Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 355 I just came to kill you (Chapter 1)

The iron door creaked.

The rain was pouring, and the light from the fire outside the house filtered in a little, and the shadows spread on the ground, overlapping each other and making it difficult to distinguish.

Asha's heart felt cold.

His residence is naturally protected by guards, but they are all in the outer courtyard.

As for the rooms inside, even his close associates, out of caution, Asha was unwilling to let them get close.

But at this moment, the other party unexpectedly bypassed the defense without knowing it, broke into his home, and stayed in ambush.

As long as Asa shouts loudly, the skinners outside will rush in.

However, before that, the sharp arrows had already shattered his brain.

"Who...are you?" He rolled his throat.

It's a strange voice.

Asha doesn't remember that he has ever provoked...

"Why are you so surprised," the voice laughed, "My students should have warned you, Leader Asha."


"You are Lu Beiyou!" Asha was horrified.

"I'm just looking for some food, a late-night snack." Lu Meng held a crossbow in one hand and shook the biscuits in an iron box with the other. "The goods from Union City, only the pastry chefs there have the leisure to do so many tricks. You I’ll actually enjoy it.”

In swamps, the air has high humidity.

Such baked goods will soon absorb water, become soft, and lose their taste.

Whether it is transportation or storage, it is not easy.

Ah Sha was speechless - why did you come to my house looking for food?

But what surprised him the most was not yet here.

"Lu Beiyou, what on earth do you want to do!" There was a hint of anger in Asha's voice.

This is Peipi Town.

They skinned people's territory.

And he, Asha, is almost the leader of the Skinners, in charge of the entire gang.

All of them, including Lu Beiyou, asked me for help.

As a result, you sneaked in secretly and even threatened and held me hostage.

Have you considered the consequences?

"I want to cooperate with the Skinner," Lu Meng said.

Asha felt relieved.

The other party does want something from him.

Then, the initiative is still within our control.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become stiff: "Is this your attitude of asking for help... Hiss."

A stinging pain like a cone.

The moment Asha spoke, the man thrust his crossbow forward.

Although it had not been fired, the sharpened iron arrow had already pierced the flesh of the back of Asa's head, and blood oozed out.

The sting also made Asha wake up.

At that moment, he really thought that the crossbow arrow had been fired, and the fear of death hit his heart, as cold and dark as a poisonous snake.

This guy... really knows how to do it.

"伱..." Asha gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down, "Okay! Whatever you want the skinner to do, we can discuss it."

"Besides, aren't we just going to Shark Village? I promise to bring you there."

"At that time, if you want to join the alliance, I can introduce you to the big bosses, and I will ensure that everyone's future will not be delayed..."

To be honest, Asha had not really planned to do it before.

Especially when it's unclear whether Big Gray specifically entrusted these outsiders.

Asha is self-aware.

He knew that the reason why he could represent the Skinners at the alliance was entirely dependent on the trust of the gang and the acquiescence of Big Gray - the latter was even more crucial.

However...what if that old man.

What about inviting someone else?

Who will be the leader in Shark Village then?

Skinned Town will not turn against an outsider without any reason; but the forces in the swamp are more sympathetic to Big Gray's identity and identification.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

It's all something Asha can't change.

Therefore, in order to avoid this risk, he was actually prepared to do things half-heartedly.

After leaving Skinning Town, there were no obstacles on the way; or when we arrived at Shark Village, how to introduce them was just a matter of one sentence.

Even if you don't mention it clearly.

With Asha's transformation, the attitude of closeness and distance can be accurately conveyed.

It will be difficult for these people to take advantage of the skinned man's halo.

But now, the other party may have guessed some of his attitudes.

So, with the military crossbow on his head, no matter how reluctant Asha was, he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, agreeing first.

However... there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Just for such a thing, is it necessary to make such a fuss?

And what if you regret it later.

Lu Meng said nothing, but the crossbow in his hand was very stable.

Nervous silence, rainwater flowing from the eaves.

"I said, Lu... no, brother Beiyou, I have always wanted to cooperate with you, right?"

The gloom gradually weighed on Asha's heart, and he tentatively spoke: "You see, I have agreed to everything that should be promised. Now that the insect wave is coming, we should all be open to the outside world..."

"Besides, your student... is the cute little Shaq girl. She has participated in our actions. I believe that the foundation for our cooperation is still very solid."

When he mentioned this section, it was a hint——

If we can't reach an agreement, how will she get along among the Skinners?

"What did you ask Ase to do?" the person behind him said.

"It's just some reconnaissance missions," Asha said carefully, "Don't worry, there won't be any danger... Remember the skeleton man who entertained you before, right? I sent him out to accompany you. student."

"Brother Skeleton Man is our old comrade, we won't cheat him."

However, he took the initiative to invite the other party and said that he appointed him.

The Skeleton Man has indeed undertaken many reconnaissance missions, so it makes sense.

"So that's it..." Listening to the change in voice, the other party seemed to be nodding.

Asha's eyes glanced at the long-handled knife lying sideways by his side.

Lu Meng: "Actually..."

The words have not yet fallen.

The already tense muscles in Asha's body suddenly exerted force, and his body flashed - and at the same time, his toes kicked hard against the iron rod on the ground.

The long-handled knife shook and bounced into the air.

He was already prepared!

At this point, even if some cooperation can be negotiated, how can it be successful?


The sound of crossbow bolts piercing the air.

Because Asha dodged suddenly and was so fast, even if the crossbow was activated immediately, it still missed by a few inches.

However, it still hit the back of his neck. didn't go through.

Asha's high collar and lining armor could barely block this attack - he was glad that before going out, he temporarily changed into an extra layer of protective gear out of caution.

The force of the crossbow arrow was not gone, and Asha felt as if he had been hit hard with a mallet.

This made him almost faint on the spot. Fortunately, his physical toughness was different from ordinary people. Otherwise, how could he survive in the environment where the blood spiders were plundering? He actually withstood the dizziness.

At the same time, Asa had already grasped the long stainless steel handle.

Spin around and sweep backwards!

——The opponent is Lu Beiyou.

On the top of the city, I had seen the other party fighting with the blood spider mother, and also witnessed the scene of wielding a knife.

Asha's martial arts skills are equally good, otherwise it would be difficult to achieve his current status.

But, in all fairness.

He knew that he was no match for Lu Beiyou.

If you fight in close combat, you can only be chopped down on the spot.

Therefore, I had a thought at that time and fired the harpoon cannon with my own hands - this was not targeted, but it was able to effectively take the credit, not to be blamed, and to take full advantage of the righteousness.

Of course, if there is any accidental injury in this process.

It can only be said to be a necessary price, and everyone will understand.


There is indeed a gap in their strength, and the potential threat to their status is even greater.

but now!

Asa has a great opportunity.

The opponent was holding a military crossbow against himself with one hand.

He knew that kind of crossbow: ordinary soldiers needed both hands to operate it, and the opponent could hold it with one hand, which showed that he was quite skilled.

Under normal circumstances, the enemy can hold the handle of the knife at the same time, alerting him to changes.

However...his other hand was holding the box of biscuits!

Suddenly, in this short period of time.

Traveling north, there is no chance to draw the sword!

Because of this little bit of negligence and playfulness, he was about to die.

The muscles of Asha's arms were taut. In the process of waving, the long handle made of fine steel was bent with great force, drawing a sharp arc in the air.

The heavy blade is as powerful as a tiger.

The arc light rushed towards the determined position, as if it could ruthlessly tear apart all enemies standing in front of it.

Asha seemed to be able to see it.

The face of the knife reflected the opponent's stunned and desperate face.

——He did see a face.

Excited, twisted, ecstatic... and a hint of surprise emerged.

So familiar.

That's Asha's own face!

A bright silver sword light hit his face.

The finely polished metal layer was smooth and water-washed, and with just a little reflected light, it actually caused a sting in his eyes.

The other party drew his sword.

The blade struck the middle of Asa's hand like a razor-thin blade. The long handle, made of pure steel, was as fragile as an ordinary stick. It cracked on the spot and was cut into two pieces.

What a sharp weapon.

Asha hid in a hurry.

But it's too late.

The power of the Moon Blade Knife continued unabated, and it even exerted force a second time. The tip of the knife, which was curved like a hook, hit the Skinner's chest and nailed it in.

The thick leather armor and chain steel armor had no effect at all.

They were connected to the skin and flesh, and were cut open on the spot by the moon blade knife, making them nothing.

The ribs were broken and the incisions were neat.

Blood and internal organ fragments were sprayed out directly.

In Asha's hands, each still held a long-handled knife that was broken into two parts, and they remained in place blankly.

His eyes were focused on the white-haired young man.

Each other's two hands.

The left hand is indeed holding the cookie box.

On the other side, he really held the handle of the knife and was recovering the momentum to close the knife.

What about the military crossbow?

Asha saw another figure, as thin as a bamboo pole.

Green Green, who was directly behind him, had an expressionless face and was re-loading the crossbow in his hand.

It was also the first time for him to miss at such a close range.

Just now, it was this worker bee that had been resisting Asha, but never spoke.

On the contrary, Lu Meng and Lu Meng, who initiated the stealth, performed a double act together.

He ignored this.

From the beginning, I had no chance of winning.

Following Asha's gaze, Lu Meng looked at his left hand and threw the cookie box casually:

"I just ate something from you, that's all?"

The look in his eyes seemed to kill him.

There was a clang, and Asha was hit by the empty iron box. He stumbled and fell backward.

Lu Meng held a knife in both hands, the moon blade dripping with blood.

"Wait a minute," Asha coughed violently and covered his chest: "You can't kill me...don't you want to cooperate? I'll give it to you! Give me whatever you want!"

"It's true this time!" He propped up his upper body, with fear in his eyes, "You can hold me hostage, the Skinners will listen to me, and they will listen to you... I will ask them to find your companions right away. , don’t worry about the insect tide, the Skinner will take us out... We will go to Shark Village tomorrow!"

Asa became more and more anxious as he spoke. Regardless of whether the other party believed it or not, he began to speak incoherently.

And blood also overflowed under his body.

Lu Meng and Cang Cui looked at each other, and the worker bee nodded.

He turned around and said, "You shot me an arrow, and I shot you an arrow... We are even."

Asha touched the back of his neck subconsciously, his eyes showing surprise.

He knew that the other party was talking about what he had just been shot at - as far as the same thing was concerned, judging from the result, both parties did not lose anything.

But soon, fear replaced the joy in his eyes.

Lu Meng raised the slender moon blade.

"You didn't mean..." Asha struggled to back away.

"You're right," Lu Meng took a step forward, "I do want to cooperate with the Skinner."

"But not with you."

"This time, I'm just here to kill you - you can't represent the Skinner."

"If it's even, you can relax."

The sword flashed and the moon blade hit the ground.

A sharp pain came from Asha's lower abdomen, mixed with the injury on his chest, and his nerves trembled, making it difficult to distinguish them from each other.

madman! He wanted to curse and call out to the guards.

I misjudged the other party from the beginning.

These people are not foreign guests who want anything from them.

But a group of madmen!

But perhaps because of too much pain or damage to the trachea, Asha was unable to speak for a while.

Under the crisis, the skinned man burst out with a strong will to survive.

Asha used his arms hard and crawled toward the backyard with all his strength, and his speed was not slow at all.

The rain with acid made the wound even more painful, like a dull knife cutting flesh...but he couldn't care about that at the moment.


Suddenly, a blood-red figure flashed in front of him, and then stopped.

A blood spider the size of a washbasin.

The steps are sharp and the fangs are visible.

Asha's throat was hoarse and he screamed silently - the deep fear came over his heart, and for a moment he even forgot that there was a swordsman behind him who was demanding his life.

Under the impact of the insect tide, it is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net in Peipi Town.

At some point, an adult blood spider came over.


But the next moment, the blood spider exploded into pieces, and the scarlet slurry splashed on Asha's face.

A broken knife was stuck in front of him. The blade was covered with scratches and cracks, as if telling the story of the countless fights it had experienced.

Asha looked up, a look of joy appeared on his face, which was hope in a desperate situation:

"Big, big leader..."

An old man in gray clothes held a broken knife in his hand and looked at him condescendingly.

Big Gray.

In the dark night, his expression could not be seen under the shadow of his bamboo hat.

"Old man, save, save me," the skinned man tried his best to make a slight voice, but his expression was like a roar, "Someone wants to kill me... It's Lu Beiyou, he wants to kill me... "

"Old man, save Asha's life, just like before..."

As he said that, he wanted to grab Big Gray's trouser legs.


The old man took a step back.

"The insect tide is coming, I really can't sleep, and I found a fish that slipped through the net, so I chased it all the way here..." Big Gray said, then paused: "Child, the skinners are all fighting..."

"What are you doing here?"

Asha's bloody hands grabbed nothing.

A long sigh.

The next moment, Big Gray pulled out the broken knife and swung it directly towards Asha's neck.

However, the old man stopped again.

The blade was stuck an inch away.

Asha's pupils were frozen and lifeless.

——In fact, he didn't dare to look back, so he didn't know: After crawling all the way, only the front half of his body was left, less than a third.

Starting with the body as the end point, the plasma laid out a bright red track, leading directly from the house to the backyard.

Gradually, it faded away in the rain, like a crazy scroll.

Big Gray straightened up.

The rain was pouring, his hair and beard were wet, and smoke was coming out.

End of sight.

Lu Meng dragged the moon blade and walked out of the house.

Meeting his gaze, he leaned forward and nodded: "Old man."

The tone was calm, as if he had expected it.

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