Harpoon cannons fired one after another.

On the tower, the light illuminated Asha's face.

He personally operated the turret and fired long spears made of fine iron - before the worker bee came, he was the best crossbow gunner among the Skinners.

The flames below the city were burning, still boiling even in the acid rain.

Thick smoke mixed with burnt incense has reached everyone's noses.

In the orange light, the blood spiders that turned into balls of fire were wailing, but they did not die immediately. Carrying their bodies covered with flames, they continued to charge towards Skinning Town until their slender and sharp legs were burned off.

Under the strong command of the insect mother, they defeated the fear engraved in their genes.

At the same time, it is impossible for the Skinner to use too much fuel.

Their daily electricity, production, and lighting all depend on this precious material.

That is to say, the skinners have their own smuggling channels, and they can buy some reserves from the surrounding areas of the 'Land of Death', so that they can use them more abundantly.

But this is enough.

The fire spread, illuminating the dense forest that even lamp posts could not penetrate.

The Skeleton Man's camera saw a tall black figure flashing past, ferocious and agile.

"Let's go."

He jumped directly from the top of the city, made a shallow pit, and slowly got up.

Seto tightened the blade in his hand.

At this time, if you can hold the segmented axe, you will undoubtedly feel more secure.

However, she remembered the unknown person's instructions.

In recent days, the actual progress of her sword skills has gradually caused her to have a doubt - am I really a prodigy in practicing swordsmanship? We've all gone astray before...

Or maybe the teacher teaches well.

However, Seto was in the Shark Kingdom. Not to mention cultural classes, the combat training he could receive was absolutely indispensable.

Could it be that those teachers don’t know how to teach?

Could it be that in this regard, all the warriors in the entire kingdom are inferior to an unknown person...

The little princess no longer thought about it in detail, but just calmed down in her mind.

Unknowingly, she also accepted her identity as a student of the Nameless One in her heart.

Seto pulled up the raincoat, followed the skeleton man, and landed smoothly.

Dozens of elite skinners followed.

The walls of Peeling Town are not designed to protect people who can make tools. They just need to be strong and do not need to be too high. The strength of the people in the wasteland is not comparable to that of the past, so this impact is not to mention.

The previous fierce offensive temporarily disrupted the formation of the insect tide.

They seized the opportunity and rushed towards the depths.

On the tower.

Looking at the back of the retreating team.

Asha released the trigger of the crossbow and motioned to the skinner beside him to take it.

"Save some arrows." He patted the crossbowman on the shoulder, and the other party responded with a 'reassured' look, slightly excited.

Big Gray gradually retreated due to his injury.

In the hearts of most skinners, Asha is already the actual big boss, but he doesn't have a name yet.

Because Big Gray has given people a good overall impression over the years.

Everyone has transferred part of this emotion and expectation to their future successor, and they have even begun to call him ‘deputy leader’ in private - and Asha believes that he has played this role well.

After all, he still has to rely on these...

But at this moment, Asa walked down the tower and walked towards the city without inspecting the guards.

The Skinners didn't doubt his presence, they just thought that the 'vice-leader' had other things to deal with.

Little did I know.

Asha just didn't want to see those fangs clearly exposed in the firelight.

Even hearing the skinned men crying out in pain when they were injured in the battle made him feel unhappy.

Especially today.

So, he could only return to the city.

Walking on the street, passing by the patrolling guards, Asha suddenly smelled a smell - it was different from the burnt smell of blood spiders outside the city, but a rich smell of meat. Even he couldn't help but put his index finger on it. Big move.

The Skinned Man looked toward the street.

All I saw was a small shop with lights on. A town woman stood at the door, looking anxiously towards the outside of the city; behind her, there was a pot of meat stewed, which looked like the front legs of a swamp turtle.

Asha also didn't like this kind of meat.

He prefers the refined mutton native to Shem, where the nomads raise it. It is said that some nobles in the United Cities want to purchase it, and the skinners have done similar smuggling business.

But that’s where the aroma comes from.

He stepped into the store, startling the proprietress: "Deputy Chief Asha?"

Asha sat down, his armor clanked and clanked, and he frowned and said, "Why are you still opening the shop so late?"

"No," the landlady said quickly, "it's my man, he's gone to defend the city, I can't worry..."

"You don't open a store,"

He was not interested in these filthy parents and pointed to the cauldron behind the woman: "What about these?"

"A group of guests came to eat during the day, and there was a girl among them who didn't seem to have enough to eat. I guessed if they would come again tonight, so I prepared more for the evening..."

A smile appeared on the face of the landlady, and she said sheepishly: "It's just that I'm overthinking it - it's okay, the swamp turtle meat gets more and more fragrant the more it is stewed, and it won't age."

As she spoke, she took out a large bowl and placed it carefully in front of Asha: "Deputy leader, try it, but it's a pity that it's not something worthy of the table..."

Looking at the overflowing pieces of meat and rich soup in front of him, Asha suddenly lost his appetite.

Because he thought about what that little girl Shaq said——

They went to have supper.

Regardless of whether he is true or not, there is still an unresolved problem.

Not this one anyway.

What on earth did the old man say to them...

Asa thought as he took a small taste, but it was tasteless.

It's definitely not my favorite taste.

"No need." He stood up, picked up the long-handled knife and left regardless of the proprietress's plea.

"Hey, by the way, deputy leader," the woman chased to the door and shouted, "If you see A Liang at the top of the city, please tell him to be more careful..."

"Yes, I remember." Asha said casually.

He walked towards his mansion without looking back.

——The people in Peipi Town are really honest.

When calling someone, you need to add the word "vice".

However, Big Gray's tenure was too long to be impressive. No one else is more famous among the townspeople than him.

As long as this old man is still alive.

There is always only one leader of the Skinners.

After eating a little bit of food, although he didn't like it, it still made Asha's stomach activate, and the hunger in his belly became more and more intense.

He decided to go home and have something to eat.

Those treasures were purchased from the Merchant Guild at a considerable premium. They were imported from United City and their quality was guaranteed.

Mansion, silence, darkness.

Asha opened the door and was about to turn on the light.

He suddenly stiffened and stood on the spot.

A cold touch hit the back of his head, which stung extremely.

——Military crossbow.

Asha slowly put down his weapon and raised his hands.

At the same time, there was a slight chewing sound behind him.

"Your biscuits are good."

The man's speech was slightly slurred: "Added butter?"

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