Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 325 News from the Future (Complete Chapter)

In the second half of the night in Stone Town, the guard leader on the city called it a day.

When the crossbowman passed the harpoon battery, he shouted to the Taoist figure guarding that side: "Captain, it's time to change the shift!"

"I'm not tired yet," Cang Cui shook his head and said, "You go down first."

——Lu Meng kept his word and actually handed over a crossbow shooting team to Cang Cui to command.

Although the number of people was not large, they all used crossbows that had been previously collected from the Stone Rat Regiment.

Shizhen changed hands, and the key city defense naturally had to be handed over to his own people.

However, they were led by a worker bee who had no foundation and was even a prisoner of war of the enemy.

Most people have not seen Cang Cui show his strength, and there are those who are dissatisfied. But with Lu Meng's current prestige in Shizhen, no one would object to this decision.

Time will prove everything.

"Okay then," the crossbowmen said no more, "Captain Green, we're going down first."

To be honest, they, the first batch of people who stood guard, were the last to get a rest along the way. It is not easy to persist until now.

This is not the time to be polite, it is business to go down early to recharge your batteries.

After watching the first batch of crossbowmen leave and counting the men changing the guard, Cang Cui focused her attention on the harpoon cannon in her hand.

He has poor eyesight, which refers to short sight distance.

Compared to humans, the field of view of worker bees is only about half.

Unless it is transformed into a fog man by the "flood of dead bees", this innate disadvantage is difficult to improve.

However, for Yu Cangcui.

He couldn't see things too far away, so he could only try to see everything within his field of vision clearly.

As long as the enemy enters this range, Green Green's perception becomes extremely sharp.

This is the shooting eye.

From this perspective, ultra-long-range sniping is not his strong point, but close-range rapid fire is.

The farthest range of the harpoon turret has long exceeded the green sight range.

However, wait until night falls over Shizhen.

Out of the searchlight range at the top of the city, if it were another crossbow gunner, he couldn't see further directions as it was all dark.

This turned out to be Green’s advantage.

He used the bee's unique grip and used his dry and nimble fingers to clasp the turret handle.

Usually, as long as he pulls the trigger of the turret or crossbow, his thoughts will calm down and he will enter a state where he is one with the surrounding environment.

However, today's green heart cannot be peaceful for a long time.

He still remembered what the white-haired young man said to him——

"The gang that attacked you calls themselves the 'Skull Collectors'..." Lu Meng said, "I believe you have already found out these."

Green nodded silently.

"The key to the problem is that there is no gang called the Skull Collectors in the swamp."

"Of course, with my ability, it is impossible to know how many named gangs there are in the swamp... Just like people die and people are born every moment, in the swamp, maybe there are new ones every day. Gangs are formed, and old gangs are annexed, and one of them may be the Skull Collector..."

"It's just that the gang Can Cuiyou was in at the time was not weak. Under such circumstances, it could be wiped out in one encounter..." Sensing that Bee Man's expression was wrong, Lu Meng paused and skipped the description, " The Skull Collectors are by no means a small gang with no clues at all."

Cang Cui didn't care that the other party revealed this past, he was just a little surprised.

These things were investigated and figured out after I joined the Black Converters and with the help of one of the most powerful factions in the swamp.

While the other party was just investigating himself, it was completed along the way.

——Of course, Cang Cui knew that at that time, she was a low-key person. Even with the support of the black converter, she would not get much help. She needed to work slowly and accumulate merits in exchange for resources.

If it wasn't for investigating the Skull Collector, he would have escaped from Big Black Eyebrow's men long ago.

This Lu Meng, as a leader, can mobilize all the resources within the force, and the efficiency of collecting intelligence is naturally beyond his own.

Green even felt a little regretful.

If he had gone to seek refuge when he first heard about the incident in Huangshui Village, he wouldn't have wasted a lot of energy.

Of course, this is purely hindsight.

At that time, no one could have imagined that the other party had such potential.

Lu Meng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Cang Cui would probably think that he got the information by mobilizing resources.

Little did he know that he had just mobilized his memory.

Moreover, the source of everything he knows so far is none other than the later ‘Cang Cui’ himself.

If Cang Cui hadn't persisted in investigating, there would be nothing to say about Lu Meng now.

If it had been anyone else, it would have been a miracle to investigate clearly in such a short period of time.

All Lu Meng had to do was to return the future rewards of this worker bee to him in advance.

"You don't believe that the Skull Collectors are just a small gang," Lu Meng said solemnly, "So even once, when you heard the news that the suspected gang was wiped out, you did not give up the investigation. Instead, it was the Black Converters who Everyone is starting to get bored and do things half-heartedly..."

"But I have to say... you're right."

"It's true that there is no Skull Collector gang in the swamp, but what about outside?"

"Gangs are just their disguise."

"Those people—from Union City."

"And the black converts who clean up the battlefield and help you investigate them..."

"They are their accomplices."

Under the night, a crow suddenly came, waking up the green green that was trapped in memories.

He let go and slapped himself, secretly blaming himself for being distracted while on duty.

Just because: the news from Lu Meng really shocked him, and it kept lingering in his mind.

Afterwards, in order to prove that this was not groundless, the other party even provided many other trivial information to prove it.

Green has no time to think.

Why does the information given by the other party coincide so much with the direction I want to explore in the future...

This is fine, so as not to have to verify it in person.

The mysteries surrounding this matter were also solved one by one.

In fact, the gang that Cang Cui belonged to was not a real gang at the beginning.

They are just a small caravan responsible for smuggling some agricultural and animal husbandry products from the wandering tribes of Shem to the Wandering Lands for the villages and mines abandoned by the Holy Kingdom.

——After the hub station was destroyed, the Holy Kingdom lost control of the border areas, and the area to the east was naturally cut off from the Holy Kingdom itself.

It is said to be smuggling, but it is only because of the harassment of sand bandits along the way and the long road. Even the nomadic tribes are unwilling to go there because they dislike the meager profits.

Only small caravans like Cang Cui and others can make a living in this way.

For example, if the influence of the Holy Kingdom is still there, Hive people like Cang Cui will never be able to enter because of Oakland's teachings.

However, as the power of the current King of Sand expands, even this gap becomes narrower and narrower.

The smuggling team that Cang Cui belonged to wanted to open up new trade routes and change the map to make a living.

So they headed to the swamp.

When entering this chaotic land, they naturally had to adapt to the local laws, so they changed into a gang.

Green still remembers.

At that time, they had Ed who liked to drink, Qiao Wei who was silent but strong, Qiang who kept clamoring all day long to build another hive, and Yi Shan who others said was beautiful but as a bee person she couldn't feel it... …

Oh, and a regular worker bee crossbowman - Verdant.

However, this long journey was a disaster.

"You turned out to be good at smuggling, so the gang was affiliated with the Skinners. However, the Skinners and the Hounds have been in conflict all year round, and the black converts are on the side of the Hounds. When they see a small gang that is not under their control, they will not What a good attitude.”

"As for the United City, their merchant guild has long coveted the smuggling trade routes that roam the land, and for this reason they are willing to cleanse and unify all competitors along the way, including you."

"As for how the black converters hooked up with Union City..."

A specialty of the swamp, black extract.

The black converters need sales, and the merchant guild needs production sources and business methods, and the two hit it off.

——That Lu Meng said.

However, Cang Cui knew clearly that the other party was only talking about the general trend.

It is more likely that his group was just involved in a battlefield where several forces were competing.

The people who crushed them probably didn't have any special intentions and just did it casually.

Otherwise, the black converters would not have failed to notice that Cang Cui, the crossbowman who survived by lurking in the dark, was also one of them.

Ignoring is the greatest contempt.

But no matter what, Cang Cui still learned the code name of the person who personally led the team.


He is the leader of the Union City Merchant Guild. It is said that he is a slave hunter who likes to collect the heads of escaped slaves.

From this point of view, it is really appropriate that they use "Skull Collector" as a disguise.

The night wind blew by, and the eyes in the green and dark pupils were piercing.

Whether it is the United City, the Merchant Guild or the Black Converters, they are all unshakable mountains to him now.

However, Cang Cui is expected to take revenge on the murderer himself.

Of course, according to Lu Meng.

The transaction with United City is considered a very high secret within the Black Converters, and most members of the gang are unaware of it. The connection is very deep, and revenge is not easy.

——Cang Cui suspected that the other party was bragging in passing to show off the power of the intelligence network.

After all, he, an outsider, knows everything in detail.

Although, the other party may also have this capital.

After learning the truth that she had been searching for for so many years, Cang Cui didn't feel relieved at this moment. Instead, she felt a heavy pressure piled on her heart.

That road dream...

He is a homeless dog living alone, a traitor to the black converts, and a captured prisoner.

The opponent is the assassin who killed Big Al, the new master of Stone Town, and the legend who stirred up the swamp.

How could he do this for himself?

Not only was he entrusted with an important task, but he also revealed all this valuable information.

Lu Meng said that this was the reward for hiring him.

However, Cang Cui knew that this was just to take care of his own face.

No matter which aspect he started from, it was clear that he had taken advantage.

At least compared to the attendants who once served tea and water, his status now is much higher than before.

Cang Cui has never felt such trust, never received such sincerity and favor...

This was an experience he had never had before in the swamp.

In comparison, hard work is nothing.

In the swamp, when dawn was approaching, even though the surroundings were still as dark as ink, all the nocturnal insects hid in their nests in advance.

The air was eerily quiet.

Cang Cui glanced at the top of the city, reminding the dozing crossbowman to concentrate from time to time.

He had been through the whole night by himself, but he was still in high spirits.

One of the crossbowmen couldn't help but yawned.

At first, Cang Cui didn't care.

But his back suddenly moved subconsciously for a moment.

——There seems to be the sound of wind, mixed with yawns, passing by at a very fast speed.

Cang Cui suddenly became alert, picked up a searchlight, and swept downwards.

The light beam tore through the darkness like a sharp blade, leaving dust floating in the air, but found nothing.

The greenery has not relaxed.

He threw the searchlight to a team member beside him and controlled the harpoon cannon himself.

When I pressed the handle with both hands, the familiar feeling came back. The scope moved inch by inch. Through it, everything in the darkness was clearly visible.

A black figure is caught in the green.

He stood quietly not far outside the city, but he was hiding in the darkness and was extremely hidden.

Judging from his posture, it seems that he is looking out, and also seems to be meditating, which makes people subconsciously ignore his existence.

"Be alert!" Cang Cui warned and pulled the trigger at the same time.

The crossbowmen at the top of the city were instantly on alert. At the same time, before that, the spear had already roared out from the barrel——

It accurately hit the figure.

Green believes in his own technology. During this special period, Shizhen has banned entry and exit.

There is no other kind of good person who will appear here.

However, the next moment.

The figure disappeared.

It was not torn apart after being hit by the harpoon cannon, but simply disappeared out of thin air.

The only thing that echoed in the air was the clang of the heavy arrows from the ballista as they penetrated the ground.

Green narrowed her eyes.

With this distance and the power of the harpoon cannon, there was no way he would miss.

He saw with his own eyes that the long arrow penetrated the opponent's body.

That body didn't look like it was made of flesh and blood.

Instead, it is like a phantom, shattering at the touch of a touch.

——It’s an illusion.

Cang Cui let go of the handle and quickly retreated, almost falling inwards from the city wall.

Amid the crossbowmen's exclamations, a cold light suddenly struck the harpoon cannon.

A stream of sparks shot up from the metal shell of the turret, leaving a mark more than an inch deep.

If Cang Cui doesn't respond in time.

At this moment, he had been cut in half at the waist.

But what was more surprising was not the sudden blow.

But that figure, who has been climbing on the top of the city since I don't know when.

He was thin and shriveled, with green straps all over his body. His color was so dark that it almost blended into the night.

At this moment, searchlights from all directions came over, illuminating his appearance——

A rusty iron gas mask.

"Swamp Ninja?" A crossbowman recognized him.

Many people have dressed up themselves.

But right now, the other party must be genuine.

The crossbowmen took action one after another, aiming and shooting——

"Don't shoot the arrow!" Cang Cui suddenly shouted.

But it was too late, a crossbowman had already pulled the trigger, and the swamp ninja's figure flashed and disappeared again.

The crossbow arrow passed through the original position, but accidentally injured another teammate who surrounded him.

Cang Cui didn't have time to pay attention to the fallen team members. He picked up a military crossbow that fell to the ground, stepped forward and placed it on the top of the city, firing rapidly.

The bee man's eyes were sharp.

The movements are vigorous and resolute.

The long arrow shot through the air, this time causing a muffled sound.

However, a series of footsteps sounded and gradually disappeared into the dense forest.

Cang Cui put away her crossbow, surprised and uncertain.

He has never seen such a strange situation.

The other party climbed up the tower unknowingly and silently - you know, the wall is vertical, almost 90 degrees, and there is no gap for climbing except for inserting fingernails.

If he was allowed to enter the city with such skill, the consequences would be disastrous.

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