangs were sharp.

It was just standing behind Ah Quan, and the young swamp man still didn't realize it.

——He was just a little surprised. He didn't know why the enemies who were attacking so menacingly just now suddenly stopped and looked at him in horror.

Could it be that my momentum is so terrifying that I can suppress thousands of troops with just one person?

Ah Quan's confidence was boosted, and he was about to charge with his knife when he heard a scream from among the gang members:

"Blood Spider!"

Everyone immediately ran away without caring about order and loyalty.

Ah Quan turned his head and met the insect mother's black compound eyes.

The insect mother just leaned over, put her head close to the young man's shoulder, and looked at him curiously.

Ah Quan's blood immediately cooled down, and the steel knife he held in his hand couldn't stop trembling.

There's just one thing he hasn't figured out yet...

Why is this blood spider's body covered with broken cotton wool?

At this moment, the voice came again:

"That's not it." He said, "Don't waste time, finish it early, and I won't hold you responsible for stealing food when you come back."

This familiar voice.

This was a voice that Quan thought existed only in his hallucinations.

It reached everyone's ears directly.

Mr. Lu...

Ah Quan looked following the sound, his expression dull again.

A man wearing a gas mask sat on the fence of the village with his chest folded. His vision under the resin goggles was uncertain, but Quan always felt that he was looking at him.

He has always been here, but if he hadn't just given the order, no one would have noticed his presence.

Of course Ah Quan knew him.

Isn't this the leader of the Stone Rat Group who was fighting with them just now?

The insect mother suddenly opened her mouth, rubbed her stacked sharp fangs, and roared at the man like a demonstration.

However, its body movements were very honest. It thrust its feet into the ground to exert force, and flew towards the scattered gang members, turning into a blood-red afterimage.

A translucent blood spider baby was thrown out from under the insect mother. It was Lao Qi who had just bitten the rope restraints.

After all, its speed was much slower than Lu Meng's.

The cub got up from the ground and looked around blankly. He happened to catch a glimpse of his big brother sitting on the wall and crawled towards him with great interest.

Lu Meng reached out to catch Lao Qi and looked at the battlefield at his feet.

The blood spider is stronger than speed, and the insect mother caught up with the fleeing gang members in less than an instant. It usually does not need to fight on its own, but now it takes action personally. It can even reach more than two meters high when it stands upright. Below is a pair of sharp steel knives.

Caught by it, the fragile human body will be torn apart on the spot, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

And from a direction that the insect mother didn't pay attention to, there were also continuous screams.

The blood spider boss led the three brothers, and under Lu Meng's order, they were arranged in advance around everyone.

Now it is like closing a net, strangling the trapped prey.

Of course Ah Quan saw this scene.

He subconsciously stepped back, limping because he stepped on something soft.

I looked down and saw torn quilt wadding and broken ropes all over the floor.

The young man had a flash of inspiration, like a bolt of thunder, illuminating the pictures in his mind:

When he heard that there was a kidnapped girl hidden in the hut, he looked filled with indignation...

Taking advantage of the break in the fight, he rushed to the girl on the bed and picked her up, looking like he was dying...

On the way to escape, I felt the girl's fear and patted the quilt softly to comfort her...

In the end, all the images were shattered like mirrors.

All that was left was the dark red insect's head, a twisted face in front of him, and his teeth bared.

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