Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 287 The Road to Making Money

Moreover, as Lu Meng expected, the crops grown by people in this swamp have been genetically improved and specially bred.

Otherwise, even with the water and heat conditions here, the paddy fields will not be able to maintain the current yield.

Judging from what Lu Meng learned from Huayong, the characteristics of the rice they planted were exactly the same as the breeding results recorded in ancient science books.

The fact that these grains have survived so many generations without the seeds deteriorating shows that the people who originally developed them had mastered extremely high breeding techniques.

"But it is a pity that we are not able to reproduce several other crops recorded in the book." Dr. Zhong said with regret, "Maybe because they are not suitable for the environment here, the ancestors did not keep them. Seeds...if they can be cultivated, food production in not just swamps but other areas may also increase a lot."

"What's the difficulty?" Lu Meng asked. He was indeed not an expert in this area.

"There is no equipment." Dr. Zhong laughed at himself, "Look at the environment around us. There is no electricity, and there are no professional instruments and laboratories... It would be good to use the most traditional method to select and breed seeds season by season. Well, the swamp people have already done a good job in this kind of work... plus the quality of their rice is already improved, it is already difficult to go further."

Although, as a doctor, it feels strange for him to talk about agricultural breeding here, the relevant knowledge recorded in ancient science books has indeed brought a lot of inspiration to his work.

He just had some regrets: he had all the knowledge and operating methods, but he couldn't turn them into cash.

It's like having a golden mountain of treasure in front of you, but you can only look at it but not take it away.

"Well, that's good." Lu Meng nodded, "Thank you Dr. Zhong for your help. There may be more trouble for you in the future -"

He did not show the disappointed look that Dr. Zhong expected.

This changed Dr. Zhong's impression of this person again.

He has seen too many laymen who know nothing about scientific research. They are eager for quick success. Once they know that the research results cannot be converted into production immediately, they will immediately lose patience and feel that you are wasting money.

For example, the Double Blade Group, which had sponsored him, pushed Dr. Zhong every day when he was unable to advance the results in the later period, and even threatened to cut off funding, as if this could force the research out of thin air.

If you cannot accept failure, you will never see success.

Technology advances through trial and error.

In comparison, Dr. Zhong naturally preferred Lu Meng's attitude, which gave him a feeling of being trusted and respected.

Of course, for Lu Meng who has received education in the 21st century, these perceptions are just common sense.

And...he thought about the map he found in the forbidden area of ​​Huangshui Village.

It was left by the skeleton craftsmen, and it also marked several locations in the southern wetland area.

Not surprisingly, it was the former laboratory of the old empire.

The skeleton craftsmen probably want to wait until they have established civilization strongholds before going to those places to open them... But they don't know how many of those laboratories are left and can be reused after so many years.

As for other villages - Huangshui Village is not a special village in the swamp. If they have it, other villages will most likely have it too, and vice versa.

The strategy of the ancestors was to plant more flowers and spread the fire.

This also saves Lu Meng from searching every village.

‘It seems that I will have to find an opportunity to visit the southern wetlands in the future. ' Lu Meng thought, 'The environment there is more humid, hot and complex than the swamp, and even the five major factions cannot penetrate it... Except for some indigenous tribes who have lived there for generations, no one else can stand it. ’

The Water Tribe ruled by the Shadow Man is the most powerful one and can even send swamp ninjas to the outside world.

Due to poor communication, the swamp ninjas are often given orders by their respective team leaders and are extremely independent.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Meng chose to impersonate them.

By the time the Water Tribe figures out where this black pot comes from, the day lilies will probably be cold.

‘There must be other Ze Ninja teams operating in the swamp. They can help attract hatred and buy me time to develop. ’ Lu Meng took his time and said, ‘Among the five major factions, the Double Blade Regiment does not have the strength to take the initiative, and in a short period of time, the only one who will directly point the finger at Huangshui Village is the Stone Rat Regiment that once ruled here. ’

If a subordinate village is taken away by someone else, it must come back to regain its face.

As long as they are solved, Huangshui Village can buy a long period of time.

"Then get the biofuels out first."

Putting these aside, Lu Meng stood up and said.

This is not a high-end thing: to put it simply, the wine made by the swamp people from rice can be used as fuel after being highly distilled. It is not difficult to make it in the required biological distillation room.

However, he was concerned about another technology recorded in ancient science books.

- Hemp biofuel.

‘Flaxseed oil can be converted into biodiesel through a transesterification process, and the oil production efficiency is even higher than that of oil crops such as soybeans, sunflower seeds, peanuts and rapeseed. ’ Lu Meng recalled, ‘In addition, other parts of the plant can also be fermented into biogas or brewed into ethanol. ’

These are technologies that exist in the 21st century.

Not to mention the black technology of the pre-waste era after breeding improvements and technological development.

According to Dr. Zhong’s interpretation, the overall production efficiency of this type of fuel is twice that of rice, straw and other raw materials... and the fuel produced is the most suitable product to replace industrial fuel.

It can even be used directly by the Bone Man.

‘Sure enough, this is the reason why those bone craftsmen left cannabis seeds in the swamp. ’

The Everglades, unlike the Black Desert, does not produce crude oil. If people want to survive here and obtain energy supply, they can only rely on biofuel.

Unfortunately, the Bone Man eventually abandoned the swamp.

They also have no ability to care about what the swamp people do with the seeds left behind.

Fortunately, hemp biofuel is also useful for Lu Meng.

After the output is increased, it can even be sold to the outside world, which is a normal industrial product.

'If nothing else, it should be of great interest to technology hunters. ’ Lu Meng thought to himself, ‘Their relay stations are distributed all over the world. In places where there is no wind power, if you want to maintain the operation of indoor facilities, you have to use thermal power. ’

Tech Hunters have fuel generators, but they generally use alcohol or fuel purchased from Black Desert.

The former is not efficient and consumes a lot of food; the latter has a single origin and high price, and has to bear the losses of transportation to all parts of the world.

If there is an alternative, they will not refuse it.

Selling to the Shaq Kingdom should also be possible.

Lu Meng had long ago become unable to bear the intermittent wind power in Scone Town.

From the coal boss to the big dog... If you can monopolize, being an energy supplier has always been a huge profit.

What's more important is that if they can make a fortune by selling fuel, the swamp people don't have to be so obsessed with black extract and spread their poison for thousands of miles.

Their raw materials are the same, and existing planting areas do not need to be banned, so the resistance to promotion will be much smaller.

Thanks to book friends 20180628191141599, Bai Bucai, _(:з ∠)__ for their reward support (I’m not trying to be cute, why do I still have friends whose names are emojis, haha)

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