Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 326 Shadow Man Appears

The alarm sounded, and the sudden change at the top of the city quickly attracted the attention of other guards.

People came one after another.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

Everyone in Shizhen has been prepared for enemies to harass or even attack.

But I never imagined that this would be the case.

The enemies just now have reached the bottom of the city, and no one has noticed yet.

With such stealth ability and agility, he might be able to sneak into Stone Town and lurk.

If we try to hunt him down at that time, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Who knows what kind of damage it will cause?

While the crossbowmen were rescuing their comrades who were accidentally injured by the flowing arrows, they looked at Cang Cui who was still on guard.

——If the captain hadn't persisted and issued a warning.

The other party will not be forced out.

The last stab was more of a vent of anger than a sneak attack.

Of course, it would also be a good thing if you can really succeed.

Cang Cui also initially showed his reaction speed and strength. At this time, everyone knew why Lu Meng recruited this worker bee to take charge of defense.

At that moment, they not only began to recognize the new captain, but also admired Lu Meng's ability to recognize people.

After all, it was possible to select suitable talents in such a short period of time and decisively entrust them with important tasks.

Few people can do it.

Some of the swampfolk who joined later also realized.

It seems that the new leader's ability to reach this point depends not only on his strong personal strength.

Originally, some people only joined the army attacking Shizhen out of speculation or even semi-coercion. Now they have calmed down and truly have the intention to belong.

Although the behavior of that leader is different from other swamp leaders.

But what people really look at is the future and benefits of following you.

Green's example proves that as long as you have real talents and knowledge, even if they were buried in the past, you will have the opportunity to be discovered here.

At this moment, the white-haired young man also arrived, and the originally chaotic scene calmed down immediately.

"Mr. Lu." Everyone saluted.

——Everyone said privately that Lu Meng is now considered a new big boss, but after all, he has not admitted it himself, so it is difficult to say it openly in public.

On the contrary, it was the title brought from Huangshui Village that spread.

After all, for newcomers, the dozens of swamp people who first followed Lu Meng were the proper "entrepreneurial backbone."

It is also appropriate to ask for information about the new boss from the old seniors.

Of course, the people of Huangshui Village, represented by Ah Quan, almost have their own legendary filters, so the words they speak can have some degree of authenticity, but this is not necessarily true...

In the end, it naturally provoked a burst of exclamations from the ignorant newcomers in private.

After Lu Meng responded, he went forward to check the condition of the injured person and confirmed that there was nothing serious.

Then he turned to Cang Cui and asked about the situation.

He himself had been taking care of the newly awakened Princess Shaq. He had just revealed his identity and before he had time to elaborate, something happened here.

Naturally, we put the overall situation first.

"You did a good job...don't blame yourself." After hearing the explanation, Lu Meng nodded and encouraged.

"...Who is that person?" Cang Cui was silent for a moment, curious.

Lu Meng touched the knife mark on the harpoon cannon and motioned to Cang Cui to follow him downstairs alone.

When there were only two of them, Lu Meng said:

"From your description, he should be the Shadow Man."

"...The real shadow man!"

Cang Cuixue: "The big leader of the Water Tribe?"

Shadow Man, leader of the swamp ninjas.

At this time, the worker bee was still frightened.

I just had an encounter with a big boss...

Moreover, even if it is known that they are not the same person, after all, the previous king of the swamp, Daharsh, died because of this, and the title of 'Shadow Man' can be regarded as a fierce reputation.

"Looking at the bright side, you have forced him back." Lu Meng comforted him.

"If word spreads, the green 'Shooting Eye' will become famous——"

There are many accidental bonuses, such as the large number of people in Stone Town, the shadow people underestimate the enemy, and the green trees are condescending, etc.

But that's the result after all.

"Shooting eye?" Cang Cui was puzzled.

What the hell, where did it come from...

The worker bees couldn't help but curse.

But after all, people were praising himself, so it was hard for him to say anything.

"Don't worry, it's almost dawn. Assassins always escape with one strike, and there is no good time to strike again in a short time." After knowing that Cang Cui had not slept all night, Lu Meng also asked him to rest early.

Compared with myself, although this worker bee is talented in long-range skills, its melee combat and physical fitness can only be said to be average, even weak.

After all, in terms of the genetic programming of the hive race, worker bees are not born for fighting.

Green is considered lucky, but if others of the same kind want to make up for it, they can only make several times the effort and go through hardships, which is unimaginable to ordinary people.

After sending the worker queen away, Lu Meng fell into deep thought.

He did not see the enemy in person.

Stone Town is surrounded by barriers on all sides, no better than the temporary Stone Rat Regiment camp.

Approaching like this silently, and even being able to climb in alone... With such strength, the only possibility in the swamp and surrounding areas is the Shadow Man.

The Water Tribe has a long tradition, and stealth is their special skill passed down from generation to generation.

If possible, Lu Meng would like to 'further study' and learn from each other's strengths, which might be an opportunity for his [Stealth] skills to break through to the next level.

But right now, the shadow man doesn't seem to be easy to talk to.

The attitude of the other party is also unkind.

The reckoning has come.

After all, he was wearing the clothes of "Swamp Ninja" and attracted a lot of hatred.

However, he was able to figure this out so quickly and act decisively.

It shows that this filmmaker is indeed not as mediocre as the outside world thought in the past.

"But why did the Shadow Man come to Stone Town..."

Lu Meng fumbled for a while and took out a personal letter from his pocket, with a small fiery red sword painted on it.

This was previously opened from the iron box left by Big Al.

For this reason, Lu Meng even added a few more levels to his [Lock Picking] skill.

Before Soto escaped, he tried his best to take it away, thinking that the box contained something valuable.

——It seems okay to say that, but it is only important to the Stone Rat Group.

It is worthless to an individual.

The boxes contain letters exchanged between the Stone Rats and their subordinates, especially their allies.

With these documents, we can clearly know what sphere of influence the Stone Rat Group has, what their relationships are, what transactions they have on weekdays, etc.

"But looking at Big Al's cultural level, these should actually be managed by Gary..." Lu Meng complained.

And this letter with the flaming little sword is the secret alliance signed by the Stone Rat Group and the Red Sword Group behind the backs of other forces.

In order to take care of Big Al, there is only a brief sentence above.

In short, the general idea is that we two brothers fucked the movie man together...

"The Red Sword Regiment and the Water Tribe are both in the southern wetlands, and they should be fighting fiercely at this moment. That's why Big Al is confident that the entire regiment will be dispatched, leaving his hometown empty, and not afraid of sneak attacks - these can be consistent with the actual situation." Lu Meng thought carefully. .

But now, the shadow man was able to escape and come to Shizhen.

this means……

"The southern wetlands... have also experienced changes."

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