Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 359 Going crazy again

On the other side, there was a teeth-searing friction sound.

Xin Chang's saber stabbed hard into the lower abdomen of the insect mother, and the broken carapace fell off like powder.

The skeleton man holds a knife in both hands.

His robotic arm is literally as solid as iron.

The huge blood spider was struggling crazily, but it could only roar silently.

Because just a moment ago, Seto slashed its mouthparts with a precise stroke.

The surrounding fangs that could have penetrated steel were cut off by sharp blades.

The skeleton man drew his knife.

This wild insect mother fell to the ground with a crash.

He looked around and saw that the skinners had also suffered heavy losses. Not only were everyone injured, but the number of people who could still stand before departure had been reduced by one-third.

However, everyone's faces were filled with joy.

Because this is already a considerable result.

According to past experience, a team that performs such a mission will often suffer more than half of its casualties, and it may not be able to kill an insect mother.

Now, they've killed one with pinpoint accuracy.

The effect is immediate.

Not only did the blood spiders that besieged everyone lose their morale in an instant, but some of the heirs regained their freedom and began to flee; even the insect tide that was attacking Skinning Town in the distance caused a commotion.

There are blood spiders fighting with the descendants of other ethnic groups.

Even though the insect wave is not over yet, the pressure has been reduced a lot.

Some skinners were even able to help the exhausted Seto while being on guard, and praised her with a smile——

In the recent battle.

The performance of this little Shaq girl is obvious to all. She did not flinch in the face of the insect mother, and she also played a key role.

Able to fight side by side in the insect swarm.

In the eyes of the Skinner, this is considered a life-and-death relationship - even if you are just an outsider.

She has been recognized by everyone.

However, the Bone Man felt something was wrong.

On the periphery, the insect mother activity that has been discovered is less than expected.


Killing one insect mother will certainly not end the insect wave - the scale of this wave is at least the result of the union of four or five blood spider groups.

However, the current results are enough to report to Asa.

There is no need to put these people into dangerous situations anymore.

He cut off the blood spider's head with a knife and carried it with him.

With such a simple movement, the skeleton man's body made a creaking sound like an old machine, seeming to be overwhelmed.

Skeleton men don't get tired.

But there will also be damage and loss.

This time, his action was not as easy as it seemed.

The Skeleton Man can still repair ordinary damage and barely keep functioning.

Once the loss is too great, he has no way to solve it by himself given the conditions of Peipian Town. You must have a professional mechanical repair kit, or lie on the repair machine for treatment - these can only be found in Shark Village.

Therefore, there are only a few skeletons who still remain in the swamp.

And even if there are, most of these former friends live in seclusion in Shark Village. Choosing to join the Skinners like him is indeed an outlier.

Having prepared all this, the Skeleton Man is ready to lead everyone to retreat.

But that's it.

A huge shadow quickly pressed down on the heads of the skinned people.

"Get out of the way!" He noticed it and shouted a warning.

Everyone reacted quickly and took cover everywhere.

I saw only a dead tree branch, as broad as a hug. It hit the ground hard, splashing mud and water as high as half a person, and the sound was equally deafening.

Fortunately, no one was injured, but several blood spiders that did not escape were killed.

"Huh, thank you..." Seto breathed out.

Behind her stood the skeleton man rushing over.

Although Seto reacted just now, it consumed too much energy and his movements were slightly sluggish.

It was Mr. Skeleton Man who helped.

If you were hit, you wouldn't die, but in this case, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

The Bone Man nodded.

How could this tree fall... Seto wanted to say a few more words, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of a red shadow in the corner of his eye.

With her eyesight, she couldn't see it originally.

However, what she saw was the reflection on the blade. The clear metal surface was as smooth as a mirror.

Blood spider!

At the same time, several skinners on guard outside suddenly flew into the air.

A giant four-legged red worm rushed directly towards Seto and the Skeleton Man, knocking over all obstacles along the way - including the rotten tree.

It was precisely because of the loud noise of the big tree falling down that it concealed its approaching movement.

There was no light at the moment, so even the Skeleton Man didn't notice it.

"It's another insect mother!" Seto had no time to dodge, so he could only take a stance.

With her strength, even if she activates the madness, it is too difficult to fight against an insect mother alone.

What's more, a lot of energy has been consumed just now.

It was raining heavily now, and the little princess's body was shivering slightly due to hypothermia.

She forced herself to calm down, moved the tip of the straight blade forward, and aimed at the attacking blood spider.

If you want to hurt it, you can only rely on its own charging speed.

The chance only lasts a moment.

Even, to seize this opportunity.

Seto was ready for a hard beating.

The steps like a knife struck in front of him.

A trace of blood emerged from her eyes.

Draw out the knife and stab!

Seto and the insect mother pounced on each other at the same time.

The expected severe pain did not come.

On the other side, Zhanqing's straight knife penetrated the blood spider's body without any hindrance. She stirred along the way, and the insect mother let out a breathtaking roar.

This was a great victory in the duel, but Seto was stunned for a moment.

The steps did not hit him.

The long knife-like blood spider appendage penetrated an iron-gray figure fiercely.

Skeleton Man.

The saber fell to the ground, leaving a gap in the blade.

The moment Seto reacted, he acted at the same time and stood in front of him.

A person of bones, not a life of flesh and blood.

When he stood still, the blood spider didn't even notice him at all - but once he moved, the moving object, coupled with the body fluid of the blood spider on his body, undoubtedly showed the mother insect that this was the enemy. Perfectly captures attention.

The saber was knocked away by a huge force.

The Skeleton Man only used two slender mechanical arms to wrap around the struggling insect mother, preventing it from escaping Seto's thrust.

In the night, there seemed to be a thick liquid gurgling from his body, dripping to the ground, emitting a pungent and unpleasant smell.

The sound generator in the Skeleton Man's throat leaked out a burst of chaotic electromagnetic sound, and it was difficult to make out what was being said.

The next moment, deep red blood completely covered Seto's eyes.

At this time, the insect mother also broke free from the restraints.

It stood upright, threw away the iron-gray machine, and smashed it into the muddy water, making a loud sound like a heavy object falling to the ground.

The blood spider was about to roar when he suddenly took a few steps back and almost stumbled to the ground.

The Shaq girl holding the knife, like a wild beast, directly hit its hard shell.

The new bone horn pierced the raincoat, and the clear blade reflected a pair of red eyes.

at the same time.

There was a thunderous sound of crossbow arrows piercing the air in the forest.

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