Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 346 Who gave the order!

Big Gray couldn't tell.

Dealing with a single insect swarm is a common thing for the Skinners, and they don't even need to use their full strength.

But Skinnytown exists for a reason.

Not to guard against a swarm of insects.

Otherwise, it would be no different from encountering blood spiders wandering elsewhere in the swamp.

Generally speaking, blood spider females do not cooperate with each other.

They lead their own groups, move and hunt within a defined range. If they meet together, they might fight each other, just like ants in different ant nests.

But there are exceptions to everything.

That is: when the number of blood spiders in an area swells to a limit, forcing two or more female spiders to start traveling together and expand outward in unison.

This is the insect tide.

It is also the biggest concern for skinners.

Sure enough, when the new mother worm appeared, the swarm that had already collapsed began to become violent again - they could actually accept the influence of two worm mothers at the same time, or perhaps this swarm was originally composed of two groups. consist of.

This is already the prototype of the insect tide, even the most basic one.

Judging from the size of the new mother insect, there may be more blood spiders hiding in the dense forest that have not yet appeared, waiting for opportunities.

Being able to force back the previous female worm, Big Gray had taken advantage of some luck.

Facing this one, he was powerless.

At the same time, the formation of the Skinned Guards gradually began to loosen up, but the smugglers still did not retreat behind the fence.

"Retreat." Big Gray was heartbroken and could only make a decision.

He wanted to save people, but after all, he was still the big boss in the swamp.

If it continues, it will only harm more people.

Perhaps at the beginning, driving away these smugglers in the wild like his men did was the most correct choice.

As soon as he finished speaking, the skinned people left in response.

But the one who was faster than everyone else was a dark green figure.

Big Gray was stunned and recognized:

It was the visitor who stayed with Cang Cui before.

At this speed, this man can even get back to Skinning Town before his men, without having to worry about the blood spiders.


The place he was running towards was not Skinning Town.

But the blood-red worm mother just appeared!

"Hey!" The old man didn't have time to stop him, but the two-meter-tall, giant-like blood spider had already revealed its fangs, stomped the ground excitedly, and rushed towards the prey that came to the door.

In order to conceal the division of labor, it did not carry many heirs with it.

However, now that food is in short supply, the insect mother doesn't mind catching the food herself.


The giant blood spider pounced on the dark green figure, red and green intertwined.

What came out was a tracer sound.

Big Gray could see it clearly. Just when one person and one insect were about to approach, the person suddenly pulled off the awning and threw it straight towards the blood spider.

The heavy plastic raincloth covered the female insect.

Its vision was momentarily obscured.

And after taking off the awning, Big Gray could see clearly.

The man's right hand was always pressed on the handle of the knife at his waist.

In an instant, the long knife pierced the air!

The bright silver sword light cut through the rain and fog, like an upside-down crescent moon, and struck hard at the blood spider that had lost its vision.

Almost at the same time, sharp steps tore the raincloth into pieces.

The insect mother hissed in anger.

However, when it saw the light again, what it saw was a white light coming from behind.

Like glass shattering.

The tip of the upside-down knife was nailed directly into the insect mother's chitinous carapace, which was originally comparable to armor.

The force of the knife did not diminish, and it cracked instantly.

Red slurry, like blood from a punctured aorta, surged out from the insect mother's body, splashing in the air and drawing a curtain.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The roar instantly turned into a whine.

The skinned people who originally gave up the battlefield and were planning to retreat were all stunned.

In past wars against insect tides, only their leader had any record of taking action against wild insect mothers.

Since Big Gray was injured, such a scene has not been seen for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this inexplicable foreigner actually did the same thing at this moment.

"Oh!" The little princess who was running away looked back and her eyes lit up: "So that's what it was going to be like..."

"Don't study at this time." Cang Cui said, "Besides, just say you don't have to worry about him——"

I had seen the opponent's ability to control blood spiders when he was stationed in Shizhen.

Although I don’t know if it can be effective on these wild species.

But the bottom line of life-saving is definitely no problem.

On this basis, Lu Meng must have his own considerations when doing things.

What the Skinner didn't expect was that the foreigner, who had just gained an advantage, did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the victory and kill the blood spider in one fell swoop.

Instead, he took advantage of the other party's painful struggle and stretched out a hand towards it.

This move shocked Big Gray.

This is not a boxing technique either.

It's more like stroking the insect mother.

It was exactly the same as when he was playing with the baby swamp turtle.

What was unexpected was that the tall insect mother seemed to really accept this trick, but she was frightened and frightened, as if she was being forced.


Big Gray's expression changed: "Be careful!"

——Lu Meng’s movements were faster than the old man’s prompts.

He suddenly retreated, holding the knife in front of his chest, and distanced himself from the insect mother.

The next second.

But it wasn't the mother insect that pounced on me.

This giant blood spider looked dazed for a moment, and then its whole body exploded.

The explosion echoed in the jungle clearing.

I saw a huge crossbow arrow falling from the sky.

The iron rod was stuck straight into the ground, covered in broken shells and thick slurry.

——Harpoon cannon.

That is, it will directly kill the insect mother.

Skinning Town also has such weapons.

After losing the mother insect, the insect swarm was suddenly in chaos. The original momentum of defeat could not be suppressed and scattered in all directions.

The air was quiet for a moment, then burst into cheers.

They won!

However, an angry voice came: "Who gave the order to fire!"

The angry denunciation was mixed with the crowd and was almost drowned out.

But the skinned people still kept silent.

——The person who spoke was Big Gray.

The old man pushed aside the crowd and rushed to the arrow shaft. He was relieved when he saw Lu Meng got up and was fine.

"Who the hell fired the cannon!" He looked towards the city and cursed again, "Did I give the order?"

It's true that there are harpoon cannons deployed in Peeling Town.

However, in the process of resisting the insect tide, the Skinners rarely use it, simply because the accuracy is too difficult to control. Not only can a single harpoon cannon fail to reverse the situation of the battle, but it is very likely to accidentally injure one of its own people.

This is also the reason why Big Gray liked the greenery at first.

It was because of his shooting potential.

Big Gray glanced at Lu Meng again.

In the situation just now, this surprising young man has already controlled the blood spider mother, and is actually no longer a threat.

But on his side, he used the harpoon cannon.

Of course it is easy to aim at a fixed target, but if you are not careful, it is very likely to accidentally injure the person next to you.

Fortunately, he was fine and his reaction speed was also top-notch.

Otherwise, I would be really embarrassed.

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