Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 358 He is very happy (Chapter 1)

As the leader of this operation, Skeleton Man has a special "physical constitution" and has been responsible for opening the way.

Moreover, only his "sight" can lock the position of the insect mother.

——But to be honest, this skeletal man's willingness to take on this responsibility was somewhat beyond Seto's expectation.

On the way here, she once heard Lu Meng mention it.

After the collapse of their former empire, the Skeleton Men tried to establish a refuge in an isolated place in the swamp.

The result was that the fanatics in Oakland killed them.

Those metal remains, along with the skills and knowledge stored in the chip, were 'sealed' in the dense forest swamp.

Nowadays, there are still skeleton activities here.

Thinking about it, he will be very cautious and unwilling to show his face easily and get into trouble.

Seto recalled the scene just now.

Just before she was about to activate her madness, she faced the Skeleton Man's camera.

It was obvious that the other party only had optical instruments, and there could be no unnecessary expression on his face, but at that moment, Seto actually felt an incomprehensible emotion.

A little shocked, but also apologetic.

——It’s incredible.

Seto had no time to hesitate and rushed forward.

"Mr. Bone Man," she slashed open the blood spider blocking the way and asked, "Why do you want to help us?"


By now, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The reason why Skeleton Man is willing to join the team is not because he is a member of a gang, but because he is supporting outsiders like himself and resisting the pressure from Asha.

To put it darker, with him here.

It is impossible for anyone to put any obstacles in the way of this team, that would cause public outrage.

If Lu Meng were here, he might test it tactfully.

But as his disciple, Seto was used to speaking directly and getting straight to the point.

"...It's not all for you." The Bone Man saved a skinned man again, "I said, Big Gray is very happy for your arrival."

"that's enough."

When the skinners are around.

This skeleton man no longer uses the obviously ridiculing name of 'Little Gray'.

Humanity and sophistication.

Seto was stunned and didn't dare to speak.

If the plan goes according to plan, the unknown person should have ambushed Asha by now - I don't know what the situation is like on his side, or whether he succeeded.

It's probably not a big problem, it's just...

Even she was shocked when she heard such a decision.

From the little princess's understanding, if you simply want to win over the Skinner, the easiest way is to cooperate with the deputy leader...even if it may be to seek skin from a tiger.

Seto was unhappy about this, but for the sake of the overall situation, he could only endure it.

Unexpectedly, Lu Meng told her next.

This time I wanted to kill the man directly.

Asha's image has always been well disguised. If it hadn't been for intercepting those secret messages, no one would have known about his secret plans. The Skinner still loved this man as the future leader.

If I kill Asha now, will I turn against all the skinners in the city?

Moreover, who will lead them to participate in the alliance in the future.

In addition, the attitude of the old man... Big Gray is equally unpredictable.

Such secrets are hidden.

After hearing the Skeleton Man express such trust, Seto felt a little guilty...


The skeleton man suddenly spoke, his voice adjusted to a serious tone.

"We... caught it."

Not far away, I saw a bloody red insect that was as tall as two people, covered in armor, and was biting wildly in the forest.

It's the blood spider mother.

Seto noticed that the reason why it didn't dodge was that one of the four slender and sharp legs had been broken in the middle, making it difficult to maintain balance while walking.

Next to it lay a long-handled knife and a group of faceless corpses.

Judging from the torn leather armor, it should be a skinned man.

On the back of the insect mother, there is a chain fired from the rope crossbow. One end is tightly pulled by several skinners, and it is about to be tied to the tree.

The skinners in the team did not have the ability to fight giant blood spiders alone like Big Gray and Lu Beiyou.

But their long-term struggle experience allows them to use teamwork to make up for all this.

The price is the constant reduction in the number of skinners.

Every moment of delay, their siege and defense line may be breached at any time.

At the Skeleton Man's order, several elite Skinners drew out their special sabers and swarmed forward; others were struggling to resist the increasingly frantic offspring who came to rescue the mother insect.

Seto did his part and also rushed towards the blood spider mother.

From her impression, a blood spider of this size is already quite close to a human skin spider.

If he could accumulate combat experience here, he might be able to help on the front line against the human-skin spiders one day when he returns to the Shark Kingdom.

What's more, this is also the task assigned to her by the Nameless One.

The blood spider roared and threw away the skinners who were holding it with great force.

But other companions were already approaching.

Just before the little princess was about to join the battle, an iron-gray figure passed over her.

"Big Gray asked me to tell you," the Bone Man whispered, "You can also join the Hound Gang..."

"But don't trust Big Green."

"Huh?" There was a strong voice, but Seto didn't understand the meaning.

But in desperation, there was no time to ask.

The sound of weapons piercing the air was intertwined with the penetrating roar.

It rained heavily.

The broken blade struck Lu Meng head-on.

The blade of the sword, which had experienced many battles, looked like jagged edges, and was stained with blood-colored rust.

As for the person holding the handle of the knife, the strong wind had blown away his bamboo hat, and his gray hair was soaked in the rain, but it still stood as messy as a mane.

It makes Big Gray look like an angry old lion.

His eyes were indeed as fierce as an evil beast.

The broken knife is the fang that bites people.

Big Gray's attack speed was even faster than before when he was under the city.


The saw teeth bit into the silver blade.

Lu Meng held a knife in both hands, and the moon blade was like a hook, which forcefully jammed the beast's mouth.

The light reflected in Big Gray's eyes, making him seem to light up.

The old man yelled: "Come on!"

The sound made Lu Meng's ears feel dizzy and buzzing.

Immediately afterwards, Big Gray took out his sword one after another.

Although his broken sword is only half of its original shape, it is obvious that it was once a specially made horse-killing long sword. Even if part of it is cut off, the attack distance is still maintained and it is even more powerful.

The old man's posture was not at all flashy.

From the perspective of others, it would look like a madman slashing randomly without any order.

Only Lu Meng, who faced the Luandao directly, knew that the opponent's offensive moves were fierce and hit the vital point.

This is not a skill developed against others.

Instead, he learned the method of fighting from blood and corpses among beasts and insects.

Facing an enemy who cannot think logically.

One can only abandon humanity and reason.

In this very short period of time, Big Gray had already swung several knives in succession, and his offensive was continuous and seemed to have no end.

Whenever there is a knife slashing Lu Meng's body.

The consequences are disastrous.

It's just that it's different from Big Gray's excitement.

The white-haired young man was extremely calm at the moment, just like the light of his sword, restrained and refined.

Lu Meng just flipped his wrist and danced an originally huge moon-blade knife like a mess of fallen leaves.

Every time, it hits the point where the broken sword reaches its full strength.

The sparks just splashed and were washed away by the rain falling from the sky.

Blades clashed.

The weak brightness and extinction, the water droplets shaken by the huge force instantly turned into mist, as if they were shattered.

Lu Meng's shimmering eyes completely reflected every move Big Gray made, like a shadow puppet.

I see……

He stepped back one after another.

Big Gray's offensive did not stop at all, and he continued to pursue closely.

The number of broken blades continued to increase, and the broken knife let out an excited whine, and was about to be overwhelmed.

The quality of this special saber is only average. Although it is easy to use, it has been with the old skinner for many years, and it is not easy to persist until now.


Just after a loud bang.

The upper end of the broken knife actually flew away again.

Big Gray reacted quickly, slipped his wrist, and stabbed the broken blade directly into the exposed gap, stabbing the opponent's chest.

The backyard is not big.

But at this moment, under the continuous retreat.

Lu Meng had been forced into a corner against the wall, with no way to retreat.


The broken knife was blocked again.

But this time, there was only a faint sound between the weapons.

"You..." Big Gray smiled bitterly, "You little bastard!"

The next moment, the old man in gray clothes was spinning and rolling on the ground.

And between his waist and abdomen, on the newly tied white medical bandage, a footprint suddenly appeared.

[Melee Skill: Martial Arts 42 (Feat)]

Lu Meng stood firm with his lower body and retracted his side-kicking long leg.

The moon-blade knife in his hand still maintained the blocking posture and did not move.

"If I draw the knife," he said, "you will die."

Big Gray's attacks are swift and violent, not just because of his fighting style.

It's even more because now, the time he can continue to fight and maintain his strength is very short.

Got this.

Lu Meng is young and strong, so of course he has to endure the old man's troubles.

This is the surest way to win.

The old man's last stab was the most dangerous, but it was also the last straw.

"Cough cough cough cough," Big Gray lay on the ground with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, "Of course I know..."


Have you ever kicked someone's wound like this?

Big Gray felt like his stomach was churning, several bones were broken, and his whole body was in severe pain as if he had been stepped on by a hundred swamp turtles...

If you don’t draw your sword...I’m going to die too, old man...

Lu Meng stepped forward, put a knife on Big Gray's neck with one hand, and pulled off the bandage from his waist with the other. Even in the rain, a strong smell of medicine still came out.

He reached out and touched it, causing the old man to grin again.

"All these years," he whispered, "have you always come here like this?"

"Hey... they are all old injuries." Big Gray finally understood. This young man had no intention of respecting the elderly and caring for the young. "That time, I lost my hand under the blood spider, and my intestines were eaten several times. Jie...being able to survive until now is considered a manifestation of Auckland, right?"

"Your previous question was about organ transplantation? I heard people from the Double Blades mentioned it, but I didn't do it myself. After all, it's not necessary..."

Lu Meng took a step back and looked at the old man in front of him.

He heard that in the pasture, because cattle are prone to stomach diseases, some owners will cut a hole in their stomachs into the rumen, and then use a rubber ring to fix the wound to prevent it from closing, so that the situation inside can be permanently observed. . If you eat excess fodder or the fermentation is not smooth, you can also take it out directly with your hands.

And Big Gray's covered waist and abdomen have just such an opening. It just has an extra resin cover that can be opened and closed for easy handling at any time.

This is considered body modification.

Maybe it was really the nomads over there who helped do it.

Lu Meng could smell that many of the medicines used by the other party were also used to fight inflammation and sterilization, obviously because they were afraid of infection.

And through this 'window', one can clearly see the peristaltic intestines and various incomplete but still strong organs.

Lu Meng didn't see many scenes like this - they used to be during dissections.

There was indeed no trace of organ transplant surgery.

He still remembered the outcome of his discussion with Dr. Zhong.

The Double Blade Group controls the business of black market organ trafficking, and behind it, there must be support from other forces - someone needs to search around the swamp for a match to extend their life or restore health.

And Xiao Ying'er from Huangshui Village is one of them.

It was Lu Meng who disguised himself as a swamp ninja and muddied the waters that brought the matter to an end.

If you want to find the employer behind the scenes, judging from the rumors, Gray, who has been injured for a long time, is the seller that comes to mind easily.

But let’s look at it now.

This answer is ruled out.

Lu Meng stood up with the knife and looked down at Big Gray.

The old man was covered in mud, and all the momentum he had accumulated had been wiped out. He was so weak that he couldn't even stand up.

"You have defeated me," Big Gray muttered, "I can no longer control the matter of the Skinner. Lu Beiyou, you are well-deserved..."

"Whatever you want to do after that is up to you."

After saying these words, he seemed to have exhausted his last bit of strength, and just kept panting, and the hot air blew his wet gray beard.

A flash of sword light reflected on the old man's face.

Lu Meng held the moon blade upside down and stood in front of him.

Big Gray smiled: "It's a pity that I didn't get to see you use the sword just now."

According to rumors, the assassin who killed Big Al was a skilled swordsman.

Ever since he heard the news, he had thought that he might have such a day, and he just kept waiting.

This may be the fate of the swamp.

Not even the big Hash can escape.

Even though I had worked so hard before, I still had no arrogance and mentality to compete.

It's a pity...this more unconventional than imagined.

"I have one last request..." After struggling in his heart, the old man said.

There was one thing he couldn't let go of.

——Piep Town.

The purpose of the other party's coming here is easy to guess.

Probably just like dealing with the Stone Rats, it was to seize their town.

However, Big Gray didn't care.

Because...he heard.

Seokjin is doing well now.


Peiping Town will be no exception if you think about it.

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