At night, outside Huangshui Village.

The water flows quietly, and occasionally a breeze disperses the ripples and stirs up the rustling of forest leaves.


A white-haired young man and a tall Shaq man stood opposite each other. Behind them were several hidden tents tied up with bright firelight.

Except for the mercenaries disguised as swamp ninjas, the rest of the Shaq warriors and caravans did not enter the village.

"Unknown One, your suggestion is very good." Ryan's expression relaxed and he smiled, "I think Bayan will also be very interested."

In the Stan Desert, although wind power is cheap, it is an unstable energy source anyway.

To regulate such a large amount of wind power peaks, the number of batteries required will be an astronomical figure, and the gain outweighs the loss.

At present, the Shark Kingdom can still make do with it, but according to the plan of the New Deal, as the industry develops in the future, it will definitely need more stable energy.

At that time, they might buy biofuel from the swamps just like they buy food.

"That's still a long way off." Lu Meng told the truth and stated his plan: "At present, even if Huangshui Village can produce biofuel, they must first use it themselves."

If we want to be rich enough to sell it to the outside world, I'm afraid we have to wait until at least half of the swamp is unified.

"Of course I know this." Ryan nodded, "Even if you don't count the fuel, your move, the unknown one, has indeed helped us solve the problem of food supply."

Huangshui Village is now controlled by Lu Meng. After negotiating with Huayong, the supply of rice can naturally be restored.

In other swamp villages, the supply chain of drug production needs to be cut off.

Substituting the industry for making biofuels will at least make them less extreme in converting rice into hemp - rice can also be used as a raw material.

The trade route has been re-established, and the surplus food can still be sold to the Kingdom of Shake.

It can be said that although Ryan led the Shaks in the caravan to find the reason why the swamp people cut off their supply, they did not have a good solution. At most, they could go back and report it to Bayan.

In the end, if it is delayed until the food production of the Shark Kingdom reaches the warning line, they will be forced to formally send troops to invade the swamp, and both sides will suffer.

In addition, with the involvement of the United City behind this matter, the nobles and merchants will be able to reap the benefits.

Now that Lu Meng has come up with this idea, it can be said that it is the right medicine to solve the problem from the root.

It didn't take Bayan to see it, but Ryan knew it was feasible.

The former Hundred Regiment Guard and now the Queen's Special Envoy, the titular warrior Giant Ryan, increasingly felt that inviting the Nameless One to join them on their journey north was the most correct decision for their trip to the swamp.

"Well, then your mission is half completed." Lu Meng accepted the other party's affirmation calmly.

He did not tell the other party about crop breeding.

If the Shake Kingdom's food problem is to be completely solved, it cannot rely entirely on imports from the swamps. In the end, it must return to increasing its own food production.

The first one relies on fertile land, the second relies on manpower, and the third relies on science and technology, the real primary productive force.

High-yielding crops are a key part of this.

Judging from the content interpreted by Dr. Zhong, ancient science books record crops suitable for planting in arid and barren terrain such as the Stan Desert.

Its technological achievements are likely to exist in the laboratory of the Southern Wetland.

Or it can be developed in a laboratory.

The reason why Lu Meng didn't confess.

At first, this was just a guess. If it didn't work out, it would be all in vain, disappointing people and wasting energy.

Secondly, he also has his own concerns.

Even if improved crops exist, Lu Meng needs to prioritize mastering them himself.

Judging from the current situation, the Shake Kingdom needs to rely on the import of food from the swamps, and may also import large quantities of fuel in the future... This means that if it can control the swamps, it will be tantamount to seizing two lifebloods of the Shake Kingdom.

——Lu Meng confessed that this was his goal.

Among them, food is the most fundamental.

Once the Shaq Kingdom achieves food self-sufficiency, this lifeline will be taken away.

Although the current cooperation between the two parties is relatively pleasant, the root of politics is interests, and Bayan is a top politician. Even if he is not willing personally, once there is a conflict of interest, based on Lu Meng's understanding of the chief advisor, he will not hesitate to stand on the side of the kingdom's interests.

In order to avoid such risks, Lu Meng, as the weaker party, must seize more chips.

This is a very cruel, but very realistic problem.

Of course, these words are impossible to say to Giant Ryan.

However... the food issue is not only related to international politics, but also to the national economy and people's livelihood. Under every cold statistical data is a living population.

The technological blockade cannot go on forever. Holding a monopoly position for too long may cause rebellious psychology, affect his relationship with the Shaq Kingdom, and have the opposite effect.

Lu Meng thought to himself that when his strength develops, he can talk to the Shark Kingdom on an equal footing, and he feels more secure, then he can fully help the Shark people to be self-sufficient in food - making his allies stronger will also be good for him.

But key technologies like hemp fuel must be in your own hands.

"It's a pity that there are no clues about soilless hydroponics technology yet..." Lu Meng felt a little regretful.

At this stage, as long as we help ensure the food supply of the Shaker Kingdom and avoid causing famine, it will be fine.

the other side.

Ryan didn't think much about it at all.

She never expected that in such a moment of silence, Lu Meng would already have so many worries and plans.

To them, Lu Meng's train of thought was like this: he had already decided on his son's name the first time they met... no, he had even chosen his grandson's name.

In the entire kingdom, except for Bayan, there is probably no Shaq who can keep up with Lu Meng's brain circuit.

"It's a mission..." She just heard Lu Meng's words, feeling happy and sad at the same time.

Fortunately, with the help of the unknown person, the first task was completed so smoothly, far exceeding the expected progress.

Sadly, there is still no news about the whereabouts of the little princess Seto.

"Unknown One, what should we do next?" Ryan asked.

At the beginning, Ryan only recognized Lu Meng as the team leader because of the prior agreement.

Until now, after witnessing Lu Meng's performance in Black Swamp and the results achieved in Huangshui Village, this titled warrior has completely affirmed the nameless man's experience and ability, and has developed the habit of subconsciously asking for his opinions.

"According to our previous speculation, Princess Seto may challenge the masters of the swamp faction to complete her warrior experience." Lu Meng repeated.

Ryan nodded to indicate that she still remembered.

"The current situation is that all major factions are attracted by our activities, which is also a good thing for Princess Seto... The more chaotic the swamp, the greater the chance of her getting out safely."

"So," Ryan followed Lu Meng's thoughts, "We want to make a bigger noise?"

"Yes." Lu Meng nodded and looked at Ryan: "For this, I need you to go back to the Kingdom of Shaq."

First, you need to report to Bayan to get more support.

Secondly, the industry in Huangshui Village cannot be established in a short period of time, and many necessities have to be transported and imported from the Shark Kingdom.

"But, the Nameless One..." Ryan reminded, "According to the detection information we have received these days, the thugs from the Stone Rat Group have already arrived at Huangshui Village. You don't need our help?"

Even if the villagers of Huangshui Village are included, their numbers are still at an absolute disadvantage.

"It's okay," Lu Meng relaxed his wrist: "I'm a 'swamp ninja'."

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