Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 347 Channels for Alliance (Joint Chapter)

After waiting for a while, a reply came from the top of Peipi Town:

"It's me, Boss Gray."

Even though he was being questioned by the big boss, there was no hint of panic in his voice.

When the guards under the city heard this, they also bowed and saluted.

Obviously this person's status in the Skinner Gang is not low.

"Asha?" Big Gray narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, the big boss." The man named 'Asha' answered unhurriedly, "Facing the blood spider, we finally seized the opportunity. None of us can take it lightly, but we can't let the insect mother enter the skinning town. Come on...are you right?"

He did not mention the accidental damage range of the harpoon cannon at all, as if it was not considered and everything was taken for granted.

When the old man heard this, his beard curled up and he was about to get angry.

The guards around him hurriedly stepped forward, seemingly supporting Big Gray, but actually holding him down, and whispered a few words in his ear, as if to persuade him.

Gradually, Big Gray's expression returned to calm.

"Asha, you did a good job." He said, "At least today, we are at peace."

Seeing the big leader speaking, the skinned people cheered again.

Some people went out of the city to bandage their injured companions and collect the fallen blood spider corpses. Even the shocked smugglers from out of town were taken care of.

Aoi and Seto, the two uninjured people, seemed out of place among them.

On the other side, Lu Meng hung the moon blade back on his waist.

——It has a special shape and does not have a suitable scabbard for use. It is just exposed and bright.

I just really wanted to try to tame this wild insect mother.

There is also a certain possibility of success.

But it’s useless to talk about it now. Lu Meng didn’t feel it was a pity and said softly:

"There are many more blood spiders..."

"That's right." The old man in gray clothes stepped forward, "In this season, food is in short supply, and these bugs are a lot more restless. This is not a good time to come to Skinning Town."

"I'm Gray." He wiped away the acid rain on his face and grinned a little, "Are you Green Green's friend? Young man, you have good skills."

"Travel to the north."

When Lu Meng shook hands with the other party, their skins both emitted light smoke due to corrosion, but they didn't seem to care and their expressions remained unchanged.

A hint of admiration flashed in the old man's eyes.

"Gray... Old man, are you Big Gray?" Lu Meng was serious, with a trace of surprise naturally revealed, a completely normal expression when meeting for the first time.

"Hey, that's what people in the swamp call them." Big Gray laughed twice, as if he didn't want to mention this topic again, and turned around and said: "Since he is Green's friend, he is also my friend, Skinner. I never treat my friends badly..."

"And you have helped me this time. Don't look at Asha's bragging. Without you, he wouldn't have been able to hit the target... If you have anything to do, let's talk about it in the city."

In his words, he seemed to be dissatisfied with Na'asha, but his emotions were well controlled.

Lu Meng couldn't make a conclusion and could only nod in agreement.

The raincloth fell on the Blood Spider, and he was now drenched in the rain.

Although the Sons of Scorched Earth have made many changes to adapt to the wasteland environment, they have not yet evolved the magical ability to avoid acid. As time goes by, even Lu Meng cannot withstand it.

Now they can only enter Skinning Town first - of course, this is also the purpose of their trip.

Seeing Lu Meng nodding, Big Gray laughed a few more times, quite happily, and turned around to greet the smugglers who had come from afar.

Lu Meng walked to Cang Cui and Seto. Seeing him coming, the little princess quickly lifted the raincloth on one side to signal.

Lu Meng was not polite and just got in and opened it, which was enough for the two of them.

"Is this the Skinner Gang? And Big Gray..."

Seto whispered: "How do you feel..."

"Is it different from what you imagined?" Lu Meng said.

"Yeah." The little princess nodded.

She had dealt with the Stone Rats and the Black Switchers before, but she had never seen a gang like the Skinned Men. They looked more like ordinary militiamen than gangsters.

As for Big Gray, judging from his appearance, he is just an ordinary old farmer, unremarkable.

His behavior is very different from other leaders, and he has no airs at all.

If it weren't for his strength, Seto wouldn't have believed that this was also a big boss, and that he once had the hope of occupying Shark Village.

Cang Cui also nodded slightly.

He had dealt with skinners before, so he was used to it.

But it was also because of the same reason that I didn't even recognize Big Gray before.

"Appearances are just appearances after all," Lu Meng did not explain. "No matter what, they are still one of the five major forces in the swamp. Although their number is small, the strength of their members has grown through fighting."

"As for the industry, through the smuggling network controlled by the Skinner, even the Hound Gang covets it."

To a certain extent, the Skinners are the force with the closest ties to the outside world in the swamp, and unlike the Black Converters who want to rely on the merchant guild, the Skinners' smuggling routes are completely under his own control.

If the Swamp really wanted to trade, it would have to go through the Skinners.

Even Shark Village is not exempt from vulgarity.

Even Lu Meng had estimated it.

If you develop your own industry in the swamp and want to transport it to the outside world, you will largely rely on similar forces.

Therefore, even though the Hound Gang and the Skinners have been openly fighting each other, they still have not completely broken up and have needs for each other. No other force can completely replace the Skinner's status.

Likewise, they are also part of the Swamp League.

What Lu Meng has to do is to take advantage of the skinned man!

Shadow Man informed him of what the Red Sword Group had done, which inspired him.

Of course, not all cats and dogs are eligible to participate in the swamp alliance. Even though there are countless large and small forces in the swamp, in the end only those five can get on the table - now there are four.

This is the positive swamp flag.

The Red Sword Regiment, as a force in the southern wetland, has risen very quickly, but it can only take shelter under the name of a certain faction and participate as a bargaining chip for that faction.

As for Lu Meng, his identity with the shadow person is even more sensitive.

If you want to sneak into the alliance, you can only use more unconventional methods.

Starting with the Skinner, who once fought against the Hound Gang, is the best choice.

"But it seems... the skinned people don't seem to care about the things in the swamp at all." Cang Cui said in a low voice while greeting the guards who passed by.

There is no tense atmosphere here at all as the alliance is about to be held.

The big boss, Big Gray, is still in Skinning Town and has not set off for Shark Village.

"The skinned people do have their special characteristics..." Lu Meng signaled everyone to be careful with their words and actions, "Go to the city first."

With Big Gray's permission, the guards naturally did not stop him.

Compared to Stone Town, the walls of Skin Town are smoother and steeper, but much shorter. They don't look like they are used to defend people.

If you hold a long weapon of several meters and sweep down, you can push back the approaching creatures.

Such as blood spiders.

The only tall thing is the tower housing the harpoon cannon, with a cold light showing through its opening.

Apparently after recovering the crossbow arrows, he re-cocked the motor and was always ready.

Lu Meng didn't see the man named Asha, and his face remained calm.

Their status was special, so they entered the city without any fanfare.

There are other people in the large army to settle down.

Otherwise, he would lead his troops to attack Peiping Town.

Entering the town, there are awnings all along the streets.

They are not made of plastic products, but animal skins pieced together by various tailors. From below, they look like a collage, a mess.

Looking around, the top of the awning has been washed white and looks the same color.

It's obviously quite old.

Lu Meng also noticed that due to acid rain pollution, even in a swamp, there was not enough water here.

Rainwater collectors and purifiers are hung in front of every door.

The people who come in and out of the door are also skinned people. They take off their uniforms and become ordinary residents.

This is not so much a gang-owned town.

Rather, it is more like a super large swamp village.

Seto next to him was also quite curious about all this.

The scene in the swamp was very different from that in the Shark Kingdom. After all, she had been here for a long time and was used to it, but after entering Peeling Town, the ecology here became fresh again.

"After all, it is the edge of the swamp." Lu Meng explained several questions of the little princess, and finally commented, "Going further east is the route to the eastern part of the mainland."

"Who are you? Excuse me..." At this moment, a greeting came from behind several people.

But it was Ned, the leader of the smugglers, with a smile on his face.

Behind him were Miyu and a few surviving smugglers.

Lu Meng and Cang Cui had discovered them a long time ago, but they just ignored them.

After some exchanges, we found out that the smugglers had just handed over the goods and wanted to treat everyone to a meal as a way of expressing their gratitude.

Most of them escaped death from the blood spider and knew who saved them.

Originally, the skinned man was about to give up on himself. If these people hadn't come forward, his death would have been extremely miserable.

The smugglers didn't blame the Skinner guards, though.

The two parties are neither relatives nor friends. Even if they have a few acquaintances, they are not obligated to save them.

What's more, in the end, the other party's big bosses personally took action.

This is an extremely rare thing in the wasteland.

After entering the town of Peeling, everyone felt at ease: they knew they were safe here, and the people of Peeling would definitely protect the town.

The furs they brought were still traded with the skinners, and they received a lot of rewards, and the original fear and sadness were wiped away.

With money, I have stable time.

The smugglers plan to stay in Skinning for a while.

During this period, I can just thank these people who helped me - not to mention that the other people are very powerful, even if they don't want to have a relationship, it's good to make some friends.

"Okay." Lu Meng and others made eye contact for a moment, and they were convinced.

As for Lu Meng, he knew Meiyu. The other party's level of 'labor' and 'farming' is very high, and he is considered an expert in farming.

As for Ned...he knew that too.

But according to Miyu's narration, he was already dead at that time, and his intestines were sucked out by the blood spider.

Looking at Ned's near miss, I wonder if it has changed the future.

It doesn't hurt to eat him for a meal.

The smuggler invited a few people to a small shop owned by a couple. Since it was not meal time, there were not many customers and it was very leisurely.

After a few greetings, not long after, the proprietress brought over a large bowl of meat and vegetables.

The color is bright, the meat pieces are piled up in a hill, and the soup base is seasoned with mushrooms to make it fresh.

The steam was steaming, and the aroma was fragrant. The smugglers who wanted to treat themselves seemed more eager than Lu Meng and others because they had been tired for a long time.

"Eat, eat." Ned used laughter to cover up his stomach growling and asked everyone to sit down.

"What is this?" Seto asked curiously.

The meat was cooked until it was soft and tender, like a part cut from a large creature. Even if it was a whole pot, its shape was indistinguishable.

"...Swamp turtle, maybe." Lu Meng picked up a piece of skirt meat and squeezed it tightly.

"This brother knows it." A smuggler said, like a local swampman who went out. "In Skinning Town, there are often lost swamp turtles in the southern wetlands. If you catch one, everyone in the town will be killed." You can share the meat.”

Lu Meng nodded.

It is said to be a turtle, but it is different from its previous life - adult swamp turtles are huge in size, docile in nature, and rarely resist. However, they often live deep in the southern wetlands, in small groups, and are extremely difficult to catch.

But if it happens, it will be a heaven-sent feast of high-quality meat.

The swamp is truly a treasure trove when it comes to food.

"Although everyone can share the meat... But if it's delicious, it depends on this one." Ned smiled, and in the blink of an eye he had mixed the sauce and served a bowl of rice. "It is said to have the best reputation."

Green sat on one side and chewed slowly.

He has no pursuit of food - for a worker bee, their digestive system is unprecedentedly powerful, and they can even eat rotten and smelly meat.

But beyond survival, he also knew that what Ned said was true.

These smugglers are indeed entertaining a few people.

"It's best not to talk about it..." The middle-aged landlady smiled and came forward to add food to everyone, and suddenly said "Eh": "Is this... Xiao Cangcui?"

She recognized the worker bee.

Cang Cui nodded awkwardly - he had actually come here to eat before.

"Xiao Cangcui hasn't been here for a long time," the landlady said happily, "Where are your previous friends?"

The smugglers didn't respond yet, so they just treated it as idle chatter.

Lu Meng coughed twice.

"Okay, madam, don't ask random questions." At this time, the boss who had been silent came forward and took the woman away, "I'm sorry, the guests eat their own food."

Judging from the boss's attire, he is also a skinner in his spare time.

He got the idea.

Wandering around in the wasteland, not seeing each other for a few years, the partners around me have changed... the result is obvious.

There are only a few people who can die a good death.

Cang Cui silently cast a grateful look at Lu Meng and the boss.

At this moment, a leader of the Skinners walked in outside the house.

The boss immediately stood up and saluted: "Captain."

"What's wrong, brother?" The landlady was a little nervous, "Is there another mission?"

The skinned man waved his hand, signaling them to calm down.

He scanned around the room and saw the table where Lu Meng and others were eating. His eyes lit up and he walked towards it.

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